John Kelly:  

Jimtown High SchoolClass of 1980
Elkhart, IN

John's Story

meh... I'll share my coma story...This is what drugs can do to you...lmao. I call it "My Trip to Alaska" My trip to Alaska This is the story of my recent illness. On July 5th 2006, my colon ruptured and I spent 6 weeks in the hospital. During the 4 weeks I was in a coma,I had what I now know was a dream, but at the time it was as real to me as the sun rising in the morning. After I was released to go home and I would talk to friends and family, everyone wants to hear about was my comatose experience. So I've decided to share this experience by writing this story. Now keep in mind that I was on drugs during all this. In my case, I think it was just my body escaping the reality of what I was going through. I'll start with a little history of my illness for those of you that may not know. I¿ve had 5 surgeries in the last 10 years on my abdomen. The scar runs from the bottom of my belly button to the top of my groin. Every time they operated they would open up the same scar. Needless to say, it was never really able to heal properly. My first bout with this problem happened when I drove out here to Arizona from Indiana. I had bad constipation and wasn't able to take a number 2 for 2 or 3 weeks. My wife, Renee, is in the medical profession. She and her sister were diagnosing me. Given that they both had been to medical school I listened. Renee thought it was a gall bladder attack. I disagreed, so to test her theory I sent her to Wendy¿s to get me a triple with cheese. Knowing it was 90% grease I was going to prove that that wasn't the problem. Rule number 1....When you can't crap, DON¿T eat crap. This made matters worse. Tammy, Renee¿s sister and an RN in Chicago, suggested I drink a 12 pack of beer to get things moving. This was something that, at the time, sounded very good to me - kill the pain and get a buzz at the same time. After all, she is a nurse so who am I to argue. Off to the store I went to get a case of Bud. After about an hour or 2 of drinking I felt pretty good, but I still didn't go. Rule number 1....Alcohol is not a very good medication. Skip it when you¿re ill. After a week or so, whatever was going on with me subsided but my morning ritual of making a pot of coffee and then heading to the "pot" was over, my bowel movements were no longer on a routine schedule. Most of my life I had been able to set my watch by my trips to the throne. Since I had just moved here and worked for a company that offered no insurance. I turned to the internet for some (very bad) self help medication. I would strongly suggest that no one try this at home. I had found a site that gave me a recipe for a colon cleansing. It was to take lemon juice and raw olive oil. Drink 2 pints of each within an hour or 2. I can assure you that this will make you go to the toilet. In fact, not only will you have a bad case of diarrhea but you'll also vomit profusely. I got both the upper and lower GI cleanout in one dose. Rule number 1.... Don't do a colon cleanse yourself, and if you do, make sure you don't have a loaded gun around to end the agony. The constipation passed and I was good to go. I tried to modify my diet, still not really knowing what the problem was. When it comes to health care, I¿m a "professional procrastinator." I say something like, "I¿m going to make an appointment tomorrow, or maybe next week, certainly within this decade". I would say that the problem would revisit me about every 6 to 8 weeks, usually not as bad as the first time. Probably because I learned not to drink olive oil, triple grease burgers and wash it all down with a 12 pack. I wasn't in pain. It just made me feel ill. About a year passed. Renee and I had moved into the new abode. It needed a little work; All cosmetic. It needed paint, flooring and a few odds and ends. I had a 2 week window into which to try and cram a month¿s work of work. The bedroom was a horror story. It was painted red with black trim, the den was gold, and the floor was painted maroon. All of it had to be redone. I started laying tile - all 1800 sq ft of it. After a week of that my knees were sore my back hurt and, at the worst time, I had another attack. I tried to will it away but with all the bending and stooping, going up and down to get the tile done it was going to make it bad again. I ended up going to the hospital emergency room. They took x-rays and the doctor said that I had adhesions from the scar tissue in my intestines. There were also air pockets in my intestines that could be causing the constipation. Now keep in mind that I have a bad habit of hearing only what I want to hear. Renee always goes with my when I go to a doctor and we always hear different things. In the back of my mind I had that little voice that told me this was not the problem even though a problem would be reasonable, given my history. I pushed the doc a little further about checking it out in more detail. He mentioned something about sticking something up my ass to have a little look see. Well, that was all I needed to hear...lets skip that test and go with what he thought it was- an adhesion of the intestine that prevented me from having a regular bowel movement. The doc gave me the name of a specialist and suggested I do a follow up with him but, as usual, I got better and found other things to do. My thinking was "Why go see another doctor if I already know what the problem is". Not to mention I learned from the internet that they might have to cut away part of the intestine to fix an adhesion. This meant I would be crappin into a bag. Now who's going to want to do that? Rule number 1... Do NOT go to the internet for health information... go to a specialist. Would you go to a foot doctor if u had an ear ache? This now created another issue - once I got insurance, they would deny any future episodes because it was a pre-existing condition and I would have the burden of proving when and what operation caused this. So with this knowledge, I was back to procrastinating on what to do next. If it was air in my system I thought surely I could find a cure on the internet." I was still playing "Dr. Kelly". Once again, I altered my diet. I got a different job with no heavy lifting, which is 25 lbs for me and procrastinated on what my next action would be. Like I said, I'm a professional procrastinator. That brings us to July 4th 2006. I had pretty much sworn off greasy foods. I would have an occasional burger but for the most part I was pretty self-conscious about what I ate. Renee has her own recipe for sloppy Joes. They just melt in your mouth, absolutely delicious. She had made those on the 4th and I ended up eating 6 of them during the day. What? I couldn't resist!! The aroma alone makes my mouth water ¿ kind of like a Scooby Snack. I never eat that much. A usual day for me would be coffee for breakfast, no lunch and a good dinner. I thought about my grease intake and she said she had drained the meat. So I was good to go. Eat, drink and be merry was the motto of the day. In retrospect, I remember feeling different that day. I wasn't in any pain, and the constipation issue didn't hit me the same way as in the past. I just felt different. The next morning I woke up and the same thing, no pain but I felt something was out of place. I had to go to the dump and clean out my truck, hit the DMV for plates, go to work to pick up my next job contract and meet with my client on the job I had just finished. I had to cram all that in before 11:30 am. I had a very busy morning in front of me. After leaving the dump I drove about 5 or 6 miles to the DMV. I got out of the truck and my legs were so weak I could barely stand up. I don't remember driving home. Renee said that I had lain down on the couch and all I would say was that I was sick and that I was going to call an ambulance. I have little to no memory of any of this. I remember being in the bathroom trying to go; trying to push out a number 2 and the pain hit. What day it was I don't know. Maybe it was Wednesday night, the 5th, but Renee said it was Thursday. I remember grabbing the towel rack and pulling it off the wall. I think at that point I passed out. I¿m pretty sure it was still daylight out when this happened but by the time I got to the phone it was midnight. I only remember bits and pieces from the time I had gone to the DMV until the paramedics arrived. It may have been a 36 hour period. They took me to the hospital were they determined that I had a ruptured colon. I was transferred to another hospital for surgery because they had no surgeons on call. I remember thinking that it was over. I had reached the end and I desperately needed to talk to my son before I died. That would bring us to my trip to Alaska. I don't remember much about the time before the surgery. I was heavily sedated on morphine... GOOD STUFF! I can tell you what I do remember and the time frame. About 56 hours had passed since I was at the DMV. According to the time line Renee came up with it was late Friday night. I remember one doctor coming into my room and he was very upset that they had transferred me there. I knew it wasn't good to have a pissed off doctor working on me. I never do good work when I'm mad. I also remember meeting my surgeon. She looked young enough to be in high school. I thought "oh boy, I hope I'm not her first patient". I remember asking her if I was going to die (Renee says I told her I was going to die). Either way, I remember her saying that she ...Expand for more
wouldn't waste her Friday night if I was going to die. The humor did put me at ease a little bit. The right thing said at the right time. I vaguely remember being in the operating room. After having several operations in my life I was expert at counting down from 200 while going under. This time, there was no counting backwards. No one was talking. I just saw the mask go over my face and thinking that this sucked... the last thing I'm ever going to see is an oxygen mask. Most dreams in my life have seemed to, metaphorically speaking; take on a Stephen King like storyline. They may start out normal but always end up way out in left field somewhere. Leaving me to wonder what it meant. This dream wasn't like that at all. It was as real to me as the sun coming up in the morning. No monsters, no weird things going on and most oddly, no gaps. I remember everything that happened start to finish. Was it real? No. Did I think it was real? Yes, it took me a week and I had to ask a lot of questions to get it to sink into my brain that it didn't really happen. I woke up standing at an icy seashore. There was a light fog and all I could see was the sea behind me and a little house atop a hill covered with snow and ice. It looked like an old chicken coop but bigger. It was a single pitch roof with no windows and two chimneys; one in the center and one at the far end. Oddly enough I felt no cold. I wasn't wearing winter clothing and yet I never felt a breeze, a chill, or any discomfort. I looked up in the sky and I could see no moon or stars yet I knew it was night. With nowhere to go I decided to walk to the hut. I walked up the hill and knocked on the door which was on the back side of the building. An elderly man answered the door and said, "Welcome. We've been waiting for you." I asked him, "Where am I?" He asked me, "Where do you think you are?" I entered the hut walking past him as he held the door. He looked to be of Indian descent. He had a very warm demeanor. To my amazement the inside of the hut was beautifully decorated in wood carvings. The fireplace in the center of the room was surrounded by a railing. There were five chairs facing the fire, with three people sitting there. I couldn't see who their faces because they were wearing hooded parkas. In the corner of the room I noticed a pile of wood carvings. It was like carvings stacked like Christmas presents. I thought that was odd. Why would you go to so much trouble carving different things and just pile them up? The whole house was about 20' x 40' and all one room, with beautifully ornate wood carvings everywhere. The man invited me to sit by the fire. I sat down in the second chair right of the three other people there. I had the overwhelming feeling the small framed woman next to me was my mother. I asked the man if it was my mother. Once again he eluded my questions by asking me questions. "Do you think it's your mother" he asked? Normally that would irritate me, but for some reason I knew it didn't matter either way. I knew somehow she was related to me. I looked at him and again asked, "Where am I? Why am I here?" With a small grin he said, "You¿re here to make a few decisions. Where you are doesn't really matter." I had no idea what he was talking about and I really wasn't very concerned either way. I felt totally at ease, and not worried in the least. The man sitting to the right of the woman next to me handed me a picture. He was a black man. I could see that by his hand. The picture was of what I'm assuming was his family. It was an old black and white photo. There were seven people in it varying in ages, dressed in Victorian clothing. It was obvious to me that it was a very old picture. I asked politely if it was his family, he didn¿t answer. I turned to the Indian who was now sitting next to me on the left and asked him, referring to the photograph, "Who are these people?" Once again he asked, "Who do you think they are?" I said, "Well, my guess is, It's his family." He smiled and said, "It's his family. It's your family. We're all family here." At that point I realized that I needed to get back home. My focus was on getting in touch with my son. I asked where the nearest phone was, the man told me there was no phone. He wanted to know who I was going to call. I told him I needed to call my son. At that point I heard what I thought was an airplane. I got up and headed toward the door. As I opened the door to leave he asked me if I had made any decisions yet. I asked, "Decisions about what?" I walked outside and at the bottom if the hill was an airplane. It looked like and old c-10 transport plane. I started walking towards it and my surgeon came around the front of the plane. Now understand, this is a woman I had a 3 minute conversation with. I normally wouldn't remember anyone whom I had only met for three minutes. She had her hands on her hips and with a stern voice said," What are you doing here?! Your not suppose to be here! Now let¿s go!" I had no clue as to what she was peeved about. Although I admired the fact that she was a pilot and a surgeon. I looked in the window of the plane and I saw my son waving at me. The doc had re-boarded the plane and I was waving at my boy to get off the plane. I realized he wasn't going to exit so I boarded.........It was at that moment that I believe I awoke from the coma......Then the nightmare began. I remember "my coma" dream as if it all happened in real time. Once I had been awoken from it, it all seemed fuzzy. My first thoughts were that I had been kidnapped. Someone or some group was trying to steal my organs. That might be the effect of my abdomen being open to let the infection drain. I don't know what gave me this idea. I remember that the walls of my hospital room were painted yellow. In my mind I thought that no real hospital would paint the walls yellow, so I must be at a veterinary hospital. That didn't make much since I know, so I came to the conclusion that it must be an undercover covert terrorist operation. I probably wasn't in the US anymore. Knowing this, I had to come up with an escape plan. My first thoughts were to get the keys to get out of the building. I knew I'd have to get them from someone my size because I had no clothes on. Steal the keys and clothes...first order of business, check. I then waited to bide my time. During this wait I had noticed that Asian women were coming and going in the area outside the room where I was being held prisoner. I noticed that they seemed to always be with different men. It was this that drew me to the conclusion that they must be running a brothel in the next room to raise money for the terrorists. A HA! I remember laying there in this bed, strapped down, and having to listen to people having sex in the next room. I knew it was going to get ugly because if I didn't act quickly they would be coming for me to finish the job (the killing me job, not sex with me job). After all, the cuts had been made all they had to do was remove my kidneys and whatever else they wanted. For the first time in my life I was considering murder. I didn't think it would be a problem since I considered it me against them. I remember Renee showing up and my first reaction was "good let¿s get out of here". I told her that they were trying to steal my organs. I remember her saying that they wouldn't want my organs. I thought, just for a moment, that because she wouldn't help me escape that she must be in on it. I told her I couldn't believe she was going along with all this! A time frame I don't have but I'm pretty sure this went on for a week or more. I was in a veterinarian hospital run by terrorist who were stealing organs and running a there¿s a bad day for you, or in this case me! The irony of all this is....When I finally came down from the drugs. In my mind I really thought that I had been in Alaska. Luckily, I finally decided that hadn't been in a veterinary hospital run by terrorists. It took me the longest time to figure out what was and what wasn't real. I even asked my surgeon if she was a pilot. She's not. In my case the dream I had was real and the experience of being in the hospital wasn't. I know that I will now never doubt that people on drugs really do see things that aren't really there. You hear of them seeing spiders and having ghost chase them. I now see how, to them it could be real. It was to me. I'm a grown man and I have never been more terrified as I was when I came out of that coma. I remember the dream as if it was yesterday, and I can't remember fully what happened after I woke up. It took about a week before I started to grasp what had happened to me. I have only 2 days before I return to the operating room. I'm hoping that everything goes as planned this trips to terrorist.... no organ removals. Well, maybe the brothel thing. Them Asians were cute. J I'm very confident in my Surgeon, Banner Hospital, and all the people who helped save my life back in July. But in the event that something goes wrong....I'LL BE WAITING IN ALASKA That was written in 2007 I had 3 heart attacks...Flat lined twice...and am now in recovery... Damit! I guess living to be the oldest man in history is out the window now! If anyone want to get in touch I'm on ms messenger. It's J Kelly 383 at yahoo dot u know what. Tags: coma | Edit Tags Saturday November 18, 2006 - 08:33am (PST) Edit | Delete | Permanent Link | 0 Comments
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