Larry Adams:  

Norfolk, NE

Larry's Story

(con) 24/7. Maybe we will get rich enough to actually sit out on the deck at night and share a beer and listen to the frogs. Hope things are going well for any of you that read this November 2017 Had a broken left arm for over 1 1/2 years due to cancer eating through it. Finally found a doc who would fix it. Cut the arm open from elbow to top of shoulder. Cleaned of the dead tumor, hollowed out the humerus and filled it with plastic cement. Then put a plate from near the elbow to the top of the shoulder with lots of screws. At least I can control it now, although there has been some muscle atrophy which will eventually work out. New grand daughter and another grandson. So much for a retirement. Business is going almost too good. Takes too much time and maintenance. But the income is nice. Hope all of you out there are making it OK. There are fewer of us every year. December2017 End of year CT scan, all remnants of cancer still gone. Good news, feeling great. Then upon standing up a pain in the left hip. 15 minutes later after some of the worst pain I have ever felt, left leg went completely numb and absolutely useless January 3 and front of leg is still numb. About 20% use of leg. Can not walk without a walker. Unable to see a doctor who might help because of New Years and now weather. Been 5 days since leg went dead. Hope to get somewhere before there is permanent nerve damage. Life can be a kick in the butt. Gets you up and takes you down. I guess that's just the balance of nature. Keeps one humble. Hope you all have a good 2018 . FEBRUARY 2019 . Left leg is still numb. Some feeling and control but no automatic reflexes Pain has moved to right leg, thigh, shin and ankle. Collapses sometime when rising and walking. Have had MRI of brain and three parts of the spine and hips, as well as a lumbar puncture. X-rays of the upper thighs showed a possible cancer tumor on the right femur. Ended up with more radiation on the left hip and the right femur. Cat Scan showed cancer in both hips,middle of pelvis, both shoulders and the sternum. Only the leg and the left hip area are active. The rest are sitting there like a ticking time bomb. Still getting around but it is getting harder, Radiation takes away your strength and it takes a long time to get over it. Usually about a year. You work and then nap for about thirty minutes. Then work for an hour or two and nap again. But life is still good and I am getting some things wrapped up before the end. The Lord has been good to me, and I keep asking for a little more time to wrap up loose ends. My wife, Denise, has saved my life a couple of times when the doctors have given up. She is definitely an Angel on earth. She keeps us a- float, a day at a time. The most aggravating thing is my upper body is strong and my mind is about 95% of what is used to be, but the legs sap all of my energy. April 19, /19 Well, since no one can find anything, I finally agreed to an epidural on the painful left side of the back. As they were injecting, the pain moved to the lower spine and then to the right side, and hurt quite badly. They said it would pass, but it hasn't, Have lost 80% of right leg strength and control. Going back to Savannah for a mapping procedure to get set up for radiation of the center right pubic area. They don't know if the loss of control and the pain is cancer related. It looks like they are going to radiate with out a CT to confirm as I have had so much radiation what's another bomb or two. Went to a neurologist for a nerve conductivity test. Everything was fine, better than it should be for my age. There is a blocking of nerve impulses somewhere between the brain and the lower extremities. Can find nothing that would cause the problem. Spine exceptionally well for my age.. Who knows? Got to keep going to take care of unfinished business. Also I have two grandsons and one grand-daughter to look after, with twin girls on the way. Wife has been a blessing. Without her I would just check it in. Always making plans for the end. Squirrel away a little meds off and on for when I can no longer take care of myself. Not morbid, family knowledge, when one becomes a burden and has nothing to offer, it is time to get out of the way and let the living carry on. That day is coming for all of us. Don't believe in raging into the darkness, but I will surely resist to the obvious end. Meanwhile life is pretty good. There are many out there who would trade places and situations with me, I can't feel sorry for myself. Sorry about not responding to those who have written me. Not much of a correspondent. I do hope everyone's health holds out to the end, and, I do enjoy seeing the contacts show on profile MAY 2019 Went back for more radiation on right femur and right hip/pelvic area and left shoulder. A few more and I won't need a flashlight at night. Left leg is still 90% numb, but has some strength. Right leg is only about 20% numb but has very little strength. Thigh muscles are going, especially the right leg. If I get down I can not get up most of the time unless I get both feet under me, bend over and touch the ground, straighten the legs then the back.. Still getting around though and doing automotive and yard work at a really slow pace. Doctors have no idea what is wrong. Something to do with the nerves around L-3, but there is nothing visibly wrong around L-3. Been using CBC oil to relieve most of the pain. Pain is about gone except when trying to walk. Muscles really hurt, sometimes freezing me and also buckling. Haven't fallen yet but been very close and more often. Well hope the rest of you are making through what we thought would never come our way, Old Age. Grand children do make it worthwhile, at least for me. Hope you all have something to ease your way in these twi-light days. Remember to be kind to others and remind those you love of their importance and your joy in them accompanying you on this marvelous trip.. June 13,2019 Well, legs are slowly going. Have a somewhat good day, walk like a drunk, then 2-3 days for bad pain in the knees and hips when walking. Hard to get up if I kneel down. Need to be able to pull myself up. But getting along. The idea now is the cancer is attacking the spinal cord or nerves in the pelvic area. All ready too much radiation in that area. Live with it and try to fight it off internally. O.K can handle that, even the terrible pain that starts between 8 and 9 P.M. every night. So my wife bought some satin type sheets several months ago. I eventually worked up the nerve to tell her I didn't like the feel of them. and preferred the old style linen/cotton sheets. She compromised and put an old style sheet on the bottom and kept a satin sheet for the top sheet with a light blanket on top. So I have been starting the nights sleeping on the floor next to the bed. I helps my back for the first few hours, then I move into the bed. This morning was nothing unusual. I was sitting on the side of the bed, on top of the blanket. I reached down to pick up a blanket from the floor to fold it and put it away. Well the blanket slipped on the satin sheet and I went sideways over the end of the bed. I reached out to catch myself on the floor, but my arm was too short. I came down on my right ribs on the bed post at the foot of the bed, CRACK - CRUNCH - OUCH. Cracked rib or ribs. 6-8 weeks of somewhat aggravating pain coupled with little activity when there is so much to do. It will get worse in the next few days then maybe I'll start working a little at a time. There was one good thing came out of this. The pain in my back and most of the leg pain is gone. The feeling hasn't al come back but my legs work somewhat normally. If I didn't have the rib pain, I could walk almost normally. Maybe something in my back was re-aligned and took some of the pressure off the affected nerve, or, most likely the rib pain out-ranked the back/leg pain which is lying in -wait to return when I can laugh without pain. Should have had those rib pads on that I wore in K-Town. What do they say? When one door closes another opens, or is that the other wa...Expand for more
y around? Anyway it has been an interesting day. Just a passing note., on the 22nd my oldest son is marrying his 10 year live in girl-friend and the mother of his two sons. So my mis-hap is going to be balanced by a long a-waited family happening. After this marriage it is time for fate to start working on my youngest son's soap-story life situation. Will be wondering what I will have to go through to get his life straightened out? Hope it is something unusual. Too old to just have something dull happen. By the way, the wife said she is thinking of replacing the top sheet. She loves me. Hope you all are enjoying the twi-light. You just need to grimace and laugh at life. It really tries to break one down, but take it for what it is. After all, what can it do? Kill you? July 12/19 Back to the oncologist. Just told that they had no idea about my hip and leg pain a weakness. Should see a neurologist. Back to the neurologist. Still can't come up with a source for the shifting pain. Next step is mylogram.. Injection of dye in the lower spinal cord area. This is the last resort as it might"light up" an area under stress. If so then a determination can be made as to the next steps. Some days the pain is so bad i can't stand very long or walk more than a few feet at a time. Pain keeps shifting, sometimes within minutes so it is hard to explain where the pain is when talking to the doctors.. If things do not improve, I feel I will not be doing much walking after three more months. A slow digression to no walking. BUT, my wife keeps me going with "Honey Do"s" and this keeps me from sitting down and giving up. Thank God for the wonderful "Drill Sargent " he brought into my life. July 12/19 Back to the oncologist. Just told that they had no idea about my hip and leg pain a weakness. Should see a neurologist. Back to the neurologist. Still can't come up with a source for the shifting pain. Next step is mylogram.. Injection of dye in the lower spinal cord area. This is the last resort as it might"light up" an area under stress. If so then a determination can be made as to the next steps. Some days the pain is so bad i can't stand very long or walk more than a few feet at a time. Pain keeps shifting, sometimes within minutes so it is hard to explain where the pain is when talking to the doctors.. If things keep at this pace, probably won't be walking in a few months. 09/24/19 Went for a second opinion to a new place 40 miles away. After looking at all my records and talking to me, it was decided I had enough radiation to be healthy. The new cancer doctor has decided I do not have bone cancer , but a spreading of my original throat/tongue cancer. It is throughout my body. He suggested, and I agreed, to try immunotherapy. It is the same thing Jimmy Carter had that cured his brain cancer. I had tried to get the original doctors to considered it but they seemed unfamiliar and hesitant to get away from the tried and true. As the cancer has spread throughout the body in small attacks(systemic), This approach will attack the cells wherever they are. This clinic has been using this technique in systemic cases for several years with great success. So we are waiting to see if the insurance will apply. Big bills on the horizon, but maybe I will be able to walk. When you gain something in life you always lose something. Starts from birth. August 4, 2919 No messages from the oncologists so doing something myself. Have a small cheap electric simulator Put it n my right hip and in under a minute the pain was gone. As long as simulator is on I can walk with no pain. I have limped so long the action is embedded in my motor movement. Sept 16/19 Put the electrical stimulater on my right knee and now walk without too much pain. Finally figured out a good combination of muscle relaxer and nerve blocker that makes it possible to get around. Can really tell when it is time to recharge. Hated to go this way , but the continual pain was just draining me. A couple of days ago I had reflex in my right leg, then it went away. CRAZY. Latest PET scan should some activity on spine. hip and pelvis as well as questionable soft tissue in the hip and lower abdomen. Had not shown earlier on MRI so the local Doc feels it is in initial stage and can be taken care of quickly. So far can not get a response from the oncologist. It has been going on three weeks and time is slipping by. I had hoped to be in treatment by now. Probably more chemo and radiation. although chemo doesn't have much effect on bone cancer. Oct.13 2019 Tomorrow we start immunotherapy. Somewhat concerned abouty it working. Apparently it is supposed to the the BRAKES off white cells and let them attack the cancer cells. Since the cancer is in many places, this is a better alternative to radiation as it will affect my complete system instead of us one or two areas. Feeling pretty strong except for debilitating spine and hip pain. Will probably be knocked on my but for a few months. Been there ]before. Starting a new chapter, filled with hope and aspiration. God has led me to this point so we will see what is to happen. Oct 21/19. No adverse reaction to the immunotherapy, but pain has not lessened. Had epidural on the right side, no positive effects. In fact has gotten worse. Back and hip pain constant and increasing. Pain in both legs on standing. Muscles are shrinking and in terrible pain when standing. Walking is almost impossible. Go days at a time and never get outside. A 20 foot walk is almost intolerable. Been having thoughts of checking out if this goes on much longer. Beating down my will, hard on the wife.l Never thought I would reach this point. Have never been a quitter. Have found a combination of drugs that make it somewhat tolerable, but in that state I can't do much and it tears up my gastro.. Another treatment coming up on Oct 28. You guys hang in out there. Nov.3 Rough reaction to second treatment. Pain and for 8 days. Went to Doc and got re-hydrated. Bad pains now, when trying to walk. Barely shuffle. Need help getting up and balancing when shuffling. Third treatment coming up in 5 days. Doc says the reaction is accumulative. Sooo, will be interesting. Once it was so bad I remember screaming, I wanted out, away,gone. My wife said I actually scream that out one night If I could just get so I could crudely walk. Life goes on--- Nov 15 No bad reaction to third treatment, just very tired. CT set up for Dec 2. Will know if anything positive is happening. If not, Doc says there are more options, not the end of the road yet. Started rehab to try to build strength back to my legs. Dec26- Well I had an actual fall-down Sunday. Walking with a cane, around the car. Collapsed when turning. Am damned sore. Can barely walk with walker. Legs just continue to get worse. Went to re-hab last week. Aggravated nerves in my back and for three days I was really wanting my opiods again. Got off them last week and am trying not to go back. They sure are tempting. Dec 10/19 Received copy of MRI Not looking good. The immunology is sketchy towards negative effect. Cancer appears to be some bonafide bone cancer. The only thing that works is radiation. Will continue with immunology to try to protect soft tissue. To be getting set up for radiation. I think it is too wide spread now to do much good. Losing ground much faster than I anticipated. Almost home bound and tied to a walker. Barely stand by myself. Time for some deep reflecting and serious personal planning. Hope things are going well for those of you who read this. Around Dec 20 I fell and broke my right femur That woke up the neighbors The leg is now OK except something has happened to the Knee. The pain is through the roof several times if I attempt to stand or bump the lower leg.. Support my weight for more than a partial minute. Confined to walkers rolling chairs, sitting or lying.Can't get out of the house to get to the doctor. Missing my immunology and radiation appointments. Really in a tight spot, wearing the wife out.
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