Cynthia Merritt:  

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Doylestown, PA
Chalfont, PA

Cynthia's Story

6/24/09 got round to posting a video of Jerry & Kasey's wedding on you tube, can find it by typing in CeremonySouthern Wedding. For some reason they ran the first 2 words together. UPdate 6/21/09 Watchin a MythBusters marathon & vegging out. Yesterday my son Jerry got married - for a small wedding it was exhausting! We drove about 80 miles to a small town in southern TN, Petersburg, on Friday evening for the rehearsal. We spent the night with a relative of the bride, & I woke at 5 AM with a real case of nerves. I had a small part in the ceremony. Amanda, my daughter, was matron of honor, her husband Kevin was best man, & their son Nick was ring-bearer. Nick was really ramped-up & charged around the chapel like he was possessed. Amanda had a strained look throughout the entire ceremony as Nick raced around the room, but the wedding was still lovely. Jerry & Kasey chose unique music for the ceremony, including a song from Lion King. For the walk back after the ceremony they chose the theme from Andy Griffith. It was hilarious, & no-one but the actual wedding party knew what was coming. We spent more time preparing & doing all the photos - the actual ceremony was 5 minutes. The wedding was at 3:00, but we were at the church from 11 AM to 5 PM! The temp outside was 113 deg, & everyone was wilted with the heat. I went to bed as soon as we got home & slept 24 hours! It's 10:30 & I'm headed for bed again! Getting old isn't fun, sigh. At least it was a nice sunny day. The previous 2 days we had several tornado warnings (siren went off several times both days & the wind really ramped up, taking the top out of one of our oak trees). I'm hoping to post some pics of the wedding soon. Updated 5/24/09 Wow, my son Jerry is getting married in less than a month! They plan to have a baby right away (tho, not until 9 months after the wedding!). Elizabeth, my SIL, underwent surgery for her breast cancer last week. It went very well. They got all the tumor but had to take 15 lymph nodes. She's recovering well & home now, & has already had partial reconstruction. Also, her hair is starting to grow back. Thursday my doc told me I must have back surgery, but I don't like the idea of being sliced-into. I had a heart cath 2 months ago & was begging them to knock me out- I'm a wimp, and was terrified (so scared of needles I had natural -NO DRUGS AT ALL- childbirth 3 times rather than risk an IV) but it turned out to be painless & the worst part was feeling the blood spurt out when the doc punched into the artery. Cree-eepy. They did a stress test later & both times filled me with so much radioactive dye I went into the bathroom & turned off the light to see if I'd glow in the dark! (honest, no lie. I didn't glow, BTW). My tests showed my heart & arteries are in better shape than someone half my age (great news, that, but the degenerating disks in my back aren't so good). I had no idea what pain really was until the first disk popped. I spent half an hour laying on the floor wondering what happened, unable to wiggle a finger, home alone, cellphone in the other room. Kind of scary - I wondered if I'd lay there all day like that til my husband came home from work. Anyhoo, hubby thinx I spend too much time online & is threatening to pull the plug, so I'll shut-up 4 now! Updated 4/23/09 Well, Good Friday was trippy. We spent the day ducking tornadoes. The sirens started blaring around 12:30 CST & kept going off every so often until nearly 4:00. I'm used to tornadoes by now so I wasn't so worried, but the sirens were loud & annoying & I wanted a nap. Instead, I had to listen to sirens all day. Later that evening we went to see Circque de Soleil. They are so awesome! I'd seen them in "Delerium" the year before, but wasn't all that impressed. This year it was "Saltimbanco", which was a REAL Cirque show, & it was everything they promised & more. It was absolutely mesmerizing. They had an intermission, which kind of broke the trance. I felt like I was asleep or in a trance at times, but I remember those parts the best. If you haven't seen them, you need to! My Ball Python died:-( She was very old, but I cried when she died (I cried over a lot of snakes that died, & the backyard is full of snake graves). I'd moved her vivarium but forgot to plug in the under-tank heater. The weather turned cold overnight & she couldn't take the sudden drop. I was devastated. Nothing else new, except an addiction to Tanzanite gemstones. I have to stay away from jewelry stores & cover my eyes when I see anything with tanzanite in it, because I want it. I have enough, but I still want more. 1/20/09 update My sister-in-law lost all her hair to chemo. She was devastated, but the chemo has significantly shrunken one of the tumors. She still has to have surgery, though. My brother Phil actually made it big in music here in Nashville. He was with the band that later grew into Alabama, then with Earl T. Conley. Before being in actual bands, he was a studio musician. He is now in Fresno & playing with a local band there. I did some studio work for a while. Recording sessions are usually very boring. They'll do take after take of the same few bars of a song, & cobble together a perfect version. It's nothing like a live performance. Some musicians never even meet, they just listen to the tracks other bandmembers have laid down & add the tracks of their own instruments or singing. **** Sunday (Dec 21, 2008) we attended the TSO concert. It was incredible! ((For anyone not familiar with Trans-Siberian Orchestra, they are members of various groups; heavy metal bands (Savatage, Megadeth, Alice Cooper, etc), classical string players, classical pianists, Broadway actors/singers, opera, Hollywood singer/actors (like Bart Shatto) & numerous special guest stars, like Roger Daltry (Who), Greg Lake (EL&P, King Crimson), Jon Anderson (Yes), & Tommy Shaw (Styx). They play Christmas music the first half of the show, then do rock versions of Mozart, Beethoven, covers of Led Zepplin & Van Halen as well as a lot of their own compositions. Their most famous song (& most played on the radio) is "Christmas Eve/Sarajevo", an instrumental combo of "Carol of the Bells" & "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen". The live version ROCKS - they use 7 guitarists, 2 violinists, a drummer, as well as using local string musicians. They perform a rendition of Pachelbel's Canon in D, called "Christmas Canon". Also, their "Wizards in Winter" became popular when that guy in Ohio sync'd his Christmas lights to the music (it was all over the internet in 2006 & still on youtube). There are hundreds of (mostly amateur) videos of them on youtube. Their first concert was in Upper Darby.)) We had 6th row seats & head-banged thru most of the concert. Al Pitrelli & Angus Clark are awesome guitarists (tho I believe that Al is beyond amazing). I've been through the Meet & Greet line afterwards in years past (where you get to meet the band members & get autographs) Al remembered me from previous years, which impressed me - how many musicians remember their fans like that? The band played 3 hours. They have the best light/laser/pyrotechnics show of any band in the country. They only play North America during the holiday season, & are in such demand that they have split into 2 groups, East & West (we get West here in Nashville), so they can play 2 cities the same night. I believe they play around 80 cities in 3 months, on weekends doing 2 shows in one day. (same city - it takes 60+ roadies 15 hours to set up all the lights & rigging). now about me..... I'm 19 years into my 2nd marriage, have 3 grown kids (2 boys 1 girl), 2 grandsons & a step-grandaughter, plus my 2nd son is engaged. I'm on disability, used to breed snakes as a hobby, like reading, handcrafts, computers (includes gaming, have a PS2) & listening to music & collecting gemstones. I've been in Nashville since 1978 & have run into a lot of folks from home! (in fact, 1 sister-in-law is from Hatboro!) The drivers here are really bad, especially in rain & snow. The only place I've seen worse drivers is in Jamaica. Now those are some SCARY drivers! Those who remember me can reach me at clmerritt37211 AT I'd really like to hear from some folks from home. Nashville is a big place, but it's difficult to relate to the people. Most are immigrants, but ...Expand for more
the natives (which are hard to find) have a whole different subculture (slo-o-o-ow). But, the cost of living is lower & we don't have all those taxes that PA is so infamous for. I've heard Doylestown has really grown in the last several years. I miss the food a lot...down here they don't have Tastycakes, sigh, just some horrible junk called "Little Debbie's". The food is totally different, & you can't get a real pizza or Philly Cheese Steak. The only good food is the barbeque, & of course, Krispy Kreme Donuts originated in the South. My husband is constantly griping about his computer not working (I really believe it's him. Anything electronic quits working if he's been around it, including watches, iPods, radios, computers, etc). We just got the news that Stephen's sister has breast cancer, & it's metastisized. She starts chemo 2 days before Christmas. This brings back bad memories, as my father passed from a rare form of brain cancer. He lived less than a year after being diagnosed, & suffered horribly. "Story Wizard" I always wanted to be a mother when I grew up. My family & friends thought that was a boring idea. As it turns out, they were wrong. Favorite way to relax is to put my iPod on shuffle, plug it into the speakers & play on top volume. If I'm going to work somewhere, I need to have very little supervision, some challenges, & lots of breaks to be able to deal with the day-to-day. The one person from my past who I'd most like to see again is Eve (Prentice) Ellis, because she's been my best friend since 1964. We clicked because we liked the same music, art, & were both shy & felt invisible to the rest of the crowd in school. Love the TN Titans; I've been to several games & scream my lungs out! Also enjoy handling snakes. Cornsnakes are my favorites. They smell good (like fine leather)& are so friendly, as well as very beautiful. I've done snake shows for various schools, & the kids really enjoy holding the snakes & learning about them. I absolutely HATE reality TV. I don't see the appeal. I also really hate gameshows. My biggest surprise was my 2nd marriage. I'd just gotten the courage to leave my first husband of 18 1/2 years, & became involved with a co-worker 12 years my junior (we really started out as being good friends). A month before my divorce was final he asked me to marry him, & I said yes. He's a vast improvement over spouse #1! No,actually my BIGGEST surprise was when my daughter told me she was pregnant. Not just a little pg, but 6 MONTHS!!! I hadn't noticed because she was wearing bulky sweaters & I didn't see her all that often once she started showing. From my kids I've learned that I was a better mother than I ever thought I was or could be. I've also learned patience, forgiveness, & sharing. If I won $100 million, I'd give $75 mil of it to my kids, then spend the rest on a house, chauffer & cancer research. I was one of the first female co-eds at DelVal. There were 7 of us, & the PE teacher couldn't figure out what to do with us, so we spent most of our gym time learning how to golf. My current age is 56. When I was 12, I thought that people my age would be focused on boring stuff. I was so completely wrong. I've held several different jobs. Surprisingly, I was very good at book-keeping. I hated waiting tables, tho I made a LOT of money in tips, but loved working at a bookstore. That was my longest employment; 12 years at the same store. I met a lot of great authors, including Stephen King, Clive Barker, Anne Rice, & many others. I've also met a lot of celebrities (the store is in a trendy section of N'ville, or NashVegas, as we fondly refer to it here). Oh, yeah, I did end up co-writing a book with my writers' group & a "chap book" with my husband & his cousin, artist Alan Clark. It was odd, having worked at a bookstore for years & meeting so many authors at book-signings & then doing a signing myself! And to think, 38 years ago I thought I was going to be a chemist! My best friend would tell you I'm the same as ever, but people who don't know me very well would probably describe me as quirky. My weirdest job was breeding snakes, but that was more a hobby & labor of love than a real job, though it did pay very well. I share my home with my husband & a Ball Python, which I find sufficient. addendum - Dashika is now dead, so no more Ball Python. But I'm trying to talk Stephen into letting me buy another cornsnake. Ummm, no mantel and no trophies. In 10 years, I hope to be alive. I'm going to get there by keeping on keeping on. Best Friend: Eve (Prentice) Ellis. We lived in Hillside Village in New Britain, and both liked the same music & hated the Establishment & read the same books, mostly fantasy & scifi. I don't know what would surprise everyone. I'm still as freaky as I was in school, still listen to progressive music, still a loner (& yes, I head-bang at concerts!). My first job was at Clemmons Cleaners in Chalfont, where I got paid $1.50/hour to do drycleaning & pressing shirts. What I remember most about it is the boss was great, & it got really hot in there in the summertime. childhood memory; My Italian grandparents fighting in Italian. I used to speak the language, but the only words I remember now are the cuss-words. New Story Wizard: I hope old friends remember me as artistic, lover of music, & not too wierd. Blowing off steam - I put my iPod on very loud. This is also a good way to deal with chronic pain. The wildest thing I ever did in school was cut study hall & go with a few friends to Strawberry Field (wild strawberries grew in abundance, hence the name)& smoke hash. I don't really have a hero per se. I admire intelligent creative people. I lived in Doylestown, moved to Andalusia, AL after my first child was born (my father's family was down there). We bought a house & sold it after going through a hurricane. Moved back to PA because we were homesick. Lived in Green Lane, then Springmount but couldn't stick it out for a year - after living in the South for 4 years everyone seemed so cold and remote. We stayed a year, then my brother, who was a successful musician at the time, convinced us to sell our lovely dream home & move to Nashville, where we were promptly robbed of all our possessions. We've lived here since 1978, & I guess we'll stay because the cost of living is so low, & my kids live here. I'd really miss them if we left. If I could improve my home, I'd actually buy one that was as close as possible to my last home in Alabama. That was an awesome house, & I really resented my first husband for wanting to sell it & move. I lost my pianos, flute...well, actually everything. I'd definitely have another piano. And an actual library room, instead of 9 bookshelves in my livingroom as well as 2 computers & the tv. Makes ya wonder how we walk around in here, doesn't it? We don't, we kind of stumble about. The teacher I'd most love to see again would have to be Mr. Vernon. I've always loved art, & although he was a harsh critic, when he praised something I did I knew it really was good & I was on the right track. Never lived in a dorm. When I attended DelVal there were only 7 women, including myself. We didn't have a dorm, though we appropriated the "haunted tower" which has probably been torn down by now. Sometimes we had sleep-overs, though we all lived at home & commuted most of the time. To be truly happy, I'd like to be in a home of my own, with enough money to be able to travel back to PA to visit friends & my mother, as well as travel around to see friends who are in other parts of the US. I've been with Stephen since 1990 & we are soulmates, so he'd definitely still be with me. My kids & grandchildren would have to be around. I would love to travel to Italy to meet my cousins & other relatives, some of whom I've met by email (though, my Italian isn't that great, but I can kind of translate it). My first crush was Mr. Spock. I have a thing for Vulcans. Style? What's that? I still wear a size 6, wear scrubs at home but go out in hip-hugging bellbottom jeans, have long curly hair, wear those layered close-fitting shirts & lots of jewelry. Still a hippie at heart. If I have to get dressed-up, people say I look good. I guess the only real change is that now I know how to wear make-up. Do-over differently? I would have a lot more self-confidence.
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Outdoor Kiss
Jerry sees Kasey
Bridesmaids & Kasey
Kasey as Captain Morgan
Amanda Won't Smile
A nervous Kasey
Crazy Chopper
Snowcorn Hatching!
Amanda & Nick
Jerry & Kasey
Amanda Boles
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