Nickolaus Pacione:  

Nickolaus Pacione's Classmates® Profile Photo
Lombard, IL
College of DuPageClass of 1998
Glen ellyn, IL
Glendale heights, IL
Glendale heights, IL

Nickolaus's Story

Nickolaus Pacione (known professionally as Nickolaus A. Pacione, Nickolaus Albert Pacione, or N. A. Pacione with the pen name Lloyd Phillip Campbell.) is from Roselle, Illinois and moved to Glendale Heights in 1987. He is looking for his bride in a black wedding dress (being he is a bachelor. The most eligible author. Everyone thought Prell had ghoulish traits...). His schools include Glenbard East High School. He later attended College of DuPage and studied Philosophy, Journalism, Literature. He owns FossilworX Promotions, Broken Mindframe Books, Lake Fossil Press and, The Ethereal Gazette. To his friends, family, and the roster or those querying for the anthologies, he's Nick where his fanbase named for his first book. The Pacione Collective, will know him as The Maven or The Hybrid (coined by far-off friend April Rose Derleth, saying he was the hybrid of her father August Derleth and H.P. Lovecraft. When April called Pacione the hybrid, he was taken back by that and finds it hard to live up to that one as strong a horror author he is when he was coined that. A journalist also compared him to Richard Matheson as he connected with Matheson's oldest son in recent years being he's friends with his roster. He revealed who said this to her son Damon Derleth. Pacione is a family friend to the some of the Derleths as they taught Pacione how to become a publisher along with Bob Gunner. Former classmate Stefano Laterza saw him as he became The Maven.) Pacione's writing period began with horror in 1990 . But his career started on the web in 1997 but started full time as a writer at the age of 20 after discovering H.P. Lovecraft in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. Everyone thought Jeff Prell was dark until Pacione emerged when he was 20 Online. (Pacione remembered some of Jeff's Gothic themed photographs; Pacione proved with his own photography he's just as morbid -- and can match the horror fiction with it. Alisha Mannings saw herself in the short story Past Scars then apologized to Pacione for her treating him not like a person, at the ten year reunion. Pacione revealed to her why he almost gave up on God it stemmed from his stabbing in Iowa. He was showing his scar from February 9, 1999, and when Pacione returned to Illinois in 1999 he became more cynical than he was as a teenager. He said of the subject of Legend Keeper she stabbed him all over again. Fanny Garcia almost had Pacione do her portraits after seeing Library of Bones. String of Nerves on the journal is his full story about the nightmares that haunted him about the incident -- came to be more when he appeared on 96.7 Will Rock a little more than a year before he was published in print. That happened with the Jayson Blair plagiarism debacle.) The known cemetery photo from 1997; some classmates who found his website were saying, "OH MY GOD!" Another classmate as he entered college, "I find it unnerving that you're a Christian and writing this really dark horror fiction." Jessica Prybylo couldn't sleep when Pacione read one of his early era short stories back to back with H. P. Lovecraft, "You're scaring me Nick." He was banned from Wheaton College in 1997 for reading H.P. Lovecraft's The Shadow Out Of Time aloud in The Stupe where he read the more evil parts. Heavy Metal circles started to notice him for his birthday so they called him "Hetfield's 13th Birthday Present" as one of the joke names and he finds this funny because it was the music he loved that got him writing this vulgar manure. (Borrowing something of one Dani Filth's jokes.) Been prone to have the most pictures of a horror author who does give the finger in promotional photos; meaning he is prone to give an obscene gesture.Coming to facebook he thought it would be funny to have his photo from when he hosted The Nite Cap with Rebel Radio -- goofing around someone said "watch the Bird" he gave the bird with his "Bite me" grin. He had that smirk since his junior year when he did a heavy metal DJ assignment and he was uncensored -- he played Metallica's title track for AJFA in its entirety.. Almost fronted a local heavy metal band called Burn The Ship -- a metalcore outfit. He said if he was the front man they would had morphed into a prog metal outfit. The band took from Sparta and Persian battle of Thermophile. When he was in Richmond -- he found Poe's foster father's grave and gave a real impression by extending his middle digit at Poe's foster father. He explained to the curator, "I would not have a dad there at all than someone who treats their foster son like rubbish." He became a published author and a publisher in 2004 about a month before his 10 year class reunion. Nick had been with for ten years -- then re-teamed with moving in his full catalog. (Legend Keeper emerged first then his namesake then Tabloid IV and One; Collectives In A Forsaken Landscape appeared next and An Eye In Shadows fully emerged too with harder swipes at the classmates who said the same thing the rival author said. Issue 10 and Issue 9 soon emerged and then released Suburbanite's Confessional and now working to reissue the second namesake and Issue 5. Issue Five houses a talked about creative nonfiction work called The Pattern Of Diagnosis. His second collection, second namesake and Tabloid Purposes: Book Five known for the novella CYBER:TERROR:MACHINE. He just introduced his new collection and shows the story really sniping at classmates as some of his rivals -- the one story is Fecal Heart. He's got all five of his author'd catalog when he was with back live and introduced Collectives In A Forsaken Metascape. His books been pulled by CreateSpace but a few are back in print.) He said this with the help of Bing which he used when he wrote Legend Keeper, "Sono io o fatto un predicatore ha cercato di trasformare una puttana in una casalinga?" This was what she responded to in English that showed her full hostility; known as the tone used in String of Nerves as he pulled her and the rival author together to scream at her. "Vaffanculo fottuto falso Santo. Si brucerebbe un antologia di uno scrittore horror cui autore di chiusura che succede ad essere afro-americano, si auto-razzista cagna. Potrebbe pure fotografato indossando una veste bianca e cappello a punta per quello." Legend Keeper got him tossed from but pulled out the Constitution painting of Nobama burning it to get his full catalog returned on the 4th of July with some vulgar phrasing at their expense. On twitter he tweeted a photo of his re-emerged version of his namesake with a middle finger pointed right at He became known as Ray Faraday Nelson's publisher in recent years and has four books in the Edgar Allan Poe Museum in Richmond, Virginia, he got noticed in Withersin Magazine's birth issue with Apt. #2W which is in The Ethereal Gazette: Issue 10 and known for the owner of Lake Fossil Press, named for his science fiction story -- the first time he wrote science fiction. He made a career as in walking the dark side with the way he writes; one journalist compared him to Danzig. With his imprint, where he runs the anthology series Tabloid Purposes The anthologies in the museum are Nickolaus Albert Pacione Delivers: A Library Of Unknown Horrors (designed for a story that has a mildly controversial "up yours" to his favorite playthings, Jehovah;s Witnesses titled Ghosts In The Tornado. He also got this title at East and in his boyhood home of Roselle the weekend of his family reunion and gave one to his personal friend Nikk Dibs now of Dope for his 31st Birthday. Pacione on marked his 12 year anniversary writing "Bonnie 'n Clyde: 60172." If you want this one on the re-teamed location place this ID after -- 4886505, Enter that and you have this project. This is the same anthology that David Boyer had been scamming people with plagiarism like Stephen Glass; Pacione by sheer chance found one of the fabricated articles and downloaded it. He sought out Jayson Blair and offered to reinstate him to go after the Stygian Dealer Plagiarist. A lo-fi outfit from the Boston area had him mad enough to fleece them on bandcamp with their name their price option -- it was because they spoke ill of The Derleth Family. This band tried to start a fight with him on twitter and remembered that he did this because they accused him of stealing from Ray Nelson. They were known as The Silent Order and what angers him is they dragged a mutual friend who is no longer around, Pacione had no idea she passed away when he tried to ask her to pull the lead singer aside because he did what Caustic did in 2007. He got mad enough at that lead singer and called him a "chomo") This anthology's sequel More From A Library Of Unknown Horrors then his books Collectives In A Forsaken Landscape and An Eye In Shadows joined them at the library of the museum. Tabloid Purposes with his story Lake Fossil earned controversial status when he went at it with Eric Hovind on his 38th birthday -- jokingly with two heavy metal performers of who can invoke the most controversy as a game of his. Hovind is where he caused the most controversy after taking on saw one photo with the vocalist with the crown of thorns, then said, "my turn." He was trying to get his roster and classmates go keep score. He caused controversy without using profanity on Hovind's page -- then on Creation Science Evangelism he went Lovecraft on them (then...Expand for more
on "Dr." Kent Hovind's page he called him "a f u c king cartoon." By way of his author page as he noticed a cartoon of the earth with a bomb fuse on it and shared it on his company page saying, "hey that was my joke of blowing up the world. This was more a shared joke tag when Trench would speak of child molesters he would use 'blow up the world' so that was a shared tag on my blog.") Pacione took on three rival authors in the wake of Robin Williams killing himself and made a very controversial statement mandating the end of an author's career over it (via his company page.) A horror director with a charity was trying to cover up the scandal. Pacione called him out on a public level and called him a straight to video hack without a single intelligent idea in his head. The series of blog entries that took dark barbs at him -- he got one in the hands of Metal Injection saying he was an enemy of God and heavy metal. His books are Collectives In A Forsaken Landscape, The Writings Collected: Vol. 2, An Eye In Shadows, Dirty Black Winter, the novel Game Over, Suburbanite's Confessional and Collectives In A Forsaken Metascape. He appeared along side Kevin Lucia who was in Coach's Midnight Diner: Jesus Vs. Cthulhu Edition. He got thrown out of the 20 reunion group for being too dark so he taunts former classmates who became friends with his rivals in the business. Gave them a very stern warning that if they run with his rivals, he would treat them like a professional rival. One of those rivals went to Morris-Knolls High School class of 1994 who said the controversial comment he needed "decades of therapy" His dark side was explored further when the origin of his Christian Woman character said he had a dark side. One of those taunts became a story he just released called Legend Keeper -- that re-introduced him with the line, "HISTORY DENIED YOU!". He chased the subject of Legend Keeper off,exposing her scandal when she disrespected Richard Matheson and Edgar Allan Poe in front of him. Pacione became a scholar on Richard Matheson's catalog after becoming a publisher and trying to talk to the family to green-light an official biography written in the vein of Matheson's work. He pointed out to Walter Piper some of Matheson's scariest traits -- he was writing of generations who was not yet born. In a low whisper to him on facebook, "Matheson was well....writing of a generation born in the era of the novel I Am Legend, grew up in the era of The Creeping Terror/A Touch of Grapefruit, and reached the age of 20-21 years old in Dance of the Dead. That generation was...... us." One of her friends on plagiarized an unpublished work known as Stygian Dealer. With the help of Bing he did his statement to her on in Italian he says on Classmates of Sherri Parker, "Ti comporti come questo ' buona Lil Christian. In verità; Ho visto proprio attraverso di te come tu sei un fottuto goblin. E possibile trasformare una puttana in moglie di un predicatore. Brutta stronza!" Parker had invaded Pacione's privacy and found his family's address she wouldn't want to meet him as he's a public figure. He learned she has as many connected to her on her profile as he does on his or' One of his friends from his second book signing does design work for Devilment and Pacione said to Dani, "You deserve to be able to cook your meals on the road for that one." That really didn't fly too well with their ex-backing vocalist as Pacione saw a blow up on twitter over a very critical blog he did (he blogs on as nickpacione) -- where he kept his cool and chuckled, "Welcome to the publishing world. I am not hateful of you but the invitation to come to Illinois for a month is still open to you to hang out with the heavy metal band I am championing as they have a drummer with 1.5 arms -- hell my mother was shocked at this one." His recent twitter account that ex-backing vocalist and Pacione started tossing mutual barbs at each other over something she said in the wake of gagging on Porky Pig and had to get scoped to have this pulled out. He told her to learn about Illinois and United States history and wonder why she is on the other side of history. Pacione hangs on as 'np1976" and as "unclefossil" as one can find his solo titles and anthologies by way of on both. Christian metal circles recognized him for his reviews on as they are in depth. "If you add me with facebook under my private profile you must also put up with the Lake Fossil Press brotherhood because they are kind of a package deal. If you can't accept my roster or my current era friends you are really not ready to add someone who is a bit of a public figure locally. The guys who were in Trouble over the years are good friends with my extended family in Chicago -- so you have to put up with them too. If you can put up with the Chicago Metal Community -- my friends in Chicago, you can handle me. Some of them are a little abrasive, and if you can intermingle with Scott Davidson -- we will get along great. Mowrer -- you knew I was very close to wanting to beat you very bloody because one of my guys passed away of cancer and you snubbed him. You owe my roster an apology. If I showed at the 20 year reunion I would been reuniting with Porras and he's not worth it. Yeah that drawing will disturb your comfort zone if you see me as the freak Giochiamo fottuto stronzo!..Hallman you share a brain with that rival author who said the very infamous thing you said of me -- Legend Keeper dealt with you as well as Sherri Hibbett/Parker.. We will see who is not a person after I am done.. I get it people hate me -- blah blah blah f-u-c-k off. You may as well have plagiarized me over that one -- I had to deal with David Boyer so you want to get me really pissed. I had to cut ties with my best friend since my mother was married as he used to be my step-family's neighbor. We hung out together at company picnics when his mother and my step-dad worked to together -- what he said of Boyer I let my roster lay into him. I didn't intervene . You had should just let me deal with Hallman (she's was a f**king tw*t for years) then and there because I would had driven her out of Glendale Heights or Mason City, Iowa, because what she said you don't even say in Mason City, Iowa. Not even in Rockaway she would been safe from that kind controversy as it will always haunt her -- it would be the kind of controversy she would wish she was dead that haunted her. Legend Keeper -- I went at Rockaway, NJ, quite hard. She on twitter said Wasps are evil; on my blog I called Glendale Heights, Illinois, a village of wasps. The owners of both facebook groups were not happy with the ghoulish treatment of Glendale Heights. They have a haunted house every year and they should been laughing their head off that I did something that grim with it. One of the longtimers thought it was really funny I played it up like that because it was never Mayberry -- I get mad when people talk about this area like it was Mayberry because when I moved in the start of the Dystopia Years unfolded. The gang influx came in; I played up what said of the area -- a place to be feared and respected. It was larger than Glen Ellyn in the short period as A Rural Weird Tale I wrote of Glendale Heights as it was bigger than Mason City, with no downtown. Don't you think that's a little diabolical? I learned of Robert Champion in recent years that his blog was a goddamned fantasy -- a source from his recent past seen my blog, In my eyes Schaper more vile as an adult than she was as a teenager over what she pulled on Senator Andrew Ian Dodge; damned nasty skank. Her 'apology' to me -- when she snubbed my roster and when I realized when he passed away for almost six months on his birthday; then looking up his page and obituary. You have a heart made of sh*t. I was quite blindsided by this so it was like she lied to my face with smiling teeth. Someone warned another about me in an e-mail, 'Don't ever lie to him because he doesn't forgive that.' Hasn't your mommy told you never snub the dead -- that's a no-no in Oak Lawn and Justice. Fecking bottom feeder in my eyes. I hope you're going to be used to being a very hated woman right now because I learned what was published back April of 2015. 'The Controversy of The Classmates' is published as that was an expose on the Cancer snub scandal. There is a horror story I am working on -- stick around as I make the rounds with this one.'" .Pacione in 2000 had a quote recorded on a website, "HORROR IS THE MONSTER KNOWN AS MANKIND." In his five year memoir's reboot he closed the book out with this -- it's got a Friedrich Nietzsche moment in the close because he was hinting how one gazes into the abyss, it also gazes into them.. He's has gotten into it with anti-Iraq war protesters; he almost punched one over it because his uncles were Nam era veterans and Richie was in Kosovo. A reader said of him, "He writes horror -- it's very dark, intelligent and most of all it says what real heavy metal says... F**K YOU!"
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Nickolaus Pacione's Classmates profile album
Stephen Glass' Spring Breakdown
The second namesake's artwork..
Obituary for a Tabloid Purposes Contributor
Collectives In A Forsaken Landscape
ESE of  An Eye In Shadows
Nickolaus Pacione's Classmates profile album
Nickolaus Pacione's Classmates profile album
Nickolaus Pacione's Classmates profile album
Nickolaus Pacione's Classmates profile album
Sheri's Twitter Scandal
Hibbet's Full Blown Scandal
The Subject of The Cabbie Homicide
Red Line Roosevelt
Fun with Classmates :bwahaahaahaa:
Darkened Horizons: Issue 3
Baby Sister As A Teenager
2002 era fan
Nickolaus Albert Pacione Delivers: A Library Of Unknown Horrors
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
Nickolaus Pacione's album, Profile Pictures
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