Shari Monetta:  

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Seattle, WA

Shari's Story

I am someone who never wanted to be cold again, hence the move to Florida in 1963. I'm as far away from Seattle as I could possibly get and lovin it. Got all the cold weather I needed from traveling. My brother is Ron Looper 1960 Grad, anyone in his class I'd love to talk, Ron is now in MO. he was in the Airforce and is now retired. I was married to a Brit for 25 years, traveled extensively, divorced just before Hurricane Andrew hit Miami, lost my home and business, decided a move to Naples on the West Coast of Florida was long over do. A small town, quiet, and lovely beyond your wildest dreams, just before I made the decision to pack up my kitties and parrot, I met the man of my dreams, put my move on hold for a year and gave this keeper a shot. Proving its never to late to find your true soul mate. We live in beautiful Naples Florida on 2-1/2 acres of tropical splendor, we had a 1/4 acre pond dug out in back for all the animals, we have Deer, Fox, a cute little Bob Cat that visits, and once in a while a bear shows up, along with all the other small critters. Its a joy to watch. More Later I am very active in Politics as you can tell from my photo albums, I'm the founding Vice President of the Collier Republican Club, a past Vice President of the Women's Republican Club of Naples, I work with the Tea party and 9.12 Project. I just won the RPOF Grassroots Volunteer of the year award for District 25 in Florida and we were invited to Orlando/Disney to the 2010 Victory Dinner at the Contemporary Hotel/Disney World for the award. More Later I'm the Campaign Chair for Collier County in Pam Bondi's Campaign for Attorney General, I'm on the Campaign Team For Marco Rubio for Senate 2012, have been working on his Election for 16 months, before anyone even knew his name. Now he's the darling of every Conservative in the Nation. More later I work on all of the Campaigns of Local Politicians and Candidates. I write a daily newsletter. People all over the Country are on my mailing list. Information is Power and I put out up to date information. I have a facebook page, strictly Political, if you re like minded feel free to request a friendship. (Shari Elaine) Our generation has become the Generation of ME, its the reason we're in this mess today. Both Political Parties are to blame. I may ruffle some Seattle Liberal Feathers but so be it, we're still a free Country last time I looked. At least I'm active in what I believe in. Today Nov 4,2010 I'm celebrating the end of a two year Dictatorship of America, the one party rule is over and it didn't work, now its time to work together to right the wrongs that have been done over the last two years. Our Government works for the people not the other way around. Every Candidate I worked for won their elections, I expect them to do what they promised or they will see the door. Americans are fed up with Politics as usual. Off To Tallahassee Jan 3-4 for the Swearing in and Reception of Attorney General Elect Pam Bondi, then off to the Governors Ball. Dec 27 Breakfast with Gov-Elect Rick Scott and Lt.Gov-elect Jennifer Carroll, our Home town Governor. Attending Christmas party Dec 22, Congressman Connie Mack and Congresswoman Mary Bono-Mack. Elections of 2010 are now over, all my Candidates have been sworn in and are already at work. Time for a well needed break. I thought that after the Elections I would be getting some down time, but it seems thats not going to happen, State Issues, Local issues, keep showing their ugly heads and action needs to be taken. And instead of calling Ghost Busters, everyone is calling me. I keep saying hey, I'm just a citizen, there's people more qualified than me that can deal with this issue. Every morning I wake up to a thousand more emails, wading through them is a challenge. I guess keeping busy is a good thing at my age, but would like to have some time for a quiet lunch with friends once in a while. Dress up and wear a pretty hat and giggle and chat. Not to be. April 28,2011, fires are blazing in Collier County, smoke is thick and its hard to breath. I am now working on a Senate Campaign for 2012, Adam Hasner, remember the name. I am very proud of all my work on Marco Rubio's Campaign, he has made me very proud with what he's done so far. I'm working on three Elections in Collier County, we need to get rid of two County Commissioners, they are spending money like drunkin sailors, even though the County is almost a Billion dollars in Debt. Flowers for the medians are more important than a fire Station in the rural area where I live and where the fire's are blazing. Time to retire these bad Commissioners. June 21, 2012 I'm fully engaged in another US Senate race. My Candidate is Adam Hasner. Its time to retire Bill Nelson and his radical views. Big surprise, though I didn't support him ,our new Governor Rick Scott is fulfilling his promises, cutting spending, lowering taxes and bringing in jobs. Florida is starting to feel the results. New Co's are moving into Florida, a free work State like Texas, that is seeing huge growth, in business's and jobs. This is how it works. On May 23rd I hosted a Seminar with Frantz Kebreau, Author of "Stolen History" Frantz is the grandson of a former President of Haiti, General Antonio T. Kebreau, who was also the Ambassador to the Vatican. He completed his bachelor's degree at the U of Maryland, majoring in Gov and Politics. and is a member of the National Honor Society and the Phi Eta Sigma Honor Society. Frantz then entered the US Naval Flight School. He graduated #1 in his class and was named Sea Control Squadron 21 Pilot of the year., earned the Armed forces Achievement Medal, two times, Armed Forces expeditionary Medal, Southwest Asia Service Medal, Seventh Fleet Pilot of the year and was the Seventh Fleet golden Hook recipient through dedicated effort and commitment. Today Commander Kebreau is a Commercial Airline Pilot for a major Airline and is a National Speaker and Political Analyst. He is married with 5 children, who keep him focused on what's truly important - God, Family, Country. Frantz message is about Uniting America. Our Government has hidden our true history for over a hundred years. The only way we will become a smarter and more informed nation is not by blindly believing what we are told. We must investigate information in order to counteract the thinking developed for common American consumption.. That thinking has given us White Guilt and Political correctness, both of which stifle dialog and allow the truth to be masked. Race relations has never been about Black vs White, its about Good vs evil or right vs wrong. Being from the Pacific Northwest, race relations never entered into my growing up. I cannot even remember studying about the Civil War. A search through the Library of Congress is an eye opening experience. none of this is taught in Public (Government) Schools. 1854 - The Republican Party is Formed on one platform, Anti Slavery. How many knew that?? How about the Civil Rights act of 1866, extending rights to emancipated slaves, enacted by a Republican Congress?? abolished the very next year by the Democrat Congress. Fully one hudred years before the 1965 Civil rights act. One hundred more years of abuse of a portion of our citizens and by Democrats. How many of you knew that??? 1868 - 14th Amendment: Citizenship to newly freed Slaves, Enacted by a Republican congress, 94% Republican Support, 0% Democrat Support. None I would expect, because for the past 100 years our true history has been hidden from us by design. How about the fact the Publicans have supported Civil Rights 94% of the time to Democrats 35% in the history of Civil Rights Laws., Democrats talk a good game, but they don't follow through. August 24, 2012. Woke up very early this morning, its the 20th ann of Hurricane Andrew, that took my home and business in Miami. Many bad memories and it seem like it was just yesterday. My roof gone, all my windows gone, my neighbors roof in my living room, trapped inside by fallen trees, later in the day I heard chain saws out front, and two young men were cutting a pathway to reach me. I didn't know them but they knew me. It seemed for many years all of the plants I would bring home from jobs and throw out on the trash pile to be picked up, was picked up by them, and over the years they had landscaped their entire property with all that stuff. They wanted to make sure the Plant lady was ok and as soon as they could get through the fallen trees in the street, they were at my house. I'll never forget them. We have another storm headed our way right now and Hubby is preparing. Getting out shutters and checking the generator. It seems to be tracking further West with each day, so maybe all we'll get is a little wind. Florida just finished its Primary Election, Aug 14. I volunteered on 10 campaigns, put a letter to the editor in the paper the week before on who we supported and endorsed and 10 for 10 we won. I am worn out but have a couple of local candidates that have to go through the General Election, plus the congressional races I'm committed to, the Florida Senate race and POTUS. After that I'm hanging it up. Its time for younger people to step up to the plate to volunteer, if we have a Country left to fight for. When my subs. expires here, I'm not renewing, have found no like minded people in the liberal State of Washington, Or my Highschool Classmates. A budget hasn't been passed in four years, even the Democrats won't accept the Presidents Budget. The Countries A+ rating has been downgraded for the first time in our history, unemployment is at an all time high, and we keep getting worse not better.The remaking of America from a Republic to a Communist Country is well under way, how shameful. I survived Hurricane Andrew in 1992, but not Barack Obama. The Gen...Expand for more
eral Election is over, the dust has settled, I was told by many US Senators and Congressmen and Women over the past two years, including House Speaker John Boehner, to make sure my State was protected, make sure my County was protected, that we have no control over the Top Job, how right they were, I put in 80 hours of Poll Watching over our 8 days of early voting and election day, I wrote up reports of fraud everyday. on OFA and Democrat volunteers and Poll Watchers. Shame, Shame, the same across the Nation. I won every electionI worked on for all of my local candidates and US congressman. I'm poud of the work I've done. My County is solid Red, and we're thriving. So as the Nation sinks into socialism, and our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves, you have only yourselves to blame. Unemployment will go up as more Companies lay off people, or go out of business altogether, and Healthcare will decline, from number one in the World, we will become third rate for healthcare. The US rating will also go down again, and our debt will go up. Gas prices will continue to rise, all other things we need will go up in price, our dollar will go down in value. I spent eight years researching that person in the white house, and he's not my President. that family is costing Americans 1.6 Billion a year to keep, way more than the Royal Family of the UK. While they tell us to cut back they are living high. Its Soilent Green for the kids in school, while they eat Lobster. Thank you all who participated in, condoned, the fraud during the election, 147% voter turnout, are you kidding me? you have to be brain dead to accept that.. Thank You to all who voted for him out of white guilt, you own it from now on. I volunteered 80 hours during our early voting and election day as a Poll watcher, I wrote up the fraud that happened in out County. I got it stopped. And we came in a winner for all of our candidates, every candidate I volunteered for won. 2nd Ament rights? can't get Congress to go along with disarming America, just go to the UN, bypass our Congress, how simple is that. You Own It. You own it from here on out. Seems even though I didn't renew, My site stays up and I can post so I will. I keep getting notices of profile visits, 7 since the Election. Somebody is reading my ranting posts. In one week many Companies have closed their doors, others are cutting hours to 29 to undercus ObamaCare. The only jobs available ae low wage jobs. Hostess called the Unions Bluff and Kaboom Twinkies ae a thing of the past. Those stupid Union Bakers put Thousands upon Thousands of people out of work, think lower on he food chain, even the people that go to all the outdoor festivals that have fried Twinkies to sell, out of a job, The election of 2012 is proving to be the most corrupt election ever in the United States. Stories are coming in from all over the nation where the electronic machines check off Obama when Romneys name was chosen. Has the left finally been able to rig the machines so that no matter who is voted for their candidate gets the vote? I think so. In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions Romney did not get one single vote. Obama got them all. Most dictators can™t get results like that. In Maine they are looking into allegations of voter fraud in several counties where blacks went into polling places to vote but there are no blacks that live in the community. The worst that I have seen and it was state wide in the pivotal swing state of Florida. State wide had an average voter turnout of an unbelievable 141%. Every county in Florida had a minimum of 114% voter turnout. The nations average voter turnout is around 70% at best. One county in Florida had a turnout of 182.35%. Thats Port St Lucie where Congressman Allen West is fighting tooth and nail to have a recount. A Liberal Supervisor of Elections, Liberal Judges, what would you expect. Ballots are still turning up, in peoples garages, in car trunks. All Democrats I might add. How can any reasonable person not have serious questions about these numbers? How can the Republican party simply stand by and not do anything about what is obviously voter fraud. AG Eric Holder has fought every single state that has tried to establish some form of voter ID. It is plan as the nose on your face that these laws are needed. The lefts cries of voter suppression are only half right. We are not trying to suppress the vote of any legal voter. Having an ID is part of everyday life. You have to have one to cash a check, get prescriptions, go to the Democrat National Convention, vote in a union election, but the unions oppose national voter ID laws, interesting isn't it? What we are trying to suppress are those that are voting multiple times, dead people. I have been told that when most voters vote republican when they are alive, they only vote Democrat when they die. In an excerpt from an article on Joseph Farah wrote: In September, the Columbus Dispatch in Ohio reported this sad and ugly news: ‚œMore than one out of every five registered Ohio voters is probably ineligible to vote. In two counties, the number of registered voters actually exceeds the voting-age population: Northwestern Ohio™s Wood County shows 109 registered voters for every 100 eligible, while in Lawrence County along the Ohio River i™s a mere 104 registered per 100 eligible. Another 31 counties show registrations at more than 90 percent of those eligible, a rate regarded as unrealistic by most voting experts. The national average is a little more than 70 percent. In a close presidential election where every vote might count, which ones to count might become paramount on Election Day “ and in possible legal battles afterward. He went on to say: How about Michigan “ Romney™s home state? How did Obama win such a resounding victory when the polls showed the two candidates in a virtual tie? And how is it that Obama won by 9 points while Democrats suffered a string of defeats down the entire state ballot? For instance, Republicans maintained control of both the state House and the Supreme Court, while Democrats lost three ballot propositions. In an article from the author states: Obama received 10 million less votes than he did in 2008. The part that is unbelievable is that Romney received 3 million less votes than McCain. At the end of the day, Obama won in the 4 critical swing states by 500,000 votes. But it is worse than that. We can look at who voted. By examining the number of Independents and their preference shift among actual voters, we know that 5 million Independents changed their votes from Obama to Romney. So Romney started the day 2.5 million votes ahead of where McCain was in 2008. This means that 5.5 million Republican voters are not accounted for. We watched all day as, e.g., Pasco County Florida was showing huge increases in GOP voters over the 2008 numbers. In Virginia, with 69% of the precincts in, Romney held a 6% lead. Yet once a small number of counties reported, that lead disappeared. If the vote drop off occurred, it occurred in a very small number of counties. It was not visible nationwide. I contend that you cannot get a 10% drop off in GOP turnout without it being noticeable during the GOTV effort, measures of enthusiasm in polling, or visibly lower turnout in GOP leaning precincts. For anyone who doesn™t want to think that the Obama campaign would engage in such blatant election fraud, contemplate this. These are the same people who ran Fast and Furious without regard for the cost in human lives, turned off their credit card verification system to allow fraudulent donations, and allowed four Americans in Libya to die because it was politically inconvenient. In the State of Colorado there were ten counties that experienced from 104% to 120% of voter turnout. I lived in Colorado all of my voting life and I have never heard of that kind of a turnout, ever! I have requested from the Secretary of State a list of the counties and their number of registered voters and the percentage of voter turnout. As of the writing of this article I have not received a reply. You don't have a clue what you have done to this Country, you kissd it all goodby. Your Grandchildren will look back to you with revilement This is just the beginning, enjoy it. You Own it. January 27, 2013 I finished my first week on the job on Friday, Congressman Trey Radel, Florida District 19, Constituent Rep, Naples Office. Gone from Warrior to helping constituents, work their way through all the Gov. mess. Up date 2015 I'm Collier County Campaign Chairman for Senator Marco Rubio, Helped get him to Washington as Senator, now working for POTUS. Not out of the game yet. I'm also working on four local races. Over the past 7 years the Country has gone to Hell in a Hand Basket. You can make all the excuses you want, You own it. Obama has kept one promise, he chooses Muslims over us. He will be bringing in up to 200,000 Muslim Jihadist fighters, because 90% of all these so called refugees are men ages 18-45. One Promise he hasn't kept, "No Vacations" what a joke, Air Force One costs almost 8 million to get from DC to Hawaii. thats just the plane. June 5,2022 Don't even want to go over the past few years, Not with people that are not like minded. Right now, I'm in my 80th year, birthday in Dec. My Dr makes no money off me, have never had a serious illness. So how many of my Classmates are pure bloods?? Any?? I had no test, no jab, no booster and no FAUX Flu. wore no mask, did not stay within the lines.. As a researcher I knew in the beginning, it was all just another way to cause massive fear, The end game , Why that was EUGENICS. Do some research. Our Generation is 99% gone, born between the two wars, there is only 1% left, what have you contributed in this life. I'm proud of what I've done.
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Shari Monetta's album, My Happy Place
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Prayer before chairing meeting.
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Shari Monetta's album, GW Bush
Shari Monetta's album, Election 2012
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