Richard Peck:  

Richard Peck's Classmates® Profile Photo
Hackensack, NJ
New brunswick, NJ
Teaneck, NJ
River edge, NJ
River edge, NJ

Richard's Story

LIFE BACKGROUND I had very few friends in high school , almost an invisible man. I couldn't wait to graduate and get away from home to re-invent myself. I didn't have a positive image of myself NOR a whole lot of self-confidence because I hadn't accomplished anything of real significance that would make me feel good about myself ...... . I needed to get away from parental control as well , which I think most teenagers desire. But the values that my folks instilled in me while growing up provided a great foundation while I was re-inventing myself Since high school my life has been an exciting journey involving places and jobs that I never would have imagined. I was lucky to graduate from high school with the grades that I had which was more a result of not really knowing what I wanted to do as opposed to ability... not uncommon with many high school kids today. Although my grades weren't the greatest, I am grateful that my parents made me take college prep courses. It's so sad that so many kids go on to college, get a degree that doesn't provide them with a set of marketable employment skills ... and therefore unable to get a good job . Many are left with huge student loans that in many cases are more costly than a moderate home owners loan. I believe it's because THEY THINK THEY KNOW what they want to do after high school but in reality THEY DON'T HAVE A CLUE ... I FELL INTO THIS CATEGORY !! ... Maybe if every high school graduate had to .. (1) attend one of the military services boot camp ( GOOD GRIEF it's only 8 weeks long ... it's NOT AN ETERNITY ) ... and (2) THEN BE GIVEN THE OPTION to complete tour within that service . At the end of a 2 year tour they'd be only 20 years old. Unfortunately many young people DO SEE THAT AS AN ETERNITY. It certainly made a huge difference in my life. That would be money well spent by our government and time well spent by each young adult. Too many of today's young people are being indoctrinated via college professors and social medias with the belief that they are entitled to everything. They need big injections of both the .... HARD WORK ETHIC and PATRIOTISM I believe the best way to achieve that is to re-introduce the draft for every high school graduate ( both men and women ) ... no exceptions and for two years at a minimum ... Their options are limited for only a two year commitment .... but the vast majority of these graduates will still be far better citizens than many of the today's graduates . They could request a particular branch of the Military but based on preliminary testing and the needs of that particular branch will determine if they get that branch. Otherwise they will be assigned to a particular branch by the military recruiter FYI ... Everybody in Switzerland is in the home guard FOR LIFE I had two simple goals that were the driving forces behind everything I have done since graduating from high school ... and they were ... I NEVER WANT TO BE VIEWED AS .... BEING JUST AVERAGE ...and... I NEVER WANT TO BE VIEWED AS ......HAVING NO SELF- CONFIDENCE To me these became very powerful motivators over the years ... After encountering and successfully engaging many of the opportunities that I had originally thought to be impossible, I began to feel really good about myself ... As a result my self-confidence and self-esteem was on the rise .. MY JOURNEY BEGINS! Upon graduating from high school I joined the US NAVY and spent 1 year in their Training Command ( Basic Training in MD and two Naval Air Technical Training Centers in OK and TN ) . I then spent the next 3 years attached to an aircraft carrier based ASW squadron ( Anti-Submarine Warfare ) . We flew Grumman S2F Trackers ( See Photos ) based at the Los Alamitos Naval Air Station , near Disney Land in S.California. Put the following text into the youtube search banner .....and enjoy the video The Strange Airplane Designed for a Very Specific Task Since I was trained as an Aviation Electronics Technician I was able to achieve flight status as an air crewman almost as soon as I joined the squadron. I WAS STILL ONLY EIGHTEEN YEARS OLD ... WOW !! WHAT A BOOST IN CONFIDENCE THAT WAS !!. It also helped to know we would be getting HAZARDOUS DUTY PAY. Everybody who flew ( both pilots and aircrew ) had to attend a week long survival school which consisted of ... (1) ...surviving a trip down the Dilbert Dunker in a simulated cockpit flipping upside down in a swimming pool and then successfully extracting oneself from the seat harness and swimming to the surface ( SEE GALLERY and GOOGLE DILBERT DUNKER ) (2) ...getting thru an Escape and Evasion (E and E ) Course without being captured, (3) ...surviving on the beach with very little food and shelter, and (4) ...being rescued at sea by a helicopter. The E and E course was the more scary You DID NOT want to be captured . If you were and did not survive the interrogations you would lose your aircrew status. Our squadron typically deployed into the Western Pacific ( WESPAC ) for six months at a time as part of a much larger Task Force visiting such places as .... Hawaii ( Pearl Harbor ), Japan ( Yokosuka, Yokohama, Tokyo ,Atsugi ), Okinawa ( Naha , Ft Buckner ), China ( Hong Kong ) Phillipines ( Subic Bay ). It was our job to help protect the entire Task Force from enemy submarine attacks. We were part of a HUK ( Hunter Killer ) Group made up of our squadron's Grumman S2F aircraft, Sikorsky HSS-1 Helicopters with active dipping sonar and numerous surface vessels. In 1958 we deployed aboard the aircraft carrier USS Princeton CVS-37 (See Gallery) into the Western Pacific and what an adventure that was for a 19 year old ... WOW!! In August 1958 there was major dispute between the Nationalist Chinese on Taiwan and Mainland China over the ownership of the islands ( Quemoy and Matsu ) off the coast of Mainland China ( Taiwan Strait Incident ). The Nationalist Chinese had claimed them as their own and established garrisons on both islands much to the dissatisfaction of Mainland China who then began to fire shells at these garrisons. Because the US had a treaty with the Nationalist Chinese they called for our help and we were then placed in Harms Way to protect the shipping lanes between Taiwan and these islands allowing the Nationalist Chinese to continue supplying their garrisons. For 30 days we flew patrols 24/7 .Fortunately we encountered no hostile actions . We stopped in Hawaii ( Pearl Harbor ) twice , going to and returning from WESPAC. I was hooked on my favorite vacation spot. The whole Navy experience gave me the confidence and the focus that I lacked while in high school. NOW I WAS READY FOR SOME HIGHER EDUCATION !!! After my military tour was up I worked in a variety of industries namely.. ...Defense ( Engineering Aide ), ...Printing ( Jr. Design Engineer ), ...Semiconductor ( Test Engineer /Product Marketing Engineer ), ... ...General Aviation ( Flight Instructor ), ...Commuter Airline ( Line Pilot ) and ...for an Internet Service Provider ( Product Marketing Engineer/Product Manager ). In my aviation career as a private pilot, flight instructor and commuter airline pilot I logged over 7,000 hours and was qualified to fly 28 different aircraft ( 18 single engine and 10 multi- engine aircraft ).... See Gallery I have obtained three college degrees which include a BS in Electrical Engineering, and a BS in Industrial Engineering from FDU ( Fairleigh Dickinson U ), all at night and over an eight year period (1960-67 ) . Six years later I returned to college and obtained a BS in Management from Rutgers U. at night over a two and a half year period (1974-77 ) . Each Rutger student's spouse ( husband or wife ) also received a diploma "BACHELOR OF PATIENCE" degree and believe me they earned it !! While attending FDU at night I took flying lessons on the weekends and obtained (10) FAA pilot licenses , ratings and instructor certificates, all while working full-time . They were ... (a) Private and Commercial ......................... Pilot licenses, (b) Instrument and Multi-Engine .............. Pilot Ratings, (c) Airplane, Instrument ,Multi-Engine ... Flight Instructor Certificates, (d) Private, Commercial ,Instrument ....... Ground Instructor Certificates . Later on I obtained a Computer Network Engineering Certification. To this day I do not know how I ever a...Expand for more
ccomplished all of the above in the manner in which I did. At times when I reflect on everything it seems like a dream . Needless to say my social life was very limited. My life has been anything but dull. You might call me a "Late Bloomer". Throughout everything I had accomplished above I was able to somehow maintain a 3.24 GPA during my college education. When compared to my high school grades I considered it a major victory. Also I was fortunate to be able to pay for my education by taking out personal bank loans and paying them off each semester. My folks did not have to contribute a single penny for either my college education or my flight training . I therefore never had a huge student loan debt after I graduated. I don't think that could be done today. In the mid-1960's I belonged to the Teterboro Flying Club which consisted of 20 members and 2 aircraft . While there I held positions of Secretary , Treasurer and ultimately President. It was a good group of people who enjoyed flying without having to pay high prices for renting. We charged ourselves $9 /hr for the four place aircraft ( Cessna 170 replaced by Cessna 172 ) and $6 /hr for the two place aircraft ( Cessna 140 replaced by Cessna 150 ) , which included the fuel. You say WOW that's cheap, and that's because gasoline back then was less than $0.50 /gal ! They were the good ole days ... not any more !! If you were to rent these type of aircraft today you would be paying anywhere from $130 to $200 per hour . In 1967 I interviewed with United Airlines for a job as a commercial airline pilot . At the time United was experiencing a loss of pilots due to the FAA's mandatory retirement age of 60 ( which they have since increased to 65 ). The airlines typically relied on ex-military pilots to meet their needs. Unfortunately many of them were beginning to stay in their respective military service which created a serious problem for all the airlines. In addition United was expanding their number of domestic and international routes so they were in dire need of new pilot candidates . They decided to begin interviewing candidates with as little as a Private Pilots license . At the time I had all my licenses, ratings and certificates under my belt and two college degrees. Out of the 20 candidates that day who endured a series of knowledge and aptitude tests as well as face to face interviews with United pilots, I was one of three remaining candidates with only a physical to complete. Wouldn't you know it they discovered my lack of normal depth perception even though the FAA allowed me to fly in General Aviation on a Demonstrated Ability Waiver. United even sent me to a local eye doctor who concluded that it would not be a problem for the position I was applying for. Unfortunately United Airlines Chief Flight Surgeon in Chicago turned my application down, otherwise I would have had a 30 year career with United Air Lines ... WHAT A BUMMER THAT WAS !! ' At least I went for the "BRASS RING" as they say and I'm glad that I did ... my advice to anyone is if there is a BRASS RING in your life DON'T HESITATE TO REACH FOR IT EVEN IF YOU DON'T ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM OTHERWISE YOU WILL REGRET IT LATER ON ! Still it was a great confidence booster to know that had I not had a depth perception problem I would have flown commercial jets for a living ... ... At any rate the rest is history . I have been married to my best friend since 1971. Her name is Elizabeth ( aka Betty ) and I am most fortunate to have found my soul mate ... she's a real gem ! She has been my rock throughout our married life. You may be wondering why I haven't mentioned anything about children. Well what I tell everyone is that "God Didn't Trust Us With Our Own Kids" ... but it was okay to turn our home into a daycare in three states ( NJ, TX, PA) . Later on in PA when we regained the use of our house, my wife ( Betty ) went to work in a local daycare for almost 12 years. She could have run the place, but AAAAH she didn't have the required education they said she needed ... their loss !! If I have learned anything over these past few decades it is that we as human beings have an almost unlimited capacity to learn so many different things and yet we have barely tapped into our full capabilities. I have been to 41 of our 50 states, many of them numerous times. I have lived in 11 of those states . At last count I had residences at twenty one different mailing addresses. My dad was born and raised in New Britain CT , my mom was born in San Francisco CA and raised in Oakland CA while my brother and I were born in Chicago IL and raised in NJ. GO FIGURE !! You might say I have been living a somewhat nomadic life . Prior to moving to NJ, I lived in three states, namely Illinois ( Chicago ) , Long Island NY and Connecticut. Since then my residences have been spread across eight states ( NJ, MD, OK, TN, CA, TX, PA , GA). I have worked for eleven different employers since high school , US Navy ( MD, OK, TN. CA ) , Bendix Aviation Corp ( NJ ), Star Parts Co ( NJ ), Three Flight Schools ( NJ ), Allegheny Commuter Airline ( PA ), Burroughs Corp ( NJ ), RCA Solid State Electronics ( NJ ), Texas Instruments ( TX ) and AT&T ( PA ). I worked for AT&T for 20 years as a Product Marketing Engineer and a Product Manager for High Speed Internet Access Services to Small Business Customers in the USA. I have been privileged to have visited 17 countries around the world 4 of which I mentioned above while in the Navy. The remaining 13 have been a combination of vacation and business trips for my civilian employers, namely ... England, France, Germany , Austria , Switzerland , Belgium , Spain , Portugal , Grand Cayman, Mexico , Canada , Jamaica , Bermuda . Although it is one of our 50 states our favorite vacation spot is Hawaii. We have been there together ( 7 ) times over the years. If you include my tour in the Navy it's been ( 9 ) times for me. It is truly a magical place. We really do not mind the 10 hours of flying it takes to get there . If you want to understand why we feel Hawaii is such a magical place, .. search for in the youtube search bar A SONG OF OLD HAWAII BY THE WAIKIKI ISLANDERS and enjoy a little bit of Hawaii I retired from AT&T in Dec 2003 and became re-certified as a Flight Instructor ... something I really enjoyed doing. I retired from that in 2009. After 27 years ( 1983 to 2010 ) in Allentown, PA ( the Lehigh Valley ) ... we moved to Cumming, GA ( NO MORE SNOW and GREAT TAX BREAKS ). More recently ( 2014 ) we moved into a gated community for active adults in Gainesville GA ( Cresswind on Lake Lanier ) . Great place !! Google the following ... KOLTER HOMES CRESSWIND Would I change anything that has happened to me on my journey since high school , ABSOLUTELY NOT !! I have truly been blessed . Thought you might like to know what happened to that kid from River Edge who looked like he was 15 years old when he graduated ..... I WAS THINKING THE OTHER DAY THAT YOU GOOD FOLKS WHO HAVE ALREADY READ MY LIFE DOCUMENT PROBABLY HAVE A FEW QUESTIONS ON YOUR MIND. SO LET ME PROVIDE YOU SOME ANSWERS TO THESE QUESTIONS 1. HOW DID MY MOM AND DAD EVER MEET SINCE THEY LIVED ON OPPOSITE COASTS 2. HOW DID MY BROTHER AND I COME TO BE BORN IN CHICAGO 3. HOW DID WE WIND UP IN LONG ISLAND NEW YORK 4. HOW DID WE WIND UP IN NEW JERSEY 5. HOW DID I BECOME INTERESTED IN AVIATION MY DAD COMPLETED 4 YEARS IN THE NAVY IN 1930 . IT WAS A TIME WHEN AIRLINES WERE IN THEIR INFANCY . BOEING WAS COMPETING WITH DOUGLAS TO GET THESE FLEDGING AIRLINES TO BUY THEIR PRODUCT . BOEING REALIZED THEY WERE GOING TO REQUIRE TRAINED MECHANICS TO MAINTAIN THESE AIRCRAFT. THEREFORE – 1930 THE “BOEING SCHOOL OF AERONAUTICS” WAS CREATED IN OAKLAND CALIFORNIA. SINCE THIS WAS DURING THE DEPRESSION MANY PEOPLE OPENED UP THEIR HOME TO BOARDERS YUP YOU GUESSED IT MY DAD ENROLLED IN THE SCHOOL AND TOOK A ROOM AT MY GRANDMOTHERS HOUSE AND STARTED DATING MOM POP COMPLETED THE TWO YEAR SCHOOL AND THEN MARRIED MY MOM JOBS WERE NOT IN BIG SUPPLY FOR HIS SKILL SET IN THE SAN FRANCISCO AREA ..THEY STRUGGLED .. EVENTUALLY UNITED AIRLINES , WHO WAS BASED IN CHICAGO BOUGHT THE SCHOOL WHICH OPENED REAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR DAD SO OFF WE GO TO CHICAGO SEVEN YEARS LATER AN OPPORTUNITY OPENED UP WITH AMERICAN AIRLINES AT THE NY LAGUARDIA AIRPORT .. SO OFF WE GO TO LONG ISLAND 3 YEARS LATER AN OPPORTUNITY OPENED UP AT BENDIX AVIATION IN TETERBORO, SO OFF WE GO TO NEW JERSEY Hope you find my life since high school of some interest ... thanks for taking the time to read this
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