Leslie Yarden:  

Leslie Yarden's Classmates® Profile Photo
Walnut High SchoolClass of 1986
Walnut, CA
Walnut, CA
Southaven, MS

Leslie's Story

Life Edited 04.03.06: I met and married my husband, Eyal, in 1991. He's from Israel and all of his family is still in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. We live in a suburb of Atlanta, GA and run a websale retail business with the corporate office in our basement - that's convenient! I had a baby boy named Kyle on Jan. 7, 2004 and a second baby boy named Tyler on March 18, 2006. They are both precious. My husband is into racing. He has a Dodge Viper (fun!) and a Miata. Eyal founded the "V-TEN Racing Team" and the team is getting some recognition now. He would rather be racing than running a business. I'd rather be..shopping! than running the business! Atlanta is beautiful - not too many rednecks! But people are nice, nightlife is great and the shopping is wonderful! While one of my sisters still lives in Walnut /Collegewood, I only get out there every other year or so. I still love to dance. And can't stay away from music. We went to a few concerts this year - Gwen Stefani /BEPs, Depeche Mode - 4th row. Holy cow, that was awesome. I mean, hell, they've been creating beautiful music for over 20 years. Totally reminded me of high school and Michael. (Still miss him.) What's on my CD changer? Madonna Remix, Madonna Confessions, BEPs Monkey Bus, Gorillaz, Gwen Stefani LAMB. Oops, newborn is crying. Motherhood calls. (But motherhood is so very cool. But I try to still be sexy and cool. No pudgy "mom" look on me! HaHa! Ciao for now. L. 01/25/08: OMG! It's been a year and a half since I wrote that. Um, seems like yesterday. Still have the business. Still trying to goof off as much as poosible. Husband still races. Kids are getting bigger. I'll try to post some pics. I still live just outside of Atlanta. GD! it's cold right now. I COULD NOT live in like New York or anywhere up north. Can't stand the friggin' cold. Hmmm, what did I do this past year? Went to some concerts - Gwen Stefani again. Love her. Justin Timberlake. Eminem. Akon. Ok, for some little ol' white girl, I can act pretty gangsta sometimes! Get over it, I love cool bass-heavy music, ok?! Haha! Um, what else...OH!! Finally got Lasik on my eyes. Was sooo sick of wearing contacts. We went to Florida to the beach in the fall and it was AWESOME not to be all friggin' worried if sand got in my contacts. ..I still love dancing. I'm making my kids take dance. I signed up my 4-year old for "movement" class (pre-ballet). That child does NOT have his Mama's rhythm! My 2 year old does, though. He can BOUNCE, baby! ...I've gotten all suburban and volunteered for the Social Committee here for our Homeowner's Association. These people need to liven UP! Wine tastings, concerts at the Clubhouse, parties. So, we'll see. People in Georgia are so sweet and southern and polite, then I come in and I'm like, "OK. It's like THIS, people...". There are 110 homes in our subdivision... We'll see if I can rally this place. Kyle and Tyler are in daycare during the day so we love hangin' with 'em on the weekends. We (Eyal and I) try to do date night often, but...I mean if you have kids, you know what I mean...Unless you are lucky enough to have parents or in-laws at your beck and call. My parents live an hour away and Eyal's parents live, uh, 14 hours (by plane) away! Luckily, they come over every year or two and stay with us for a few months. My mom-in-law was a godsend when I had my babies. Speaking of, we're gonna try for #3 here soon. I'm trying to get my body super-toned to be ready for the pregnancy. But damn that Mexican food! Ha! But you just really have to MAKE time to take care of yourself and make working out a priority. I'm just looking forward to BOOBS, baby!! It sucks after you're done breastfeeding and you're like, "where'd the girls go??!!!" Maybe #3 will be a lil girl. That would be cool. Except that I'd go crazy buying clothes. It was bad enough with Kyle and Tyler. There are such CUTE things out there. Little Polo jeans and cool Gap shirts. I hate it when parents put those stupid matchy-smatchy outfits on their kids and they look like goof-balls. Ok, I admit my fashion knowledge was not so savvy when I was little. I totally remember moving to Walnut from Mississippi and all the girls were wearing Chemin de Fer and their cool boots. Welllll, I've more than made up for it now, I guess. I'm not a shopaholic. I'm just reallly good at it..and I like to do it often. And I can tell you about every beauty line, their top sellers, what they do and how much they are. And if they work. I love Lancome for their treatment products. Clinique stinks (no fragrance), SmashBox has great make-up...Oh, I could sit and talk for hours about makeup. My sisters came to visit in November and I brought out all of my freebies and samples and loot from the counters to share with them. It was such a girly fun time. I love going out and I love going to mixed parties and stuff...But I love my girl time, too. Just met my best friend for lunch yesterday. She's super-busy - has her own Bridal Salon; has two boys; breastfed for the past 6 months (so that baby had to go E-V-E-R-Y-where with her); and she's just wrapping up major constuction in their house AND she's about to physically expand her business. Man. Talk about giving ya' inspiration! I was like "Ok. My life doesn't seem so hectic and busy now. I can deal." Except that we're (Eyal and I are) working on 4 different business entities right now. I'm writing Business Proposals, doing research, and putting together a Business Plan to hand to investors for one start-up. But, then I was "room mom" for Kyle's field trip with his class last Wednesday. It's like: Stop. Put on this hat. Stop. Put on that one. Stop. Put on THAT one. Sometimes it makes you miss the simplicity of your high school or college years. BUT, as long as you have FUN on the ride, that's what counts. It's cool knowing that I'm helping to make nice memories for Kyle and Tyler. Tomorrow we're going to meet "Diego" at the mall. Then we're going to see him "perform" (I think he'll probably rescue the baby jaguar...again) in February. We like to take them to the park, to ride the carousel at the mall, walk around our lakes (in the subdivision - we live on one of the lakes, but there are 3 -- with swans - so beautiful), and now we got a (drum roll) Winnebago!! Woo Hoo! It's pretty cool. It's the kind you drive (not tow). It has a kitchen and bathroom and shower and bedroom. TV with Video /DVD. iPod hook-up. The idea was that me-n-the kids could travel with Eyal when he races and we'll have somewhere cool and refreshing to go to when we get tired or hot and Eyal is still racing. And Tyler can have a place to nap. SO! The first race of the season is in.......Atlanta! Eyal was disappointed. He SO wants to use that thing! Men and their gadgets. It's a good thing we do wholesale for electronics. He's spoiled with that stuff. GPS, HD TVs, surround sound. Ok, I admit the GPS is nice. It does save time if you need to by-pass traffic and stuff. And, being a music-ophile, having digital surround is a must. But the HD? Nah, not so interested. As long as it has a DVR on the receiver, I'm happy. Can rewind that So You Think You Can Dance routine when I think, "WHAT was that COOL move they just did?" Anyway, ya' know - sometmes writing stuff makes you appreciate what ya have. I'll get those e-mails that show pictures of people in Africa and it just makes me tear up. What a great place we live in. What a great country. Truly the Land of Opportunity. Don't take it for granted, right? Ok. Gotta sign off. Spent waaaayyy ...Expand for more
too much time on this...when I totally have a billion other things I gotta do today. Take care. Until next time, Les 09/12/08: Welllll, I just had my fortieth B-day last week. Eyal threw a suprise party for me on Friday night. They totally had the basement decorated. I had gone to lunch (Mexican - mmmm) with my best friend and came home with a slight headache (um, probably due to that margherita I had on an empty stomach!) and had to lie down. So I was totally oblivious to anything going on down there. The basement is finished, so it was like having the party in someone else's apartment. I didn't have to freak out about the upstairs being perfect. (My house is ALWAYS clean, but with kids, it gets a bit messy (to me), with HotWheels everywhere and their GeoTrax train set...) The party was great - all my favorite people there. Eyal had Barbecue catered and we had drinks. Put the iPod on. There were two dogs here. Kids, friends. I loved it. We went to Florida in the Winnebago a few weeks ago. Kyle had already started Pre-K, so I had to pull him out of school for a week. Look, it's JUST Pre-K. Not like he's missing Algebra or anything. He's smart, anyway. But, ya' know what? When it boils down to "family time" vs. "school"? Um, family time wins with me. There is soooo much more to learning than just school. With my boys, I'm always taking opportunities to teach them stuff, whether it's at the park and we're looking at flowers or we're at the grocery store looking at our choices. We speak 4 languages here at home (French is a bit hard, but we still work on numbers and phrases). Hebrew (Eyal) and Spanish (me) are spoken more than French, though. ANYWAY, the vacay was awesome! We spent 2 afternoons at the Naval Museum and got to see a private show of the Blue Angels, which prompted my 4 year old to state that HE was going to be a Blue Angel one day. I told him he could do anything he wants to do if he sets his mind to it and works hard. We spent a few evenings on the beach. That was cool because when we were done, I was able to strip the boys and shower them off from the Winnebago's outside shower (warm water). I LOVED that!!! No sand in the RV! (No, I am NOT OCD! I just don't happen to like dirt, ok??) Summer went by waaaayyy too fast :( Next thing ya' know it'll be Halloween, Thanksgiving, then Hanukkah and Christmas (we do BOTH...YEAH, baby!). Anyway, I just got on here b/c I saw someone signed my guestbook. Thought I'd update this. Nothing really new to say. Boring, huh? Just hanging out, keeping busy. Still working at my own business, still volunteering as Room Mom to Kyle and Tyler, still interested in Fashion and Beauty. Not preggers yet, but we'll start trying early next year. I'll keep ya' posted :) 'til then - Les 02/14/09 - Hey! No, I'm STILL not pregnant. Um, not that we haven't been trying...but birth control can get in the way of getting pregnant, huh? Ha ha! Tyler will be 3 next month. I don't wanna wait too long. But, there is sooo much going on right now. Eyal started a new business and he's devoting 6 days a week, sometimes 15 hours a day to it. So, I'm "single mom" often. But hey, you do whatcha gotta do. In THIS economy, we're lucky to have a source of income! Anyway, nothin' new, really. I'm trying to figure out what I want to start working on in the house. Spring is almost here. Do I work on planting and sprucing up the yard? Or start painting the den? Grrr! It's so much easier to do stuff with a buddy (or, um HUSBAND!) I mean, Sundays are his ONLY day off and it's just not fair to start nagging about stuff we need to do. Tomorrow, for example, he's going to a Soccer Coach Course, cuz' he volunteered to be a coach for Kyle's team this year. OMG! I'm gonna be a SOCCER MOM!! Baseball cap and EVERYTHING!! (Ok, I already do that when I take Kyle to school at 8 o'clock. I am NOT waking up at 6:30 just so I can be pretty for the daycare /Pre-K teachers, ok?) Anyway, it's so cool being around those guys! Today we made Valentines Day cards for them to give to Daddy (without getting too much glue on the coffee table!) When Eyal came home, they bombarded him with hugs and kisses and their cards. (I got flowers, thank-you-very-much!) After we got the boys fed (I made lasagna) and bathed and in bed, our big date was...watching American Idol from last week that we had DVR'd! Woo-Hoo!! Earlier, with my boys, I had danced in the den with them. First we had on Musica Latina (contemporary, NOT Mariachi), then switched to 70's Disco. (We have Dish Network, which has Sirius /XM, so there's sooo much to choose from). Anyway, when Michael Jackson came on, we were tearing up the den, man! Oooh-Hoo! That was fun! Ky and Ty like to "try new moves" to impress me. Then I pretend to be Simon Cowell or Nigel Lithgow and "critique" their performance. (Don't worry, I don't become Mother Dearest and tell my little 2 1/2 yr old that he can do better! Um, actually, that kid is quite talented. And he SINGS, too. Like ON PITCH!) It's gymnastics and voice lessons this year and some hip-hop classes. Look, Justin Timberlake can sing, but he DANCES, too!...Although...so does Kevin Federline. (PopoZao, anyone?) Hmmmmmmm. Well, I'm sorry, but I'm not white trash and neither will my kids be. So, if they end up having a successful career in performing, they WILL not end up being paparazzi fodder! Ok, so back to reality...What are the odds, anyway? Well, I'm going to try to plan some vacays this year and fun stuff for the summer. Ky starts Kindergarten in the fall, so it'll be all serious. No more taking him outta school to go to the beach for a few days (although WE used to skip school and go to the beach..and we survived!) Anyway, more in a few months. One last thought: Um, can you please only sign my book if you actually KNEW me? I mean I have people who didn't even go to school the years I went signing the book! Basically, don't sign it if you're under 35. I'm REALLY not interested in "getting to know" a 23 year old art school student. No offense or anything...And if you DID know me in school, COOL! I'll figure out who you are! Here's to making a sucky year (so far) the best yet! And here's to the bailout actually working! And here's to...I dunno. Peace, love, happiness for yourself. Do the things that give you peace, hang with the people you love and who make you feel loved and do things that make other people happy (cuz it always comes back 'round!) Les 03.27.09 - Melancholy today. It's raining. And I'm missing someone who impacted my life in more ways than he knew. And whom I would have willingly given my heart & soul...if he could have just done the same. But by the time he figured it all out, it was too late. MAO, you'll always be my soul mate. Baby, I DID love you. And I always will... "Well I'm down on my knees again And I pray to the only one Who has the strength To bear the pain To forgive all the things that I've done Oh Girl Lead me into your darkness When this world is trying it's hardest To leave me unimpressed Just one caress From you and I'm blessed When you think you've tried every road Every avenue Take one more look At what you found old And in it you'll find something new I'm shying from the light I always loved the night And now you offer me eternal darkness I have to believe that sin Can make a better man It's the mood that I am in That's left us back where we began Oh Girl Lead me into your darkness When this world is trying it's hardest To leave me unimpressed Just one caress From you and I'm blessed..." Written by Martin Gore - DM
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Tyler - May 2008
Me and Hila - Sept 2008
Me and My Boys, Kyle, 4 and Tyler, 2
Tyler, my 2-year-old
Me and My Boys, Kyle, 4 and Tyler, 2
Me and My Boys, Kyle, 4 and Tyler, 2
Kyle, my 4-year-old
Leslie Yarden's Classmates profile album
tyler - Fall 2007
Tyler October 2007
kyle - Oct 2007
Kyle - October 2007
Tyler Summer 2007
2007 - Kyle with Grandma and Pop-pop
kyle and tyler after playing in snow
tyler in front of neighbor's snowman
kyle's first snowmidget
snow day -kyle
snow - back of house 2
Jan 08 snow-back of house 1
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