Stephen Baker:  

Long branch, NJ

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Excerpt form NY Times 5.14.24: The hunt for the next movie sensation. This year’s lineup goes heavy on all-star auteurs, with new films from Yorgos Lanthimos (“Kinds of Kindness”), Andrea Arnold (“Bird”), Sean Baker (“Anora”) and Paul Schrader (“Oh, Canada”). But Cannes is even more fun when an unexpected movie pops, as “Anatomy of a Fall” did last year when it earned rave reviews and the Palme d’Or, setting up a path that would eventually lead to Oscar glory. Full article is in NY Times at It's wide, deep and cold. The stream of my ignorance. Will I sink or swim? Snowed that Thanksgiving. Football, Long Branch at Red Bank. I miss our winters. Sunset Lake would freeze Ice skating in Asbury. Fires on the bank. Frost fishing on beach. Jetties coated with sea Ice. Fish dance on the sand. Our eagle's wounded. Can't straighten up, can't fly right. Don't let Trump kill it. Words losing meaning. Fascist, Democracy, Love. But hate still means hate. I added yoga. Lift, jog, yoga, work, read, play. Still clocks tick, God laughs. Live like the flowers. Don't compare self to others. Bask in your beauty. I like Zikode. Her song makes me want to dance. Jerusalema! Sick, sore, lame, and stiff? Time's ineluctable march. Happy Father's day. Baker now but then? Was Margolis from Russia. Left cause not welcome. Google Sean Baker. Take time to watch his movies. His Dad will thank you. Wake with a smile. Greet morning like an old friend. Go to bed content. Mornings cold and dark. I pine for apricity. But first off to work. Wordl addicted. Adieu a good start it seems. Maintaining my streak!! Am limber and lithe. Workout, work, study and read. And will die alone . Use a prop at work? TV anchors use pencils. Do they ever write? Put away your phone. Make your visit meaningful. Talk is like sunshine.. Me? Back in A-Fib? No. Premature contractions! Male, 80, pregnant? Can't jog past A-Fib. And lifting does not jolt it. Need pokes in the groin . Family memories. Congregation of the dead. Haunted hallow rooms. Take in the sunshine. Explore a few direction. Live in tomorrow. I work, read, lift, run Weigh what I weighed when I swam. Still the end beckons. The moon stares at me. I stare back but blink. I blink at beauty. Faith in the journey. But what's the destination? Interesting times. All systems working. Albeit somewhat slower. Time grants no favors. Sanctions have hit me. No Russian trademark filings. I'm doing my part! Political hacks. Roe was right now it is wrong. SCOTUS kills with stealth. Putin's polls are up. Biden's dropping like a rock. Looking glass perverse! It's a bloody shame. My hemoglobin is low. Think I sprung a leak? Trump's pestilential. So is his lover Putin. The world suffers. Fetch the Times Lucky. Fetch the news that's fit to print. Fetch my slippers too. Trump owns Toiletgate. Nixon's plumbers went to jail. Toiletgate's cleared clogs. Wife says moisturise! Cardiologist? Hydrate! Hey, I'm drownin' here! A shock of tulips. Sunshine, rain, wind and blue Jays A midwinter dream. Stop navel gazing. Think on the morning of time . And what time has wrought. My latkes secret. Must hand grate the potatoes. Get skin in the game. Nails too tough to cut. Hair growing where not wanted. Years go by too fast. The English Patient. Literature extraordinaire . Only paid two bits. Stephanie Baker is starting a new film this fall. She did are production and set design on Sean's Red Rocket. Sean Baker's latest movie RED ROCKET scored 96 on Totten Tomatoes. From Roger The first of them is “Red Rocket,” Sean Baker’s shrewd, gritty, and unfailingly hilarious follow-up to 2017’s “The Florida Project,” that made a splash in Telluride following its Cannes debut earlier this summer. Baker proves once again that he knows how to approach stories about Americans on the fringes as a considerate outsider, immersing himself in the details of the world he depicts intimately, then transposing it onto the screen for all its tender, intricate realness. In his latest, he follows a washed-up former porn star named Mikey Saber, a calculating smooth-talker trying to figure out his next move in the Texan terrain, using everyone around him while he scopes out a desperate return to his glory days as an adult movie actor. other reviews on rotten Tomatoes Trump, dumb as a rock. McCarthy, dumb as a rock. We can't let rocks rule. BCBJ Act. No republicans on board. Disabled? Who cares? sean baker's film - Simon Rex Male Porn Star Movie ‘Red Rocket’ Premieres in Cannes to Ecstatic Standing Ovation and Awards Buzz search Sean Baker Red Rocket Cannes for reviews. Classmates does not allow for posting links. I read the obits. Should have known about this guy! Too soon olt; too late schmart. off by one syllable Sean Baker's latest film Red Rocket will be in competition in the Cannes Film Festival this July. Support independent film Dogs can see yellow. Lucky chases yellow balls, And eats dandelions. Defenestrate Trump. The nearest window will do. Splat goes the evil A life lived and lost. DMX dead at fifty. Talent no bounds. Ironic ain't it? Trump used the steal; it happened. To stop what didn't. A word about Trump. Braggadocio no less. Empty sack of wind. A24 will distribute Sean Baker’s next film “Red Rocket,” a comedic drama about a washed up porn star who returns to his small Texas hometown. “Red Rocket” marks Baker’s first feature since “The Florida Project,” an acclaimed coming-of-age story that was also backed by A24. Though it’s unclear when “Red Rocket” will be released, Baker says the film is expected to debut in theaters. watch for it at your local theater Define slipshod:Trump. Define grifter and con:Trump. And Trump?: charlatan My bees are still vital. Went to feed them yesterday and found they were active, didn't need to be feed and Trump's pesticides have not killed them off to date (live within 1 mile of Trump International in Bedminster, NJ). Too bad the bees do not storm the club house. Better citizens than the deplorables. Another fantastic LA Christmas movie is Sean Baker’s 2015 film “Tangerine,” shot on an iPhone, which takes to Santa Monica Boulevard to depict one chaotic Christmas Eve in the lives of best friends and transgender sex workers Sin-Dee (Kitana Kiki Rodriguez) and Alexandra (Mya Taylor, who won an Independent Spirit Award). Like any good holiday film, it culminates with a stirring musical performance. Trump's autogolpe! Must succeed so he will fade. Fade to die alone. McConnell and Graham. Tweedledum and Tweedledee. .Serves the devil's spawn. the tweedles said: If you stay long enough, we might have a battle!” His confrontation with McCarthy during the hearings, in which he famously asked McCarthy "At long last, have you left no sense of decency?" is seen as a turning point in the history of McCarthyisn same to you trump loser and Republican enablers. To them it's "to hell with the country all I care about is me and the$$$$$" exorcist showed up. devil's spawn has been vanquished. next fight is Georgia. Trump and Roy Cohen. Lie, cheat, step on people's feet. Where's the exorcist? How long the anguish? How long until Trump is gone? Vote, erase the stain! You gotta love Joe. You do not have to like him. But do vote for Joe. How many must die? il duce in the white house. Cry America Vegetarian. Forty years no meat no cheese Never killed a cow. I haiku do you? Just seventeen syllables. Looking for a truth. Diversity rules. White supremacy must not win. Now we must dump trump. Trump's chemistry set. Using to make a vaccine. Safe? No, but warp speed. trump is president. mourning in America. cry America. Where the hell's your rage? He lied. We died. Where's your rage? Feel rage. Vote your rage! Trump meets his maker. Hoisted on his own petard. Twisting in the wind. Dresses in grievance. Wears resentment like a shroud. Trump's wardrobe. Defeat the orange plague. Meet the time as it seeks us. Fight for what is right. trump is a virus. vaccine can't eradicate. cure: biden Harris Keeping bees is hard. Cleaning hives and getting stung. Nature needs our help. What have you done to help nature or our country? Sit back and watch your 401k? shame on those who would sell out nature as well as their country for a few miserable dollars. Trump is a stain for whom I having but distain. But it does get worse. If he wins the courts are lost. Cannot sit this out what has trump made us? Petri dish America. Can't get any worse. Implicit in BLM is that all lives matter. Chanting all lives matter misses the point. BLM is not saying others do not matter. It is saying Blacks matter as much as all others and should not be killed for being Black. All lives matter dilutes the message and denigrates the Black lives that have been lost. Trump::jack boot nazi. Barr: today's Joseph Goebbels. Tomorrow who knows. we are number one. covid and executions. American kil...Expand for more
ls. In Black lives matter is implicit that all lives matter. Reverse is racist. The First Federal Execution in 17 Years took place this morning. What kind of country kills its own citizens? Oh, I forget Trump has cause the death of over 100,000 so what’s one more? “Whether you think of it as heavenly or as earthly, if you love life immortality is no consolation for death.” ― Simone de Beauvoir, A Very Easy Death Sacrifice children. And jeopardize their teachers. Trump says it's for me! Trump must love the dead. Made more dead than wars since 'Nam. Made us number one! trump is loony tunes. economy a rocket? A dud to nowhere! Trust me all is well. Corona will go away. But some have to die!! Take down Roosevelt? There goes Arsenic and Old Lace . Little thought can't hurt. trump said to Putin, want a tower in Moscow. Soldiers are the price. I am so angry! A pacifist forever. But soldiers count! Trump reads the briefings? Most informed person on earth? Soldiers lives are cheap? Mask under your nose? Day's of old, anything goes? Not in new normal. trump no friend of mine. ain't worth a nickle or dime. ain't worth a slug's slime. Cautioninishly hopeful. Is Biden Trump's Waterloo? Must work towards that! Trump remains a threat. Complacency can save him. Vigilance the key. Imbiclic doge. Trump, Pense, Barr surely all three. Dangerous people. Fishermen loves trump. I said a liar and cheat. And he said so what! Let's go to Tulsa. Waiver is not a problem. We will die for trump. You don't like Biden? Like Bill Barr and Cavenaugh? No, then vote for Joe. Do black lives matter? Why do some ask the question? Ignorance is bliss. Fishermen loves trump. I said a liar and cheat. And he said so what! Let's go to Tulsa. Waiver is not a problem. We will die for trump. You don't like Biden? Like Bill Barr and Cavenaugh? No, then vote for Joe. Do black lives matter? Why do some ask the question? Ignorance is bliss. Fishermen loves trump. I said a liar and cheat. And he said so what! Let's go to Tulsa. Waiver is not a problem. We will die for trump. You don't like Biden? Like Bill Barr and Cavenaugh? No, then vote for Joe. Do black lives matter? Why do some ask the question? Ignorance is bliss. Testing causes spikes. Testing causes the virus. Testing needs to stop. Perfect syllogism formed from the deranged mind of bible thumping Trump. Lifts make one taller. Trump wears elevator pumps.. Pumps don't make a man.. Bath trump in sunlight. Bring out the ultraviolet. HE'S GONE! BEAUTIFUL. Let's have a rally. No masks and no distancing . Make them sign waivers! Buchanan thanks Trump. Got him out of the basement. Last a distinction? Trump like mccarthy has no sense of decency. Where is Joseph Walsh? Fly flag upside down for a nation in distress. Bible upside down? We are on fire. Donald Trump just fans the flames. Trump, the devil’s spawn. George had a great day? Mourning becomes a nation, Trump not withstanding Trump desecrates church. Uses bible as a prop. Jesus, fig tree Trump! Bone spur trump plays tough. Used Army for photo op. Decency is dead. Trump's in his bunker. Only Joe can set him free. Ironic ain't it? Bull Conner's trump's muse. vicious dogs fire hoses. America's lost. police on my neck. can't breath and likely will die. does anyone care? I am Donald Trump . Twitter is no friend of mine. need it just the same Worship essential? Close enough to grab pussy? He prays on the weak The world goes round, why? Cause art makes the world go round . You made art today? A vote for Sander. A failure to vote at all. Both a vote for Trump! The right recognized that capturing the Supreme Court was paramount. since Brown vs. The Board of Education and Roe vs. Wade, the left has not focused on the court. trump wins and the Court is lost for the next 40 years and the USA we know will be gone. DAMN lost to pandemic? what did you lose, everything? Really think trump cares? All by your lone self? You're in the wrong company if sad, lonely, bored. A cure for covid? Tanning bed, shot of lysol? Virtual beach day! Rx Dr. Donny Open the country and kill with alacrity. Road to the White House? And what have you lost? A child, a spouse, a friend? Only what I love. Location Branchburg, NJ Hometown Elberon Children Boys 1, Girls 1 I have not read half the books in our home library (do not ask a wine collector if he drank the wines in his/her cellar)and continue to buy more. At the same time re-reading Amos Oz and working as best I can as an intellectual property attorney which requires reading of a different sort. And despite what I do, I will never match my patents depth of knowledge and vocabulary. I will try. That’s the best I can do. Sent from my iPad. Relationships Relationship Status Married Education & Work College Union College Class of 1964 Graduate School St. John's School Of Law Class of 1968 Employer Baker And Rannells Pa Owner • 1969 to present • Somerville, Nj Intellectual Property Law firm with offices in NJ, NY and China Favorites Movies The Florida Project which was written, directed and edited by son Sean Baker with production design by daughter STEPHONIK YOUTH (stage name), Tangerine also Sean, Starlette - also Sean and Stephanie Music Slo light "Zero one zero" Davidge - Stephonik Youth (daughter) among other of her recordings., Also her recording "Let's Kiss" the lead single off Living Days' album, Make Out Room Part 1 Television Off More Activities Working out at gym/running on road while reading the NYTimes About me Intellectual Property Lawyer Skidmore News ranked Sean's THE FLORIDA PROJECT second best file of the decade with ROMA being number (ten best films of the decade): The Florida Project is a hauntingly beautiful indie film starring Willem Dafoe that follows the lives of various residents at a shoddy motel located only 10 miles away from the “magical” Walt Disney World. Its main characters are a six-year old girl (played by the adorable Brooklyn Prince who delivers an incredibly nuanced and tender performance for a child actor), and her single mother. Sean Baker’s film is an exquisite and extremely intelligent case study of class and socioeconomic status, and the film’s decision to tell the story through the eyes of a child allows him and his cinematographer, Alexis Zave, to sprinkle the movie with visually stunning images that recall the imagination and innocence of childhood. Undertheradarmag com gave him number 1 for The Florida Project and number 12 for TANGERINE out of 50 films of the decade. More on Tangerine MAGNOLIA SELECTS “Tangerine” (Sean Baker, 2015) Magnolia Selects is reaching into the company’s robust library of movies for another solid month of programming, as the platform’s February lineup is highlighted by Roy Andersson’s masterpiece “A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence,” Lars von Trier’s always-fascinating “Nymphomaniac,” and Michael Almereyda’s “Experimenter” (a great way to get hyped for his upcoming Sundance biopic, “Tesla”). But our pick of the month is none other than Sean Baker’s “Tangerine,” which placed high on IndieWire’s list of the 100 Best Movies of the Decade. Here’s what Jude Dry had to say about the film that made iPhones seem viable on the big screen: An audacious and infinitely re-watchable farce about a day in the life of two trans girls working the streets of downtown Los Angeles, Sean Baker’s “Tangerine” was both an instant classic, and a lightning rod for emerging trans cinema. Baker earned major points for casting actual trans women in the leads — a rarity in 2015 that has since become the norm — and his decision paid off in a big way; Mya Taylor and Kitana Kiki Rodriquez saturate the film in such delicious specificity that it’s almost enough to make you want to swear off professional actors altogether. Shot entirely on iPhone (with the help of an anamorphic adapter), “Tangerine” made waves when it premiered at Sundance in 2015. And sure, the cinematography is vibrant and alive in a way that no one has been able to replicate on a consumer-grade camera since, but the look of the film was only a means to an end. On the contrary, it’s the raw intimacy of Baker’s approach that made “Tangerine” an instant queer classic Some more in Tangerine: Popular coverage at the time of release in 2015 focused on Baker’s choice to shoot the movie on modified iPhone 5S’s, and I think that this technical choice helped to achieve his documentary-like, immersive aesthetic. Five years on, this seems less of an impressive feat, but Tangerine remains perhaps the most critically and commercially successful movie about transwomen played by transwomen. Its real genius is that it involves you completely in a world of people who are starved of representation, rendering them as complex but fun individuals. Like all great movies, it helps us be a little more human. see Feb. 23, 2020 Posted in Film, Listicle Sean can be insufferable as it is. The above is not likely to make him less so.
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