Barry Halbritter:  

Takoma AcademyClass of 1971
Takoma park, MD

Barry's Story

HOW! pale face and to whom is nosey! smile, quickest way to defuse a awkward situation! I am the same guy you thought I was then, now just wiser,plumper,(well rounded like most) and if I spent the rest of my life asking the Creator to forgive (which I am asking) my wrongs of past I'd have to live two to three times my present age. I view my early years at TA as very special, thank you all for making that so. Had I known how special, I would have been more apt to meet and make more friends (especialy the many beautiful ladies) including to have helped more classmates. If I inadvertently had led some onto the stray and wide wrong path way, (you’re welcome, just kidding),forgive my forwardness and accept my deepest apoligies. I still enjoy life and teach my kids to thank the Creator for every second of it. I do not want people to get the wrong idea, my sharing our todays blessings is not meant to be a braggart, nor think I am any better than another brother or sister in our Creator, I am generally happy and been very, very blessed, I think paying tithes, keeping our Creator at the front of life, is where blessed good things come in life. In our early years, my mom, Dad and us three kids, literally lived in my uncle's one room chicken coop with one bed, a dusty floor, you could see thru the walls, just planks of wood, just before my father died in 1962, while Dad was in the middle of building a very small house, After my dad's death my mom worked three jobs, to keep food on table, we later lived in the shell of that house with only felt board walls, no electric, no indoor water, no heat, no bathroom, we had a out doors out house (toilet), a old out side steel handle hand pump to shallow well you primed with a tin cup, to get cold water. There was 30 below zero winters, it took my mom many years to finish off building house. We never lived in one place longer then three years, as I even remember moving three times in one year! My most enjoyable hobby outside of my precious 4 children, whom are my greatest treasures. Hobby one is race car driving, not the sissy oval but road racing on a true and challenging road course with many turns, with many opportunites to make a mistake in trail breaking, the turn in's, catching the correct apex and shifting up, down hundreds of times, etc. I have also been blessed by the Creator to be in many catch and release deep sea marlin tournament fishing events all around the world for black and blue Marlin, I've caught about 47 marlin since 1994, ((still waiting to catch the elusive grander, 1,000 lbs.). Once you are out into the ocean a 100 or so miles off shore the air is so, so clean, fresh, as the waters are so deep diesel blue, it is exhilarating. Since I left TA in 71,I have been more involved in the politics of my Oneida Indian Nation of NY and have had to dodge real bullets , arrson's, killings by local racists, assults on my Oneida Nation people, by policing agencies of Federal, State, and county political levels, even including local cowboy's the vigilantes. The smallest of truth over the many hundreds of incidents told by my self and our Oneida people would seem unbelievable by the average American citizen in the USA and our words or even documented truths would be doubted. It is so ironic since my Oneida Indian Nation (OIN) were the first allies of the Thirteen Colonists and George Washington, fighting side by side. The OIN peoples lost 50% of its man power in supporting 13 Colonists as allies, leaving our Nation devastated.. Oneida Nation people have always kept our promise in signed treaties to our new allies and have fought in every American conflict, with loss of Oneida lives in every war of conflict to date. After wining that British war, the colonist sought to raise a King, but key leaders among the colonist knew of the Haudenosaunee Great Law of Peace. Our Indian Sachems shared our Iroquois Great Law of Peace with the colonists upon request and the colonist adopted most of our native principals of Democracy into the formation of the constitution for creation of a new Colonial government, which you all try to abide by today, its the Great Law of Peace parts the forefathers LEFT out of the new constitution, which is why America has grown to become so corrupt in only two centuries, Capital Hill is in bed with Wall Street, corporate lobbyist today, as they unfortunately all rob the tax payers, you! The Creator sent a Peace Keeper to my OIN and brother 4 Nations millenniums ago, The Peace Keeper arrived on our shores in upstate NY in a Stone canoe (which a dozen men had to carry upon shore, they knew then he was from the spirit world). Our Haudenosaunee five original Nations, spoke 5 different distinct languages, but when the Peace Keeper spoke all 5 Nations understood his one language, this again confirmed he was from the spirit world. The Peace Keepers first lesson to my Haudenosaunee people was, he took one arrow from a quiver and broke it easily, then he took 5 arrows representing the 5 Indian nations and could not break them, this is the first message shared to colonists, "Unity ", 5 arrows are stronger then one"! There is a reason I share this precious history with my TA friends, as 99.9% of American citizens Do Not know why the seal of America has an eagle holding 13 arrows in it talons! The colonists originally sought to meet my 5 Nations at our Grand council house located just south of Syracuse NY at the Onondaga Indian reservation, they originally asked to meet one colony at a time, asking for Haudenosaunee (5 original Indian nations) to help fight the British as allies, Our Indigenous sachems ( head chiefs) told these individual colonies, we will not MEET one colony at a time, we sent them Peace Keepers message of Unity, you must unite as "13 colonist" and then we will meet you at Grand council, as "13 arrows are stronger then one"! Hence why the seal of America eagle holds 13 arrows in his talons ( look on back of a dollar bill)! I have devoted my later 20 years to my people needs and poor cousins in Latin America, that has been a large part of my life trying to create a better future for what we call our Seventh Generation yet to arrive. Please, I pray your not be offended by my shared words, as I have tried to share true history seen through Indigenous eyes, knowledge, which could easily fill a dozen novels. I feel I have lived ten average lives and still blessed to have strength to fight unto my death supporting the freedom that our Creator gave to his care takers of his lands here, for all rights of my people, defending unto my last breath. Even as a Christian or native If we stand alone even if against the whole world, I fear not, as the truth can never be changed (as Creators laws are written in stone) and all creation will face the talley of it in the Creator's courts at the end! Please care for and teach your children (grand children) to care for Mother Earth and Nature with thoughts for the Seventh Generation of your future also! Men of power, controlling countries embedded in greed, will never hold to the Holy, or earthly truth, as oil can not mix with water! All good comes from Creator all evil comes from Lucifer, simple! Blessings to all my old mates and friends many of you have instilled for ever, great memories of TA and all it offered in the good innocent, youthful early years of all our lives, Te Ka Ha Wusale (day ga ha wong say) means Two Canoe's, Barry Halbritter PS if interested read on, a message to friends, added in this profile on 9-7-14. I amazingly have been allowed by our Creator to still be walking my path after seeing death face a dozen times, for some reason spared by the Creator, over and over! I teach my children Ashley 17, Lily 12, Barry Daniel 10 and my baby Cami 6 to thank the Creator each morning and night for the literal daily life he blesses us with. It saddens my soul to hear of friends (Rebecca Peters, Bill Roberts, Gary Woods, Val Silvers, now 2023 Ace, Tooly, wendall many others) whom we were blessed to know, have passed on, but with the faith in our Creator, as Jesus paid for our sin’s and offers a joyful hope in his Salvation . As we look to the horizon for the re turn of our blessed brother Jesus and Creator, father God, Satan and all the fallen angels are slaves to their own sin, as the war that started in heaven blessedly has already been won at the sacrifice on cross, as the author to sin will pay the ultimate penalty, in our Creators unchangeable law, through sentence of death., Our Creators heavenly love proven pure, in God offers of eternal life under simple faith in son Jesus, as sting of death is a short temporal blink. Each of you can influence children and those you meet in life, taking advantage of opportunity to deliver our Creators last message in “Third Angle Message “, which Adventist are blessed, chosen to share. I have 20 years (1995) ago devoted what gift of life is left helping my poor and extreme poor cousins of North and Southern hemisphere , to begin a new era fulfilling prophesy , in teaching the Creators message, first of UNITY,( five arrows are stronger than one ) which brings PEACE (no more killings of Indigenous, for theft of Mother Earths natural resources). Ive been blessed in envisioning global economic solutions for the restoration of Indigenous Pre Colonial wealth, now in the 21st century. To be accomplished through these new huge economic developments with in Central Governments of south American countries. Creating for the first time in five centuries, Indigenous future unto the 7th Generation, by self earned budgets, requiring no support from government taxes. With no direct influence of corrupt Governments, but under Indigenous self determination in pure native benefits of the 7th Generation yet to arrive on Mother ...Expand for more
Earth. I have under our Creators blessings formulated 20 years ago new global economic models, ironically paralleling a fulfillment of the 5,000 year old Mayan calendar of Latin America, Guatemala. Which is a start of a new era beginning on the end of the 5,000 year calendar, end date on December 21 of 2012 (is not the predicted end of the world, Hollywood sensationalizes)., I am praying this globes next generations will see how the evil of man brings ending doom if left to his own demises, Humanity proved through history, man's new God is "greed" which has infringed upon others by 5 centuries of eastern "colonization" through invaders constant worshiping of their newly self invented God (GREED), which is largest earthly following. Man has in a short 1,656 year's from Adam and Eve unto Noah time of flood, went from walking in the garden with the Creator to constantly thinking only the evil of their hearts day and night. As man dabbled in amalgamation in defacing the Creators holy Creation, man in Creators image. Changing Gods nature by amalgamation of dinosaurs, Satan's stealthy influence on man defacing Creators Mother Nature. Mans evil was in DNA science adding dinosaurs. Man brought the wrath of the Creator upon them in a 40 day and night deluge, cleansing Mother Earth of all mans deviation from Gods pure design of Nature, EGW said hidden under the earth to be discovered later, our near future this diluvian history of that science. At flood only 8 believed Gods truths, passed on by Adam, as many elders who lived 700, 800 plus years and literally spoke directly to their relatives in those 1,656 years, as to why knowledge with man was so advanced. The flood rebirth, as a virgin bride in start of a new era, Mother Earth cleansed again. Now in a short time of only 4,000 years passing from flood to now, as Gods chosen Jewish who 2,000 years ago crucified the Creators only begotten son, whom was sent to prove the Creators laws were "obey able". Our salvation is in strength of holy spiritual LOVE. by direct connection to Gods Holy Spirit,,freely offered all. Provides only perfect example for all who grown faith, in eating Gods holy words. unconditionally. Classmates follow Creators voice from Garden, unto Saviors second coming. Your faith proves to other worlds God law is truth, as Satan's claims we are forced to love the Creator under threat of death, is false! Our Creator and son with unanimous support of a Heavenly Council developed the Salvation solution, as Lucifer was left out of this private councile, jealousy entered his heart! God knew Satan had to be given these 7 millenniums to let Satan’s self prove sins hidden deceptions in Satan's lies, revealing Gods truth in his laws are pure unchangeable. Satan will bow his head, knee, all sinners bowed in one voice will admit universally, law of God is just, sinners judged with penalty of death is JUST, that is unchallengeable. Graduates of TA you by now know how much time and efforts we all wasted in seeking pleasures of this earth, as we were tempted, Satan used our strongest human passion’s, against all. Now I pray we hear Holy Spirit talks to your heart, we realize, our duty upon us all, share these truths! Actions or lack of will be recorded. Ask self why are we still giving into Satan? His failure in heaven, as covering cherub, down to Eve and Adam world history is a free map to better future, we continue to fail, awake as we do not have a lot of time left to make this life and death decision! Had we willfully listened to our elders, parents, the bible, as a book of spiritual encoded history, validating humanities failures and Gods offers of success through time, as ironically it's the only moral road map of how not to repeat all those past failures! Is it sane to turn down Gods road map? A small narrow trail leads to the greatest eternal treasures attainable, Do not let others, no matter how much we love them, miss guide you (Lot's wife looked back)! Upon each new blessed day we can influence others knowingly and unknowingly, as the little ones watch our every action!, Our gifted chance to spread by word or action, faith in the Third Angles Message sits upon tip of your tongue.. As Christs gift to thief on the cross gives ultimate hope, no matter the despair of sins, you and I equally offered growth in faith can claim the "promises" of our Creator, Please classmates claim them! Do not let Noah's Ark example pass any of us by, as a ship in dark of night! Na Ki" wa, So Long, your forgotten classmate, friend, blood brother in our Creator, as should be our goal preparing our heavenly characters here on Mother Earth, I pray we see each other again my friends and all others of faith too, Barry Years my friends have passed, now it is 4-19-18 and most of us are still here, I pray, Thank you creator for that blessing to us all. I have been to too many condolences, 60 plus (funerals), each one is just as sad as first exposure by loss of loved ones or friend. I am still trying to help my cousins the extreme poor in south and North Hemisphere . A thought, when we go visit the impressionable places we saw as kids with our parents and family, it always seems so small now by comparison visiting, as seen through eyes of an adult! I remember looking 35 years ago at a small shed my brother Ray and I with our two friends camped out in when we were just young kids around 1963. That shed was still up on that hill, but none of us could even fit one arm and shoulder through the small opening of door, ha, ha, four fat old bears, left out in the cold! So I chose to share this in respect to you, with great memory of the majority of my high school years spent at TA with you all. It for some reason only seems like a few years ago, but the mirror tells me the truth. You are mostly grandparents, maybe great grandparents, blessing to all your loved ones my friends, from my heart to yours. Even if we did not know each other to well, we still shared the same space, and I can see glimpse's of your faces in hall, assembly, TA was our youth and we passed as two ships in the night, in those hallways, so I like to think of you all, as a big family of friends in faith still! . I am not yet a grand parent, my oldest Ashley is 21, my Lily is 16, my son Barry Daniel is 15 and my baby Cami is 10, Yow-Za! I am not embarrassed at any thing in my life, so I share with you my true thoughts. Last time I visited TA, was around 2008 reunion, it was truly joyful to see people from so long ago. Eat again Ledo's pizza, drive on those roads we drove like nuts, saw the old 7-11's we stopped at on weekends, while starring down greasers whom seemed to be always looking to start trouble! I even remember faintly on night out in country side at a 7-11 a car load of greasers wanted to go beyond the stare, so above the shouting, Woodall with me, started to walk over to their car, they got real nervous, they thought we were going to bug out, we didn't, so one of them panicked, reached into the back seat of car and brought out a shot gun, it didn't intimidate all of us, as we still continued to walk over to them and continued to tell them off, go ahead! So foolish to think of that now, as I seen over years to much violence, shootings, killings, arsons, assaults of my people after leaving TA. Life is to precious to argue, be mad at another, Creators peace is at the forefront of my mind mostly now, but that steam can build up quickly still, so I have to tell myself, calm down, its not worth it, I've near used up 9 lives, nothing needs to be proved. It was such a lie being told sticks and stones can't hurt you, Wars are started over words (especially spoken by Women, boy they can stir things up real quickly) even start a war, as revealed in the Bible! Men's passions are the hardest to over come (you girls never know how much power you had) , so ladies be kind to us, patient, lovers not complainers, and all your dreams can be in life. I guess you can tell I know how to send smoke signals still, so if any of you like to send some signals back? Even though the ages pass us by, you my friends will all remain special in my memories of TA. I pray we are fortunate to meet again in the new heaven on Mother Earth. My best. to (not in order) Tom tons, John M, skirt chaser, John A, so serious Doc, Charlene D, Jim L, Steve H great competition, Glenn W, poker buddy, Jim B, (remember you left me in Baltimore after a concert at 1am, had to hitch it home walking miles through a tough slum, until beltway, I got a finally got a ride with a nut to Washington, still owe you one!,), Dexter F, think tank meetings, Terry D. Mr fast ball, Doug H, good guy, hope to see you there my friend, Alan L, big Al, Debbie L, moony nights yup, Ron M. the rock, foundation of intention, William O, thinker for his people, Frank P, one of my first fiends in 10 grade, the hulk, Bill R, ambitious, great fun if on inner circle, blessing to his family, Val S, a special friend, great memories, talks, forever missed, Steve S, another fun guy successful, David S, quite, good guy, Dale T, honest, trust worthy, Ken W, great classes together, cool, Mary Ann C a cutie, Joyce A, another cutie and her buddies were also cutie's, Patricia d reminded how bad I was in English (its the foreign language), Shirley H, fun, always nice, Sherolyn N cute, a friend had a crush on you, so I kept my interest from growing, boo hoo, Joyce A, a great girl cutie with a really nice friend I liked too( who had the softest lips to date), Bruce B. destine to give back from his blessings, Renee B, many, many talks, good friend, not forgotten trips to ocean, Val S. Willa all Yummy, Elin S, beautiful & sweet, Dennis W, smart, envied, Shirley W, cute, nice matching car, glad I gave her a ride,OUT of space, blessings
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