Jonathan Ante:  

Jonathan Ante's Classmates® Profile Photo
Ft. thomas, KY

Jonathan's Story

I was raised in a large English tutor in the rolling hills of Kentucky. My family lived a short distance south of Cincinnati with woods, fields, trees, ponds, streams; a playground any kid could ever dream of living in and yet... My parent's world seemed not as happy as mine was. I am not sure exactly how things started to change. But I vaguely remember growing up with a father who drank a little too much at family gatherings and dozing off while driving us kids home at nights. I sat in the front seat to keep a close eye on him out of fear in case he may have needed my help. Over the years; mom developed a nasty temperament. I vividly remember her pulling us kids around by the hair; twisting our arms. We received daily lickings with dad's leather belt. We probably deserved it but if we truly were innocent; then she'd tell us that it was for something that we got away with. We never knew when it was coming. When dad came home from a long day at work; mom would scream at him to do something about us kids and he would hit us too. Dad gave us "love-taps" as he called them. Our bodies were covered with welts and cuts. If that weren't enough then I received black eyes and the had my hands pushed into scalding hot water if I was caught stealing food. Every time I got beat; I learned to disassociate from it; to numb the pain. I didn't feel the pain as much if I pretended mentally to be an "outsider" peering in. No one ever knew what happened behind those closed windows at home. It was a secret held in shame... a seed instilled in me to hate myself... I hated myself at seven and I still carry that shame with me today. People around us noticed; some called the police, but when I was younger we didn't have the child abuse laws that we have today. Most people would look the other way. As each year went by, I got harder and meaner inside. With all the beatings I received; I never once was hugged or told that I meant anything from my parents. Nothing hurt worse than all the screaming insults hurled at you. I think the things they told us hurt worse than the sting of the lashes. Mom would scream; "I wish you were never born. She would tell me how rotten and worthless I was. It seemed that nothing ever made them satisfied. I gave up trying to please them; I avoided them as the result of fear of future reprisals. Mom would get out this black handkerchief and tell me that my soul was as black as that rag before God. She would tell us how angry God was at us for disobeying them. I lived my whole childhood believing that no one could be trusted. Not even God. t was also at this time when I started injuring myself. I would bang my head on the wall or push bobby pins into my skin; it was also at seven when I first ran from home. Never could get very far... there just was no place to go. No escape; no where to hide. Some teachers tried to help. We never talked much. If our grades slipped, we were beaten. If we did well, then we were treated to a Big Mac hamburger. I hated report cards. I was scared to show them to my parents. I just couldn't study well at school. I had a hard time concentrating. I barely did my homework. It was the fear... the constant lack of safety, the daily room searches. I learned to hide saved lunch money for the day when I needed to live on the streets awhile. I slept in a roach infested basement with the dog for eleven years. I was very shy in school. I could not talk about any of it publicly. If someone touched me off guard at school. I flinched or jumped... my nerves were raw. I believed that God hated me and I could not be loved for anything in the world. So shy that I became easy prey for the bullies in school. I had a difficult time expressing my needs. I just can not tell you in more descriptive terms what it was like to live like this day after day; year after year. One time I was even pinned to the ground and given "golden showers" as a kid. You can't imagine how disgraceful it felt to be urinated on. I became interested in science and burning things. My parents bought me a Skill-Craft chemistry set at sixteen. I wanted to learn how to make incineraries and bombs. I was fascinated watching things burn. As the fire burned, so did the torment deep inside me... I felt one with the flames... like I was a child in a war torn city... alone in the night as the roar of flames licked all around me. My parents send me to counseling. Seemed every time I started opening up and trusting one of them; I was yanked out and sent to someone else. I learned later that these counselors were accusing them of causing the problems at home and mom and dad could not accept that. Weekly, the entire family would sit in chairs around the room and listen to mom read off a shopping list of everything that was wrong with her children. I kept my chin up; emotionless... vowing not to give my parents the satisfaction of watching me squirm. Their reprisals had no effect on me. But I hurt deep inside; I could not express it into words. Like I had an apple in my throat... I could not speak because I was in so much pain. When school was out; I had to get away for a while so I could think. Some days I would walk aimlessly down a road till blisters formed on my feet and couldn't go any further. I'd sleep under freeway bridges and behind bushes. The older I became; the further and longer I'd stay away from home. I spent most of my time writing journals, reading books, and planning my travels for the weekend. Homework was performed with minimum effort. I barely passed most of my classes, just to get by. Eventually, the beatings at home stopped. We screamed at each other instead. I was a teenager now; I vented my rage by smashing things, putting holes into walls, while vowing to make my house a living hell for my parents. They feared me... and this only isolated me further; the more isolated I became, the more desperate I felt. One day during finals week; I arrived to class late as usual. Mike Schutzman decided to go up to the front of the class to sharpen his pencil. When he came back, he deliberately ran into my desk. This caused all my stuff to fall around me on the floor. The class laughed at me and I was ashamed. The brief second of shame quickly turned into rage. I got up and turned around and beat the crap out of him. The teacher stepped out of the room to get some assistance. I felt a firm hand grab me by the wrist as I cocked my fist back. I turned around and knocked Mrs. Cox's (algebra teacher) hand off my arm and screamed a few curse words! The classroom was silent. I knew I was in trouble. Mrs. Cox stepped out of the room and brought the principal up to see me. Mr. Doan ordered me to step out from the class and go to his office. I was summoned to appear before the Board of Education in a few months for expulsion hearings. When I went home my mom took me upstairs into her bedroom and we sat together on the edge of her bed. She placed her hand on my lap and said in firm but low words; "Jonathan, you have disgraced this family and from this day forwards; you are no longer our son. We disown you." I swallowed hard; it felt like a knife to the gut. I was being banished. I appeared before the school board and was expelled to set an example for everyone to never hit a teacher. I was allowed me back the following year because this was my first offense of this kind and the school board gave me probation instead. I had to attend a year's worth of counseling at Comprehensive Care on a weekly basis as part of the terms of my probation. I was firmly warned that if I broke one more rule at school that I would be gone for good. I read my name in the neighborhood papers the next few days. My parents avoided me with cool silence. The bullies reveled with joy and were encouraged to test my resolve to stay out of trouble. In industrial arts class, for example; during the loud whining of electric table saws and other equipment; I was often beat up in the corner of a room by a number of students. I lied on the floor and endured the kicks in the ribs etc. I feared fighting back; fearful that a teacher would see me fighting and then kick me out for good. I raced home afterwards; the same group of people waited for me outside every day. Looking for a way to terrorize me. Then at home, my parents would tell me of how the teachers at school mocked my younger siblings on account of my expulsion. This made me even more distrustful of the authorities. When I turned seventeen, I started taking karate classes in a town nearby. The next couple of months; I rode a ten speed bike around the countryside. Ten miles turned into twenty; twenty into fifty; fifty into a hundred miles a day especially on the weekends. After my expulsion hearings; my parents tried to have me institutionalized at a state home in Danville. Mom would cut out newspaper articles and stick them under my pillow for me to read. The newsprint detailed how kids were being abused at these homes and that a number of them tried and a few succeeded in hanging themselves. My parents were not successful. My parents sent me to a Catholic retreat early in my senior year. I wanted to go but I really acted like I didn't want to go so that they would "force" me to go. The retreat was at Camp Marydale near Cincinnati. This place was deep in the heart of a large wooded park and had a lake behind our cabins. It was a cool November weekend with overcast skies. The whitened birch trees had shed their leaves. The ground was colored in the shades of autumn. A frosted wood bridge spanned over the crisp partially frozen waters of...Expand for more
a small pond nearby. I felt like I was dying inside; as reflected by mother nature herself. The theme of the retreat was about "masks". We all have them. I smile and tell people I'm fine; while thinking about killing myself. But the message melted within me... I wished I could have stayed there forever and dreaded returning home to face the realities of my life. For the first time I sobbed till I could no longer walk. A priest overheard me. He was the first person to really listen; and when we finished; he placed his hands on my head and wept with me in prayer. He told me one day... one day all this pain will be used to heal others... and this story is for you. I went to the supermarket and bought two bottles of Nytol. I went out to my car and drove around... eventually I parked in a lonely parking lot and swallowed 52 pills. (Noted per the police on the scene who deducted what was missing from the total amount each bottle contained.) An hour passed... I was getting sleepy. I turned on the radio and listened to a Christian station. They were playing heavy metal that night and I liked to listen to them. I prayed in the car and ended up crying a lot. I called the radio station. "WCVO" the Rich Hunt answered. "I got a Christian friend of mine who is suicidal. Would he go to hell if he killed himself?" I asked. There was a long pause. "Where are you?" he asked. I responded, "I need to know so please tell me soon!" "WHERE ARE YOU?" he said sternly. I tried to control the slurred speech... but I realized he already knew. I pleaded; please tell me?" He screamed, "Where are you now?!" I heard someone praying in the background. I dropped the phone. I reached down to pick it up and started seeing triple. "I am sooo sleepy." I said. "Talk to me! Let me help you!" He screamed. I felt a shiver go down my spine. I thought this is real, I'm going to die if I don't tell him. I feared I'd go to hell if I were to die. I labored to breathe... I could barely hold the receiver to my face. I told him where I was. I dropped the phone again. I slumped in my seat and was passing in and out of consciousness. I saw the flashing lights and slipped into a coma. I woke up in the emergency room of St. Ann's Hospital. The familiar plastic tubes ran through my mouth and nose. I carefully pulled the tubes out. A doctor yelled at me to leave them alone, but it was too late. The staff strapped my arms down. An ambulance crew picked me up around nine o'clock in the morning. They carried me out of the hospital on a stretcher. I asked them where I was going but no one would speak to me. They looked away and stared out the windows. I tried to humor them in the van a little by calling the ambulance a "Twinkie Twuck". The silence was deafening. Harding Hospital We pulled up to a series of plain brick buildings surrounded by woods and trees. One of the paramedics; a black lady spoke to me and said, "Son, you need a religious experience." I almost burst in laughter! "If she only knew" I thought. I was wheeled into triage. I was screened with a battery of tests. For the next three days, I slept. On the fourth day, I weakly stumbled into a kitchen. I still did not know where I was. I noticed bars on all windows and doors. I feared that I was in a insane asylum! I now wish I never survived! I dreaded the thought that I would spend the rest of my life here with crazy people! I met a Baptist minister in there for depression. I met teenager kids there for eating disorders. Most were normal people with problems. A girl tried to slash her wrists for being abandoned by her boyfriend. My heart went out to them. I tried to help each of them individually. Problem was... my needs were not being met. Just before being released; I was told by one of the docs that he thought that I was just "faking" my attempt and to go somewhere else if I needed attention. I responded; "If you only knew..." I was so isolated; so lonely. Nothing made me happy anymore. Everything was futile and empty. I just didn't care what happened to me. For eight years I writhed in bed; struggling with my friend; a Smith and Wesson 45 semi-automatic pistol; every day I would pray for death; and those prayers went unanswered; I would stick the gun in my mouth; sometimes stare into the cold steel barrel at the hollow-point bullets inside... often crying; teetering on the edge between life and death; night after night. I was fighting to live while praying to die. I chose to start my journey back to God. For years I lived in this black hole. I was blinded and unable to see the love and care that others have tried to give me. I reasoned over and over that there was nothing to live for and refused to accept the good that people offered. I feared letting go of the pain. For the pain was my identity. It was who I believed I was inside. Molded by the experiences that life had dealt me. Each revolution of the cycle of self destruction went deeper. I was no longer satisfied with the previous cycles and sought even more destructive ones. The cycle of suicidal anguish would continue for many years to come. I wrote many journals, cried many tears, and even carved bloody messages on my arms to send people a message that I was serious about my suicidal intentions. Each time I get suicidal, I'd carve a letter. I decided that I would die when I reached the last letter in my message. I carved the words "DEAD ALIVE". Some people do not understand why people carve. I carved when the internal anguish is so great that turning to physical pain dulls the internal pain. If no one is there to punish me; I punished myself. It's a form of self-hatred. My road out of this nightmare began with finding a good hospital where I felt safe enough to express myself. I had to have the courage to trust people. But insurance companies will not let me stay there long enough to get the help desperately needed. Most of these counselors were unlike any I had ever experienced. They cared because they walked the same path that I was on and not by some textbook one reads in college. My visits were rigorous from sun up to sun down. Unlike many public hospitals that keep you in waiting for your 15 min session each day. New Life is a privately run Christian network. When I was in their hospitals I tested them. I carved; I hanged myself. Three nurses cried when they saw me lying on the floor after a failed suicide attempt. They each held my hands and prayed over me; how many counselors would care enough to pray with you rather than give lip service? I looked in their eyes... and I felt as if someone really loved me for the first time and I started to melt away and trust them. But it was too late. My time was up and the insurance company said I had to go. So I never got the help I craved so bad for ever again till many years later. I had this dream one night; I saw myself as a young child being held in Jesus' loving arms in patience as I screamed and beat His chest again and again with my fists. He held me until I had no strength left. I was comforted in that dream. Many people see God as through the eyes of a child before an angry parent. The image of God becomes distorted because as abused children come to see God as some abusive or careless perfectionist tyrant as their parents were to them. I cling to this hope in Psalms 27:10-14. That I will not have to go to the land of the dead to find resolution... but wait on God to find it in the land of the living. I am healing a little more; day by day. I have not arrived... the fight to live continues on. In summary, I spent many years in counseling... wrestling with all the spoken and unspoken memories in my life. I struggled with post traumatic stress disorder and borderline personality disorder. My valley's are not as deep as they used to be. I am struggling now... my wife just died and she leaves a huge hole in my life. I will see her again someday. I have cut a lot out of this story. There is a lot more to cover. I am stronger, wiser, and have many friends now. Good quality friends... the kind that won't stab you in the back. I also want to add that I am a Christian now. I am ready to forgive and let go of this pain... I have decided not to carry my bitterness to the end and let people complete and destroy my life. Instead, I counsel others who have been abused, and I have had the experience of helping suicidal teens and healed broken marriages. God has been good to me. I guess I will end this here. If you want to email me, I can send you the entire story. There is a lot to tell you. I am a disabled veteran of the US armed forces. I nearly died, having eight compound fractures. I was also in two comas and had to relearn to walk twice. I been burned out of my home. I spent three years in a wheelchair. I survived. And through the endless physical therapy, and the encouragement of my late wife... I for the most part, recovered. There are so many stories to tell, even if you had the full version, it will only cover the tip of the iceberg. Many were bright and funny too. My story was written in a mental hospital. It was 2200 pages. I condensed it over forty times.. My marriage lasted 29 years. We loved each other, and though not everything was perfect... our love covered many wrongs... and I was able to say goodbye just before she died. I traveled all over the US and overseas. What I saw made me very grateful to live in the land of the free. People here have no idea how blessed we are as a nation. I am out of space, thanks for your time and patience reading my story. Jonathan
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Jonathan Ante's Classmates profile album
Jonathan Ante's album, April 8, 2011
elephants crossing road- series of 6 photos
Elephant behind bushes
Distant Elephant. May need to enlarge photo.
Chanell - Rudi's Wife
Turtle Crossing
See the elephant?
Open up wide - tooth being pulled
got an abcessed tooth
dental checkup before leaving S. Africa
Vaal River near where Rudi lives.
South African woman with groceries on her head.
closeup of art shops in the mountains near Krugar National Park
Rudi and Chanell at the outdoor banquet
Parking guards - you tip them to watch your car.
another roadside African art shop
one of the four family dogs
office staff where Rudi works
Jonathan with strange water cooler at Rudi's employment
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