Gael Renaud:  

Gael Renaud's Classmates® Profile Photo
Burnaby, BC
Burnaby, BC
Burnaby, BC
Burnaby, BC

Gael's Story

Life (2005) Hi Burnaby Southers from my years, Tho I was born and lived in Burnaby Delta and Abbotsford most of my life, my family and I moved to Toronto Ontario 8 yrs ago. I know most everyone goes the other way, Toronto to Vancouver. My Husband Paul and our two children ( well adults now) Kristoffer and Stefanie, moved to Toronto. Our youngest, Stefanie wanted to go to Guelph University and my work was offering the transfer, so my husband and son agreed as well. Here we are in Toronto now. The kids live in the city, right by the Lake, and Paul and I have a lovely new home on the lake as well but way outside of the city. I have been traveling across Canada in my job, for many years now, developing installing and training people on Banking systems. My Husband has now retired from the Federal Gov't after 30 some years, and tomorrow July 3rd, Paul and I will celebrate 34 years of marriage. Hope to hear from some of you.... Gael Mitchell (Renaud) Sept 2005 Well I have left my long career in the training I/T industry, enough of the traveling. June 2008 Paul and I have decided to travel a bit and have purchased a 5th wheel trailer and truck. Our first trip, with me at the wheel was to New York, then on to P.E.I. What a fabulous trip, even my mom came along. Oh and both dogs..lucky the trailer is 30 feet so we has lots of room and a ton of fun. We are now building a new house outside of Toronto , so lots to do... hope to hear from some of you ... October 2008 Well I tried numerous times to reconnect with my old friend Sally Talbot, but that has not worked out well, she did not want to reconnect, so I am still hoping to hear from some of you from school. Our new house is finished and we have moved in, Aug 2008, and our old home sold. We are still in Brighton Ontario, a block from Lake Ontario. Our new home is really nice and we are loving it. We brought my mom out from Vancouver, and have built her her own wing on the house. Oct 8th 2008 I was in hospital and had half, yes half of my right knee replaced with what's called an oxford knee, so am now recovering well from that. I was up and walking with a walker the same day...amazing....drop me a note.....I've updated some pictures Gael August 2012 Well its been a busy,happy, and sad 4 years. My mother has gone back to Vancouver to live, she no longer wants to be part of our family, a bit of dementia, so we sold our big house in Brighton and built a smaller home on 2 acres just outside of Belleville Ontario. Paul is loving his yard, and doing his landscaping and we are comfortable in our home. Our son Kristoffer rented out his beach front condo in downtown Toronto and moved to St Catherines Ontario with his lovely lady Jennifer. He bought a big lovely home there 2 years ago and put in a huge salt water swimming pool last year. Its like visiting a resort. Our daughter who is a Vet tech near Peterborough Ontario announced her engagement last Jul 3rd at the 40th wedding anniversary dinner she arranged at a lovely restaurant for her dad and I. Stefanie will be getting married on June 30th 2013, so big excitement there. Lots of planning etc. I have made her crystal brooch bridal bouquet and am doing the flowers for the outside of the Gazebo where she will be wed. Her fiancee Jeremy is a wonderful man and treats her like a princess, so her dad likes that. I was lucky enough to connect with a couple of people from school, Gord Stone and I have chatted via email, that was so great to connect with him, and Linda Wiens who I went to Moscrop Junior secondary school with and I reconnected as well. I've tried to find Yvonne Eamor from Central, we were close friends growing up, but have not connected with her. Well I will put my daughters bouquet in y pictures and my again hope to hear from some of you. Sept. 2012 Our son Kristoffer and his lovely lady Jenn have announced their engagement and will be married in a small intimate ceremony at Niagara on the Lake in Aug 2013. Wow...two weddings in two months...our daughter Stefanie June 2013 and Kris Aug 2013. Thankfully Kris' is small as it is Jenn's second wedding so they are only planning about 40 people at the venue. Sept 29 2012 Dec 30th 2012 Paul and I are very happy in our new home, we moved in in April 2012 and are just now experiencing our first big snowfall up here. The past 2 winters, 2010 and 2011 were not even classed as Ontario winters there was so little snow. Not like my first winter here...1997 when we had 104 cm on the ground and the Mayor called in the army, great experience. Anyway we have about 7 inches on the ground now and its beautiful on our property just pristine everywhere. We also have a herd of 8 deer who come to our neighbor Larry's house every afternoon around 4:00 as Larry puts out their dinner. Lovely to see. Well I do hope you all had a nice Christmas season and hope too all will have a happy prosperous New Year !!!! Until 2013 !!! Take tender care All !! September 2013 What a year so far ....Both our children have gotten married this year. Our daughter Stefanie in June 2013, and our son in August 2013. What a busy year !!!! I made all the bouquets for our daughters wedding even her bouquet which was made of all crystal brooches and jewelry including her Grampa Mitchell's ring. She has few memories of him as he passed 26 years ago, but her Big brother Kris has told her wonderful stories of her Grampa. It was a beautiful wedding, and we even had some family from Vancouver fly out for the occasion. Our son Kris married his lovely Jennifer in a smaller intimate wedding, just 40 people at a beautiful mansion in the Niagara area. Her Family is wonderful and she has two nice teens from her previous marriage. So life has been busy. I am now gearing up to start doing some Christmas wreaths for clients and even maybe another wedding. I have attached my business pictures here and more on facebook, so we'll see how many new clients I get this year. My husband Paul is still loving his 2 acres and our dogs love to be able to run as well. Take care everyone...Sept 10 2013. Here we are in 2014 !! and in yet another new house. !!! This is the last house, we've promised each other. We sold our home on the 2 acres in November of 2013. After the two weddings and all the company we had we made the decision to go back to sweet little Brighton were all our friends live. And we did the huge lot thing, Paul loved cutting grass on his tractor and the tons of gardens, but we're not getting any younger !! So we engaged a young builder we know in Brighton, to build us a new smaller house and Paul and I spent the winter months in Picton County . Never saw so damn much snow in one year since my first year in Ontario (97 I think) anyway Picton was a heck of an experience with all the snow. We were renting a cottage there while our new house was being built. My darling husband surprised me with a heart attack in January, I had him in Picton Hospital within 6 minutes and they were fabulous. Paul was transported to Kingston General for an angiogram and had a stent put in. There was a blocked blood vessel at the back of the heart. He remained in hospital for 6 days then I brought him back to our wee cottage in Picton., we spent one afternoon and night and the very next day in another huge snow storm, Paul had a second heart attack !!! Well back in the hospital and that was dealt with. In March he started the cardiac exercise program in Picton and went 2 days a week and got himself strong and healthy again. We moved into the new house in Brighton at the end of March and Paul has been great since completing his class. Now in September he's been working in our garden, the yard is all fenced and our dogs are loving the yard and being outside with us. We also had really exciting news in January, after the heart attacks...Our daughter Stefanie is expecting a baby girl at the end of September ..Our first grandchild !!! .today as I write this...September 30th...still no baby, but Stefanie and I will head off to her doctor tomorrow, and we both feel he will suggest inducing and getting this baby here !!! Stefanie's husband Jeremy is working really long hours so I've sort of been on call for the doctor appointments and for her prenatal classes, so I am excited about being in the deliveryroom as her coach and support along with her husband, Well, that's where we are so far in 2014.... Well our new granddaughter was born on Thanksgiving, October 11th 2014. Her name is Hunter Grace Ellen Greer and she was 12 days late and weighed in at 10 lbs.I will post a few photos of this little beau...Expand for more
ty. She was and still is very tall, not much chance of being a shrimp in our family I guess. Our daughter is 6' 1" and our son 6"4" and Stefanie's husband is 6'!' as well. So baby Hunter will be tall ,..she is 4 and a half months old now and 27 inches tall...amazing. Its March 2 today and we're out of the -30 temperatures for a bit. Have a foot of snow..but that's life in the Ontario winter. May 2016 Wow can't believe I did not add anything after our grandbaby . Sure I wrote, but likely did not save....the word idiot comes to mind. Anyway its been eventful. We moved into our new house back in Brighton Ontario in March 2014 and love the new place. I enjoyed decorating the space, cos I love doing that. Maybe I'll put a couple of photos in here Well we were blessed by our daughter, who not only had us in the delivery room but gave us the most precious grand daughter ever.. Her name is Hunter Grace Ellen Greer her and I will add photos of her. in fact that is her with my husband Paul and I on my page. We are happy back in Brighton, though I would like to get back to Vancouver for a holiday. Just don't see it happening for awhile. October 2016 Had our little granddaughter Hunter Grace's 2nd birthday on October 11th. Had a great time with her and both our kids and their spouses. Hunter is growing up so fast. She talks so well is all toilet trained and so much fun to have overnight or to take out. I've added a couple of pictures of her ... Has a third half knee replacement in September. So right leg has 2 new haves and left leg has one new half and one original half. Al is great and I was back at my new part time jobs 10 days after my surgery so I still heal well and bounce back well. I've been very luck health wise. no problems at blood pressure issues or anything...just always have an issue with the weight creeping on ...well we'll fix that this year too. Now that I've gone back to work part time I'm out running around more so will work extra hard in the next year to get my weight down. All is well here in south eastern Ontario. I include a picture of our grand daughter at our son's house by his pool too. we had a nice visit out there a few times this summer. May 2017.. Well the Ontario winter is behind us and the flowers are up and blooming. Health wise all is good here. I had a bit if surgery December 2016...but all is fine. We're still in our nice house in Brighton but are thinking of selling. Only cos the market is on fire back here so it's really a sellers market. Think we'd just rent for a bit till the market settles, but will stay in the area. I'm still working 4 days a week and enjoying it, and paul is still retired and loving that. Our lovely Hunter Grace is still the wonderful little girl we love and both our kids are very well. July 28 2017... Well we did sell our beautiful home in Brighton. The market was too good to pass up. And because of some bad things happening back in 2012, we had some ground to make up. We have rented a lovely town house in a complex on the lake in Belleville. That works for us for a while, as I am working in Belleville, so more commute. Well 30 minutes wasn't a big commute but it was really putting the miles on the new car. Now my commute will be 10 minutes or so each way. I am thinking of taking a trip back to Vancouver for about 4 days to visit some very important will likely head back some time in September. The weather here has not been as hot and humid as usual summers. We get rain a few days each week..very unusual for Toronto and surrounding area. Our family is doing well and life is good. Our son kris is enjoying summer with his wife around their pool and our daughter and son in law are renovating their kitchen to get their house sold, and our little granddaughter is just having fun... So have a wonderful summer all, and I'll update after our move. October 2017. Well I did have a great week in Vancouver this past month, actually was there on my birthday, well flew home on my birthday and that takes alllllll day... great weather, was sunny every day for the week I was there, had a fun rental car, a fiat 500 sport, such fun to drive. When I got home, my cousin from Vancouver island flew to Ottawa and called me to meet half way between Ottawa and Belleville for lunch, so off I went to a nice town called Gananoque for lunch...I put in a couple of selfies of us....had a wonderful 3 hour much fun. He and I are very much alike so our sense of humour is the same. Makes for lots of laughs. In October our lovely granddaughter turned 3 and we went to her birthday party at the zoo playground. What a fun afternoon..I included some photos in the Hunter Grace album. You might or might not notice I’ve lost some weight....all intentional so nothing wrong there. I had not posted any photos of myself during my heavier times, but I am down 87 pounds now and feel terrific. Well that’s all for to get Christmas shopping organized for my days off work so have a great rest of 2017... June 2019 Well lucky us, our daughter Stefanie blessed us with a new grand baby in October 2018. It’s a boy ! So now we have 1 of each. I’ve updated the pictures to show our new guy. Stefanie really wanted my dad’s name in the new babes name and her hubby wanted to choose his first name. So our little guy is Anson James Mitchell Greer. He’s 7 months now and so very happy. Still working my 4 days a week and enjoying it. Our pool at our townhouse complex is now open so we are enjoying it with the grandkids. It was 29 degrees today and muggy. Way too much humidity here. Off to enjoy a bbq dinner. Hope you all have a great summer. Not sure yet if I’ll be back for the reunion or not. January 2021 Well I did not make the reunion. So sorry I missed seeing some classmates. Things are nice here in Ontario, we have very little snow and the roads are good. Of course we are in lock down because of this awful COVID virus, though I’m still working. We are deemed essential, I am still working part time in the automotive industry so,people are still getting their cars serviced and our sales department is still busy. We are not allowing people in the service area while they wait for oil changes etc, they must wait outside or go somewhere with a friend. Don’t know where you can go though, everything but grocery and drug stores are closed. We did have Christmas dinner with our daughter Stefanie her husband and the grandkids as we babysit the grandkids after work 2 days a week, so we know all is safe there. I’ll add some pictures. We did not get to see our son Kris and daughter in law Jenn as they live 4 hours away and lockdown does not permit the travel. We spent a couple of hours on Skype opening our mailed gifts and having a glass of wine together. Well it’s 7:30vam Jan 4th, and I’m off to work. Stay well everyone and hope there is another reunion when we can travel again. No more grand babies coming to stop me from traveling. Take care for now November 25 2021 Just added some photos of our daughter and her family They had photos done earlier this month. I will add some info this weekend. February 2024 Well it’s been a minute or two, right ? Had a terrible 2023, both my husband Paul and I were diagnosed with cancer within 2 weeks of each other in May 2023. We each had 7 hour surgeries within 2 weeks of each other…thank God for our wonderful kids who were there with us through it all…then 6 months of chemo….yikes…Paul has been cancer free since surgery and i am in remission since September 2023….i have gone back to my part time job at the car dealership as of January 2024, Paul had a quick back surgery in December…and we are both feeling good. I’m posting pics of our wonderful kids… March 2024 Paul and I have sold our home near Belleville ontario and in April are moving up to near Niagara Falls. We have rented a sweet new house with 10 foot ceilings 2 bed 2 bath, and just 20 minutes from our son Kris’ home on Lake Erie. We are sad to be leaving our daughter and grandchildren in the Belleville area, tho we Skype them daily, and they’ve promised to come stay many weekends. It’s a good 3 1/2 hours from Belleville to Niagara. My cancer scans were clear in February tho they won’t use the word remission with my type of cancer. I feel good tho am very thin…thinner than I’ve ever been but doing well . Paul is still cancer free and going for another scan next week then all our files will transfer to cancer centre in St. Catharines. We are excited for our move and the new chapter in our lives. March 17 2024.
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Our son Kristoffer and his wife Jennifer
Our daughter Stefanie and her husband jeremy
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
Gael Renaud's Classmates profile album
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