Jack Powers:  

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Taft High SchoolClass of 1969
Hamilton, OH
Whittier, CA
Hamilton, OH
Hamilton, OH
Hamilton, OH

Jack's Story

Update 09/11/2018- Added pictures of Plaza de Armas del Cuzco fountain & Chief Little Fawn of Winchester Mansion in photos and brief info at the bottom of the 9th Inca King update Update 09/01/2019 - Scroll down to the added section titled--- -------9th Inca King Update--------- Family----- 9 natural and 6 stepchildren for a total of 15. 2 not yet married. 2 married with no children, yet. As of May 2018- 40 Grandchildren. 1 Great-Grandson and a Great-Grandchild on the way. 2 sets of twin grandchildren [G/B & B/B].----- Might end up with more Grandchildren than weeks in the year. ----------------------------- Ancient Coding Research--- Being retired, this is a subject I spend a lot of my time researching. Breaking and identifying new codes, techniques, and sources every month. The amazing ones are when they are the same source of continuing messages across different works, even more, it is amazing when the same message is continued by different people, cultures, and ages of history.-------- A quick example in popular form is the Back To The Future Series. I have found over a hundred of the same codes in different forms in other sources. Examples run throughout the series. It helps that I have been a Producer on a film set and understand how things work.-------- One simple example is the famous movie steam engine in Back to the Future Part III. It is officially Sierra Railway No. 3 and used in many movies over the years in Hollywood. In Pt III it is named 'Engine 131' with big gold letters in the red circle on the nose of the engine. 131 is the Hebrew Gematria of Strong's Biblical word #H0600 - Aleph Nun Pei = 1+50+80=131. The word is 'anaph' translating in English as Nose or Face. It appears on the metaphoric face or nose of the engine. Easily passed off as plausible coincidence---until you add the over a hundred of other examples in the series.-------- Another such example in Pt III is The McFly Family & Doc's Flying Train Engine at the end of Pt III. The wheels have bar magnets on the wheels. Magnetic Current has long been thought of as part of levitation, even for monorails. Break up the name McFly- Mc = Magnetic Current & Fly. Others are often more complicated, yet link to the other ancient codes discovered telling the same stories. -------- A tie outside the movie here is Ed Leedskalnin [Passed Dec 7, 1951] who wrote a pamphlet on Magnetic Current in August 1945. Ed built what is today called Coral Castle, about an hour south of Miami, Florida. In 1920~1940s, he cut, raised and perfectly placed over 240 tons of coral stones at night by himself. Some stones placed, such as the Obelisk, weighing over 28 ton and stands 40 feet tall. When his 9-ton gate so perfectly balanced that photos exist of 2 year-olds able to push open, finally gave out in the 1970s they brought in a modern team with the latest equipment to fix it. They could not duplicate the process. Today the gate can barely be moved on its pivot, let alone opened by strong adults. Ed claimed he knew the secret of the pyramids. He knew something for many stones he places by himself weigh more than those in the Giza Pyramid. Coral Castle withstood Hurricane Andrews when it practically destroyed the city.------- Over years of research, I have found, linked and deciphered more than a thousand such connections, often linking to Biblical passages in code form. -------------------- -----9th Inca King Update-----------------------Added 09/01/2019 A couple of years ago my research leads me to the fountain in the Plaza de Armas del Cuzco an area dedicated to the 9th King of Cuzco. There is a lot I could write here, but I will cut it short. The direction of the research is about Dimensional & Time Travel. Time travel is a subset of Dimensional travel. So here was this picture of the fountain in 1945 with an Inca on top who looked much like Chief Little Fawn at Winchester Mansion. I immediately saw him as a Poseidon type figure since it was a water fountain with 4 mermen with horns on the bottom of the 3 tier fountain. The cypher broke into 'Law of the Seas" and thus, Poseidon. Poseidon was the ancient god of 1-water, 2- horses (mermen are aka sea horses) & 3- earthquakes. The fountain had water and horses, only missing earthquakes. How to get earthquakes on the fountain? Turns out the 9th king was the younger brother. When being invaded the 8th King and heir apparent older brother was leading the city in an evacuation. The younger brother and future 9th King went to meet the enemy. During the fight it is said the 9th King even caused the stones to rise up and fall on the enemy, defeating them. Rise up? Earthquake. The entire plaza is dedicated to an earthquake 9th King of the Inca's. Check Wikipedia '9th Inca King.' The result is 'Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui.' It will tell you the common translation of his name is 'Earthshaker' aka Earthquake Maker. That was amazing enough. But the literal translation is 'He who Overturns Space and Time." Direct hit! Now compare his name translated in English to one of my famous code writers, Edgar Poe's and the beginning of his 1844 poem (Nearly 400 years after the 9th Inca King) 'Dreamland' - By a route obscure and lonely, Haunted by ill angels only, Where an Eidolon, named NIGHT, On a black throne reigns upright, I have reached these lands but newly From an ultimate dim Thule— From a wild weird clime that lieth, sublime, Out of SPACE—Out of TIME. An ancient Inca King and Edgar Poe match. Exactly the type of link I have been chasing for nearly a decade. I added pictures of the Plaza de Armas del Cuzco fountain (circa 1945 & today) and Chief Little Fawn of Winchester Mansion so you can see how the Chief led me to Cuzco. The fountain had the statue removed and only recently and new and different one put up as a replacement. While there are several copies of this same with slight variations that exist or once existed, the key is the name of the statue or plaza are in fact code that is identified and broken in the same manner. More in the fictional story I am writing. Chief Little Fawn tells you where to look that matches a story about Mrs Winchester and 9th Inca King on the powers of the king. My fictional book that is a story written in the codes is up to 90,000+ words. Stay tuned! If you read this and have questions, you can mesage me. End of 9th Inca King update----09/01/2019 & 9/11/2019 In Ancient Hebrew the number 10 signified 'Dedicated to God' & 12 'Spiritual Perfection.' Adam lived 930 years after Cain was born and returned home. Zero is an imaginary friend in the numbers code, so 9+3=12. Adam lived here until he reached 'Spiritual Perfection' then returned home, per the coding of the original era. Abraham was 75 when he left the city and 7+5=12 then he saw God. Sarah did not see God but was 10 years younger- 'Dedicated to God.' There is a third, actually more, but a noted third one is Moses. Moses lived to be 120 years old. Again, live to 12 = 'spiritual perfection,' then returned to God. The fourth is a little more complicated in understanding. It has to do with the Hebrew language, the language of the Torah and the original language of the Old Testament. In Hebrew Gematria, the process of giving letters a number value, the letter Mem, English M, is the water sign. Anciently it was waves of water. The Hebrew Gematria values are 1~9 then 10~90, then 100~400 for the 22 letters. Later they expanded the Hebrew Alphabet to 27, but they didn't add letters, they simply changed the shape and gave an optional value to 5 letters when they are on the end of a word.  For example, if English added a second 'A' at the end of the alphabet with a different shape and gave it a possible second value, that would be 27. In the Hebrew numbering system, it would be 900. So the word 'Antenna' would have a gematria of a=1 n=14 t=20 e=5 and Final A = 900 or in math 1+14+20+5+14+14+900 = 968 except the final A has the optional original value of 1 instead of 900 so antenna would have a dual gematria of 968 or 968-900+1= 69. Hopefully, that is less confusing. Now to use it for the next example. Noah was 600 years old ...Expand for more
and it rained 40 days and 40 nights when he was on the ark. Mem = 40, but Final Mem in Hebrew = 600 or 40. Do you see it? Noah was 600 or 40 when on the ark and it rained 40 days and 40 nights. either 600+40+40 or 40+40+40=120 drop the zero and 12= Noah was spiritually perfect when on the ark. Now sometimes there are double codes, codes that have 2 meanings or more. This is a perfect example. Noah = 680. 680 is the Hebrew Gematria of the Euphrates, a river surrounding the Garden of Eden. Now isn't that interesting? On and on it continues, The same coding in the Torah and Bible continues today, hidden in classic art, books, and movies. So the question is Why? Then, why hide it? I will leave you to ponder that because the answer is beyond culturally accepted paradigms. Thus, as Plato said, "Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses." What Plato is saying is simply, "Those who dismiss and believe the above examples are just coincidences are not ready for the thousand more like examples." -------- The cyphers and hidden messages all becomes easy once you understand and take things in the context of the era they were written in. -------- One book of note is Mark Twain's "Is Shakespeare Dead ? ? ? ?' where he claims to be the Brontosaurian or third group saying he doesn't know who wrote 'Shakespeare' [thus, I assume the clue in the 4 ? ? ? ?] page 50- '...the Brontosaurian doesn't really know which of them did it but is quite composedly and contentedly sure that Shakespeare didn't, and strongly suspects that Bacon did.'-------- Twain was no bystander on Shakespeare. For Twain writes in 'Life On The Mississippi' about his days as a Cub Pilot for Steamboats on the Mississippi he had many conversations (debates eventually) with a Master Pilot who was a Shakespeare scholar and came to the belief that Shakespeare didn't write Shakespeare. Also, Twain wrote a book titled '1601' (Shakespeare 1564-1616) from the perspective of Queen Elizabeth's lady-in-waiting, who was rumoured to be Sir Francis Bacon's real mother. And lastly his classic 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court' [6th Century or half of 12] about dimensional aka time travel-----------oops, I've said too much about the Ancient Secret Messages. ------------ My Fiction on the Topic ----- First, if this ancient research interest you, please email me at Jack A Powers [without the spaces] through the Google Gmail system.----- I am in the process of writing a fiction where the characters find and decipher these ancient codes and connections. Likely will be a 2 part, each a 90,000+ novel, perhaps over 100,000 making each an epic. The books will work as a training manual in that they will be likewise coded to allow the reader to get familiar with the cypher methods and messages with confirmation.----------- If you are ever in my area or discover I am in your area and want to sit down and watch Back to the Future with me or just discuss some of the ancient cyphers, how they link and some of the messages let me know. Even arrange a seminar.------------ Warning- Once you understand, can identify and break the cyphers, you will never read or watch some of the classics the same way again. ----------- No need to check the internet for many of my findings. I consider my findings intellectual property for my book and have not put them on the web [except for a few on my facebook and what I placed here as examples because they are more public to me and just easy surface cyphers]. However, I have checked and verified the vast majority are not on the internet. ----- I've taught statistics at the college level. There is a point where the sheer mass of identified, repeatable techniques that are a continuation of similar messages through multiple people, cultures, and ages are beyond plausible coincidence.----- End of update 05-29-2018---------------- School-------- Frosh & Soph years were at California High in Whittier with my cousins Pam & Cookie Larison. Jr year I went to Taft High in Hamilton. Sr year was split. I went to Garfield Sept-Oct of 68 then back to Taft. Again, sort of a family thing like my cousins Neil & Kenny Hume. I graduated from Taft having gone there except for the noted.--------- The thing I liked best about high school was all my friends. Whether we interacted a lot, a little or hardly knew one another, each of you made it enjoyable. I find it fun to look back and see each one's story of the road they travelled and where they now find themselves on that road.------- Via Classmates recently reconnected with many friends. One of the more interesting stories is my Cal HS friend & 6 doors down neighbour Randy Skirvin [guitarist- Iron Butterfly, other bands, & friend of Stevie Nicks, Eddie VH, Les Paul & others]. Check out Randy's classmate sight [California HS 1970 or google Randy Skirvin] and Facebook page as he is still playing in Florida. Like many of us, after High School, I went right at the fork and Randy went left. Yet, we are still friends as both roads go the same direction.----------- Life-------- Spouses- 2 (Only one wife at a time, thank you) The first one I met at a nightclub dance. The second one I met at a church dance. I've given up dancing. lol-------- Current Activities------------ Retired while I can still enjoy it during my youth.------- Past- Film Producer- Crystal the Monkey from 'Night At The Museum' 'Hangover Pt II' etc was on set and liked my hat. Next thing I knew she was climbing all over my head. --------See my Facebook page- JackAPowers in Utah.--------- Own 4 gold mine claims- Montana, New Mexico and 2 in Arizona.-------- Previously investing in gold since it was at $270 an ounce. The Big Investors can manipulate the investment market but they can't manipulate the physical gold that is in-ground claims.-------- Traveling a lot over the last decade. Mostly flying around the country tens of times each year on fun trips. Cancun in July 2009 and saw many Mayan Ruins. Tons of pictures and stories. I liked Uxmal the most. We stayed in the hotel just across from the entrance. 2008- Hawaii for daughter's wedding in Feb and taking my Dad on a dream trip to Hawaii in Sept '08. Several cruises in the Gulf to Mexico & the Caribbean. Haven't seen Jack Sparrow yet. -------------- Career & Misc accomplishments:--------- Aerospace Management for Boeing/McDonnell-Douglas (Retired) a Fortune 20 Corporation--------- Aeronautical Committee for the State of Utah--------- Taught College- Business Statistics--------- Did a lot of genealogy. I laughed at the end of the Da Vinci Code. One Merovingian King multi-generation grandchild? There are actually millions of us since Emperor Charlemagne [circa 800] was a descendant. Back through Tros of Troy through Biblical genealogy to Adam & Eve--------- College------------ BSBA GPA 3.99 - when dropped out of MBA to help open up the new Boeing/McDonnell Douglas Plant in Salt Lake City as an Mgr over several departments, then retired before finishing an MBA. Don't need an MBA when retired.-------- Earned 4 AA Degrees with a 4.0 GPA. Saddleback in Mission Viejo, Cal. had to change the computer programming to record all my Degrees-------- AAs- GPA 4.0 Computer Information Science; Electrical Engineering; Manufacturing Technology Engineering; Communications (4 Degrees in 8 Areas of Emphasis)-------- Nominated Top Male Student; California Kathleen D. Loly Awards- 1985 at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo.-------- Lots of scholarships. Turned down a full scholarship to Cal Poly Pomona in Elect/Aero Engineering. Had a family of 7 children then and no on-site housing or nearby reasonable rental. big enough for the large family-------- More Education yadda yadda yadda-------- Workplace----- Retired from Boeing/MDC Aerospace Mgmt- including at various times- Manager of Engineering, Tooling, Fabrication, Assembly. Special Vacation Relief included as Plant General Manager and other special assignments.----------------- Enough already. I am actually not that boastful. It is just this space seems to beg for such words.
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