Amanda Vaughn:  

Amanda Vaughn's Classmates® Profile Photo
Wood river, IL
Hickey CollegeClass of 2001
St. louis, MO
East alton, IL
East alton, IL
East alton, IL

Amanda's Story

I'm still single living with parents but now way out in the country it's quiet with fresh air and the stars are in full view at night. my only children have four legs and fur (4 cats). I make and sell handmade Jewelry under the name Hopefire Jewelry look me up on...Expand for more
facebook to see my work. It's mostly a hobby right now but I have a dream to make it a career. I enjoy reading and think libraries are awesome, also binge watching on Netflix, and being creative with crafts and of course jewelry making. that's me in a nutshell.
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Amanda Vaughn's Classmates profile album
Amanda Vaughn's Classmates profile album
Amanda Vaughn's Classmates profile album

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