Harold (Hal) Berger:  

Harold (Hal) Berger's Classmates® Profile Photo
Skokie, IL

Harold (Hal)'s Story

AN UPDATE -- TODAY I FIGURE SKATE 4-5 DAYS A WEEK AND HAVE A TRAINER, WHAT’S NEW? – At my age and retired I am pleased that I am in incredible physical shape, totally insane, and as a result I have taken up no light and easy hobby. – I am currently a modest level freestyle figure skater working on spins, jumps, and ice dance – I joined U.S. Figure Skating after retirement and train 4-5 days per week in both figure skating and ballet for figure skating with my 2 coaches. Sue Schmidt one of the top synchro skating coaches in the U.S. and Elinor Milos also an Olympic gymnastics and figure skating ballet coach. As strange as it may be I am looking forward competing the spring of 2019 at the Southport Skate Club open USAF competition where I will also be a rink side announcer again. As my skill improved I became a USFSA registered therapeutic coach working with disabled children helping them to learn to skate. Interestingly I train at one of the two rinks that some of the top U.S. Figure Skaters train at in Lake County Illinois. – Alexis and Chris Kinerman (pairs), Bradie Tennel Freestyle womens), Nathan Chen (FS Mens), etc. etc. they are incredible and to see them up close and be on the ice with th is just amazing. There is always at least one or two in every class, I was that kid. A kind of a toss up between a nerd and a greaser, I looked like a greaser and had the mind of a nerd, clearly to others I was either a great friend or someone to be ignored and avoided. Most just assumed I didn't care and was bored with high school. It may have seemed that way because I did sleep through many classes, and missed a few as well, OK more than a few --- that is except art and science. During HS, and for whatever reason, I went by the name of Harold, thank Goodness I have gone by Hal not Harold ever since. Oh yes, as time went by things did change, a lot!!! I actually went from an apparent lost soul and loser to now a prime target for Barack Obamas top 1%. As it was, it seemed that no one, except for my Mother, cared very much that I was 2nd to last in the 1965 Niles West class. Niles West administrators said they would let me graduate if I promised not to come back. So much for notorious personalities! However, there is a rest of the story; At least the rest of the story the way 45+/- years tempers reality and my memories of HS. Of course they are my memories so I get to see my past the way I prefer. My best kept secret in HS was that my IQ was just a bit higher than some, well Ok, higher than most, at +/-140, (technically after a 2 day testing cycle early in life it was estimated at no less than 137. The reality; I was bored. In 3rd grade I had already had Algebra and the first year of HS French and in 4th grade we started calculus, etc. My test scores in 4th grade placed me as a HS senior. There was no chance anyone in high school could have ever figured that out, and actually no one ever bothered to ask except Mr. Blackburn who turned out to be an incredible friend and who got two of my works placed in a temporary exhibit at the Art Institute of Chicago. What fun that was !!! I still paint and draw and love art. But no one ever knew, you see in our HS if you were not a college prep major from Lincolnwood - well you were simply invisible or just must be a loser !!! Go figure, today most of them can’t even change a light bulb. I had transferred in from an exceptional private school for gifted children - North Shore School. After that experience I just never really fit into public school again. As for my dress code in high school - that would be what dress code? My parents move from Chicago’s Near North to Morton Grove an interesting shock in both budget and life style. At Niles West it took very little time -- I was clearly labeled "an MG/Niles outsider". So, I didn't care, "that's a lie". I did care, but it didn't make a difference because the clicks didn't care. During HS I was socially immature and had girl-a-phobia, I was so very afraid of girls I couldn’t talk. In the U.S. Air Force I finally matured, I was now responsible for a B52 bomber and the lives of those who flew them, including my own. ( I think it takes most of us boys until we are at least 35-50 to mature.--"some of us never mature"). In college things changed and finally a hidden thinking person with a sex drive came out of the shadows. College - I was now 2nd from the top of the class (try as I may I couldn't catch #1) -- for those who knew my Mother - you already know that she was shocked and amazed - for her just my graduating high school was a wonder, and now graduating Magna Cum and later to become a professional - that was almost beyond her wildest dreams and expectations! A side note - It wasn't very easy to get back on track --- during the first semester or two of college I had to learn everything that I didn't learn when I slept through HS. My IQ did not substitute for the missing knowledge. Studying for my first finals - WoW, no double WoW -- you have no idea how hard that was. My first Rhetoric papers took about a week to write. That was "each one" and they were only a page or two long. I had so much to learn in so little time. My first college was Northern Michigan University where one of my friends Doug Christensen also went to school. Doug got in easily. However, they let me in my first year on double probation because I was in my 2nd of 4 years in the Air Force and they could see I was #2 in HS (from the end). They allowed me to take two courses the first semester, the terms of entrance -- even one "C" and I would be out. To my surprise, and everyone who knew me, the next seven years were to be almost all A's finishing with three full undergraduate majors; psychology, economics, and math, and a post graduate specialization in financial accounting. I sat for the CPA in 1976 and then never practiced accounting and secured my CFP in 1992. On to the rest of the story: During HS I was one tough kid to raise. For me, HS was a rough time, or some may recall, it was a very rebellious and truant time. The personal side of HS --- For those who knew me well, they knew of my endless attempts in the first years of HS to try to get to know and my crush, (well for a while at least I thought I was in love with Jill Nelson, she never knew that.). Jill the girl I never did get a chance to know. Looking back I would say that my fantasy had grown to something even that wonderful girl in reality probably could not match. In HS, the best relationships occurred in my mind. Every time I saw her she made my heart skip a beat- Actually 3 or 4 beats. She was an absolutely brilliant, well dressed, beautiful and a vibrant young woman and as a bonus, every HS boys fantasy, she was a really good cheerleader. We actually had met in my freshman year she sat directly in front of me, in what I think was a social studies class. At that time, as it is today, HS was built upon this ridiculous social structure, the clicks and groups from the various schools that fed Niles West were almost unbreakable. Those of us who remember the split as Niles West opened remember that for many of us our friends went to Niles East. As we know image in MS and HS is so important. - I think it continues because at that age most of us are so insecure to begin with. Anyway, I had no image at that point and all of my friends from middle school went to Niles East - what a bummer - even my Freshman girl friend Jane Kenner (hi Jane if you are out there???). By senior year Jill had figured out that I had a four year crush. However, it was to remain one of those great youthful dreams. Even now with the fantasy long gone, every now and then, I think how nice it would be to just talk with her now that we’re not 16. By Junior year I had developed a crush on another girl in my own neighborhood Jennifer Rice. The result was better I did get to know her, but the end result was the same. Nada!!! Now we can talk, and learn the other persons views, it has turned out that getting through our teens and HS was not the easiest thing for most of us. It has been so interesting to see that almost no one became what they dreamed of. More than a few HS losers become winners and more than a few HS winners become losers. Today life after high school has changed and for me has been incredible - I achieved a life of dreams. I have a great family, and in an interesting twist I was later to be my daughters cheerleader coach in MS. It was a great fun - but - Go figure!!! She also became a HS cheerleader - but one thing was so very different - I had taught her from birth to respect and give everyone a reasonable chance. Both of my daughters became the smart popular girls in HS that almost anyone could talk with. They had so many friends in so many groups. I am so proud of what they have done as people because they didn't prejudge or exclude other people based on image or social setting. Their friends include, even to this day, every level including people who were just like me in HS. I am incredibly proud of that. My greatest challenge and joy in HS, was building race cars with the also underrated Tom Adams and Bill Briar. (Both very, very brilliant and all so very much underrated.) One thing has not changed, even now I drive race cars –an A7 Audi and my wife drives a 450HP Mustang GT. I can do that because I worked hard and have owned my own businesses ever since, well except for one or two years, just about most of the time since +/-1974. It started with what became two restaurants that I opened in Lincoln Park. The second next to the Biograph theatre was much more successful. During the 1974 to 1...Expand for more
984 period I owned and was a recognized chef in two Lincoln Park Chicago restaurants +/-150 seats. One under the Apollo, the other next to the Biograph Theater. For those who remember Lloyd Gusses, esq. (c65)and Jim Stengel (c65) they were frequent visitors at the restaurant. I also ran into Chucky Linder(c65) -- who at the time was in the passport photo business. During the restaurant years, go figure, one of my friends was to become Mike Royko, I miss talking with Mike over a Napoleon Cognac. After 10 years we sold the restaurants and moved on. Restaurants and being a chef might look really great on the Food Channel -- but in real life it is exhausting!!! -- even as we became well recognized and written up by everyone from James Wards Ciao, Ciao for now, to Sherman Kaplan's K ratings, and we even made a hit in Gay Life circles and we also became the Chicago International Film Festival restaurant during that time period - it was still always hard work!!! On one of our numerous tours of France we included many stops at great vineyards, and our fast friendship with Bernard the director at Laurent Perrier gained us the honor to introduce a great Champagne to Chicago. (French? - None in HS - but for me French was taught in 3rd and 4th grade - a good start - I learned much more than I expected and my wife speaks almost fluent French.) Then From 1984-today I have been a Presidents award winning Senior Financial Advisor and Registered Principal with my own franchise operations in Chicagoland and I use those several degrees and certifications every day. This year I was awarded as one of the top wealth managers in the Chicago area in the November 2013 issue of Chicago Magazine. Best wishes to all who remember me - please let me know how you are? Send me an e-mail -- hal b A special note for Patty Gillian, Sue Beverly, Nancy Ciechelski, Jennifer & Janet Rice, Marilyn McCorkle, and Diane Warner who was one I should have paid attention to who was also incredible. There are so many others whose names I can't remember that were friends that I am sorry, I just didn't communicate well with. I could have known each of you so much better if I didn't have girl-a-phobia in HS. A special note on Jennifer & Janet - I am writing this because Janet is now in classmates and saw her post. I liked both sisters but I tried harder to get to know Jennifer - Janet concluded fast during HS that I was OK as a person but was a little short of what I needed to be to get closer to her. She went on to become an artist - and it appears a writer. Actually we would have done well together. I too am an artist (oils- I am just getting started again after years of delay raising a family.), I play piano, and I slept through most of Mrs. Zelznicks English class, got an F, but today I love to write. (This post is an example of one that is perhaps too long and constantly re-written.) Jennifer to me was that real girl next door. Not a fantasy. She was one of the few girls during the last years of HS I was actually able to talk with. I didn't get to become a best friend but she was incredible in my eyes in almost every way. I felt bad for myself because I grew up too slow. I never did visit again. I knew I would be too close for comfort. Not that she was interested but Jennifer could have been the one if only I had been mature enough and together enough in the 60's, and of course the real deal is; She would have had to have been interested in me. I saw Jennifer recently and like all of us she has faced a few of life’s interesting and challenging twists. Jennifer said to me I wish I had known you were interested, I was interested in you --- you were just too slow. I am very married now for 37 years but I like her as a person and wanted to rekindle the long lost friendship. I think the past is built upon high school dreams and fantasies. We get to keep them for a lifetime, the good and the bad as we gain even more maturity. Who ever thought we would all be this age? I have learned another very important lesson -- and I made a point of sharing it with my daughters. That most - not all - boys growing up are just as afraid of girls as girls are of boys. I didn't know that girls spent a lot of time on some weekends without a date just like us boys did. Why oh why couldn't someone tell us that? Tell your children and your grandchildren. I found out so much later that most of us never knew what to say or do - I know I was tongue tied -- I just never did know what to say or how to say it in HS. I guess many of us were just not as mature as we thought we may have been during those awkward years. A hello to my other friends to David Giest and Phil Mikula for the endless Jewish, German, and Polish jokes we pulled on each other. To Schmidt, Lang, and Kletnick for hours on the phone talking about and creating incredible nerdy science projects and maps, each were among the few who knew my IQ was not what it appeared to be. To Tom Adams (TA) for teaching me how to build and drive a race car. He’s still a good strange friend who doesn't know how to keep in touch, I guess I am not doing so well at that either. To my friends from Niles East Carl Mierstein, and in memory of Burt Koff and Dale Steinberg. Also to my best child hood friend from Niles West who died in Viet Nam Jim Novotny - I really miss Jim - so does my family - he spent a lot of time at our house. I also can't forget one of my biggest blunders and embarrassing moments -- Wendy Hoffberg -- We were kind of new at this and I didn't know how to tell her kisses were a bit too wet and I really liked her and lost out because I was too shy. I really miss talking with her as well. She may have become one of the best friends of my life if I only had the courage to talk to her. At that time OZ didn't help me out, and there was no lion hearted courage to be found. Then she was gone. A note in memory of Carol Dassinger who I met through my sister in HS and later got to know when I worked at Jojo's part time to pay for my college tuition. Outside of my wife, Carol was one of those most incredible people that anyone could have ever hoped to meet. We were just starting to date and getting to know each other when lightning struck, I mean for real. Even today as I write this I have a fond memory, I miss her, and I miss not getting to know what she would have become and all of the places she would go. IF YOU KNOW ANY OF THESE PEOPLE - PLEASE ASK THEM TO WRITE ME. As for today, it started 43 years ago on a day off from Jojo's long after all other memories had faded. It was a day off and I met a friend of mine at a Chicago place called Shennanigans for a slow beer. It was about 4:00 PM and the place was empty, I mean totally empty, and in walks this incredible long straight haired blond with sparkling green eyes. She was with two friends. They were on the other side of the room at the cash register. I was having fun so I was flirting a little and watching them come in. I never moved from my seat though. It's a bar, I don't really meet people in bars. Well so I thought she and being curious at why I had not moved an inch she and her friends decide to walk around a take a closer look at these two guys sitting at the end of the bar. As she walks by we look at each other and both say simple hellos. All three stopped and started talking. They were teachers enjoying dinner and a light drink. Did I say I don't meet people in bars. Well with that said I enjoyed talking with her and expected it to end right there. After talking for about an hour or so they said they were going to the hang up because it had music and asked if we wanted to join them. We did,,,,, it was about 2 or maybe 3 in the morning when we stopped dancing and talking and left for home. No she left with her friends and I called the number the next day. As we walked on toward Jeff's high rise I told Jeff this is strange but I think she is the one. It is now 37 years and two children later and -- gosh darn it I guess she was the one. I told my friend Jeff, who later became my best man that I was finally to win after all of those HS misses. WoW, things had really changed for me not only was she attractive she had every trait of my perfect dream girls from high school. With a couple of other pluses ,,, she actually liked me as more than a friend, WoW again !!! I always tease her that she picked me up at a bar. It took a lot of years for me to learn a simple lesson --- the reality, -- women pick men, men only get a little input if the women are already interested. It doesn't always work out for them either but it seems to be the rule. I'd like to think that I have kept one very important trait, it cost me dates in HS, but for all of my weirdness even then, I always remained to this day the nice guy that all of the women in my life wanted to call their friend. I have a heart, compassion, I hate sports and I love shopping. My daughters tease me as the straight guy with Metrosexual traits. I just never was the one that people got all excited about, except for my now best friend of 37 years. I turned out to be the guy, the one that everyone says they want, and I developed lots of women as friends, I was the one they love to talk with, they shared their joys and heartbreaks, I look nice, I became a silver fox, but I wasn't that kind of sexy attractive guy that all the women wanted. They never really go for the nice guys, that is except for this one 5'5" very attractive green eyed blonde. I look forward to the next 20 or 30 years. I won, so did she, she is still very blonde, very attractive, and surprisingly she still loves me and I her we are both incredibly lucky.
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PATTY SENT THIS - think hard about this? Is the left out of control? I think so and I’m an X democrat.  Never Again!!!
Well,,,, think about it!!!
Speaks for itself
This needs to be meditated over:
This is how the violence moves from place to place.   Across state lines, this is organized crime,,,,,,, WHERE ARE THE PROSECUTIONS AND RICO ENFORCEMENT- this is an organized crime group !!!!
Many People just may not care!!!!! .  It is incredibly sad for the USA if they know what they are doing and think this is just fine!!!
Seems like the full
On take no prisoners war is on
Harold (Hal) Berger's album, Mobile Uploads
Look closely, could it be  happening again by anarchists? 
Les posted this but it was too small:
Harold (Hal) Berger's album, Mobile Uploads
Harold (Hal) Berger's album, Mobile Uploads
Well we can at least do fun dinners:
I posted the whole article:
Look what USA can no longer do,,,, end lunacy of globalization:
Harold (Hal) Berger's album, Mobile Uploads
People arrested for being outside and I hear people are applauding???

WoW- we need to think about where is the limit???  Suggested quarantine- I’m fine!!!   Mandated and police enforced neighbors turning in neighbors, its
So everyday my world is getting more and more interesting, at least to me.  My wife has probably had enough of my endless talk of figure skating and me training.   

BUT, this week was different Southport Skating Club held
Southport Skate Club --- Your thank you gift was very much appreciated and unexpected.  It is very hard to accept being rewarded for something I totally enjoyed doing and that was a learning experience.  As a result I
Wake up people -- these elections are no longer about your personal social issue but the future of the USA as we know it.  Today even with security lights and more my lawn sign supporting Ken Idstein a local candidate for s
I think many only look at social issues and not the impact on the whole country; Trump agreed, can be a real jerk, but look at the whole picture - is this what we want for our future? #walkaway
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