Estelle Weinstein:  

Estelle Weinstein's Classmates® Profile Photo
Brooklyn, NY

Estelle's Story

Estelle is from Lido Beach, New York. Estelle is married. Estelle's schools include Abraham Lincoln High School. CUNY Brooklyn (B. S. Health & PE). Adelphi Univ. (M.A. School and Community Health), H...Expand for more
ofstra University, (Ph.D. Educational Research Psychology emphasis Counseling) Full Professor and Chairperson, Dept. of Health Studies),Hofstra University. Licensed N.Y. Marriage and Family Therapy.
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Estelle Weinstein's Classmates profile album
How lucky to be in Italy st a local cafe drinking wine with the Miller part of my family. They r amazing as is this entire trip. The only way this could be better is if everyone was here together.
Having wine at a cafe over looking Florence Italy with the family.  Can it get better than this
Can barely remember when we liked like this
Right outside my door is a pathway to heaven. Right in the middle of Hermine
Lunch and a really nice day
Estelle Weinstein's album, Timeline Photos
Estelle Weinstein's album, Timeline Photos
Sherry's special birthday lunch with Ldo friends
Estelle Weinstein's album, Timeline Photos
Estelle Weinstein's album, Timeline Photos
Estelle Weinstein's album, Timeline Photos
Estelle Weinstein's album, Timeline Photos
Estelle Weinstein's album, Timeline Photos
Estelle Weinstein's album, Timeline Photos
Estelle Weinstein's album, Timeline Photos
Estelle Weinstein's album, Timeline Photos

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