Mara Copeland:  

Mara Copeland's Classmates® Profile Photo
Alameda High SchoolClass of 1971
Alameda, CA
Island High SchoolClass of 1969
Alameda, CA
Porter SchoolClass of 1967
Alameda, CA
Alameda, CA
Elmhurst, IL

Mara's Story

For the last 38 yrs. I've always taken care of someone. Although I'm still taking care of my husband I'm spending more time taking care of me for a change. The next 20 yrs. I do hope will be better than the last, more adventurous & hopefully filled with more friends, a better world and happier calmer society. I'm considering a move to Colorado to be closer to my sister and maybe go back to school. After taking care of family member's that were terminal & a husband who is a invalid I can see myself finally fullfilling the nursing career I so desired as a child. Your never to old and you do get smarter the older you get. I would love to help people that are going through all of the things I have already been through and are having a difficult time with it. Helping those who no longer are able to help themselves is a very humble experience. It makes you realize just how much you can give and at the same time just how small you are in this great big journey through life. Life is good. People can be very surprising which is a delight. I always wanted to be a Doctor when I grew up. My family and friends thought that was a they laughed idea. As it turns out, they were Well, I made it to nursing looking after my Mother, Father, Brother and of course my husband Robert who is now is a nursing home. It was a long ten years and has aged me 30 yrs. but well worth it. I don't know what God has planned if Robert will be coming home or if this is the end of the line for me. My health suffered to much.. Well it's May 15th, 2011 and looks like things changed for me more than I could have imagined. I suffered two heart attacks, a stroke in Nov. 10 and now will be going into a nursing home myself. It's not so bad though my husband will be able to transfer to where I will be and we will be in the same room. It won't be like being at home but I've had so many homes in my life it will take some adjusting that's all. At least I'll be safe if it isn't like some of the ones you hear about in the news, you know the abuse and such. I always told my husband when we were looking for a new place that God would put us where he wants us and I guess Hayward Hills in Hayward will be it. I'll be giving up my place, my section 8, and all the help I get from social workers and such but I look at it as though maybe there is someone out there that has been waiting a long time to get on it, that has kids or is a veteran and now it's there time to have their lives turn around. They can only hand out so many and help so many and I think that's where allot of people get mistaken. They think it's there for the taking and it isn't. It cost money I don't care how long you have worked. You have to give a little to get a little. I run into people all the time that ask me about the good old days and what I miss about it. The first thing that comes to mind is we seemed to have been people with more morals, integrity, loyalty to friends and country. When we fought for civil rights or the right to have abortions we really didn't know what we were getting into. It's kind of like opening Pandoras box. Now we have children that think it's their right to beat up little old ladies or men, rob who they want, not work, use any excuse to start a fight even if that means someone dying. It's difficult to walk down the street and try and say hello or good morning to anyone without getting a horrible look or a ""What are you looking at or want". That is sad and it's only getting worse. It's always me first and I deserve it WHY? I admire the men from WW11, what the Viet Nam vets had to and still have to put up with, making such stupid mistakes thinking that all our enemies were going to play nice now. Why are we so hell bent or should I say hell bound on making up game shows that only put people down, where we have completely confused our first amendment and our Bill of Rights. Look them up sometime you might just be surprised. I'm sure there are allot of people that are saying good she is going away and we don't have to look anymore at what she is saying about all of this and that we should all get on our knees and thank God for what we have but I know someone will take up where I have left off. When we have gotten to a point where only certain people are allowed to speak about discrimination you will see your rights and freedom that our brave soldiers fought for slipping away as they are now faster and faster. Then it will be a whole different war and race, color, creed won't matter. Take a good look at the Bible. We might win in the end but what is it going to cost us in the end. Everyday I thank God for being God and for Jesus Christ for without him none of us would have any Grace what so ever. It amazes me that there are individuals that still think they were born so smart and better than the rest of us as if they created themselves and everyone owes them something for them just being here. Or finally our scientists have come to the realization there must be a God and maybe just maybe they will figure out that the big bang they all talk about is God creating the Heavens & Universe and all that is in it. Yes, I'm a Christian and proud of it. Many people say they are but are they willing to say they are wrectched sinners and don't deserve anything that God gives us. Yet the first time of trouble what does everyone do? They get down on their knees and pray to God for help. They don't do this when everything is going well. Exactly what do they think going well is? I miss being able to smile at someone or to say have a nice day.. Most people believe they are going to Heaven because they are nice people. They don't understand it is because God in all his wisdom sent his only Son to this horrible world to die on the cross for all of our sins, past, present & future and to be resurected on the third day to pay a price that none of us could have. He literally smote death and tore down the emnity between you, me and everyone with God. We all are now as it should have been back with God with nothing between us. What an awesome gift he has given us just for the asking. I remember Martin Luther King, President Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy how they marched together for your civil rights, for freedom that had separted us from God. Did anyone listen? Or were they fooling themselves until they were all gunned down and the people who wanted to be in power and dancing to the strings of the devil himself either are still doing it or have come to the same realization as I have there is not one man on this earth that knows more than another. How did we get to a place where we will follow any idiot that says they have the answer as long as it has to do with money or our self image. They all agree on that one. Our self image is all wrong. What we see in the mirror must be wrong after all God makes mistakes right? That's always been man's downfall. Now all I see on tv is commercials about whitening our teeth, building our abs, sucking out the fat in our stomachs, building up our boobs and making us all look the same like robots. If God intended that why did he make us all with different DNA, different fingerprints, different colors, ideas and so on. When Jesus said his Father has many mansions in his Kingdom who do you think they were for? For us. We are the different Kingdoms, the Body of Christ, the Church. When I was growing up I wouldn't pick up a Bible for nothing only because I didn't understand what it was saying. Then one day I asked God would he show me what it says and help me understand the Scriptures. Guess what he did. NO, I'm not going to tell you what it says or means. I only know what it means to me and what it says to me. I look back on my life and I used to wonder how the heck did I ever get through that. Of course I listened to others tell me you must be strong, you must have good genes, your smart or something else just as ridiculous. It was every gift he had given me. After all I only went through the 9th grade and barely passed grammer school. How did I know the things I did. I could watch someone doing something and next thing I knew I could copy what they were doing almost instantly. Most people such as I would use that gift the wrong way, my way, to get what I wanted. I didn't see the good things it could be used for. It only took me 57 years to barely start understanding and accept the Grace I had been given freely. Ask a child about it and they get it. They haven't been corrupted yet, although it seems they are headed that way at an earlier and earlier age. We don't even give our children a chance anymore to be children. We shove them into pre-school, kindergarten and expect them to know right from wrong almost as soon as they are born. Think about the four horsemen, political, economic, religous, disease & pestelance. We are in it now. But once again we are thinking the way of destruction. It's just called the Holy wars now and who is right and who is wrong, who is going to win and who is going to lose. Well my friends we all are. If we don't get it together. Jesus said and warned us in fact the deceiver would come preaching peace, we would hear of earthquakes in many places, nation would rise against nation, fathers and mothers would turn on thier children and vice versa...Expand for more
. We see it happening all around the world yet we do nothing. Look at 9/11. Now the Muslims want to build a Mosque two blocks away and we are actually considering it. They are not even going to call it a Mosque. I will be called a Islamic Learning Center. Learning of What???? People forget that whenever these terorists win as they say a victory not only are they desicrating their own beliefs but are using our own ignorance and new money into the economy (yeah jobs) They have turned our own constitution against us and no one is saying anything. Nothing at all. We have opened our doors to the most horrific kind of people that their are. Just ask any of the people that lost thier loved ones, the policemen, firemen running into the buildings trying to save lives but losing thier own. They have twisted our true beliefs and what we fought for against the English, Spainards, and the French before winning and becoming our Great Nation Amerca. Their are so many good people in this world and are being lied to by thier own country's ours included. No one is innocent of what is going on right now and for such a long time. Are we such a great Nation? Let's act like it again. Look around the world, I have not seen a commercial in these last 57 years I have lived where someone isn't asking for money or selling their books, DVD's, instead of how about giving away Bibles or teaching the children and the adults not given the chance for a Bible study. Don't think me ignorant. Another great fib is how boring it will be Heaven, how can that be when Jesus said we all will be given charge over something to do. That hell is going to be like a big party. I have seen too much & been through too much not to realize thier is a God and he loves us not chasing us around with a lightening bolt getting ready to zap anyone he wants too I could tell you stories of things that happened to me to make me realize that God was calling to me. I have no idea what he wants to do with me a no-body but he made me different for a reason he only knows and I'm sure it's just like jig-saw-puzzle that everyone has his own special place. I know there will be some people who read this and say boy she sure went off her rocker this time or hopefully there will be someone who says you know I've been thinking about that but had no one to talk to about it. Well, let's see, there is God, Jesus, Christians and if you can't find anyone you can always write to me next month at the Haward Hills Healthcare at Mara Copeland, c/o Hayward Hills, 1768 B st., Hayward, Ca. 94541. I'm sure I'll have allot of time in the nursing home when I'm not doing rehab to help all the things that went wrong physicallly (falling,dizzyness,weakness on one side and other neurological damage that was done) plus I'll have the bonus of nurses, doctors, my husband in the same room and hopefully getting mail to answer prayfully all good. There is a reason people say "Been there, Done that". Not the same way over and over again. Beleive me I'm not talking about that Bible thumping, get in your face (although some of you need it as well as myself) rapturing some of us away (what a joke, no where in the Bible is the word rapture) people changed we will be caught up in the air with Jesus. That's spiritual not phsycially. After all he said that this will be his Kingdom, Earth, Jeruselum. Before you start thinking crazy my Father was a Baptist, my Mother being from Ireland was in the Church of England" yet I was baptized a Protestant, go figure. I said I wouldn't go into stories and I won't I just want to say Jesus never lied and never did he ever forsake me especially in tiimes of trouble or didn't answer my prayers maybe not the way I wanted them answered but they were answered. Take your mind back to Sunday School if you had the opportunity to and remember how innocent and wonderful it was to listen to the teacher tell us about the wonderful people in the Bible besides God & Jesus and how it made us feel. Secure, comfortable as if in another world altogether. How quickly that has changed hasn't it? I heard someone say the other day almost challenging me take any problem you are having today as if not one other person in all the millions that have been here before us has not had the same problem and there was an an asnwer in it if only we would pick it up and find out not only is the problem in it but so is the answer. I do hope what I am looking for as all of you one day. I know one of the biggest reasons I'm going into the nursing home besides being drawn to it, my friend (husband) will be too. Do you ever ask yourself with all the help from every organization that are saying give me this amount and we could end world hunger. Five decades I've waited looking for wonderful scene of no more starving, sick children or adults. That they all were living in nice little homes instead of shacks built out of leaves, bits of wood, whatever they could find in the garbage and still walking miles to get some water that not only has diseases in it but they bath in it, let their animals in it and no one has taught them to boil the water first to rid it of allot of the bacteria in it. No, let's tell everyone we need to build them a new well and it will only cost you this amount of money. Of course it would be nice to have new wells but until they do that why don't they show them how to do it that cost a few pennies, some time and of course people willing to teach them. Why do I say things like this? Remember when Jesus went into the Temple and turned over the tables where they were selling doves, sheep, oxen anything they could use for an offering. Of course he was angry but more so he was trying to teach them something. "He said this House of my Father, God, is a place a house for prayer not for hypocrites". Now how does that grab you when you think about the billions going into some place supposedly helping these poor people. Look around, first in Haiti everyone was gung ho to help, then we had tsunamis,floods,earthqaukes,tornados, hurricaines and every other kind of disaster. Yet all the people can say is how can we fix this when we can't even begin to fix the first one yet. Yes, as he said hypocrites. When all of a sudden did someone deserve millions of dollars for throwing a ball into a hoop or at someone so they can maybe hit it out of the ballpark. Even kids know if you keep putting pennies into a gum ball machine sooner or later your not going to have anymore gum balls or you won't have anymore pennies. California has voted twice not to allow marriage between a man and a man or woman and woman yet they didn't listen to the will of the people. Instead they are putting in front of judges. Judges are not there to make up new rules, they are to judge. Politicians have the job of promising things to us that for the life of me I don't get it as they can't promise anything yet we believe it or just like being fooled. Then we get upset for choosing the wrong one and when it comes time to run for office again so they can make stupid decisions for us again another 4 years. As the time grows closer you will see the President doing things that actually makes himself look like he is. Take that Osamba Binladin for instance it took all of these years to run down this character when we have devices that can look right into people houses. It makes me wonder what all those breakfast meetings were really about. Everyday I pray that anyone who is hungry or sick or calling out to God to help them knows he is listening. When I see an ambulance going down the street I'm amazed that they have to move around the cars instead of the cars getting out of the way for them. Don't they realize someone's life depends on it? Or when people just start running from the police? Or worse yet killing them. When did we start killing the Police and think it is alright? We have become the most immoral, uncaring, unwilling generation that has come along yet no one wants to take responsibility for it. Take a few moments and think about just what could you do about it. It doesn't take much. After all Jesus did the hard part. Or don't you think for one instance that while Jesus the Son of God was hanging on that cross that God was not crying. Not only crying for his son but crying for his children that would not listen and were stubborn. It took me along time to get to this point in my life but I am grateful for the fact that God loves me so much after everything I did. One night while crying over my own problems God brought me to my knees, convicted me of all my sins, then after gave me peace and held me and comforted me. I knew right then how much he loves me. Think that one over for awile. This kind of turned out like a sermon when I meant it to be a letter to my friends letting them know I was going into a nursing home in case they wanted to or got the chance to write to me which I do hope they will. God Bless and Keep you all safe my friends, your Sister in Christ, Mara May the Peace of our Lord Jesus Christ touch and fill your Heart
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