Ray Hague:  

Ray Hague's Classmates® Profile Photo
Fairfield, CA
Sacramento, CA
Solana beach, CA

Ray's Story

All of you out there, who attend Fairfield High School between '68-'72 (I think I gave the dates correct), there is a CLASS REUNION on Oct. 12, 2024. Can you "Dig It?" It will be a "Bummer" if you don't attend. Let's get our "Grove On" and "Hang Loose." You can crash at my "Pad" as long as you don't "Bogart" that joint. Just kidding about crashing at my pad. Stay "cool" and let's have a "Blast." Forgot to mention, go to the FH web page to see all the info and pay to attend. That's my "BAD." Yes, I had to sneak that in. PLEASE SHARE AND PASS ON THE WORD REGARDING THE REUNION. Let's rekindle some old friendships. Hope to see all of you there! October 2022, The remolding of the kitchen and both bathrooms to ADA specifications have been completed. It has been fifteen-plus years for the wife to be able to go from the kitchen to the dining room in her electric chair. The smile on her face said it all. Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life the best you can. Stay upright as long as possible and enjoy my friends. EMOTIONS IN DARKNESS BY RAY HAGUE I'm spinning out o control like a storm with a torrent of emotions; a tornado of insane rage, uncontrollable anger, bouts of tears, and feelings of fear. The fire of rage burns inside me like the flames of hell. The virus engulfs all and cares not. It feasts on the living like vultures and leaves a scorched earth of headstones. The feeling of helplessness washes over me like a flood of despair. Watching all the lives lost and hearing the cries of the loved ones grieving is deafening. Their voices are ringing in my ears. I pray for God's help. No hands held, nor words of love shared, as they take their last breath. Their last thoughts must be, "Where are my loved ones?" They are with you in spirit only, denied to sit at the beside. They have died alone, afraid, and in vain. I cry out for the loved ones grieving who now dwell in the darkness of loneliness and grief. They are left with the pain of loss. The rivers of tears filled with emptiness flow to the Dead Sea. How do they heal from the broken heart scarred by death? How do they learn to live with the loss? The depth of their love for those lost is their salvation. It is the eternal candle in the wind. I pray that all, the sick, the ones lost, and those grieving, take comfort in God's loving embrace, whoever you perceive it to be. I am overwhelmed by all the uncertainties and pain this virus has wrought. My heart aches in the blackness that surrounds it. The scars of the heart from the wounds left empty are all that is left. As I lay in bed, I sleepwalk in the shadows of the dead. I pray for answers but they do not respond. I pass by all the names on all the tombstones and wonder why. The unbearable grief is too heavy to carry and at times I fall to my knees, crying in helplessness. I rise and stand on weak legs to be strong and not be afraid. I cannot give in. I cannot give up. I hope that through these dark and forbidding times, our resolve is strengthened, our compassions are nourished, and our empathy shared. I pause to wonder if all of this could have been avoided if we knew the truth and we cared for each other. I pause to wonder if all of this could have been avoided if we stood as one. Remember and never forget the 1,000,000. I have written a poem titled War's Children. This is my 46th version. Here it is and I hope you enjoy it and it causes the reader to reflect on what war does to everyone. If you like my poem, please pass it along to anyone else. WAR’S CHILDREN By RAY HAGUE The earth is crying, God’s children are dying. The apocalypse of war gathers in the heavens, raining death upon war’s children. War is man’s inhumanity onto itself. It pays no penance and feels no sorrow. Hate, fear, and ignorance are the triad cornerstone of war’s existence. War is an infliction of man’s sickness that spreads like a plague. As vultures feast on flesh, the ripples of death prey upon war’s children. War exploding all around, bleeding children fall lifeless to the barren ground. War’s children are drowning in the river of blood as their bodies flow to the Dead Sea, staining the earth blood red. War’s bloodshot eyes stare coldly into the broken mirror of death. In its blurred reflection, war sees the lifeless children and it adjusts to the blindness. War scars the earth and wounds men’s souls. Where have all the children gone? See our children crying, feel our children dying. War’s illusion of power poisons our minds and blackens our hearts. War speaks through serpent’s tongue with truthful lies. Sitting at the Apostles’ table, war shall break bread and feast upon the flesh of war’s children. War shall drink death’s blood wine and toast its waste. War is paid in silver coin and war’s confession of blood it will taste. War wears the jagged crown and from the splintered cross, with nails in hands, looks down upon war’s children. War sees pain and suffering but offers no salvation. War steals the children’s innocence and seeks no forgiveness. Standing at the altar with chalice in hand, war holds no communion as the wine spills. War is the disciple of death and death is war’s commandment. Where have all the children gone? See our children crying, pray for our children dying. The trail of tears that war’s children must walk is trampled from the blood of despair, hopelessness, and abandonment. All that remains are the footprints and dust that once was a child. Amid the chaos of war, we hear the wailing mothers calling out their children’s names. Their cries echo into the silence of darkness. Like corpses, we blindly march past the crying mothers, emotionally numb to their pain. The lessons from the tears of blood, shed by war’s children have faded to a distant past, swallowed by each passing day. As each day becomes yesterday, their cries go unheard. The lives of war’s children shall become nothing more than extinct memories. Their stories lie beneath the ashes of every child’s dream. Where have all the children gone? See our children crying, bless our children dying. Through the eyes of children, war stares inside the very depth of its decayed soul and smells the stagnant emptiness of death. War’s children hear the screams of the forgotten children who have long since passed, and fear fills their hearts. War’s children desperately want to escape death’s entangled web but are paralyzed by its very nature. War’s disemboweled children are destined to the lost and found, for they cannot find their way home. Who will hold the children’s trembling hands as they slip into darkness? You or I? Life looks into the children’s tear-filled eyes, life hears their screams, life feels their fear, life is tormented by their pain, and life weeps. Where have all the children gone? See our children crying, touch our children dying. War’s children have been baptized by the sins of war. They may now lay their heads upon their tombstone pillows to rest. They shall be covered by death’s eternal blanket to sleep without fear. As war’s children pass through death’s graveyard, their souls shed a tear. War’s children are not defined by their death, but in life by who they touched along the way, and how they are remembered. The children’s death songs are heard in the swirling wind. The children’s cries become deafening, as the chilled wind blows by. The echoes of children crying, children dying, becomes faint and distant, as they take flight upon heaven’s wind. War’s children no longer cry out, as their fear and pain are eased by God’s gentle and loving embrace. Where have all the children gone? See our children crying, hear our children dying. War’s children escaping death are left with a gift that is stronger than fear itself and greater than death. That gift is hope. Where have all the children gone? Remember...Expand for more
our children crying, remember our children dying. Will our actions that are etched into history’s scrolls, define who we are? May the future generation’s of children not judge us too harshly! Where have all the children gone? The church bells ring silent in memory of war’s children. God Bless War’s Children. Ray Hague Ray Hague Reunion: The 50th reunion was a blast from the past. The wife and I had a wonderful time. It was enjoyable to see old acquaintances. Was it me or did everyone remain the same? It was a most pleasant time and so glad the wife and I made it. If anyone reads this, they can reach me at bigsnookums at gmail.com or at 916-873-7809. I would love to stay in touch with everyone. It was a real surprise to see Cindy Sullivan. She was my first girlfriend. I was 6 years old and she was 5. We grow up together on Kansas St. What was so long ago only now seems like yesterday. Lets all try to stay in touch and not let life get too crazy. Life: Update (09/20/2017): I found out that I have MyAsthenia graves. Taking medication and have it under control. The auto immune condition is just a minor inconvenience in life. After I graduated from Sacramento State University, I enrolled in the Master's Program. I taught for a couple of yrs. and then finally received my MA degree in Anthropology. Divorced and remarried. My wife and I love touring the country on our rides (bikes). We have been to Sturgis together twice and I have gone by myself twice. I have gone to Daytona Bike Week twice. Due to her health, she can no longer ride. One of my greatest pleasures in life is to ride. To me, nothing even come close or compares with the freedom, excitement, the thrill, and the life style of being a biker. I ride mostly with my bros. They are my family. Through my travels, I have met some of the most interesting and caring people. I have met pig farmers to US Senators and everything in between. I do have two children: a candy apple red '93 FXR and a 95 FXD (both Harleys). Gotta go, I hear the road calling and the wind whispering my name. Sold one of my children, the wife's 1995 FXD Harley. She did shed a tear. My Spouse: Met my wife at the Department of Finance. She eventually came and worked in Business Services Unit which I supervised. Taking care of the wife after I retired. She has Dystonia, MS, Fibromylgia, had three neck surgeries and two back surgeries. She is in constant pain, but she is my rock. She is always laughing through it all and stays so strong. Been in and out of hospitals so much, I should get an honorary MD certification. I have been very fortunate to have her in my life. My Pets: A white cat that adopted us. Showed up at the back patio and made herself home on the couch and hasn't left yet. It is the wive's cat. The cat had to be put to sleep in 2014. We both miss her very much to this day. My Job: I have officially retired!!!!!!! I have moved to another State department. I now work for the Air Resources Board (ARB) as the Section Chief over the Contract and Procurement Sections. The job is challenging, exciting, demanding, stressful at times (just like life), and fun, all at the same time. To work at a job that the main objective and goal is the protection of the environment, is a dream come true. To love the job you do, as I do, is a gift. Coming to work for the ARB was like stepping into a time warp. Remember Burkenstocks, tydyes, and headbands? Remember marching against the war and protesting for the environment? I do, and I did. Everyone is environmentally conscious. ARB is located in the Cal/EPA building located in the heart of Sacramento. The building has the honorable distinction of being one of only ten "platinum" Green Buildings in the world. California, the leader in Green Buildings and technology, has four such buildings. Makes one proud to be a Californian. I will be retiring at the end of October, '09. Hope to hear from all of you. Life is too short not to enjoy and spend with friends and loved ones. Take care my friends and enjoy. PS. I have retired. School: As I look back on my high school years, I realize that I was such a geeky nerd, but one that had lots of fun. It was all my friends who accepted me for for who I was, that made high school fun. Thanks to all my old friends who stuck by me even though I was not part of the rat pack (popular crowd). Take care and no regrets! College: My college years were by far the best years of my life. It was at Sacramento State University that I met my current friends and my best friend. Forty-eight years later my friends and I are still hanging together and partying no longer hard, but gently. During this tenure, my friends still mean as much to me today as they did then. Thankful beyond words that my friends and I have never had any arguments, been mad to the point of hurting friendship or fights. A toast to friends. Workplace: I have retired Friends: So many found memories. How can I forget Walley Bechtel, Sam Valenski, Ray Cordova, Andy Hernendez, and Mike Berry. They were my true high school friends. One story I remember most is when Andy and I each bought a six pack of Colt 45. I thought it was a soft drink (that's my story and I'm sticking to it). We each polished of a six pack behind my house on the railroad tracks. Andy and I then decided to walk to town where we proceeded to have fun. Andy climbed up the street light and I tried to mail myself home, one leg stuck in the mail box. If it were not for some good people, Andy and I would have ended up in the back of the squad car. Thanks to all that helped pull my leg out of the mail box. Andy was on top of the street light yelling out Jeanette's name. Thank you all who coaxed Andy down and stayed with us two drunk fools. Later that night some friends walked me home, but somehow we left Andy under someone's bushes (in front of their house). To this day, I do not know how Andy got home. I remember throwing up at my next door neighbors living room and then being escorted home by Mr. Sullivan and my dad. One of the Sullivan kids ratted me out to my parents who were having a party. After the doctor left (when they used to make house calls), As I was laying in bed with the dry heaves, I remember hearing my mom say that I had the stomach flu. My dad's response was, "flu my a_ _, he's drunk. It was a good effort by the doctor to save me, but my dad know what was up. Andy's dad called the house and informing my dad that we had been drinking, which was no help for my cause. The next morning I had driving training. Mark Delaney was driving and Dennis Eller kept trying to make me vomit in the car. Lesson: Don't leave your friend in the bushes. While attending Sacramento State University I met my two closest friends. That was back in 1970 and to this day, were are friends to the ultimate definition. As my mom once asked me; "is he attached to your hip?" We still hang out and every third Monday we all take turns cooking dinner. On Fridays, Vance and his wife come over when he is not babysitting his grandchildren, and we go out to dinner and watch a movie. He has been a tremendous influence in my life. I have been pleased to have Vance, Craig, and their wives in my wife's and my life. To relieve stress: I usually hop on my ride (Harley) and ride along the river levee road, find a secluded spot and watch the river flow by and take my worries with it. Or head up on route 49 to Auburn and/or Placerville, stop and have something to eat and drink, and if lucky end up in Tahoe or Reno. My first crush: She did me wrong so many times and left me stranded like a dog out in the rain. She went to Armjo High. After graduation, she moved to San Francisco, then to Concord, then back to where she said she would never live, Fairfield. Married a local boy (poor guy). He has my condolences Turns out to be the best thing that happened in my life.
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Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray's Remodel: Episode 6.  The two guys doing the drywall and plastering arrived today at 7 am.  Hell, the sun wasn't awake yet.  They applied the texture and will be back tomorrow to finish with light sanding and cleaning
Good Morning.
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
A Blue Heron sunning itself.
Two deer swimming to the other side.
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
Ray Hague's album, Timeline photos
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