Del Allie:  

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Decatur, IL

Del's Story

In HS I was a non-person, you won't find or remember me. Tinch and Taylor might. They probably had a good laugh when they received requests for my high school transcripts as they picked them out of the trash. I thought they might bring back the "E" for my benefit . I would have been happier if I had Charles Lockhart's '57 T-Bird. Fortunately dropping out never crossed my mind. Due to the D---HS grades college gave me credit for having military service and put me on a one-semester probationary status. From one probation to another. Was life telling me something? My applying was just a shot in the dark considering my D-grades were right on the line, so what the heck, At least I was consistent. Flunking one grade, I would have quit. Sitting by the door would decrease my outbound transit time. Favorite hang out place was Tozer's Pool Hall. A nice place and my folks always knew where I would be, keeping out of trouble. But I wasn't going to let a little thing like that stop me. A minor thing but enough to know that I needed to change my life and the Army was the only way I could think of. Shooting pool eased my Army time & typing skills paid off. Playing pool in the Army is a really big thing. Between playing pool and typing I had 3 comfortable years. Best decision of my life was joining the Army when I did. I just barely missed Viet Nam. I would have joined anyway regardless of the trouble. Post military I was filled with a new enthusiasm but not expecting any miracles. Although Judging by the replies, the colleges must not have yet reached their Gangster quota. I also applied to Millikin. They sent me a nice "Thanks but no Thanks" letter. That was my first rejection. It was such a nice form letter rejection I could have featured it in my resume. T'was more like a letter of recommendation. Almost married my HS sweetheart. That was the first bullet I dodged in my life. I was the only bullett she dodged. Anyway, she dumped me when I joined up, as was the case with many other guys. You know, out of sight out of mind. No more perfume/lipstick letters from Eileen. Smart girl! You can tell it's a Dear John letter by the thickness of the envelope. May as well have just sent a postcard. She was/is a stay in Decatur all your life girl. She is Now married 30+ years, I couldn't have done it. In fact, I know I couldn't. I was the only bullett she dodged. Why do you girls think a guy is being unfaithful while away on an Army post with 100K other guys. I didn't know at that time I was going to have such an intransit, X-the family life. Considering My work hours over many years at Shell, I would have missed any family life . She must have had a crystal ball. Oh well, family life, 9 months of immobility followed by 3 years of crying & crapping followed by 13 years of trouble and then they leave home and never call you again. X-2 or 3 times. Wife #1 already had 2 kids. She wanted to get fixed. The doctor was explaining the operation and possible side effects. Out of the blue I said "wouldn't it be easier if I was fixed?" Wow! How many men would say something like that. On the day there were so many men that looked like they would rather have been somewhere else, anywhere else. So far I've survived 2 heart attacks, motorcycles, two bombs in Peru, 2 cancers and wives' hurricanes Betty, Barbara, Patrizia and Carol.. While not particularly good-looking and underweight I did gain 40 Army lbs I had a plus in my 30's> with the women by having a real job and a stay-at-home-hobby. I drank at home..... Kiddin'. Don't drink, don't smoke, no drugs, I ain't no fun. Those years 30> the girls drop their expectation to a 6 on the good-looking scale. In my 50's a 4 as long as he has other qualities, a real job, money, etc.. Geez, now a 2 unless he is a complete bum. I made/make, not for sale, but they do sell for lot$, model boats. During the winter non-motorcycle months I particularly enjoy making them for Navy guys that want a model of the ship they served on. You can see them on You Tube, Go to Sovereign of the seas model, Del Allie Absolutely the #1 decision in my life Out of HS and after 3 months of unloading itchy asbestos from boxcars, blessed by my dad and PO, mom cried (all moms do) was to join the Army, Now, I can't imagine life without the VA and duct tape, The VA here as far as I am concerned is an A+. In '58 my daily dead end future was unloading asbestos from boxcars. That was another later in life health Bullet I dodged, breathing asbestos for 3 months. I have asbestos nightmares. I didn't have a future other than tomorrow's boxcar. But at 18 I was already a higher echelon Manager, of me. If Judy Garland survived those asbestos snowflakes in Wizard of OZ, so could I. Betcha didn't know that. Those 3 regimented Army years got my head on straight even though I already knew how to make my bed and that the pointy end of the gun is towards the enemy. I was lucky to be in a peace time Army, 58-62, nothing was happening in the world and I got out on a 3-month early release for college. As far as I knew Viet Nam was a far away beach resort. So peaceful that sometime I don't believe I deserve VA benefits. Except for giving 3 years of my life. Glad to be out but also glad to have been in. Best decision of my life. On the bright side, That was back when asbestos and nicotine were good for you, just check yesteryear's commercials, they wouldn't lie on TV. A little asbestos on your corn flakes in the morning, black coffee, an unfiltered Camel cigarette, filtered if you want to be a health nut, got my day off to a good start, all the way up to walking out the door. Then the cold harsh reality of another itchy boxcar load of asbestos. That's what I get for just squeaking by in HS. Even the women in my dreams are wearing asbestos PJ's with the feet in them. Against all odds and just after hell froze over I graduated HS with a perfect and consistent 70 (D-) grade. After 3 months which seemed like 3 years of unloading asbestos I joined the Army when all they required was a warm body able to pass the rain test., Looking back I am sure if I had not joined when I did I'd have been drafted into Viet Nam, or done more business with the DPD, it was that time. I couldn't qualify in today's Army at 110 lbs or a 10 I.Q., but back then all they required was someone that was breathing. If they survived walking up 2 flights of stairs to the recruiting office, that was good enough. At the end of my 3-years and with my new found enthusiasm I went on to get a BA from the University of Southern California in LA. It was 6 years of work, shooting pool & school. The Corvette I wanted was just going to have to wait. I had to choose a big city that I could find a job, preferably not asbestos related with classier crime. No G.I. Bill, no support, Poor me, ahww. Too late for the old GI Bill too soon for the new. Things were tight, but all that I had was a responsibility to myself. Here again, typing proved a big + working for a customs broker afternoons and playing pool at night with only a sliver of time to study or the time waiting for my opponent to miss a shot. I had to be careful in the volatile areas, Compton, East LA, etc.. Beating someone 500 to 490 makes for a happy looser. But 500 to 3 might trigger a beatdown. I was on their "turf". Oh well, I needed the tuition. USC was not cheap but it was in California. Happy loosers were necessary in the Army, we didn't have much money. I don't know what happened to my pool playing, it just kinda faded away. Got just so good and couldn't get any better. Unlike Sx Practice didn't make perfect. Besides, I had to get back into the real world unlike the Paul Newman movie. It was hard to keep going back after taking a semester off. It was not fun. I had 2 semesters studying including summer sessions, 1 or 2 semesters work depending on the Pool-shooting at night. High School was definitely irresponsibly fun'er. No work, all play, garbage grades. It is difficult maintaining a 70 when you don't want to study. Today close to passing is good enough. If I got a "C" I'd think of myself as being on the honor roll. Some of my D's, I think, were Pity grades. I Only weighed 110# (sports was out) my IQ far less, studied for the urine test but flunked it anyway as well as those simple, quickie Wonderlic tests until I memorized them. My dad tried everything to get me into sports, but it just was not going to happen. Playing pool equaled his expectations of me for a alternative to extra curricular sports. We made money from that. It paid better than running a 4-minute mile and it didn't require a shower after every game. Although I was good at pole vaulting. My favorite bully in HS was Gary C. or maybe it was 9th grade. He had me up against a locker. Then, get this, some teacher comes along and says "if you two want to fight take it outside". But like every bad memory there are 10 good'uns that we forget. For me it was a good memory if I didn't get caught. But all luck runs out sooner or later. Fortunately it was sooner. So, so much for my foray into crime. Post Army everything changed when I found that piece of my brain that had been missing. Then came the real world with actual responsibilities. That world that does not accept a D-. Followed by a few years of dead end jobs. Then an MBA from Thunderbird Graduate School of International Management in Arizona. After that 3 months at The College of Advanced Traffic and Transportation in Chicago. Maybe posting my resume on bathroom walls was not the way to do it. That was back when degrees mean't something, and simple tide-you-over jobs were all too easily found until Ms. right-job came along, if e...Expand for more
ver. Until I got my foot into Shell's door. That was a career and getting there before reaching that dreaded middle-age unemployability. It was nice being "courted", as most MBAs' were back in the day. I had a choice when I got 2 offers while living/working in San Francisco area from Pabst in beautiful Peoria or Shell in a garbage dump in Long Beach. HELEN COLLINS PERSONNEL AGENCY had some long tentacles. Gotta say that she had a lot of patience and forgiving for me after I quit two jobs within a year for no good reason. Jobs which the employer's had paid the fee. Might have thought they could get a Master's degree on the cheap that could type. X-the expense for a secretary. Soon finding out the previous guy had a secretary. It Left a bad taste thinking my being hired was because I could type, Married 4 times, a few almost', 3rd time on a Vegas weekend for 4 days. 3 good days and then 6-months waiting for the final divorce. Her Being disappointed and sober she took the first plane back to her dancing career in Vegas. Didn't think I would ever again meet such a beautiful girl until Miss Peru. 3 months later I Got married to my Peruvian within her 30-day tourist visa. I was sweating our immigration interview. So afraid INS would find out that I was already married. Worse yet her find out. Not easily 'splained in either case. She was so unbelievably beautiful I couldn't tell her the truth. But, no problem. For 23 years #4 never knew about #3. Afterall. it was only for 3 days. I thought the next time I get married it will be early in the morning so if it didn't work out it wouldn't ruin my whole day. I miss the 2nd's cooking, I could weight 300 lbs and her about the same. Reminds me of that 40's song "Huggin and A Chalking". The 4th was for 23 years to (Miss Peru ''76"), who I met when Shell sent me to Peru for a month of punishment. After 23 great years I lost my dearly beloved, smart, charismatic, beautiful, generous (she'd give a beggar the shirt off my back) wonderful, caring, friendly, affectionate wife in '95 when she dumped me and married her Peruvian psychiatrist on her yearly vacation to Peru. Probably her yearly session with him in Peru aside from the ones in Miami....airfare LA to Miami ain't cheap to get laid. She Divorced him a year later.....I wanted her to be happy, but not TOO happy. I knew him, he was a rat but a very good-looking rat. A 10+, I might even have dated him. Often I had wished that I would have been born good-looking instead of Poor. She deserved better. The Grass wasn't that much greener. Geez, I hope I never get what I deserve. The women I meet needed maintenance. Maybe that's why I never had a family. #4, aside from both of us not being able to. Her being a Veterinarian was #1 in her life. I would say a world-class Vet. Now I might be going for the 5th. They say the 5th time is the charm. Or is the 7th or 8th or 9th? Oh well, I'm sure it's one of those. Maybe until one kills me. That commitment at 83 to love someone for the rest of your life is getting more easily kept. Even lifetime guarantees on Auto parts are not a big deal. The 5th will certainly be for love....again. It's been such a long time since my last relationship that I may not remember where to put things. I have only one rule, that she can't weigh more than I do. Life was/is fun with the minor challenges and minor'r rewards. Trying to get more of the latter than the former. I've had a moderate, IN transit, interesting and good life so far, although the day isn't over yet. I've had enough 24/7 jobs and traveling to last 5 lifetimes. Oh how I longed for a 8-5 job, but it wasn't going to happen without an unacceptably deep salary cut. But on the bright side Computers were going to make everything easier and shorten the work week, yeah, sure. Pity the young ones now with their new leftist normal and trying to find out if they are a boy or a girl, as we are melting their ice. Put the kid in a room with a Barbie doll and GI Joe and see which one he/she/it plays with. I think our generation and the one behind had ridden the crest of the middle class wave. Gas .25/gallon, unbelievable, but we had to take up a collection on the Firestone parking lot to buy a gallon of gas to drive thru Steak & Shake, around the transfer house, finally thru Elam's, then back to Firestone was about as far as a gallon of gas could take us. I've Dodged a few small bullets and some big ones as many of us had, as with the INS, being married to #3 and #4 at the same time. Gotta say that Viet Nam was one of those biggies. Wouldn't mind telling someone about my bullets' after the hospital removes that revolving door. Longest satisfying job I had was Working for Shell Intl in Calif and other places. I would have worked for them for Free, that is how much I enjoyed it when on the upper middle level corporate ladder. Big MISTEAK was leaving after years, and a probable promotion, to move to Peru. I had a very convincing and gorgeous 106-112 lb wife, all the #s in the right places. And Peruvian fitness centers were a lot cheaper. Lotsa riches were said to be waiting for us if we bring dollars. What was I thinking. It didn't take long for both of us to get our heads on straight. A couple of terrorist bombs, attempted kidnapping and a mugging/hospitalization, luckily I just lost my watch, had a little/or lot to do with it. I loved that watch. Having family there was a small comfort after coming from the riches, safety and the great stuff of America the Beautiful. When coming back to the U.S. I had reached that unemployability age. I I I Started a small truck brokerage agency in California getting truckers back-haul loads . It was something to do to get me to 62 and UN-social IN-security. Like, they say, be careful what you wish for. Full time retirement is not Heaven for most even if they can afford to, although I did not want to work full time. Full time golf is not great either but I did enjoy that hole when the ball goes thru the waterfall and windmill. And the one that goes thru the tire is a really big Turn-on. Then/now, I make the wood dash parts for the Honda Goldwing motorcycle. It gives me something to do (actually, too much) and bike rallies to go to. The traveling to and from, I ain't too crazy about. More traveling is not in my cards. Between my motorcycle parts, I have been making for 20 years, the time traveling to rallies and my model boat hobby I still put in 40+ hours with no end in sight except for, well, you know, that dirt nap. My ideal passing would be right after I spend my last dollar. And I haven't fallen off my bike since the last time I had fallen off my bike. Remember that song 18-wheels and a dozen roses by Kathy Mattea? After 37 years Charlie is retiring, buying a Winnebago and setting out to find America. After 37 years if Charlie hasn't found America, Charlie has a problem. More like Charlie will be buying a couple cases of beer, sitting on the porch watching the grass grow. Missed the kids growing up and they never call him. Financially I can live comfortably for the rest of my life on what I have in the bank, or next Thursday, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. I have Lived in Poplar Bluff for 20 years in Missouri which often I feel is still to big for me. I would prefer a ranch, without the work to maintain it, with my dogs, a money tree, Scarlet Johannsen, 2 horses, 2 donkeys, deer, Sheena Easton just in case Scarlet doesn't work out and a partridge in a pear tree. I've had enough of big cities, most horribly Lima, Peru which going there was like buying a very expensive ticket to hell. Big Costly mistake was taking the household, especially the 110v stuff and the cars. Even the vastness of St Louis scares me. I have 2 Golden Retrievers (Ginger & Molly) and one cat (Callie). When eating out I bring them something. They must think I do my grocery shopping at Goodwill because they never get anything that is new. The Most useful subject in HS was typing. Can't imagine my life without being able to type. Although Quality jobs came with a secretary. Luckily I could type in the Army, clerks don't dig holes. In the 60s/<70s The Easiest jobs to get with an MBA were Dead end jobs paying insultingly low salaries. When has a valedictorian not talked about that mean world out there that will eat us alive that we are about to enter. And then There was every young man's dream of looking forward to Math class when Mrs Miller sat on her desk. After I got my life turned around and felt better about myself and often thought about attending reunions, but didn't. I'd Probably get a sticky blank no-name anonymous tag. Maybe when 1958 survivor's reunions begin. My 2nd fav was diagraming sentences, yeah, sure. I had to go to summer school because I didn't know how to, or want to know how to diagram sentences. You know how it is when your mind won't allow something in. What a 6 week waste of a summer. To sum up 82 years, I've had an active life but not anything great like a family. I could have had a family. In fact, 2 of them, adopted. Who knows where the other road would have led to by staying in Decatur or Millikin accepting me. Doubt if I would have accepted with 2 California colleges in the mix. I felt that I didn't fit into anything in Decatur. Even so, my somewhat solitary life has turned out better than I would have expected it to in high school. At 83 I'm doing OK, I might even make it to 84 with any luck and wife #5 doesn't shoot me. So, my story has been told, and then some. Well, that's all folks. Stay safe if at all possible. Did you know that when you die and if you are cremated you cannot get into Heaven, because there is a big sign on the Pearly Gates reading 'NO SMOKING".
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Del Allie's Classmates profile album
My Last Hurrah
Del Allie's Classmates profile album
Del Allie's Classmates profile album
Me & Charlie, 2012
Senior Ginger
My 3rd 15 minutes of fame
My 3rd 15-minutes of fame
Hi ya, cutie
Wonder why it keeps sinking
Molly's non-mischievous mode
Ginger's best smile
Del Allie's Classmates profile album
Heaven on Earth
Del Allie's Classmates profile album
Del Allie's Classmates profile album
Del Allie's Classmates profile album
Del Allie's album, Timeline photos
Ginger's Best Smile
My last HURRAH
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