Robert Scott:  

Robert Scott's Classmates® Profile Photo
Garey High SchoolClass of 1967
Pomona, CA

Robert's Story

Updated; 2-28-24 I realize this post is a little long, once I got started, I couldn’t stop. I found it to be a little therapeutic for myself as well. Hope you read to the end, and thanks for visiting. I met my HS sweetheart at 17 (Linda Harris from Chaffey High), proposed to her at 19 at the A&W on Holt in Ontario. Oh yeah, I can be quite the romantic when I want to be. We were married at 21, and shared a wonderful 50+ years together before she passed away in Oct. of 2020. She had Parkinson’s Disease for 17 years. Unfortunately, 80% of PD patients develop dementia and Linda had that for the last 3 1/2 years, and that’s what took her life. A few years back, she asked me, “why would I stay with someone in her condition?” I said, “WHOA, stop right there! You remember, for better or for worse, in sickness and in health? This is what I signed on to the night I said, “I DO,” and I’m not going anywhere and neither are you. This is our journey, and we’re going through it together. I not only love you, but I’M STILL IN LOVE WITH YOU, and you’re staying right here with me, don’t you worry about a thing, I’M going to take care of you, and don’t you even think for a minute you’re a burden, you’re the love of my life.” She got all emotional, and the rest is private. When the time came, I didn’t want to be in another part of the house, and didn’t want her to be alone. So I laid next to her, holding her hand, and watched her take her last breath. At that moment, I realized I had just lost half of me, the better half. I just buried my face in her neck and shoulder and cried like a baby. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do, but I’d do it all over again for her, and wouldn’t trade this experience we went through for the world. During her dementia, there were occasionally moments of clarity and times where Linda would give me certain looks…that WERE Linda. A beautiful smile, a gesture of approval, a loving comment, or a certain expression with those beautiful bright hazel eyes. I’d say to myself, “there’s my girl, she’s still in there.” There are sights and sounds that I will never be able to get out of my mind. One of those is when Linda cried out, “I WANT MY MOMMY!” I knew then, she was giving up. What a very emotional moment that was. Well, she’s with her mommy now. I was totally aware of the fact that 71% of caregivers die before the person they are caring for, simply from all the stress and anxiety of the daily challenges. But I was determined to take care of my bride even if it killed me. You’d be surprised what you can endure when given only one option. I had to tell myself, “get your head around this Bob, and step up to the plate, this is your bride, your wife, the mother of your sons, and she needs me now more than ever.” I prayed everyday that the Lord would keep me strong and healthy for Linda, and He did just that. Not sure why I felt compelled to share this, other than to illustrate the fact that we had such loyalty and an unconditional love for each other. I know Linda would have done the same for me if the table was turned. I don’t blame God in the least, I never want to do that. Yes, I’m a little angry right now, and I know He completely understands that. I know He had His reason, but I’ll never understand, that out of the two of us, why her and not me? Linda NEVER abused her body with cigarettes, alcohol or drugs, and she didn’t deserve what she went through. Linda worked for a Christian university where people could talk about God and express their beliefs without any repercussions. The students knew they could come to Linda for prayer at any time. She wouldn’t just say, “I’ll keep you in prayer,”…oh no. She would take the time and pray with them right then and there, and many times would even cry with them as well. That’s just who she was. She had a real heart for people who needed comforting. Linda touched a lot of peoples lives, not just by witnessing, but with the humbling acceptance of her disease, which was a witness in and of itself. That’s why I continue to ask the Lord, “why her, and not me?” Linda was such a giver. Believe me when I say, “she was a better person than I could EVER hope to be. Awesome character and eager to forgive.” Linda never ever complained a single time about her disease. She “fought the good fight, finished the race and kept the faith.” She was a real trooper, and I thank the Lord she knew me at the end. HALLELUJAH! I find total peace and comfort knowing the very moment she entered into the Lord’s arms, she heard, “well done, good and faithful servant.” I know without a shadow of a doubt, she’s in Heaven eagerly waiting for me with open arms. All in the Lord’s timing of course. So…we have two wonderful sons and two awesome grandkids. The grandson is now a former US Marine…OORAH! Out of HS, had several odd jobs until I got into law enforcement. Put 7 years in total with Chino PD, Pomona PD and Riverside Co. Sheriffs, until I had had enough of their political BS. So I opened a photography studio and had that for 18 years. Sold it, went to work for a friend in the structural steel business until retiring in March of 2018 to take care of my bride full time. Been to 16 states and 3 countries, can’t beat the SoCal weather. I pretty much like all foods, I like drama, action and adventure movies. I could watch Romancing the Stone over and over. I like Gone With the Wind, Gladiator, Rainman, Blazing Saddles, Dirty Harry movies and Spaghetti Westerns. Love watching old black and white movies. Always been a big fan of Laurel and Hardy, the Three Stooges and W. C. Fields. I love the original Out of Towners with Jack Lemmon, HILARIOUS! However, my all time favorite movie is, It’s a Wonderful Life, and of course, Jimmy Stewart has always been my favorite actor. I remember one time Linda and I were at the drive-in watching JAWS. Her stomach was in such knots watching the shark eat Quint, that she literally, THREW UP! Thank God for vinyl seats. I like music from the 40’s through the 80’s, big Roy Orbison fan, always loved the Righteous Brothers but still hate the Beatles. We went to a lot of concerts back in the day. Saw groups like, Three Dog Night, the Young Rascals, Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, Ricky Nelson, KC and the Sunshine Band, Kenny Rogers and the 1st Edition, Dan Fogelberg and of course, the Righteous Brothers at the Carousel in Covina. Who remembers Mel’s Hamburgers, Pup ‘N’ Taco, Pail-O-Chicken? How about Henry’s car hop? Or the Big “T” parking lot where drag race challenges were usually met going down North Garey Ave. (✋GUILTY). Or cruising Sunset Blvd. at .28 cents a gallon. How about Sleepy Hollow or the Green Mist in Los Serranos? Or, checking out those “spooky” places in Ganesha Park? night! Then there was haulin’ butt out Baseline Road with those deep dips where you could get a “little” airborne. YEEEEEE HAW! Crazy, but man those were the days weren’t they? I guess I could point the finger at my dad of me having somewhat of a thrill for speed. After all, it was he that took me to the Winternationals from a very young age. “YOUR HONOR, IT’S THAT MAN’S FAULT I STAND HERE BEFORE YOU TODAY!” (Love ya dad, for the good times we had). In 1969, I bought a new Roadrunner. Boy did Linda love going through those gears. Oh yeah, I hooked up with the right girl alright. Linda loved hanging out in the garage with the boys and I as we wrenched on hot rods. She would bring us snacks, get tools, or just sit and watch the three men in her life. It just doesn’t get any better than that! Who remembers Miss Dickey, the English teacher…what a hottie, and Mr. Hunt the auto shop teacher, he was a pretty cool dude. When I was in HS, I thought 30 years old was a long way off. When 30 came, I laid on the couch all day….depressed. Going into one decade after the other hasn’t been too bad, but, I think 75 might hit me. Ha! Luckily, that’s a couple of years off. Currently working on a street rod project that’s been on the back burner for awhile and hope to have it up and running by THIS Spring or Summer. Lost a few friends along the way from illness’ but still see a friend from 2nd grade now and then. Over time, I’ve lost a father, a mother and a sister. Sad as that is, I can assure you it doesn’t compare to losing your spouse, especially when they were also your very best friend. All and all, life’s been good, I’ve certainly been blessed, and I owe it all to the Lord. Blessings aren’t always material things. The best ones are those that no amount of money can buy. Thank you Lord, for blessing me with such an awesome wife (and not a high maintenance one 😜), but who was FAITHFUL, who had a loving, caring, thoughtful heart and ALWAYS put others first before herself. She wouldn’t even take the best looking fries at In-N-Out. Her excuse was, she always liked the little over cooked ones….yeah right. Yep, you’re beginning to know what Linda’s character was really like. Obviously, there wasn’t a selfish bone in Linda’s body, and that’s an understatement. She was beautiful inside and out, simply…..GORGEOUS! Of great character and an awesome AWESOME personality, all wrapped up in that 5 foot 4 little package. Linda’s personality was just one of her many character traits that caused me to fall head over heels in love with her. She definitely had me “hook, line and sinker.” I often would ask myself, “as gorgeous as she was, what the heck did she ever see in me? I don’t know.” She was out of my league, I came from the Southside of the tracks, and compared myself to the boy from “Down in the Boondocks.” I definitely married up, and consider myself a very lucky lucky man. However, Linda’s dad pretty much approved of me from the get go, as he had previous knowledge of me from an aunt he knew from church. Linda’s mom on the other hand, well, she wanted Linda to marry someone with money. HA! But I’m convinced, it had more to do with the fact that I was a...Expand for more
bout to take her first born child. Some twenty years later, Linda’s mom came to me and said, “you are my favorite son-in-law.” I guess I FINALLY made it into the family circle. Linda would often say to me, “you know, you act like the king around here.” And I would say, “I am the king, and that makes you my queen.” That would always bring a kiss from her and a smile on her face. I think she just wanted more kisses. I love you sweetheart, and I’ll never find another you. WHATA WOMAN!! When Linda and I first met, she wore those “cat-eyed” glasses, you know, the ones with “diamonds” across the top. Well, one night we were having a candlelight dinner at Di’Cencios. (aah ya see, I can be romantic). I remember vividly, she was wearing this beautiful white sleeveless summer dress, and I reached across the table,…removed her glasses,…and WOW! I said, “you have such beautiful eyes, you shouldn’t cover them up with glasses.” A week later, she was wearing contact lenses. SHE DID THAT FOR ME! Throughout our whole marriage, she always put me first, making sure my needs were met. I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to say to her, “thank you for falling in love with me, you are the best thing that ever happened to me (other than becoming a father), and I’m so sorry sweetheart, for always taking you for granted, please forgive me.” Of course she did, that’s just who she was. But to her, it was no big deal. I give her TOTAL credit for making our house a home in so many ways. I will also say, sometimes when we husbands are struggling with an issue, it takes a wife’s perspective to pull back the veil to expose what was always there. Linda was very good at that. Hey guys, that’s why our wives are called, “help mates.” So, I’ll share something else with ya. When Linda and I were dating, many times when we were at the drive-in theater, we would “breathe” for one another. How does that work you ask? Well, we would lock lips, she would inhale through her nose, exhale into my mouth. Then I’d inhale and exhale through my mouth and nose and visa versa. Yeah, I know….I know, sounds weird, but when you’re young and in love you do weird stuff. Not sure which one of us came up with that, probably this sicko. But I knew right there, I had found my true soulmate. So, I’ll share another memory. When Linda and I were dating, we were very good friends, but quickly became best of friends. One night as we were standing at her parents front door, talking and saying goodnight, all of a sudden she just grabs me by the shirt, pulls me in and gives me a big kiss and says, “I think I’m in love with you.” WOW, I felt the very same way. Soon after, that’s when that whole breathing bit for one another was created. Now, fast forward to when she became bed ridden from her illness. I gave her a piece of chocolate…..she loved chocolate. I’m standing over her, and she grabs me by the shirt, pulls me in and gives me a big kiss and says, “I love you Bob Scott.” WOW, it was if we were coming full circle. YEP…..I’M CRYING HERE! I’ve had the time of my life, and I owe it all to you babe. There’s a black and white photo of Linda (in the photo album below), that REALLY gets to me now. It’s the photo she had taken for the local newspaper, announcing our wedding plans. It says to me, “I love you, I want to marry you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” She did just that! I’m so grateful for the Lord giving us those wonderful 50+ years together. Believe me, I would have ABSOLUTELY loved to had 50 more years with her. I guess I didn’t realize just how IMMEASURABLY I was in love with Linda, and still am, until I lost her. But I know she knew, by the way I took care of her, and that’s all that really matters. I look back at the time I was dating a girl from Chino High whose name was Sandy. I know without a doubt, if I had married her, I’d have been divorced and had a miserable life. Even back then, the Lord protected me and got me away from that relationship, because He had better plans for me. Much better plans, plans beyond my wildest dreams. All I can say is, “thank you, thank you Lord.” I don’t know why, but He has protected me all my life. Why do I deserve it Lord? And the blessings, why Lord? Speaking strictly for myself, I believe the Lord revealed to me why. It was because Linda and I made a covenant with the Lord to keep ourselves “pure” before marriage. From that moment on, we had such a wonderful and blessed marriage. He blessed Linda and I with two wonderful sons. They don’t smoke, drink or do drugs, and we never had to worry about them hanging out with the wrong crowd. They are not a burden on society, very proud of them and we’re a very close knit family. That in itself is worth more than all the money in the world. I also look back of how Linda and I met, the odd and VERY unlikely circumstances of how our paths crossed. You see, Linda’s parents owned Harris Music Co. They had three stores. One in Pomona, one in Ontario and the other in Riverside. Around 1966, I tinkered on the guitar and needed some strings. I could have very easily gone to the Pomona store, but as destiny would have it, I decided to go to the Ontario store instead. I walked in and started looking around and about two minutes later, this girl walks in with a McDonald’s cup in her hand. She walks behind the counter and she obviously just came back from lunch. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect, and she asks if she could help me. As I’m talking with her and looking her over, I kid you not, something inside me says, “I’m looking at my future wife.” But, for that to come true, I had to ask her to the “Enchantment Under Sea Dance,” as it were. I was so glad she said, “YES,” because my heart was set on her, and I wasn’t about to take “NO” for an answer. I found, the girl who would become MY wife. 🎶I bless the daay I found you, I wanna staay around you, and so I beg you,….let it be me🎶 I am thoroughly convinced that the Lord orchestrated our meeting that day and put Linda and I together for a reason. Having said that, I’m also convinced that our marriage was one of those “made in Heaven.” You see, He not only kept me strong and healthy for Linda at a time of great need, but along this journey, He prepared me physically, mentally and spiritually, because there was coming a time for me to have the mindset of being ready and willing to face what would be required of me. I now believe I understand and realize what my purpose in life was. Maybe there’s more, only the Lord knows. By now, you may be asking, “how did I, we, get through this HUGE challenge.” I can tell you with all certainty, “it obviously required us leaning on the Lord for strength.” I continue to do so, I have to,….I just have to, it’s the only way, because I can’t get through this without the Lord’s strength. Sure, I’m getting support from family and friends, but I was beat and exhausted, and LINDA WAS WORTH EVERY BIT OF IT! If it were possible, I’d have given my life for her with ZERO hesitation, but I know He got us through it, and I know He will continue to give me peace and comfort knowing just how much I miss my bride immensely. I am 100% certain and confident knowing Linda is in Heaven with the Lord…..she just beat me there. So, enough of this emotional stuff, I’d like to include a funny story. Many moons ago, Linda and I were meeting some friends at their house for lunch. We arrived in separate cars, and when Linda drove up, she got out and was a bit hysterical. I asked, “what’s wrong?” She said, “a train hit some cars at East End and State St. and their laying on the tracks all smashed.” So, we all drove up to the location, and sure enough, there’s a couple of cars laying smashed on the RR tracks. No train, no bodies, just these smashed cars. Well, what had happened was, this flatbed truck from the wrecking yard down the street, had lost a couple of cars going across those very rough tracks. We just looked at each other and started laughing. For years we would tease Linda and laughed and joked about how “hysterical” it was. So obviously, there were many more memories that happened in between what I’ve shared. Beautiful memories AND experiences. But for now, you’ve got the gest of what’s been going on with me since HS. Most of you may not remember me, that’s ok. I was in school, just not my school. I “visited” Chino High or Chaffey High, and I ditched a lot going to the beach with buddies. Knowing what I know now, I would have been a much better student, particularly in History class. But honestly, I don’t think I would change a single thing. Other than the huge loss of my wife, at 73 years old, “It’s (been) A Wonderful Life.” I am thankful, satisfied and have no regrets. What ever the next chapter brings, I’m ready for it….I think. So, I make this challenge to you husbands. Tonight when you get home, you kiss your bride’s lips, and when you think you’ve kissed them enough, you kiss them some more, and you tell her how much you appreciate her for being the wife and mother she has been, and just how much she means to you by treating her like the queen she is. Then, try breathing for one another. Hey, don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. One of the items on my short “Bucket List,” would be to do a Zip Line, at least a 1/4 mile long. Some day, hopefully very soon before I have to wear a diaper. Maybe I should wear one just in case…NAH!! I’ll just go with the flow. I’d like to leave you with a word of wisdom. NEVER, EVER go to the chiropractor when you have diarrhea. With all that pushing and twisting…..well, you get the picture. Still live in SoCal, but thinking of getting the heck “out of Dodge” if you know what I mean. Hoping everyone has a healthy and blessed year. Remember, old farts rule. Us guys can claim that now that we’ve lived this long and payed our dues. 😀 Oh BTW, looking back, I hope you realize we really did live in the best of times.
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Robert Scott's Classmates profile album
Robert Scott's Classmates profile album
Robert Scott's Classmates profile album
Robert Scott's Classmates profile album
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