Walter Hargis:  

Walter Hargis's Classmates® Profile Photo
Rockville, MD

Walter's Story

Life US Navy, 70-76, got out early to go to NOVA for a quarter, traveled around for a while, went to Montgomery College for 3 years full time and part time, tutored math, worked in the electronics lab, and picked up a couple of AA's. That's where I became reaquainted with Patrick Shadoan. He came into the math lab for some help with his Calculus. We've been friends ever since. He has since passed away from lung cancer and I miss him dearly. Worked as an electronics technician at Weinschel Engineering in Gaithersburg from 78-80. Went to Colorado State University from 80-83, did some skiing and got a BSEE. Worked for Watkins Johnson Company in G'burg from 83-86; worked in Yugoslavia just after Tito died, testing Electronic Warfare systems that I helped design at WJ. Interesting time! Went back to Weinschel Engineering from 86-91. Got a Masters in Electrical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University, 1990. Went to work for TTC in Germantown, 1992; it then became ACTERNA and now JDSU and I'm still there as a Senior Electrical Engineer. Bought a home with my future wife, Patty, in Nov. 93. Bicycled across Spain for a month from Dec 93 to Jan 94. My first daughter, Erin, was born in Dec 94. In July of 96, owning a townhouse, our new home, three cars, a kid, a dog, a pile of bicycles, a hot tub and a lawn mower, Patty and I got married! Kara was born in Feb 98. We're basically settled now. The girls go to Christ Episcopal School in Rockville. The Head Mistress, Jane Pontious, went to RMHS, in 65, I think. Small world. Patty has a Masters in accounting and works as a senior corporate accountant filing SEC reports for the WRIT in Rockville. Buy some shares! After family and work I spend my time reading on a wide range of subjects, mountain biking with my buddies in Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, Utah, and soon to be Washington State; I play basketball once a week, lift several times a week, and ski in Utah and sometimes Colorado every year, and drink lots of Single Malt Scotch. Did I miss anything? Erin won a state writing contest in 5th grade for the DAR. This kid writes better than most high school grads. She knocks out two to three books a week besides the load she gets from CES. I hope she doesn't fizzle like I did. Kara plays basketball, LaCrosse, walks the dog every morning and enjoys beating me up. She's a lot of fun. 2008 Was the best year of skiing I've ever had. Did 8 days at Snowbird, UT; steep(40 deg pitch off Silver Fox and the Cirque), deep (170" base), and cold enough(4 deg at the top) to keep the fair weather skiiers off the mountain. And another 4 days at Steamboat, CO. Thigh high champaign powder, cold and sunny. Dining on good wine, fresh elk, and The Glenlivet, 15yr, French Oak. Try it! I'd have done more but work and family... Update 9/09/011...My mother-in-law plied me with a bottle of Basil Hayden. I didn't know bourbon could taste that good. Now I've got another vice to support. Poured a new slab and wired up a new hot tub this summer just in time for fall mountainbiking. Still playing basketball a couple of times a week, lifting two or three times and mountainbiking as often as I can. Erin is a junior at St. John's in Frederick and doing very well. She's an excellent writer and avid reader and has had a number of accolades for her work. Kara is at St. Elizabeth's on Montrose. She's doing well and is in English honors and plays basketball. I hope she makes a high school basketball team. Patty is an AVP at WRIT, buying and selling properties and doing SEC filings. I'm not sure what that is but it sure sounds impressive. Still working at JDSU in Germantown designing instruments for the telecom market. Also developing a sidescan sonar system on the side with a business partner. I have been working on this for some time now with plenty left to do. I hope to have a marketable product at some point to see me through my retirement years. Going out to Big Bear Lake in WV this month to MTB for a few days. I sure hope it stops raining... My father died last year, Feb 27, 2011. He had a bad but not uncommon end. Advanced dimentia, the lungs didn't work anymore and the heart finally gave out. He was 89 and I miss him. I changed my life for the better. I started dabling in this Paleo diet. Mainly I stopped eating grains; no more pizza, pasta, bagels, doughnuts, breakfast cereal, etc. I didn't realize all these years I had a gluten intolerance, perpetual heartburn and indigestion as long as I can remember. Grew up drinking water and baking soda and then Rolaids and Tums and Prilosec by the crate for the last 20 years. I never touch it anymore and I lost 40 lbs in the process. I weigh now what I weighed coming out of bootcamp in 1970. Playing basketball twice a week with guys in their twenties, mountainbiking faster and stronger then ever, still lifting and skiing. If you have any of these problems you should give this serious consideration. I've talked a few people into it with nothing but positive results. Grains are poison, turn into sugar in your system and cause inflammation and make you fat. I eat plenty of good meat and fat and I stay thin. It aint the fat that makes you fat, it's the sugar! So much for my health advice. Started running again last year but not the conventional way. I run in Vibram five-fingers in the woods and then occasional barefoot running on paved surface. I stopped running years ago because of my lower back, disc problems, torn muscle, knee and ankle problems. None of these things bother me anymore because of how I run. Instead of heal strikes I land on the front of the foot and rotate backwards. It's greatly strengthened my ankles and calves and no trauma to the structure. Look up proprioception. Skied Utah for 4 days in early March this year, 2012. Snowbird was excellent with a 95 inch base; pretty good considering it was a very mediocre year for snow. Skied another 5 days in Colorado, Copper, Breck, Vail and Keystone twice and then went mountainbiking in Lyons for a day with an old friend from Colorado State. Killer ride; 1350 ft climb in 3.5 miles and and a high speed bunnyhopping downhill followed by a fast technical boulder field. I will be going back for more. Check the pics! Erin is now looking at colleges, all the expensive ones of course. I told her if she can get a 50% merit scholarship I'll pay the other half. Very few college grads can write as well as she does. Even her Honors English teacher says "Erin writes better than I do". I'm very proud of her. Friday nights when others of her age are out partying, she's at home until 2 in the morning cranking out a paper that's not due for another week. Kara is going to the same high school next year, St. John's in Frederick, and hopes to play basketball. She's a hardworking student and gets very good grades. I'm looking forward to the basketball games. Patty's still at WRIT and a manager and I'm still at JDSU and still working on my sonar system. That's about it for now for whomsoever is interested... August 12, 2012 Turned 60 today. Celebrated with a 1 hour lift, a 4 mile run on the beach and toppped it off with a perfect meal at my favorite Bethany Beach seafood restaurant, The Blue Coast. Erin's applying to St. Joseph's University. I hope she gets in but I'll probably have to put off retirement for awhile. Saturday Sept 8, 2012. Beautiful day, had a great ride up to Damascus and back on my local trail. Dumped it on the way back and had to make my annual visit to Secure Medical to get stitched up. I think I was there twice last year. I love this mountainbiking and I'm actually pretty good at it but sometimes I ride too agressively. Over the years I think I've put Secure Medical in a higher tax bracket. Sunday, Sept 9, 2012. Another perfect day up at the Frederick watershed. Killer ride but I had to wear a pad on my left knee. Sept 22, 2012 just got back from moutainbiking around Ohiopyle with my 3 buddies. 1800 ft climb in about 2.5 hours. Helluva workout followed by a screaming rocky decent. Killer weekend. Got hammered in the local pub. I'm 60; not supposed to do that stuff anymore. It...Expand for more
's those boneheads I hang out with. A bunch of Perry pukes! October 2012, did the MOCO Epic 50, 54 miles in 5:50 through most of the parks in Montgomery County. Looking forward to next year. Made my goal for 2012, avg 5 workouts /week. Hit 262 on NY's Eve. It's Jan 24 and still on track for 2013. Waiting for some decent snow so I can go skiing. Erin has scholarships from Mt. St Mary's, St. Joseph's, and Seton Hall. Trying to get money from George Mason so she can study at a reasonably conservative school. There aren't too many of those. We'll see. Kara is playing JV b'ball at St. Johns's and just sprained her ankle so she's out for the playoffs. I'm going to start her on barefoot running as soon as it gets warm. 3/27/012 Recently bought a new 29er mountain bike; Ellsworth Evolution; top of the line handmade bike. Update 7/202015 Had to start over. Trouble with the boneheads at Classmates. Erin is going to George Mason U. Starting her junior year this Fall and doing well. Kara will be starting her senior year at St. Johns. I'll be 63 next month. Still playing basketball twice a week and mountainbiking as much as ever. Trying to lift twice a week also. Trying to maintain 5 workouts a week; very difficult and exhausting but this is the fifth year I'm on track. Did some really serious mtb in Colorado in 2013, last week of August, 9 days before the big flood. Did a lot of climbing above 12,000 feet. 26,000 ft of climbing in 6 days. A very memorable experience. See the new pics. Just got back from Boise, ID for a family reunion, Utah to visit more friends and relatives and then Colorado again for a visit and some more mountainbiking. 10/26/2015 Did the MocoEpic 2 weeks ago. That's a 50 mile mountainbike ride through the Montgomery County parks. Perfect Fall day and a great workout. Not as much fun as Sugarloaf Mountain or the Frederick watershed. Thinking about retirement. Just a few more years! 12/27/2015 On track to meet my 5 workouts/wk goal. Hit 259 yesterday. Need two more. Still playing bball twice a week but hurt my left knee the other day. Have to lay off for a couple of weeks. I'll probably have to start wearing braces on both knees from now until I drop. Riding Frederick watershed a few times recently. Introducing some of the younger guys at work to the crazy rocky terrain. They're beating me on the climbs but I leave them in the dust on the downhills. Crazy fun! Kara will be finishing high school this spring at Saint Johns in Buckeystown and off to college somewhere. Erin is in the middle of her junior at George Mason and just got a research assistant position with a professor analyzing charter schools. Patty is still at, now called, WREIT and working downtown about half the time. My company, JDSU, no longer exists. We split in 2 and my half is Viavi Solutions. I'm a staff engineer still doing research and development of telecom instruments. Our instruments and software services are used to troubleshoot and maintain virtually anything one can think of in the telecom world. That way people can watch Love Boat reruns on their smartphones while driving at 60 mph. The mind is a terrible thing and I'm such a cynic.2/13/16 Contemplating the upcoming election; I hope we don't end up with that sociopath Hillary or the Marxist lunatic Bernie. Still playing ball twice a week with braces on my knees but they're getting better. Only MTB'd twice this year so far; bad weather. Lifting a lot more. 5/21/2016 Had a good year of skiing. 4 days at Snowbird in March and another 4 days in April. Excellent conditions, couple of Pow days. Skiing with knee braces. Kara is graduating from SJCP in Buckeystown. Starting to think about retirement. About another 4 years. 7/16/2016 Kara is set for college this fall and Erin will be starting her final year. Can't wait till they're done. Trying to stay in shape for when I'll be 'Free at last!'. Knees settled down. Started running again; 5 miles in the woods in my barefoot shoes. No broken toes yet. Still playing ball twice a week, lifting and mountainbiking. 8/23/2016 Turned 64 on August 12. Did an evening ride at Sugarloaf with my two buds; very tough, extremely hot. Took a bath in the creek and went to Surf House in Urbana for dinner and lots of drinks. They make a great Margarita. Patty and Kara did their "Barn Staff" week at MC Fair. They are now life time members. Kara won some prizes for photos and a dress she made. I'm training up for the MOCO Epic 55 miler on October 9. This will be my third. Have a wedding the night before; should be interesting, challenging. 10/10/2016 Did the MOCO Epic 40 miler yesterday instead of the 55. What a great day for riding. About a thousand riders. Good weather, dry, a little breezy. No cramping this year; starting to have serious arthritis issues in my neck. Makes long rides difficult. Started back to basketball after a month off. Serious dislocation in my left pinky. Still have to tape up but playing well for an old fart. July 3, 2018. It's been a while so I thought I would update. Getting closer to retirement but not yet. I'll be 66 next month, maybe when I'm 68. I like what I do and the money is very good. Still pretty active; basketball twice a week, mountainbiking when I can, lifting regularly and running occasionally. Had good skiing this year and last up at Snowbird, UT. Just bought my pass for next year. Have to ski and play basketball with knee braces. Erin graduated last year from George Mason, is working, and has almost paid off her student loans. Kara is at Towson working on a degree while trying to isolate herself from the left wing insanity. Practically every college and university in this country has this disease. On her orientation day some moronic child asked her which gender she identified with. What is wrong with these people? What has our country come to? Liberalism is truly a mental illness. 2/14/2023 Valentine's Day and still married. I retired in May 2021 and haven't looked back. Still playing basketball, lifting, mountain biking, running five times a week. In 2021 shortly before retiring I went skiing for 9 days straight in Colorado. Felt great. A week after getting back I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I hadn't been seriously ill for 29 years. I got flu and then bronchitis right after starting this job in March 1992. The irony. My older daughter, Erin, is now a first level manager at Universal Services Administrative Company (see Univeral Services charge on your ph0ne bill). She is training and studying for a PMP license. Movin' on up! Kara just finished her Master's at George Mason, same Alma Mater as Erin, in Education with ABA, Accredited Behavioral Analyst. She is now working towards a BCBA, Board Certified Behavioral Analyst. She has been working with autistic kids since high school and hopes to start her own business when she gets the BCBA. Also, Movin' on up! All that private school education paid off. Got my HQL a few years ago and just finished my CCW training. Got some training for all 3 of my girls. In this day and age, one cannot be too safe. With communist Joey Slackjaw at the helm there's no telling what might happen. With CRT, a racist, Marxist ideology, indoctrination, Transgenderism, and the Climate Change hoax, all through our public schools and universities, medical profession, military, government of course, big business, etc., I think my country is collapsing. You can convince the stupids that genital mutilation of young boys and girls is some benevolent process. You just call it something different like gender affirming care and the stupids will buy it. Like calling an evil totalitarian dictatorship "The People's Republic of ...". Man made climate change is laughable. All one has to do is study the Milankovich cycle and global temperatures over the Holocene period to understand the Earth's climate. But the stupids try and prove this nonsense with childish name calling, phony accusations, and infantile virtue signaling. You can get children, silly women, and liberals to believe anything.
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