Gord Kolle:  

Gord Kolle's Classmates® Profile Photo
Whitehorse, YT

Gord's Story

I'm 71 now and newly retired. My time in whitehorse and at FH Collins SS are distant memories that i look back on with fondness. In retrospect i was a blip in F.H. Collins history. Not only was i not there long enough, i was not a popular person, or even that noticeable. More of a loner. However, i was observant and that helped me later, when i became a newspaper reporter. BUT i digress.... i'm just gonna let my memories come back to me in no particular order. I may be mistaken in my reminiscences but that's what memory does. It can never be completely accurate. It can get close though. My lens is opaque after so many decades. Hell, it's 55 years since i left whitehorse in august, 1969.just after graduating grade 10.. I cant remember everyone's last name. Impossible. I have no yearbooks to verify the people that I knew so bear with me please. it's all in great fun and sentimentality. Nothing is meant to hurt anyone. SO...my recollections are culled from a time in the last century, long before the internet and social media . they may or may not be accurate... .perhaps they might be better called 'reflections of a stranger passing through.' it's because i went to eight schools (including kindergarten in whitehorse) from age 5 to age 19 . i have more memories than friends. i''ve learned that when you move that much, your best friend is yourself. BUT....maybe, just maybe, a few FHC people might recall me... , i'm thinking mark wedge, danny phillips,teddy wiebe or butch bendera.... maybe even gail hackney(cute), claude gobeil and adele maruk (cute). that's because my memories go from fuzzy to clear when i recall those names.. .i even think my picture would be in the FHC yearbook northern light 1967-1968 and 1968- 1969. i remember getting a class photo one year. i found it and posted up with my 'now' pic on this site. i was wearing a norwegian sweater ( i was born and lived in norway until age 3) but i don't have those yearbooks. . there's no record of my FHC years for me....so maybe somebody else has those yearbooks and will [ook me up and say, 'oh yeah, that guy.'...... anyway, i lived in whitehorse from 1957-9 , after that, Spray, Alberta, then Montreal, then wabush lake, labrador, then niagara falls, ontario and cooksville, ontario and then whitehorse again, from 1967-69. i loved whitehorse, the mountains it was nestled between, the widerness touching the town's edges, the pristine , clear air and forests (i remember a massive forest fire surrounding the Horse when i was up there and even an earthquake when i was there in 1957) and the wildness of it. yeah...whitehorse was a GREAT place in which to to be a kid growing up. you know?...yeah, you know... so.. i came right from ontario's smog ridden Golden Horse Shoe to the horse in august 1967. we drove the family car ( a new 1967 ford custom) from niagara falls, ontario, all the way to mile 918 via the alaska highway. of course i was no stranger to the north. coming from norway right to whitehorse and then to other northern communities. oh yeah, one thing...since i went to grade 13, my grad year is 1972 but i've noticed most of my FHC class mates graduated in 1971. i guess that that means that they were in the four year tech program, while i was in the five year academic program. Am i right? or am i wrong? memory can be a real killer... well, let's start with teddy wiebe. i knew teddy first in niagara falls, ontario. i met teddy through billy lamb, one of my best friends and also a neighbor on the same street, oxford street. back then, i went by my norwegian name: JAN. one day, we were playing on harvard avenue and billy has this friend named teddy (wiebe) with him. teddy was laid back and used to sing the tv commercial 'yipes stripes, beechnut's got 'em.' remember billy lamb, teddy? and the time we all went to your house and you showed us this big chinook helicopter model. we were all into model planes in those days.. and then in grade 10, i bumped into teddy in downtown white horse, across from hougen's department store!! The last time i had seen teddy, he was in grade 4... now he was a teenager. I could see the years on him but I could also see vestiges of that little kid that I played with. we exchanged pleasantries and back slaps and went on our way. we never hung out at school. the vibes were different. we grew up and grew apart...but..that's life, isnt it? and i remember Clark Taylor, whom i met on my first day in grade 9. hey, clark had a cruel streak. he called out yvonne bendera in class and yelled, 'bone bag, helmet head.' why? adolescent cruelty, right clark?, the world is truly black and white. when you're cool. there are cliques to navigate through and around. either you're in... or you're looking in...or you're with the 'don't fxxk with me ' crowd , or the outcasts (read weirdos) or the perpetually bullied and finally, the un noticed ( of which i was one). so clark came up to me after class and told me that he knew me back when i was five years old, living my first time in whitehorse in 1957-9! it was true...i do remember playing with him.... then clark took me to his house where we shot some pool in his basement. i remember him driving me downtown for something but in the end, he too disappeared from view. just not enough groundwork to restart a friendship which had ended at kindergarten... i remember doug oulton who was a friendly guy to begin with but later became a prize axxhole.. and diane kohler (hot), i was tongue tied around her, plus, she had a boyfriend..their lockers were next to mine. and it made me blush when they got to kissing right at the locker next to me.what the hell was i doung there? well, for one thing, rooting around in my locker. for school stuff...I HAD TO BE THERE! DAMMIT!! and then there was young butch bendera, whom i met when my family stayed at the ben-elle motel until we could get the pre-fab house at 20 tagish boulevard, or was it 20 tagish road?. butch' was younger than me. his family owned and operated the ben-elle... his sister, yvonne bendera, was in my class . but butch loved the military, just like me...and a friendship of sorts was born.. one afternoon in september, 1967, butch and i climbed the clay cliffs of whitehorse airport to view the wreckage of a USAF martin b-57 attack bomber which had crashed that summer, killing the crew. Butch and i found the wreckage in the bushes near the end of the runway and grabbed pieces of twisted metal as souvenirs...now that was cool, real cool. butch and i loved military aircraft. even went to visit a world war II Boeing B-17 bomber that had landed at the airport. the 17 had been converted into an aerial mapping survey ship. but it looked just like the bombers in the TV show 12 o'clocxk high.... and we were up close and personal...what a hoot, eh Butch? and then there was red haired danny phillips, man we were tight at FH Collins for awhile. danny lived across the street from me as well. he was a great model airplane painter! his favourite saying: was 'Mint!' danny had a lot of cool friends so i'll never understand why we hung out..but we did... i remember him and me discovering open graves near the base of the airport plateau. the spring rains had caused the clay to shift and split, forcing a nearby old graveyard to crack open, exposing several mouldy and broken coffins. Danny and i could see the skulls and skeletons! it was nightmare city..but the grisly scene kept me on track to becoming a horror film fanatic in my later life...... once, Danny and i scaled grey mountain together in April, 1968, climbing the rock face bare handed and taking six hours to reach the summit, this hike included an hour punching through the scree and bush covered swamp at the mountain's base. there was no easy access road up the mountain back then. we took our dogs ringo and taffy on the climb and we filmed the whole adventure on my dad's movie camera... it was exhilirating , breath taking and such a rush to see tiny whitehorse in the foreground and mt. lorne in the distance, its snow capped peak standing apart from the backdrop formed by the rest of the rockies' jagged bluegray teeth... we scratched our names and the date on a stony outcrop right at the top of grey mountain. Wonder if our names are still there... Now i see that there is a tourist road up there and human markers of all kinds. Horrible. Danny and i climbed the face with our bare hands right from the forested base up to the windswept top...when there was no road. There was nothing announcing civilization. Who needs it? Mastering that climb felt like we were on the top of the world on a 5000 ft mountain. but it was our mount everest accomplishment. There is so much fun and pride when you're 15... On the way down, danny threw a rock that split my head open. and i had to go to the hospital to get stitches and a tetanus shot! hey, battle scars., right danny?. .other classmates were mark wedge, who was quiet and cool, even though he wore glasses. ...i really liked mark.. he, like me, was an observer and he made comments only after surveying the scene. that's why i liked him. no foot in the mouth guy here. when mark spoke , he had something to say, so people listened. there was Ed Snow, the first student i met in the FHC study hall. Ed helped me immeasurably by just talking to me and hanging out, explaining the school. My grade 9 classmates included suzanne carpenter (beautiful blonde hottie with a tough as nails personality) and Viva Macdonald, a quiet, pretty girl with long, dark hair. her main binder had 'god is dead' written on the cover. yeah, those 60s days, when we all copied the hippies and their call for non-violent revol...Expand for more
ution. 'god is dead' was so popular among the trend setters of the day... i remember gordon redford, john ' the face' roddis and rick deboer. Rick was a bully for sure when he wanted to be. he could be nice, like a sleepy panther, full from its last meal. but nobody messed with this motorcycle ridng , muscular high school hood. but i got respect from him when i wouldn't rat on a friend even though rick had grabbed me in the gym showers and threatened to fxxk me up if i didn't come clean about the friend's activities....thanks rick, for not killing me... i remember jay page, linda silverfox, peggy seeley (babe) and mandy helm. i also knew cybil hackney (gorgeous) david hackney, joel hackney, and gail hackney (hot). who wore mini skirts and teased me by sitting on my lap in art class and i prayed that i would n't rise to the occasion..the hackneys lived across the street from me. i also knew glenna lennox, gordy lennox and keith retallick, though they were a bit younger than me. .i remember walking across the bridge over the yukon river, past the paddlewheelers, to hangout in town and see movies and stuff. watching Bob Flowers on whitehorse televsion, announcing the news, music and tv shows. I saw the Guess Who on whitehorse TV, back when they were an unknown band from winnipeg. Burton cummings had super long hair! we laughed and laughed at this freaky idiot. he looked like tiny tim on Laugh In! i remember how the school student population was divided into 'houses'. there was spring house, summer house, fall house and winter house. and i remember friday afternoon 'sock hops', which occurred at lunch time, . and our school rock band 'the trees'. hey, man, if you were at f.h. collins in the 60s, you have to remember 'the Trees.' i remember them practising 'hang on sloopy' by the mcCoys. and 'louielouie'... the Trees were pretty good for a bunch of high school rock stars... i had a crush on my grade 10 home room teacher, mrs. whittle! she was sooo pretty, and beautiful, with a gentle peronality and when she wore her mini-dresses, showed off spectacular, killer legs.. i just stared at her all the time. i looked her up in the northern light 1970 yearbook online and there she was, as gorgeous as ever... i knew i had taste. i also remember school staff like miss Farley, the art teacher ( so strict) but who knew she was a world famous northern canadian painter? i only found this out several years ago reading a canadian art history book and there she was, photo and bio! we were so mean and ungrateful to her. i remember how she taught stained glass art, portrait painting and drawing but she was always having to clamp down on unruly pupils.... and i remember mr. kelly, my science teacher., who gave me the best mark i ever got in science, 42.5 out of 45.! Mr. kelly was great. one day he had the class listen to black day in july by gordon lightfoot, mr.kelly's favourite folksinger.. mr. kelly explained what the song was about but all i liked about it was the part when the song said 'and then the tanks go rolling in.' i missed the whole point of the song....cause i was army bound, man. and i remember the class going with Mr. kelly to launch weather balloons...his cloud formation identification classes helped me later in the army to identify rain and snow fronts when on long five- day patrols. i'll never forget him, a geat and enthiusiastic teacher.... once we had to do a science project that we were to choose ourselves and i ended up doing a report on nazi airplanes. called ' eleven planes of the luftwaffe,' i had written bios for each aircraft, pasted a picture beside each history and then drew diagrams explaining piston engines and and jet engines. in retrospect it was more of a history project than a science display and i figured to get ZERO...but mr.kelly read the title out to the class after marking it and gave me a passing grade. i will always remember that kindness. i guess he saw the love of military things in me. but he didn't shoot me down. he let me land gracefully, even though my project belonged in the garbage.... and years later, when i had obtained a history degree and a journalism diploma, i thought of the importance of mr. kelly's impact. on my academic confidence....yeah man. you don't forget those who help you... and Mrs. Badrudoja, who was pregnant while she taught grade 10 health and hygiene. of course we made fun of her because the topic of sex was so taboo back then, once, when she was explaining contraception, somebody yelled out, 'why are you so fat, mrs. badrudoja?' she looked at him and said. i'm not fat, i'm heavy with child.' this caused all us guys in class to howl with laughter. real mature eh? well, hell, what do you expect from 15 year old and 16 year old boys? ..... and mr. stockdale, the gym teacher. he was a real bxxxxxd but He upgraded my phys.ed mark to a 'B ' after i won the mile race and the relay race at the FH Collins inter high school sports day in June 1969. .i cant forget that day. i was back of the pack until the third lap and suddenly i started to overtake everybody so that by the backstretch of the fourth lap i had only one guy to beat. i'd never run like this before. the guy kept turning his head to see where i was and that slowed him down. i churned past him to win the race. gail hackney hugged me and so did mrs. whittle ,who said, 'you were just like northern dancer!'. i was in heaven because of the hugs.,.. mrs. whittle and gail hackney both hugged me...'who needs a girlfriend?' i thought happily. heck it was only a few sceonds of hugs.. but they're imprinted.... i went on to help win the four man relay as well, then i was picked for the track team to represent the yukon at the 1969 halifax summer games! and during training, i met this cute girl with one brown eye and one green eye. she was mesmerizing and she seemed into me. GREAT!! except that i can't remember her name, dammit! the time was too short... and... though i trained all summer i had to leave the team because my dad got a new job down south and the family was taking a trip to norway, then moving to the united states! where are you cute girl with the green eye and brown eye? i'll bet you're still cute... i never wanted to leave whitehorse. i was ripped from burgeoning roots once again but it was my parents' decision. so that is really my story, to hookup with some of the people i knew and start reminiscing about those days and how our lives have turned out. there are probably more kids from my grade 9 and 10 classes, like lynne sutherland jurgen franke (super cool guy) and red haired caroline robinson (babe); every time she reached up to do a problem on the blackboard her stocking tops showed, held up by garter clasps...this is before panty hose was invented! we all loved it when caroline had to go to the blackboard! . i remember shelley reid (cute), who was also a part time service staff at the ben elle motel. that's where i met her, 'you have a real cute mom,' she said to me after seeing me in class. there was another classmate, judy merrman (cute), who was doing the same job at the ben elle and she and shelley were tight..... and who remembers arlene alexandrovitch? i liked her. she was in grade 13 and was student council president in sept. 1967. i was the grade 9B class rep on her council. on a sad note, i remember dark haired patsy howatt, who worked at her father's store and sold me model planes while i and her brother jimmy were in air cadets (551 squadron RCAC!!) i remember the school assembly to tell us of Patsy's death as a passenger in a car crash. i never saw jimmy smile again. patsy was only 16 but i will never forget her. she was cute and kind, with a great smile. patsy did NOT deserve to die, especially when booze was involved.. . i saw the driver at school and thought, how can you live with yourself? and i've been saddened ever since.... so yeah, i have some memories to unlock...... i remember tommy henke and bobby kennealy. i beat them up for picking on my younger brother... i beat up david hackney for the same offense. of course. tommy henke's older brother caught up with me and demanded to know why i smacked his sib.. i told him and figured to get clobbered but. the older henke chuckled and said 'yeah, he deserves it.' and i remember pat trimble, a nice guy and an older student who lived next door and purchased a bombardier skidoo snowmobie, the first in whitehorse i was told. and Pat gave me a ride or two.... snowmobiles were a new thing in 1967. and my parents knew dr. rene helm, his wife johnnie and teenage daughter mandy...i met mandy at a couple of dinners but never hung out at school... and memories of my mom, mrs. Helm, me and my brother taking a trip to atlin lake for a week in july 1968. there were several beached paddlewheedlers at atlin and we explored them that summer., there were a couple of girls from another family who went with us. one girl had braids and looked like the chick in the forest rangers tv show, i had a crush on her that summer. seems like i had a lotta crushes in my early teenage years.. and the summer of 1969 ended with me leaving whitehorse.. ]the last person i saw was butch bendera. he was decked out in summer blues with the air cadets and was going for glider pilot training at Camp Penhold, Alberta.. so he was the first person i met and the last person to see me leave. the first and the last.. hey butch, you still in the horse? whitehorse is always in the back of my mind.... and how to get back there...before i run out of time..... i'm not expecting anything to be the same. except the view of the world up there, the world that i fell in love with..... anyway, thanks for this service!
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