Barbara K. Feller:  

Barbara K. Feller's Classmates® Profile Photo
Jefferson, LA
Metairie, LA
Metairie, LA
Metairie, LA
Flushing, NY

Barbara K.'s Story

09-10-2009 On top of everything else my oldest/favorite brother,Charles D. Kessinger, Jr. or Dan for short dropped dead 07-16-08. Then my dad died 07-23-08 which was exactly 1 wk later. This on top of my sweetie's suicide 11-29-07. I've got 3 brothers. Everyone in my family was notified immediately of my husband's suicide. Only Dan called me. No one else contacted me. My parents r elderly-moved from St. Rose (NOLA area) to Houston, Tx. w/Hendley-youngest brother & his wife. They have no children. My dad had also been ill. I called my parents 11-30-08 2 tell them I loved them. Whether my dad comprehended that or not I am not sure. He's been an alcoholic since around 1983/84. He was such a wonderful dad growing up. We were very close. He didn't have good self-esteem & wasn't happy with himself or his life. He told me growing up that he shouldn't have stayed married to my mother after he came back from WWII. They were married in 04/1942. He knew this after 6 wks after being home. I told him when I was a teenager 'Life is too short to live it being unhappy. Get divorced & live alone or eventually find some1 else, live together, date, or get married. U r a nice looking man-even u weren't my dad. U have a lot to offer some1. Give Mom the house & come live w/me.' He was worried about 'what will people say at church, work, friends, relatives.' I said 'Don't worry about that. U deserve to be happy.' Yet he stayed w/my mom. I love her but she's got her emotional problems. I asked my dad 1 time, 'Look in the mirror & tell me what u see." Dad said, "I see my big nose & don't think I'm handsome." I said, "Well u don't see what I see. U have a great nose. Your dad was pure Cherokee Indian. U have his nose which wasn't ugly & his dark hair. U have a wonderful dark olive complexion (Dark olive-red when he got tan) complexion, your smart, your kind, loving, compassionate & caring. U have a nice build-athletic w/nice shoulders, arms, legs. U tell funny jokes & can discuss just about any subject from movies, books, politics, religion. You're responsible, hard working (Traffic manager at Norfolk Southern RR in NOLA) & you have a good job. You attend church & love Jesus, you know how to do woodworking, fixing/working on your home, aren't lazy or a slob, you have good manners & R A Christian. So, what's not to like?" He smiled a big smile when I said that to him. However, he wouldn't divorce my mother. He stayed w/her 66 yrs. Unhappy, bitter, angry & resentful. Anyway, he died exactly 1 wk. after his oldest son. My mother didn't even post a death notice for her husband. I scoured the internet for 6 wks under multiple newspapers nationwide, google search. I finally found the only thing published which was the date/time of his burial at Arlington. She probably published it-Maybe-in their former church bulletin at St Matthew's United Methodist Church-Metairie, La. He was cremated & buried in Arlington National Cemetery in Washington, DC. I had 2 find out that both Dan & my dad died from my gf Sue in Houston, Tx. I didn't find out until around 07/30/08. I am slowly recovering from my sweet husband's death last year. He was my 2nd soulmate (or heartmate) but only husband. He killed himself 11-29-07 by hanging himself on back of bathroom door. He'd been suffering w/depression/anxiety. I found him. My entire wonderful, happy, joyful & loving world was blown apart that day. Many times I've felt like giving up but haven't. I have faith that Jesus my Lord and Savior, will see me through all of this. I was so ill from working in 3 sick office buildings that I had to retire 2004. I had gastric bypass 05-29-2007 2 days after my birthday. I've lost 100 lbs and most of my health problems are gone. I lost my condo to foreclosure which sold at auction 01/2009 for $100. I can't find work & had to move closer to my hometown New Orleans,LA. to Hazlehurst, Ms. w/my g.f. from h.s. Ruth and her hubby. I've been here almost 1 yr. I am easy to get along with. I don't make noise, don't blast tv/radio. I am a insomniac ever since I can remember. Just like my dad. If U remember me u can write to me at my home email address-which is all together but here I have to 'spell it out' barbara j k feller AT g mail dot com. I'm registered on My space and Face book too, so keep in touch. I've had so many things happen-been through so much yet I'm still kicking around. I like Barry Manilow song, "Where do I go from here?" I'm a survivor! We shall overcome-as the gospel song goes 07-30-2008: Ok, what else can happen? My oldest brother, Dan, actually Charles Daniel Kessinger, JR. dropped dead-ht attack in his sleep on 07-16-2008 59.y.o THEN my dad CDK Sr. died exactly a wk later 07-23-08--85 y.o. Very hard to deal with-3 dths in less than a year. OMG! 11-29-2007 I'm VERY SAD upsetting news:my beloved husband-Stu (Stuart) of almost 20 years, committed suicide. Please pray for me. He was my best friend/lover/husband/companion -seems we were always working or I was in hospital/ill w/thousands of doctor's bills, co pays, prescriptions which ran MEGA moolah & that's with the federal coverage. His mind broke. I tried to get him help psychiatric--medications made him sick & his poor mind & spirit I guess weren't strong enough to hold any longer Unfortunately, I found him-performed cpr but it was too late. Needless to say, my heart is broken. I was single since aged 19, had 2 engagements to others, finally got married at aged 34 & was with him for almost 20 years. I am devastated emotionally. I miss his wonderful personality-loving ways. I miss touching his soft wavy hair, kissing him, holding him. He had the most masculine, strong but soft, gentle hands. We both loved oldies, dancing,fishing, swimming, biking, walking, just spending time together doing every day errands whether it was going to grocery store, doctors, out to eat-periodically, at work or home-whatever it was. We loved each other so very much. We weren't dysfunctional, enabling. We were tough love but gentle & honest w/each other. I miss him so! I am a holy-spirit filled Christian woman-that plus friends/family are helping me thru this. I am not in a good monetary position--please pray for me!!! Anyone that remembers me, please contact me. You may send condolences/sympathy cards to my home address if you know what it is. If you don't email me. Please feel free to email me. Thanks. Any updates as to where I will end up living with be posted momentarily. I know the Lord will keep me in his care. Anyone that thinks about 'committing suicide' don't let evil, the Devil or spirits of deception think that that's the only way out. Don't do it. You have to remember things will eventually get better. Please don't give up hope call your local suicide/crisis line. Get psychiatric help-don't be afraid. It may take different doctors/medications/and some time to find something that works. DON'T GIVE UP HOPE--SUICIDE WILL SOLVE NOTHING AND DEVASTATE YOUR LOVED ONES!!! Many people are depressed/anxious. More people than you realize care about u. It doesn't solve anything. U get rid of your anguish but the survivors r left to try & pick up the pieces. It's when u find out who truly cares about u. You'd be surprised. Many of the ones u wouldn't think would care do & many of the ones u thought loved u & were your friend turn their backs on u. Love is not copping out when times get rough. Depression is many times a chemical imbalance and science is finding out more every day. There are some people who have a pre-disposition to it. It's not YOUR FAULT! Many people do love/care about u-but YOU must care about You. Go to a synagogue, church, mosque whatever works but don't do nothing! Nothing is too big to give to Lord Jesus Christ. I care. While a large part of me doesn't want to live the larger part of me does. I have been t...Expand for more
hrough so much. I know Jesus has to be carrying me. Although I am hurt/ numb/angry/disappointed. I was so sick for so long & unable to travel or save any money. We did re-financing to pay medical bills. My husband was always a responsible person as am I. I have creditors that aren't even mine hounding me. I am lost my condo. I will not get the private insurance policy. I can't find a job. I can't go fishing because we did it mostly together. Everywhere I look there are so many memories. I have recovered a lot of my health being out of the sick bldgs. No one wants to hire me even if I took a much lesser paying job. My 2 remaining brothers totally ignore me. At least I have friends to turn to and have been there for the most part for me. I am such a nice person--loving, empathetic, kind, very pretty and smart. I am very tough love. I didn't expect to be a widow at such a young age and not by suicide. I miss him so much. I'm crying as I write this. It's a humbling/humiliating experience. I've no idea what Jesus wants me to do w/the rest of my life. I was on my own since age 19 living alone mostly & am not afraid of living alone but when you spend almost 20 yrs. of your life w/a wonderful man that loved me so much. We did so many things together-.just everyday things like drinking coffee, getting up early in the morning to go fishing, walking, biking, swimming then coming home having a little breakfast together. We would go to physician's offices, grocery shopping or just sharing, laughing talking, loving, encouraging each other. Often we would taking a little afternoon nap or just watching tv together. We didn't enable each other nor did we have a dysfunctional relationship. We always had friends of every race, religion, financial backgrounds. We weren't into 'whoever dies with the most wins" mentality. I know he truly loved me but it hurts unbelievably! All I've ever wanted in life was to travel some, have a nice little home, help others, save some money for retirement, have good health coverage. My philosophy is WWJD? Anyone that knows me well is familiar w/my 2 sayings, "DUH" and "Jesus in drag". JID means people that 'say' they are Christians but dress dripping in jewels, fancy cars, big mega homes, live in beverly hills, wear loads of designer clothes yet they can let people that are functional but may have fallen onto hard times go by the wayside. It's very easy to be judgemental unless you've walked in that person's shoes. Many JID people will not want abortions yet they won't want to adopt older children or mixed race children. In other words, is this What Jesus Would Do? Would HE be living in a mansion purchasing designer clothes? UPDATED 08-01-2008 I HAD TO FIND OUT 3RD PARTY from my girlfriend Sue in Houston. My oldest brother Dan, who lived in Pensacola, the only 1 of my brothers to call me or even contact me after my husband killed himself. He called me and we talked for almost an hour. He just turned age 59 end of 02-2008. He had a heart attack in his sleep & died on 07-16-2008 . I miss him. He was my favorite brother. Then my father died a week later 07-23-2008. He'd been an awful alcoholic since around 1984-85. He wasn't the same father I grew up with. It's been very difficult. However, I refuse to ever , ever, ever give up. The danged mortgage people Wells Fargo served me initial foreclosure papers 06-4-08 and REFUSE to serve the final papers. I want to stay yet can't financially. Can't find work. My mother asked me 'why haven't u moved to miss. yet?" I explained emotionally it's been awful, plus my health has taken some hits-95% better but still...then I wanted to wait on final mortgage papers plus I've just been 'eeking' out every month financially--mortgage hasn't been paid since 12/2007 and maintenance not since 04/2008. I haven't even gone for many doctor's appointments as I couldn't deal with everything. So when I told my mom why she started yelling at me, "I can't give u any money!!! My daughter in laws ARE my DAUGHTERS! U never call me-why don't u ever call me?" I said: Mom I 've been writing u that I almost died 6 times & been very ill for almost 20 yrs due to working in sick bldgs. I explained all that in almost a dozen letters I wrote to you and dad. Didn't u read them? but of course she got nasty. It's ''''my fault'''' no matter what I say...that is according to her. She's lied forever, twists things and has a hatred of me even though she says she doesn't. That is HER problem and now I hope eventually she shows her true colors to Hendley and his wife. Evelyn, my mother,, went off on 2 of my b.f. who finally saw it first hand. People need to stop enabling people that are messed up. I don't feed into their stuff. I say, "Oh well, I'm sorry u feel that way.Whatever!" I'm pissed off, angry, hurt, rejected and feel like my life has been a waste. I WANT A 'DO OVER' LIKE little kids say. Well, we know that ain't gonna happen but "I can dream, can't I?" I have a 'friend' so called that is a perve upstairs but I won't live with him. Jesus told me in prayer 'not to compromise myself'. I won't. I know better! God will provide. Jesus is carrying me. Good grief, Charlie Brown. I don't want to say 'what else could happen?" I'm afraid to ask? Financial prospects are bleak. Federal freeze on re-hiring. Private ins. denied. oh brother! Life will get bettah! bettah than cheddah. Don't ever give up. Please don't devastate your loved ones by completing suicide. Your mind is not thinking rationally most of the time. No one is 'better off' w/out u. The survivor's have awful guilt even though they did nothing wrong. YOU HAVE TO 'WANT TO LIVE.' If someone has made up their mind to kill themselves they will do it. But please don't do it. D on't even 'try' to do it. What I've had to contend w/has almost made me crack. I am stronger tougher than I ever thought possible. I'm tough but not hardened. At least I have my federal retirement pension & full health coverage same as when I was working for SSA fed'l job---all for life. However, I'm 55 yo don't look it & don't act it. I want to keep learning, discovering up until the good Lord takes me. At least I know where I'll go when I die which is Heaven. Don't wait until it's too late to reconcile with the ones u love. Being right may mean u will never have the time to 'make up'. My step dtr Jill, said to me, 'I always thought my dad & I would 'have time'. I told her, "Sometimes there is no time." She treated her father terribly. Stuie had been through so much in his life, poor guy. His sicko mother sexually abused him-her his aunt/& their sick group of friends. He was the only child. His parents divorced when Stuie was 3 y.o His father moved to Cal & mother & Stui stayed in NYC. I'd confronted Esther my mil w/what she'd done a few yrs b4 Stuie's death. The sick twisted animal said, 'Yes I did it. And if I could do it again right now, I would." I told her 'You r very sick & twisted. What a horrible thing to do to your own son. Children are supposed to loved nurtured & protected, not abused." I'd told Stuie in private that shouldn't have happened to him. but it did & he made the best of it. His mother was great in other ways. But all of t his is 'water under the bridge' & pointless to discuss. I will not wallow in pity or feel sorry for me. I just want some understanding, love & gentleness. The lord has promised not to leave us or forsake us. He's the only 1 that will be there for us 24/7/365. Jesus has told me in prayer to 'Trust me' & that when the time is right will bring me another soul mate. He will have to be very special & have many of the same qualities as Stuie w/out cracking, etc. I am going out of this world kicking and screaming, determined to overcome what seem to be impossible odds. :) Bye for now!
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235609 - copy
smile & laff &  the world smiles with u also!
Jesus keep watch over me and protect me?
r u there?
hi-Keeping stiff upper lip but not too stiff
high hopes for the future
another one
nuff said
hi there how are YOU doing?
hi friends!
hi bearman
bearman, honey bear,
bearman this smile is because of u
Stuart- this smile is for you, bearman!
trying to be optomistic
drained emotionally since 11-29-07
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