Bernadette Rutherford:  

Bernadette Rutherford's Classmates® Profile Photo
Steubenville, OH
Steubenville, OH
Steubenville, OH

Bernadette's Story

Life June 1968,just days after the tragic assassination of Senator Robert Kennedy, the then- largest freshman class became the then- largest graduating class. Martin Luther King Jr., had been assassinated in April, of that year, I believe, and we as a class and a nation, were emerging from "Camelot", and initiated into Black Power, Women's Lib, and Flower Power; all at the same moment in time. A swarm of 17 yr. locusts, also, made an appearance that year, with their disturbingly large size and noise. The air was thick with them, which made walking to the required activities, those last days somewhat nerve-wracking; dodging their erratic flight paths ! In retrospect, a frightening, exciting, turbulent time to begin our personal assault on life ! Final semesters were panic- inducing, for me. Having a secret terror of being held back, at the very last minute, when I flipped that tassle, at St. John's Arena, that perfect sunny day there was NO looking back. No sentimental journey for this kid, intent on getting her show on the road ...literally !! My Dad came in, from Philly, and after spending time with him ( I was a daddy's girl )my fiance, Richard, and I got out-of-town ! Self-declared Liberation Day, at last !! Richard, or Todd, as he preferred, was a teenaged girls dream-come- true !! Tall and athletic, with soft green eyes, long fringes for eyelashes, and long brown hair, a la those boys from Liverpool, who sparked many teen boy's hopes of becoming rock stars ...he was hopelessly romantic ! I was smitten !! Even my MOM was impressed ! No easy task, there ! That poor fellow ! With my graduation funds, in hand, $75 ---I was a wealthy woman ! We first hit Elby's drive through, in Weirton, WVa., in his newly completed pink and white, fur-lined '57 Chevy, where roller skating waiters, or waitresses brought our steakburgers and shakes to the car. We then proceeded to get totally lost in Cleveland, Ohio, where I planned to visit cousins, there. Upon returning to Steubenville, flat broke, and in BIG trouble, my understandably not-so-pleased Mom promptly had him jailed. I, of course, was Grounded ! Our romance had just survived a year's "cooling off " period. We were now facing the looming terror of the Vietnam war, and the draft. We had, at one point, planned to run away, to Canada, which was an oft- considered alternative to serving ( draft dodging ), in that era. There were other desperate schemes, during that frightening time. When you are so young, it is all about now ...tomorrow may never happen ! I remember believing that reaching twenty-five years of age was death ! Looking back, I narrowly missed it, too, on quite a few occassions. However, being the fine human being he was, Richard eventually served his tour of duty. We had missed my senior prom because of basic training. Clueless, but in love ..."so happy together"; one of our favorite songs of the day ! Ralph McKay would be all-over this. I can still see his tall, lanky frame striding into our Creative Writing class, as I type, somber- faced, jaw-bone throbbing, thumbing through the stack of compositions he was about to errupt over ! How we coveted his praises, when we did well ! Mr. Steve Psaroudis, my encourager, and art teacher, tried his BEST to get me into art school ! He really cared ! Whenever he saw me, trimming windows at DENMARK'S, not long after graduation, he'd wag his finger at me, scolding, "... they're never gonna pay you anything, without that art degree, Bernie !" Perspective lacking, on my part, for sure. For me, Denmark's was a dream job ...still is, especially in retrospect !! There, I learned the importance of loving what you do for a living, as opposed to just working at a job !! 'Pushing a pencil' all day, sketching the latest fashions and elegant fur coats ... working with many extraordinary people, in local media and business, enjoying long relaxing lunches at The Hub tearoom, one of the The Fort Steuben Hotel's classy dining rooms, or Grummett's wonderful cafeteria, even shopping afterwards; then returning to sketch, design and set windows and interiors. As long as we met our deadlines, we could lunch as long as we wanted, Lee, our multi talented advertising / display director( my boss )assured us. Deadlines, deadlines, deadlines !! There always seemed to be one major explosion of tempers, in the advertising department, at Christmas time, when the pressure was greatest ! However, realizing what was happening, we would hug, laugh and apologize to each other, afterwards; healed by the cleansing storm ! Years later, someone told me that I was a spoiled brat. In hind sight, I truly was !! It is soooo incredibly difficult, now, to see downtown Steubenville a shadow of it's former self. The incredible sights and sounds of the season, on bustling, snow-covered streets are forever seared on my memory. I can still hear the Salvation Army bells jangling merrily, as shoppers scurried to fill those Christmas wish-lists. The Hub, Denmark's, Reiner's (where my Mom worked right out of highschool),Cooper-Kline, the 5 & 10, at the corner of Fourth and Market streets, are now but warm memories; right along with those infamous Naples meatsauce heels we Big Red alumni speak so fondly of ! Could rarely seem to afford one, those days ...but, had a lot of fun hanging out there, occassionally, at the invitation of Leslie Stratton, whose buds Nadine Homick, Barb Sarap, Terri Eanotte...the way-cool girls, seemed to LIVE at Naples ! [Names mentioned are for expressions of gratitude, fond remembrance and to say thank you, only ] Life beckoned, like a picture perfect seashore; enticing scenery, as far as my yearning eyes could see. Barely taking a breath, I plunged in, deep; not concerned for a moment that I did not know the waters ! This girl "expressed herself" [oh...did I ever] in the Black Power movement, burned my bra, with Women's Lib ( Mr. Meyer called me "our braless wonder "),awakened to the dawn of Aquarius, the location of personal moon, Scorpio was rising, jump-suited, mini/micro/maxi-ed my way into the "establishment". A sharp elbow to the ribs taught me not to loudly question pungent aromatics, drifting from the front, while crammed into the back-seat of a car, with hipper friends, on the way to a "house party". Now,let's see, we have a black president, a female four-star general, Sex in the City, fight the GREY power, try and find a bra that fits,( or a slip, for that matter) and, the ongoing move to legalize marijuana ( done deal in Ca ). We've come a long way, Baby ...or have we ? We're losing our homes, our jobs, and our kids. I acheived my allotted "15 minutes" of fame, a beautiful daughter, Maryse, and a trail of "ex's", as momentos of my explorations of the day. I left The Valley in 1993, married and dissolved, "early retired", from JC Penney, after 21 years, in 1995, and finally gained some weight (I only weighed 95-112 lbs, those days). Miss VonBrochdorf, a wonderful lady, who taught Home Ec class at Harding, first forsaw this, after requiring us to chart our eating habits for a month. I concede Ms.V; you were right. I'm a doting GRANDMA to my precious, little Kit Kewa, who keeps me in check ! Best yet !...I'm BORN AGAIN ... PRAISE GOD ! HE never gave up on me, and kept me for such a time as this. I'm having a blast working out how to spend the next thirty-or-so years, GOD-willing; learning to live life HIS way! The best is yet to come. School Biggest crush: my then-fiance, first love, Richard Most inspiring teacher: Ralph Mckay, Creative Writing 101, even when he was yelling at us ! Wonderful Steve Psouardis always encouraged my "art" John Lemal: so kind & handsome! He brought to mind my much- beloved Granddad, Charles S. Lewis, Sr. Never embarrased me when I was late for history class; just let me slip right into my seat. Mr.Pergi: funny & very kind, said we didn't have to do the chemistry project; we could take the f. I did ! Tom Gardner : called me "LOUISE", making me feel so "grown". Mrs.Madeline Reeves: spoiled me rotten, in the fourth grade, Violet Walton: 1st teacher, 1st love, Eva Cope: great lady, who gave me my first and last swat, on my crinolines in 2nd grade, Fannie Cippola:fierce about learning, wonderful person, great teacher Wendy Ann DuBois: skillfully wove our entire 2nd grade class into a wonderful adventure that lasted the entire school year !! Mrs. Vonbrochdorf: especially kind in home economics. Do it all over again: NOT ON YOUR LIFE ! Funniest memory: getting my dosie-doe's wrong, in Freshman Phys ED, incurring the wrath of Mrs. Bills, who flunked me for the year, for being directionally challenged ! Triumphant moment: having my NEW boyfriend return my old boyfriends class the hallway...AT Lunchhour; in front of his buddies ! Craziest memory: ANYTIME a term paper,project, or oral book report was due ! H A T E D getting up in front of the class ...alone, and usually stayed home, sick. ! Who'd a thunk I'd one day be mc-ing fashion shows ?? College MT. Union College/ Upward Bound;in the summer of 1966. A wonderful, memorable experience; with a unique group of individuals, and some extraordinarily dedicated counsellors and teachers. I bunked with two roommates; "Moosie" and Zorah. A fine trio, we were. Special friend, Connie McKuen, whom everyone called my twin, was truly a kindred spirit ! We spent many hours together, roaming campus,and pondering what was to be the course of our lives ...especially our all-consuming love lives. Then, there wa...Expand for more
s Miss Fox, a student from Michigan one of our many kind, patient, college- aged counsellors, who let me listen to her Streisand albums in her room, anytime I wanted !! A kindly Sociology professor, Mr. Johnson, always had time for an inquiring teenager, with many concerns about the unknown future. Dining at the cafeteria was particular favorite event ! I thought the food was great, and plentiful ! I especially loved deserts( one before, and one after dinner ), the soft drinks, and the plentiful hot rolls. I even managed to make breakfast, most mornings; trekking across a cool, dew -drenched campus, before classes. The campus, itself, was incredibly picturesque, with romantic bridges, old stone chapels, and beautiful, gnarly old trees. I loved locking myself in one of the many music rooms, in the arts center, banging away on a piano, which I played[by ear]for hours ! Got some special encouragement from a jazz pianist, Dave Browm, I believe, who taught me augmentation, and one of the counsellors, who loved one of my ditties, Miss Daisy Delight, in particular. Several of us "musicians" attempted to form a combo, but, I couldn't get in key. Also, enjoyed the live theater productions, voice lessons, archery and tennis lessons, and boogeying at the Rec Center, to the music of the sixties. Shopping expeditions, and field trips, were unanticipated delights. On one such adventure, we were bussed to Cleveland, to see the epic, DR. ZHIVAGO; all were unexpected bonuses! Refusing to go back to complete the final year, in a personal dispute with Mom, I later learned, from those who did return, that I was spared the big showdown between the students and the counsellors. The Great Dorm Revolt was dramatic, complete with foaming fire extinguishers, and lots of teenage rebellion, I was told. I will always fondly remember Chuckie Parrish...who tried to teach me to shoot pool, in exchange for piano lessons. Deacon Nance, a natural leader, was so intelligent and a good buddy. Jimmy Antill was just as cute as he could be {weren't they all ?). They all died, tragically, not long after graduation from "Big Red". I also want to remember, fondly, my dear friend Lorna Cramblett, a bubbly red-head, who enthusiastically nominated Berni for everything; and left us far too soon !! I attended Jeff Tech, a time or two, and The Art Institute of Pittsburgh, for a semester, in efforts to further my education. While later was better, I found, I was still far to restless to sit in a classroom. Workplace Work !...the adventure I tossed my Upward Bound Scholarship to begin ! I had no idea what I did want to do with my life, and blew my chance for another scholarship to art school, unknowingly, when my cousin Cynthia presented an opportunity to visit my Dad,with her, that summer in Philadelphia, My Grammy used her "connections" to get me into The Steubenville School of Cosmetology. I met a lot of great people, there, and the school was very gracious...but I could not handle pin curl 101 ! Those, who know me, would say I still can't ! Grammy also secured me my 1st job, with JC Penney. That lasted...oh, two or three months. There were only so many racks to straighten ...and three long hours left, on my shift ! I'll not forget my supervisor, Mrs. Cora Williams...a great lady ! Right after graduation, pumped by Mr. Psaroudis' and others "admiration" of my doodling, I walked into Denmark's, a local fashion pacesetter, and, demanding to see the art director, told him I could draw better than their current artist, anytime ! He laughed at me. and actually said, "...don't call us,kid, we'll call you.", a classic line from the movies. Months later, however, when a crisis occurred, in desperation he did, indeed, call me ! Seeing those first efforts, in newsprint was a proper come- uppance. But, Denmark's kept me, and worked with me, very patiently. From there, highly ambitious, I had "ideas" for the windows and displays all over the store, anything I could get into ...I did; so full of passion, was I for my work. Feeling "unappreciated" one day, over the rejection of one of my wild ideas, I marched myself down to Cooper- Kline, where I was immediately hired, and was given free reign, in planning and executing windows, purchasing props and interior displays; even accompanying the owners, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fisher, on a buying trip for merchandise, for the store. When not busy with display, I worked on the selling floor, helping with everything from bridal parties, to selling shoes. The Fishers were extremely gracious, and deserved better than they got, from me. After, my daughter was born, in 1973, I dallied with tele-marketing, and banking,{very briefly]...then kinda stumbled into free-lance modeling; the last thing I ever considered, despite my "height", and scrawniness. A friend, Nan Watzman, who owned a prestigious local boutique, insisted she saw someone, who "looked just like me", on fashion runways, in Pittsburgh. A former co-worker, from Denmark's, Roseanna, was the only person I had ever heard of, who was a real-life fashion model. She looked the part. Curiosity peaked, I had to look into this, and was directed to Kaufmann's department store, where I was immediately booked, much to my shock, for a fall showing in the Forecast Room, at The Fort Steuben Mall. I was referred to, and encouraged to join The Mannequinn's Guild, where I would learn make-up, and protocol, from experienced, working models. I also, finally, would see and meet the model I supposedly resembled. I was flattered and honored, beyond words, to be compared to her, as she remains a diva of media and runway, in Pittsburgh, to this day. Lenore, and her family befriended me, and graciously welcomed me into their home, on several occassions. I will never forget her kindness to this fledgling. Talk about a whiner ! I was too terrified, walking the T, at those initial events. In rehearsal, nervously mounting the platform, after watching the experienced models twirl and strutt before me, upon completing the required steps, the fashion director's smile assured me that I could "walk the walk". I was then booked for a major show, local informals and tearoom showings; eventually becoming a traveling make-up artist, and, ultimately,a photographic model. A far less frenetic pace, than runway, I began amassing a portfolio, under the direction of a prominent Pittsburgh fashion photographer, who photographed it, assembled it, and took a personal interest in my new-found marketability. The more you were seen in print the more you were booked, I learned. He began sending me to clients he shot for, in the tri-state area. Out of pure curiosity, I submitted one of his photos to the Johnson publishing company, which led to a surprise "cattle call" for Ebony Fashion Fair. Through an odd turn of events, I missed the call confirming my reservations, for the flight to Chicago Monday morning, missing the audition. Though it stung, in retrospect, I could never have handled the frenzied changes, or life on the road. Modeling with a wonderful girl named Jeannie, brought me a missed "ghoulish" opportunity to be cast in The Dawn of the Living Dead, the sequel. Through a friend in radio, I given a lunch hour TV show, on local t.v.[ very briefly )showcasing fashions, from Carlisle's, where I now worked, at the Fort Steuben Mall. Out of that,I was asked to serve as what would be the first appointed mall fashion director. What an experience that was; single-handedly coordinating fashions, auditioning, selecting, and training aspiring local models, and staging shows for some sixty-odd stores. Endeavoring to put my experiences to use, I worked alone, often late into the night, locking myself into empty storerooms at the mall; scripting the hundreds of personally selected garments and accessories into the chosen theme for my upcoming spring show. I held down my day job, working 40 hours, as a beauty consultant. At the completion of that first show, after being presented with a dozen long-stemmed roses, and my first paycheck, from the mall association, exhausted, I curled up, on the fitting room floor of one of the stores, and passed out, before personally returning the clothes and accessories to the stores. My sincerest apologies to all those pint-sized models, and their amazing parents, who stepped up to the plate, when things went awry, at the fall show; securing outfits, for their children. And, to the wonderful young man, from Cleveland, the son of a new friend, Mrs. Lauralee Welday, who graciously volunteered his considerable musical talents, at a charity benefit I later hosted for her organization. I humbly and sincerely thank you all for suffering through my inexperience ! After enjoying nearly three exciting years, as a "cosmetics queen", Carlisle's owner liquidated the Steubenville store. I turned down a promotion, and the ensuing opportunity to re-locate to their Niles, Ohio store, as a management trainee. I had my little girl, who needed to be around familiar faces, a new love and a glorious new life, in the country ...which to my complete surprise, believing that I was a city girl, at heart, I totally adored !! Life does, indeed, go full circle ! I rejoined JC Penney, in the fall of '84, early-retired from JCP, in the fall of 2005, returning, again, at a former store manager's invitation, while visiting, in the fall of 2006 ! There, I remain, at present. I am also an Independent Distributor, for XanGo, LLC. an incredible functional health beverage ! In Faith, through all my trials and triumphs, through all my stumbles and missteps, I know, without a doubt ...the best is yet to be !!!
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Bernadette Rutherford's Classmates profile album
Bernadette Rutherford's Classmates profile album
Bernadette Rutherford's Classmates profile album
Bernadette Rutherford's Classmates profile album
driveway composition
Brown-eyed girls
my garden hideway
JCP Juniors Posse
Blonde Moment
Mummaw's Precious
"Soap"y Momentos from JCP
Carlisle's Cosmetics Queen of the Month
Miss Francis Trujilo and The Harding Orchestra
Looking Ahead to Harding and Jr. High School
Harding Orchestra in Concert
Old McKinley Campus / Merry Go Round We Did !
Are We Routin' For The Boys ?
Mrs. Chalfant's Glee Club
Bernadette Rutherford's Classmates profile album

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