Johni Hudson Miles-Blount:  

Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's Classmates® Profile Photo
Livonia High SchoolClass of 1967
Livonia, LA
Tulane UnversityClass of 1980
New orleans, LA
Hammond, LA
Berwick High SchoolClass of 1967
Berwick, LA

Johni's Story

I am originally from Berwick, LA, where I attended school grades 1-9. At the end of my freshman year, my family moved to Livonia, LA, where I graduated from High School in 1967. During the time that I was at Livonia, I enjoyed sports and was a cheerleader. The principal at that time was Mr. Fontenot and the girls' basketball coach was Mr. Chauvin. My very best friend was Connie Prestenbach and I dated Steve Talbot. After high school, I attended Southeastern Louisiana University in Hammond, LA where I graduated with a B.A. and Masters Degree in Secondary education. I also attended Tulane University where I received an Associate Degree in Paralegal Studies. I have resided in Bogalusa, LA for 45 years and, after teaching in the public school system for 5 years, opened my own private preschool which I closed in 2010. I'm now retired. I was married to John E. Miles for 8 years and then to Danny Blount for 4 years until he died in 2012. I have been involved with many organizations: Rotary Club, Cassidy Park Museums, YMCA, LSU Bogalusa Medical Center Board, Camp Fire, CASA, United Way, Bogalusa Beautification Committee, Bogalusa Civic League, Washington/St. Tammany Youth Service Board, LA Municipal Association Mentoring and Economic Development Committees, and National Leadership Training Institute Board of Directors and Scholarship Committee. I am a Paul Harris Fellow (Rotary), Bogalusa 2013 Citizen of the Year, and a 2007 Louisiana Heroine Award Nominee. In 2002, I was elected Councilwoman At Large to the Bogalusa City Council and served until 2006. At that time I ran for Mayor of Bogalusa and, not being elected, ran again and won a position on the City Council in 2010. In 2011, I resigned from the Council due to my husband's terminal cancer diagnosis. Because my husband was a helicopter mechanic for off-shore helicopters, we moved to Bayou Vista, LA where he was closer to his job and could do all of the fishing that he wanted to do. I have since returned to Bogalusa, retired, and am purposely not involved in a lot of activities so that I can travel and visit my grandchildren in Jackson Hole, WY. Recently, I drove out there and spent 2 months with them. God has been good to me! Life has been good to me! Okay, folks, what I am referring to as the "last phase of my life". I've moved back to my hometown of Bewick, Louisiana, where I attended elementary school and my 1st year of high school. It was a very big move since I had lived in the same house in Bogalusa for 40 years. Anyway, I have been working on my "last phase" plan for several years, but I now have a little detail to take care of before I can start "living the plan". I've agreed to help my younger brother open a cafe in Morgan City (across the bridge from Berwick). I've been "chosen" to help because my ex owned a restaurant/bar and my son is a chef who has owned his own restaurant. Thank goodness my son will be coming down from Wyoming to advise. Hopefully, the restaurant will be up and running by the end of this year and I can then proceed with my plans to travel. Ecuador, Portugal, Italy, and Greece are places that I have on my list - - - hoping to live 3 months in each place. After that, I will buy a houseboat and live my remaining years on Bayou Teche. I'm hoping that I will see some of you again. I really enjoyed seeing my Livonia friends at our 2017 50th class reunion and my Berwick friends back in 1997 at our 30th reunion. It would be nice if we could have a 55th reunion in Livonia involving several classes before us and several classes after us and a 55th class reunion in Berwick with the same set-up. The reunion I attended in Berwick in 1997 involved the classes of 1965, 1966, 1967, 1968, and 1969. It was well planned and included 3 days of unforgettable fun culminating with another mini-reunion 4 months later at a dude ranch in Texas. One of the teachers that taught all of us said that our reunion was the best Berwick High School class reunion that he had ever attended. Anyway, it would be nice to reminisce with you again . . . in this "last phase". Later, my friends!!! Well, even though I had planned to travel before buying a houseboat, it hasn't worked out that way. I recently purchased a 24' x 48' houseboat. I am currently looking for a place to park it on Bayou Teche and will move on the boat when I find that place. I still plan to travel but, because of Covid, that's on "hold" right now. So, I will let you know more as life unfolds for me. I'm back! I have finally found a place to park my houseboat. The new address is 337 1/2 Hwy. 182 between Bayou Vista and Patterson in the short section of Hwy. 182 that parallels Hwy. 90. The boat is scheduled to be moved from Bayou Sorrell to that location on 9/29/21. Meanwhile, a deck and wharf are being built, an electrical pole installed, and a water line run from the highway to the boat. It will be quite a while before I can actually live on it because there is a lot of work that needs to be done on it to keep the gators and snakes from making it THEIR home. I'm not too fond of sharing my space when it comes to those critters being on board. As I progress with the renovation, I will keep you informed. Consider this your invitation to come and "check it out". So this houseboat thing is going slower than I thought it would. Even though I was prepared to begin the work on my houseboat as soon as it was moved to the Teche, it hasn't happened that way. I have just finished (3/4/22) having the pilings drilled for the permanent location of the boat and the boat is now parked in its' new home. Most of the things, walkway, electrical, plumbing, etc., that I thought would have been done by now had to be put on "hold" until the boat was in its' permanent location. It was such a hassle getting someone to even drive the pilings because of Hurricane Ida. "She" has everyone working to rebuild Grand Isle, Houma, and surrounding areas. Now, it's like . . . what's next? I need gravel hauled in for my driveway, water run to the boat, a walkway so that I can get on the boat, and an electrical pole for electricity, which I am unable to get until I install a sewer treatment system on the boat. Heck!! Real busy tomorrow and "playing" out of town next week, so let me get back with you at a later date. This is a work in progress even if it is slow progress. (My sister keeps saying it's not the destination that counts, but the journey that it takes to get there......I'm supposed to be enjoying that journey and I really am!) Finally! The posts have been put in place for the walkway and work on the walkway is scheduled to begin this coming Monday 5/2/22. I will get back to you when there is more progress to report. Later Gator! (Literally, gators everywhere!) Okay. I'm back (literally). Just got back from my niece's wedding in Deer Valley, UT (in the mountains above Park City, UT). Quite an event. I think that she wanted to have this "destination" wedding because it was a place that we skied for several years. We always stayed at the Stein Eriksen Lodge and this is where the wedding was held. We arrived on Tuesday, 5/24, and left on Sunday. On Thursday night there was a Welcome Party. On Friday I attended a 12:00 Bridal Luncheon. That evening at 6:00 we were shuttled further up the mountains to a distillery for a Rehearsal Dinner. Then she was married early Saturday morning, 5/28, in a Catholic Mass in Park City with only immediate family attending. The culmination occurred that evening at 5:00. On a patio at Stein Eriksen Lodge overlooking the mountains and in front of about 150 guests, her wedding was blessed by the priest who had married them that morning. The ceremony involved 7 bridesmaids and 7 groomsmen and was absolutely beautiful. Then I spent the rest of the evening at a reception, dancing to the music played by a 15-piece band with 3 on-stage dancers. WOW! Her dad and mom, my sister and brother-in-law, really know how to throw a party. Okay. Back to the houseboat! The walkway to the boat is, basically, finished except for a few things that need to be done. My brother, sister (Interior Architect), and myself will meet with the carpenter Friday to "trouble-shoot" exactly how we plan to connect the walkway to the boat. Hopefully, within a couple of weeks, I will have all of my furniture on the boat and will be working on my driveway, sewer treatment system and water and electric lines to the boat. I'll let you know if this happens in a timely manner. Talk with you later!! Okay! I'm back! The guy who did the walkway for my boat did not complete it and probably won't complete it, so that won't be addressed right now because I am busy working on the inside. A lot has been done inside and I plan on posting before and after pictures when we're finished and the furniture is on the boat. Although there is no permanent connection from the walkway to the boat and from the land to the walkway, I am able to board the boat via a "rigged up" connection at this point. After tearing down walls and putting up other walls, the boat now has 2 bedrooms, a bedroom that has been turned into a storage room, a small efficiency kitchen (I'm not the best cook), and an enlarged bathroom. There is a big living room/dining room area with a cathedral ceiling, but that room is currently filled with boxes and won't be completed and used until sometime in the future when I can go through the boxes and probably have 10 garage sales. Did I mention that I have also filled up my brother's garage and storeroom with "junk"? So, I will have to go through that stuff and add it to my garage sales! Oh, and by the way, I have two storage units to empty out. Fortunately, those contain mostly furniture that I will use on the boat. But some of it will probably make it into one of the garage sales. My plan right now is to finish the two bedrooms, bathroom, storage room, and kitchen and move on to the ...Expand for more
boat. Hopefully, I'll make it on there before Christmas. I'll let you know if I do and, at that time, be able to attach some pictures. Signing Off! Happy Thanksgiving 2022! P.S. I forgot to include the fact that I have to move a 15' U-Haul trailer of plants to the boat over the Thanksgiving holidays. I'll put them in a "make-shift" greenhouse for the winter. News on the greenhouse. My "make-shift" greenhouse has turned into a permanent greenhouse and is just about ready to house the "gazillion" plants that I brought to the boat site in a 15-ft U-Haul. It really looks nice and is just in time for the cold weather. Oh, so close. I'm almost there. Won't make it on the boat for Christmas, but, hopefully, in January. I'm still enjoying that journey that my sister told me to enjoy. Walls have been knocked out and walls built, the sewer treatment system is in and ready to be hooked up along with the water. I'm down to one storage unit and started with 4. New appliances are arriving every day now. A vanity for the bathroom came in today. I've recently acquired a new stove, new refrigerator, new toilet, new washer and dryer, and new hot water heater. My electrical work is also new since someone decided to steal the copper wire in the attic before I bought the boat. A lot of progress has been made and I am "so close". And, if working on the boat was not already enough, I started a Sunday School class at my Church for ages 4-7. I have 4 little girls enrolled, 3 of whom are my nieces. We have been practicing today for a little skit that they will put on for Christmas. So, that has also occupied a lot of my time. Needless to say, I'm keeping pretty busy. Not much more to tell at this point, but will let you know when I move on the boat. Meanwhile, have a wonderful 2022 Christmas and a safe introduction to 2023. Talk soon! I'm back! Finally . . . I am moving on my houseboat. Cracking the champagne on Wednesday, February 8th. I'm not quite finished with the renovations, but everything is in working order and I can finally live on it. Right now the living room, which is a large room with a cathedral ceiling, is full of boxes that have to be opened. A lot of what is in them will either be thrown away or put in a garage sale. It is certainly a time in life to "purge". I have 2 bedrooms set up, a fully functional kitchen, a fully functional bathroom with a washer and dryer, and a bedroom that has been turned into a storeroom with shelves from top to bottom. It will also function as an office with my desk, computer, and file cabinet. At some point, I will put up "before" and "after" pictures of the renovation. I just need to get settled in first. It's getting close to Spring, so I will be working in the area where the boat is parked, putting in a gravel driveway, and planting a flower and vegetable garden. That's the plan. I am also interested in adding a "chicken farm". Ducks are already in abundance. In fact, there were 2 duck eggs that I saw in the grass when I stepped off of the boat today. Hope all of my former classmates are doing well and enjoying life. I know that we all have our trials and tribulations, but it is all a part of the journey. Will get back to you on the chickens. Take care. Keep the faith!! I'm finally here! Moved on the houseboat on February 9th. I still have so much to do and find myself buying necessary things that I know I have in storage. But, where in storage? I haven't started going through the boxes in the Living Room yet because I am still unpacking boxes from my temporary residence. The 1st couple of nights my older sister elected to stay with me. I guess she thought I might be uncomfortable staying by myself on the water. Heck, no!! I wouldn't have given staying by myself a second thought. Anyway, our plan was to paint all of the shelving in my storage room. Well, THAT didn't happen. We watched movies, hit all of the restaurants, and had a great time even though it was so cold outside. There's really nothing to report about the boat except the fact that it will be an ongoing project for quite a long time, but I'm looking forward to it. I'll let you know when I have something new to post. I'm out of here for now!! I'm back. I'm still working on my boat. I have someone coming on Wednesday to do some work on the roof. I have some leaks, so he will be fixing those. Since today is Memorial Day, I spent time with friends under a huge oak tree that is so old that it has branches touching the ground. We barbequed and watched all of the boats and jet skis running up and down Bayou Teche (Lower Atchafalaya River). It was a beautiful day and brought back so many memories of me skiing on Bayou Teche when I was in the 9th grade. This location where I am spending Memorial Day is only a few yards from where my boat is parked and is a place that I often visited when I was growing up, so I feel as though I am back at the beginning of my life. Well, it's late, and I have a pre-op appt. tomorrow and must get up very early for an all-day trip out of town. I will be out of commission for a while because I am scheduled to have neck surgery on June 19th. But before that, I will be in Wyoming for my granddaughter's high school graduation. They grow up so fast. I'm so proud of her. She's been accepted by the University of Pennsylvania and Harvard ("smarts" that she didn't get from her grandmother). She has worked so hard academically and in soccer and hockey and has religiously trained on the Wyoming State Olympic Training Team for soccer. But, I think that she will probably give up her soccer training because she wants to be a physician and she doesn't think that she will have much time for soccer and she is probably right. Hope that everyone enjoyed their holiday celebrations. Will be talking at you later!!! I'm back! Got my granddaughter graduated from Jackson Hole High School in Jackson Hole WY. She graduated 2nd in her class and I was so proud of the beautiful speech she gave. Not the least bit nervous speaking in front of over 500 people. She received a full paid scholarship that will allow her to spend 3 weeks in Israel before she starts school at the University of Pennsylvania in August. Meanwhile, her mom, dad, and younger brother, Hudson, will be in the process of moving from Jackson Hole, WY to Scottsdale, AZ. There's a lot happening in their lives right now. I was only home from my trip 4 days before I went in the hospital to have neck surgery. Welcome home!! Since the surgery on June 19th, I have been in New Orleans at my sister's house recuperating. Don't know for sure yet, but think I might have to wear this neck brace for a couple of months. While I'm here, I have a guy tying and securing my boat in case we have one of those hurricanes that Louisiana is so renowned for. I can't wait to get home and start back working on the boat and the small patio that I am going to build next to my greenhouse. Nothing else to say right now. Will get back to you after recuperation. Recuperation is a thing of the past. Not really. The neck brace has been removed, but the Doc says that the recuperation period is 3-6 months. I'm not supposed to lift more than 10 pounds and yada, yada, yada. I'm gradually going through boxes and putting garage sale items in my greenhouse for, hopefully, a late fall garage sale. I have so much "good stuff' that I hope to put online because I don't consider it to be garage sale "stuff". An old marine generator, a tankless hot water heater, a built-in electric stove and a lot of other good items came with the boat. I'll put those online. Also, I have a huge amount of Dept. 56 collectibles that I will have for sale online. Back to the houseboat! I think I have already told you that 2 bedrooms, a storage room, a bathroom, and my kitchen are already finished, and I am really enjoying those rooms. The living room is wired and ready to go, but is still inundated with boxes that need to be open. Both of my sisters will be helping me with those boxes. Jan, my older sister, says that we will have 4 big clean garbage cans in place where we will put "things I want to keep, things I want to throw away, things that I want to put in a garage sale, and things that I am not sure about yet". That sounds like a plan, and I'm sticking to it. Hopefully, this will happen soon so I can get rid of these cardboard boxes that are housing a gazillion spiders. Sometimes I feel like I am in the "spider capital of the world". As soon as the boxes are gone, I will have the boat sprayed on a regular basis until the spiders finally get the message. And, when the living room/dining room is complete, I will screen in the front porch so that I can sit outside in summer or winter. I have 2 brown wicker setees and a glass top wicker table and chairs that are just waiting to go on that front porch. Well, it's getting rather late, and there's not much else to say as far as progress on the boat. I hope that you all will have a safe and fun Labor Day. To bed I go!!! I have used up most of my profile space, so I will soon be "off the air". I have a self-imposed end-of-the-year deadline for finishing the rest of the interior of the boat. Because I am so confident of my future progress, I have sent in a letter to my storage facility canceling my storage unit as of 12/31/23. That means that all of my furniture will have to be in place on the boat within the next 36 days. Maybe at that point I can offer some before and after pictures. Anyway, I have enjoyed all of this "rambling" that I have done in this last couple of years on Classmates. I hope that you will enjoy the before and after pictures when I am able to get them done. Thanks to all of you for being a part of my life. Classmates says that I have to say "goodbye" now, but I am only saying "Until We Meet Again, Sha"..............................................
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Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's Classmates profile album
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's Classmates profile album
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's Classmates profile album
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's Classmates profile album
Johni Hudson Miles Blount
Johni & Danny Blount
My father, Malvin Hudson, in the movie Thunderbay with James Stewart. It was shot in Morgan City, LA. He's in the tan shirt.
My little brown church in the vale! 140 years old. It looks exactly like it did when I was a little girl. Love it!!!
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Timeline photos
From the front porch of my houseboat this morning!
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
In Park City, UT watching soccer tournament. My granddaughter plays on Wyoming State Olympic Development Team. She's playing great!
Soccer Heaven in  Park City, UT. Also looking for Robert Redford!😁
My Champion, Jordan! The Wyoming 307 team won 1st in Park City today.
21 degrees.   Off to play grandson, Hudson (7).
Having a Rockie Mountain high but no Tetons yet!!!
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
Johni Hudson Miles-Blount's album, Mobile Uploads
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