Ron Rathmann:  

Ron Rathmann's Classmates® Profile Photo
San diego, CA

Ron's Story

8/5/99 Wednesday, June 02, 1999 Tucson, Arizona, USA Now that we have been up, acting in the world for more than three years it is time to tell our story. Born July 22, 1941 in Mercy Hospital, San Diego, California and already in the fight. We are twins, Ron and I, with one body to be born into. Little chance for both of us to be up at the same time. Not while staying free from commitment to an asylum anyway. Ronald, (Ron) (sometimes Ronnie) became the dominant person in the world. I, Dean, (who¿s name had been given as an afterthought) took a back seat remaining unrecognized except when the full name was required legally. We were members of a family with the surname Rathmann (parents Robert Richard and Pauline Hilda). Mostly loving spiritually guided people, but with a preoccupation for justification of actions. Two sisters, Barbara Kay (two years before us) and Stephanie Rae (two and a quarter years after us) were also members of this family. Thinking back on it, my presence (I came up unannounced at times) must have been a bit confusing to the others. We were mostly quiet acting through instruction and advice given to Ron. It must have been very disconcerting to him. Such was the beginning arrangement of persons. In further discussion I, Dean, will be referred to as we (us, our) and others will be referred to as individuals. This is done for simplicity while giving recognition to all parts of me (us). Previous to all of the above, our fight with God had begun with the indolent agreement to be put in earth. We were unaware of what would be encountered and the spiritual burden we would carry. Being ensconced in a body, discomfort started in womb and was accentuated upon birth by a slap of the ass. The unfamiliar sound of crying was unnerving. So we began the standard deterioration of comfort in human life. At first everything was taken care of without our asking. It was not long before we had to cry to get our needs fulfilled. Soon we had to ask or get things on our own. What a disappointment and it went on and on getting worse all the time. By the time we were four years into this, the liquid found in glasses left after parties had been tested and found to provide a relief from what we had decided was a hostile environment. Along with this was the growing dissatisfaction with being in a physical body. This condition resulted in feeling pain, ridicule, threat, and required outside influences to comfort. Around this time we started to hear the arguments of fear being the proper method to use getting along in the world. We were now on the path believing anything anyone told us. When we found the information conflicting and were rebuffed for saying so, we withdrew and became unwilling to voice our views. Thus began the formulation of a plan for living that would lead to constantly reoccurring defeat. Unconsciously we had begun to make decisions for survival that would prove to be our undoing later in life. I.e. we have been placed in a hostile environment. We need the co-operation of other human beings to protect us. We need to find methods to get others to provide us with food. Our present condition is to last forever. We are victims and need power to survive. Other decisions may have been made, these are offered as examples of the type. We recall the incident at preschool age while sitting our bedroom watching school kids returning home stopping to tease Mike the German shepherd chained in the open yard. Our fear became so intense we decided the kids must be killed. Realizing Ron was too small to accomplish the task we put the idea aside. We insured its completion with a subtle agreement with an unknown force. Experience promoted the argument others were not going to satisfy our demands, we would have to do for our self. Trust of others is a lost cause. Then the stopping in the middle of prayer and telling God we were not going to talk to Him any more. The foundation for Self as supreme was now set. We solidified the opinion we could use fear as criteria to determine our needs and call on any power necessary to fulfill them. More alliances with dark powers were made. Puberty came and as confusion passed the feeling of personal power and the recognition of power in other people developed. We now had to build abilities of control and manipulation to insure position providing us fulfillment of our wants. Thus followed agreements with Principalities. Education bolstered these as we increased our reliance on the God of Reason. Then the wash of the Holy Spirit during the class preparing us to become a member of the Presbyterian Church leaving hearing all that was said about the Scriptures as cackling and babble. We had already formed the opinion that hypocrisy reigned in Sunday school. Now we were right and totally alone. Better not let anyone know what we saw. Through all of this we were safe from outside argument or retaliation as we were acting in the world through Ron without direct participation of our own. The turmoil was internal, occurring whenever Ron¿s and my ideas, plans, dreams, and goals conflicted. Our various reactions to the other entities in here attempting to express themselves added to the fray. Bug, Bugger, Freckles, Four Eyes, Bones, Bonesy, and others played their parts. Even Rhonda trying to be and compete as a sister and Veronica dressing in women¿s clothes participated. Our assumed roles of advisor, protector, and comforter became difficult adding to our annoyance. Our discomfort increased with jealousy of anyone else attempting to provide these services. At seventeen we rediscovered alcohol¿RELIEF! Drunk receiving a scholarship at the high school awards assembly provided positive experience of a way we could smoothly accept undeserved rewards. The summer of ¿59, 18th birthday and transition from boy to man. We were prepared to prove family, society, and the entire world wrong. Unaware that Ron was to continue a path of fulfilling what we considered obligations to family, society and the world we were surprised to see that our desires of freedom and irresponsibility were continually thwarted. We had been wrong on our assumption once through the mandatory education, jobs as paperboy, shoe salesman, and simple home improvement we would be free in self-determination. Nothing left but to just get the job done. It proved to be seemingly without end. Alcohol became increasingly useful, providing lubricant for enduring living and changing from one imposed role to another. Defiance and rebellion became the operative elements of our character. Noted by parents as becoming quite evident around five years old but unnoticed then and now by us. Off to the University to be overwhelmed in one semester. We had found touring the depressed area surrounding the University much more satisfying than campus life. The chosen Mechanical Engineering major had proven restrictive and unrewarding¿done. We had given up surfing for this? Smoking started with Camels filched from dorm roommate. Our demands stifling Ron¿s endeavors were evident, but not to us. Back to San Diego, surfing, busboy job, living in family house. Job as apprentice carpenter filled time until August 1960 when a trip to Oregon ended in an auto accident leaving us hospitalized after concussion and three day coma. A night¿s drunkenness in Balboa Island had begun the trip. The Hospital stay was fun until we decided we were in a mental institution and had to escape. The possibility we would have to kill a nurse on the way seemed ok. The resultant attempt ended with a concerned hospital staff drilling holes in our head to maybe see what was wrong. They found the entire brain surface badly bruised. No wonder we had found a new release, brainpower was smashed. Parents retrieved us and nursed us through a year of physical and two years of mental rehabilitation. No physical exertion or drinking was prescribed. Wouldn¿t you know it? We drank anyway. A year and a half of Junior College led to a Philosophy Major at San Diego State College. One year and we drank our way out of that. Having met Linda Margaret at school, the summer brought visits to her home in Manhattan Beach. She was back at SDSC in the fall and our involvement increased. Before the semester had ended she moved back to M. B. and Ron, with family help, opened a drafting office In Pacific Beach. Kennedy was shot, diatribes were written and we moved to Linda¿s family¿s house. In January elopement to Las Vegas, then living together in Hermosa Beach. A young couple off to make it on our own we found ourselves in San Francisco with Linda pregnant. To our mind this was getting out of hand and we told her so. No one was aware this was we and Ron lived the results. The hope of being free from family influence was smashed with having to borrow money from parents for rent. Don¿t know or care much if it was ever repaid. December 1964 Raul was born. Linda had to be feeling quite alone and isolated. Our disdain, disregard and downright mistreatment of her and Raul were anesthetized with alcohol. The employment with St Charles Kitchens soon collapsed and we were back in parent¿s house in San Diego. We were now three dumping our stuff back on parents. The idea employment would make everything ok had growing importance. Advertised in Construction Newspaper and found work Detailing Reinforcing Steel. Rented an apartment and moved to real independence. Now we would show ¿them ¿ we could do it. Actually we were engrossed in a fight with ¿them¿ we had created. The fight was more difficult now as we decided to be responsible. The actual attitude was that Linda was incapable of doing anything and we were going to have to be leader, director, and prov...Expand for more
ider. Ill equipped to be any of these we found more and more escape into alcohol. Moved to Hermosa Beach by Soule Steel for us to work in Santa Ana proved our ability to make it in the world. Found Spanish style house and we were set. Disaster soon struck with Linda¿s Dad dying and her being pregnant again. We decided we would do better this time. Not so, lost house and moved next door. Company was transferring us back to San Diego and as soon as Erik was born we left. Linda moved in with her mother. Actually all this suited us as the dark side was gaining real prominence. The duty we had made being a husband into made Linda, Raul, and now Erik into unbearable burdens. We had failed miserably. But wait! We would find a new start and all would be ok. We were now four dumping our stuff back on parents. The idea employment would make everything ok had even more importance. In the absence of wife and children we had put in much overtime. Linda, Raul, and Erik came down. We rented a three-bedroom house and moved to what we now knew was the proper path. Now we would show ¿them ¿ we could do it. Again we were engrossed in a fight with ¿them¿ we had created. Family, acquaintances and friends were merely doing what they could to help us. Someplace in here a childhood friend came by and took us to Alcoholics Anonymous. This lasted about a month ending with our deciding we could still drink. Anyway if we stopped and kept going to AA we would loose everything. We had taken a new job as Building Inspector just when Soule Steel announced our promotion to supervisor. More money and a chance to prove we could be as good as Dad. Blew it in 6 months and went to work for large developer. Now we were able to increase drinking substantially. Linda¿s grandfather had died and now her grandmother died leaving her a few thousand dollars. We bought a duplex in Mission Beach and moved in. We were on the right track now. Well Linda divorced us and took the boys. We were alone and alienated unaware of doing this to ourselves. But we still had a good job. Everything would be ok. Started dating Shirlee Ann, a fellow employee at Pardee Construction Co. Transferred to San Jose, drinking became a necessary endeavor. Our whoredom and blatant using of others became evident. Pardee was aware they had a loser and we were fired. Wow! Thirty, free, with money and property, we had it made now. We would start a liaison business and go great guns. Sold duplex and Borrowed money from Shirlee. Leased a Firebird and we were off. January of ¿72 we were married. By June we were broke. So found a headhunter who placed us with a developer. All would be ok now, living the good life. A rocky year or so with A.J. Hall Co. and another headhunter placed us with American Housing Guild. Talk about security! People wanted us. Alcohol was a great friend too. With it we had no worries, and Shirlee liked it too. Early 1975 and AHG let us go. We had drunk ourselves out of another job. Got a General Contractor¿s license and reached the pinnacle of success. Someplace in the last few years we had put ourselves into a region beyond human help. Ron D. Rathmann Builder was a disaster. Sunday, August 3, 1975 and in complete despair coming off the days drunk at he races we lost our head and asked God¿s help. We have been free of drink ever since. By Thursday we had been brought back to Alcoholics Anonymous. Rendered sober it was as if God said ¿Now you don¿t drink any more, what are you going to do?¿ Then put Alcoholics Anonymous right back in front of us. It happened to be a meeting we had attended before full of old farts whom didn¿t care whether or not we got sober. Poor us, we couldn¿t see their lack of concern was merely a reflection of our own. Another month dry resulted in getting a sponsor and following what we thought were some stupid instructions, like reading a book called Alcoholics Anonymous, attending meetings of sponsors choice, then reading book again with him. Shortly a third step was taken (which God took more seriously than we did) and our life was no longer our own. In October our attending Southern California AA Convention in Bakersfield provided the experience needed to start breaking with the past. A few weeks later we broke down talking at a podium meeting giving our business to God and sobbing openly. Sponsor had been correct. Needed to be freed of the business on which we were relying. One more job under these auspices and we were free. We didn¿t like it though. Nor did we like being taken to court for non-child support payment. Nine months probation, a new job under an old boss and everything was ok. Well, kind of ok. We were forcibly reminded of the years of reconstruction that lie ahead. We had proceeded with the steps and were into amends finding all the promises coming true and seeing we still had the power to screw up our view of life. But we were without the power to drink over it. Back in January of 1976 we had been invited to meet Jesus. We had accepted, said the prayers and everything fell apart again. Of course it had to that a completely new life could be built. Baptized by a group of Jesus freaks our spiritual life was set. Alcoholics Anonymous had put us into a condition we could and had to rely and depend on a power greater than self and The Father had drawn us to Jesus. We were now prisoners on the most difficult path known. So much for the easier, softer way. We found ourselves on a path to undo all we had done by our own decision. What an adventure of unknown outcome. Here is a good place to note that our rightness in some opinions we held were impediments to proceeding with the AA program. ¿We were sure we were not alcoholic and the admission in meetings was a lie. We were just a ¿good guy¿ who had gotten bad breaks. We had no desire to be returned to sanity. We liked and used our insanity to get along in the world. It doesn¿t matter whether or not God exists. We don¿t need it. Prayer is a waste of time.¿ We were to live into being proven wrong in all of these. However the fellowship of AA was the place for us. We had lived anonymously and now had an arena in which to speak and act without our demand to be recognized being an issue. Since our admissions to us were lies, Ron could bear the brunt and we found no one really cared anyway. Shirlee¿s drinking stopped about three months after ours and we had begun the ¿sober life¿ together. Ron going through the motions and we as an outside observer, a voyeur even. 1977, the end of another job, and we were off on a trip to Colorado. At Mesa Verde we experienced a reliving of daily life in the cliff dwellings. It was a definite past life memory we passed off as being without import. Later we saw the personage involved in this daily living sequence was a medicine man. Then that he had not been born into this tribe, but brought to it as a teenager. We put this memory of experience into the basket that included the young Jewish girl with a Nazi corporal boyfriend and some vague experiences we had had in our early twenties through hypnosis. Back home in San Diego we re entered regular life searching for another job. We found it in a development company, which was headed by a partnership of the management personnel from two companies in which we had been employed before. Still living in the house Shirlee owned when we met all seemed well. We both had high paying jobs. Within a years time span we sold her house. Bought a house in Mira Mesa, sold it making a bundle, and bought a condominium in Solana Beach. This happened within a two-year period where our involvement with AA consisted of attending about four meetings. Shirlee probably sensed our semi emergence as she had started calling us Ronald Dean. Returning from a weeks trip to Hawaii we were disabled in an auto accident, lost job, sold condo, bought house in Vista and found new job building a mini-storage facility and starting a second one. Things were going so well that we attempted to consciously foul them up just to keep interested. Our endeavor didn¿t work to stop projects but did allow us to be fired in January 1980. A job search lasted until November and was discarded. House sold and was to be vacated December 28th. We had been visiting various airports for a week and Saturday put our personal stuff in a 4¿x4¿ self storage, went to a dinner for Raul¿s birthday, couldn¿t get back to house, and Sunday noon were on a plane to Honolulu. We landed, made phone call to parents, called friend of theirs in Honolulu, realized situation untenable with the $8 we had left, and went to an Alano Club. After the meeting we returned to the Airport. Thus began a week of no eating, sleeping in airport and hotel lobbies, lots of meetings, then breaking down bawling in Alano Club and being given two nights in YMCA. From YMCA we were given residence in a ¾ house. In the ten days stay there we received divorce papers, received two checks for things sold by Shirlee, let parents know we had left car at LAX, and gotten cozy with Barbara, a counselor in the house. Seemed a good time for a new start. We flew to Maui with Barbara to sleep in the Haliakala crater. Didn¿t make it to the volcano. After a drive around the north end of the island and nights stay in hotel we went to the main speaker meeting in Kahului. Met outside and informed the speaker did not show we were asked to fill in. We have no idea what we said but they loved it. Barbara and we were invited to stay in a local woman¿s house. A weeks stay there, then we were put up two nights in a historic whaler¿s hotel and spent the next the next week at our benefactor¿s Condo. More than five years sober and time to
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