Ani (Anita) Ashford:  

Ani (Anita) Ashford's Classmates® Profile Photo
Bellevue, WA
Bellevue, WA
Bellevue, WA
Scottsdale, AZ
Scottsdale, AZ

Ani (Anita)'s Story

JANUARY 2017 You can find me at Awenglow, at December, 2016 This year is nearly over. I am glad to have lived every moment to the best, through sorrow, love, joy, pain, loss. I am thankful for my Mum, children, their spouses, my grandchildren, friends, and my beloved Jian. I am so thankful for his loving care. I am looking forward to my storytelling class in February. Blessings of good health, peace and many positives for 2017. Ani (my nickname, which I will legally change from Anita, when I return to my maiden name) Here it is, August 2016. Being a widow is fraught with difficulties. ... first off, if you are dependant on Social Security and pensions from military and govt, they take all the money away in the month your sponsor spouse dies. ... I have been rushed, forced into clearing the home of 40 years when I am grieving. Finances have forced me into a precarious place, as the house in a very desireable neighborhood, has had challenges to overcome. I don't like being a 'senior citizen'. However, there is a silver lining... my friend of many years, Jian, loves and takes care of me. I need a vacation... I need my house to sell, and quickly. Years of cancer care and house renovation has left me depleted on all levels. October 21, 2015 I lost my husband of 40 years to cancer. Now I most sell the house. Living in Seattle is insanity to me. A small 2 acres and one storey house... where I can grow my organic garden, enjoy quiet of the trees is my hope. February 2015 - I have gone back to working out in the gym. Aiming toward strength and flexibility. I have lost weight since last year - about 25 lbs, but I need to lose another 55 lbs. My life is taken up in doc appointments for my husband's chemo, the chemo maintenance for my dear friend, and my mother and her knee replacements. Sometimes the sorrow is heavy, but life is full of beauty and love. So much to sort in this house. 40 + years of things I no longer want nor need. Onward! Spring is peeking out of the ground in the garden, and the camellias my father gave me are blooming. My children are doing well. Proud of them all, and my two granddaughters. Here it is August, 2013 - My husband's cancer has been metastic to the liver. It is not possible to surgically fix this. I cannot understand why the oncologist did not recognize that with Cecal cancer that has gone into lymphs, why there was not the open statement that it was also in the liver from the start. Many consults later, he is back to chemo. Since last year at this time, he has visited New York before Katrina. He saw our daughter Brittain perform in the opening night of the musical Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812. July 20th this year, he was present for his eldest daughter's wedding to an absolutely wonderful man. :) So... I continue to try to make sense of our lives and move forward with sorting the old stuff and letting go of stuff we do not need. I did not see our daughter perform in her musical.... I probably will never see New York... But at least I have the love that surrounds me. Blessed Be. December, 2012 Yule is coming/ then Christmas. My daughters are here, Brittain from Brooklyn. My son and his family could not come from CA. Money is too tight. My life is a bit challenging, but over the last 5 years, I gained love.... Someone showed me I was not dead and done. Someone who likes walking hand in hand, arm in arm.... in synch. Someone who talks as much as I do without missing a beat, but sharing thoughts, hearing thoughts. But.... life is complicated. I am trying very hard to focus on my spiritual balance. There is so much I must do before I leave this earthly plane. Many people do not recognize that they will not know and recognize when their time has come. So many unfinished tasks, but the greatest of all is the love we give and receive. October, 2012 My, how time flies.... and here I am. There are times that try the soul and this is a season of it for me. My husband has colon cancer - recently diagnosed. Then.... my best friend was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. Now I have two men to make sure get what they need and the encouragement to go through chemo and into remission. In the meantime, so many other parts of my life are falling apart. At least the house is not. The last two and a half years I have worked pulling out lathe and plaster, having the house repainted, repaired, new plumbing, new bathrooms.... So much to be done yet. And... the house has too much stuff in it from 37 years of living here. So.... My prayer is for my physical strength, good health, and positive mental well-being. December 2011 I am a licensed Notary in the State of Washington, and my 4 year license is up for renewal. It has been useful at times, but not exactly the drawing card I had hoped for in gaining a job, nor does it earn much money. But, I have been encouraged to re-up for another 4 years. End of November, 2011 It would be grand to find a job. The problem is I have not worked in so long, and the types of jobs I have done in the past are really not what fits me, let alone available. What does an artist do? I am great with making edible sculptures, cooking, putting together events, decorating artistically, turning phrases or writing poetry/ short stories.... Just do not know where to aim my energy, especially in this market. In the past, temp jobs were what I found. Those experiences were very lacking for many reasons..... November, 2011 I am learning to make cheese! It is a wonderful addition to my philosophy that home made is better. The first cheese was a Lebneh with chives, dill and grated lemon rind. It is hanging and dripping the whey now. The next will be Quark, a cheese know to date back to 3 BCE. Then I will make some marscapone. Thanksgiving is coming - I really don't want to make the dinner. Perhaps I will volunteer somewhere. October/November, 2011 Oh the joys of an old, 1926 home! The furnace finally died. It was 33 years old and probably deserved to be retired to the dump. Nearly a week of cold temps, a visit from a local plumbing/heating service confirmed that this really was the time to remove all the old duct work and furnace. It was a lot of work to move junk in the basement, clean things out, remove the old duct work. I was blessed with help from a blessed friend. Another friend is a heating specialist. I now have a new furnace and ductwork... Now to continue sorting through the flotsam and jetsom of 36 years. Oh, and my labor was part of all this, not anyone else in my family. September, 2011 The past summer has been filled with tasks - a replumb of my home due to an old pipe leaking, the electrical cleaned up, an updated bathroom with tiles I hand painted. All along was the struggle with my diabetic condition. The economy does not make it easy to see where I can gain employment, so I will spend time creating tiles and firing them. December 22, 2010 The Winter Solstice has just come and gone with the eclipse of the full moon. It has been a special time of sharing, of performing music, learning new things, and struggling with the demands of the holidaze. July 24, 2010 My tasks have been working on clearing bushes/trees around my home in preparation for painting the long neglected outside. Personalities surround this project are a challenge..... BTW, my nickname is Ani... a kinder, gentler moniker given to me years ago by a Tibetan Buddhist Lama who worked with me in the Asian Library at the U of W. He would laugh and say it meant 'nun' but not like westerners think of nun. My poetry and writing is posted: writerscafe dot org/ Sunnefalcon/ writing/ if you are interested. As my life evolved past 50, so did my spirituality. An 'expanded' understanding of the "Divine" has become central to my life as all connections in the universe seem to be connected to the Divine. As a child my parents were Southern Baptist/ Presbyterian. I became a Roman Catholic, at the age of 22, and no no longer am a practicing Catholic. One of my interests is about 'healing energy'. I have a second attunement in Usui Reiki and pray for the 'healing' of others or assistance which they need. Environmental issues are also of interest to me and I look forward to building a home that utilizes other forms of energy - solar, wind, methane. Yes, I am an 'old' hippy with a young heart, and I seek to help others along the way. June 28, 2010 Goodness, how a year flies by.... I have another lovely granddaughter, Josephine. I am writing a couple of novels.... Basically my life is transforming.... I am not sure to what exactly . June 12, 2009 Check out my new Zazzle account!!! It is listed under Awenglow. I lost my job last fall. In the meantime I am taking photos of bands, building a business plan, and cleaning closets/house of 34 years of stuff. Life is interesting with transitions now and in the future. I refuse to grow old sitting on the sofa, watching the much hyped HD TV. Oh... and if you really want to get to know me or renew the long ago connection, send me an email! Basically I think that most people do not even remember me. LOL May 1, 2009 It has been a wonderful birthday - and I am now 61. Recent updates in my life: I will soon be a grandmother again. Somehow, quite a few years ago, I thought one could join class lists of other high schools as a friend, family member or teacher (as I remember there were tabs for that). As I was looking for people I had known at Sammamish and a couple of other high schools, it seemed o.k. Perhaps the rules changed, for now it says students only. There have been a few people who have vigorously insisted that my presence on those lists was some sort of impropriety and a breach of some sort. Sorry to offend. But then perhaps some people are easily offended. At my age I would be so happy to connect with the few people who had been friends. Perhaps that is a lost cause. All I can say...Expand for more
is 'get a life'. I am not a stalker nor a negative person. Sept 2 2008 I lost my job - due to downsizing. 20 people were let go in a single day from our small IT firm. So... now I am trying to look at the great puzzle of life to see where to go from here. My talents and experiences have lead me to explore many aspects and challenges. I am artistic, and write well. Organizing events is exciting to me. Challenges only spur me on. I am computer literate and enjoy research. But it seems that now is a time to realize that the jobs that we used to depend on are no longer there and we need to explore new ways. UPDATE - August, 2008 I am stretching - and changing. My perceptions of how I respond to people are evolving with more awareness. Over and over there are moments when looking at the leaves of trees fluttering in the wind and sunlight speak volumes to me and reconnect me to being present to life. Sometimes it is hard to be part of the chaotic work world in the center of a large metropolitan city and still be connected to my spiritual core. We are so blessed to have the Arboretum nearby - Foster Island and the Interlaken park. I need to take my camera out again but some of those photos are here: awenglow dot c0m / seattle dot htm Our granddaughter, Simone is the joy of our life and is is growing up so quickly. How time flies! I am so blessed with my children. Our son Emmet (an architect) and daughter in law Lauren (an attorney) work hard in Los Angeles (a bit far away). Our eldest daughter, Margaret has her own band with her fiance Morgan now called "The Know" on MySpace/wereintheknow; she is also an artist and has completed her first full comic. Our other daughter Brittain is touring again with her gigs. She is a musician who now lives in Brooklyn, NY. Last year she toured in France and will return their this next spring. Look for her gigs on the West Coast: Look on MySpace under /brittainashford . Amazingly, my Mum and my husband's parents are doing well in their 80's. Our 33rd wedding anniversary is near... Oct 4th! May, 2008 Most people at the age of 60 are starting to retire, or think about it. But... I just got a new job! It has been a while since working a full-time position, but this is a wonderful opportunity with an IT company in Seattle. Along the way this year I picked up a Notary stamp and license from the State of Washington. My life is full of study and positive thinking - overcoming the past, fears and intertia. It is a wonderful time for me. The Story Wizard on this page is asking how I wish to be remembered.... if for nothing else - I wish to be remembered as a positive energy of joy in the lives of those I come in contact with. A smile heals many things. Life - Updated May 14th,2008 My life has often been lived with romantic/dramatic notions. Those who remember me might agree. Perhaps it is just part of being an artist and poet. I continue to be an artist, after gaining my BA in art at the U of W. in 1970. I look back at 32 years with my husband (we met in the U of W school of Art), and three successful adult children (two have graduated from the U of W School of Art, and our youngest daughter with a double degree in Honors English and Comparative History at the U of W), one daughter in law. Our Son is an Architecture Graduate from UCLA, and daughter in law finished her Law degree at Hastings, passed her Bar Exam on the first try, and is now employed in the legal profession. We have a granddaughter. One daughter are lives in Seattle, the youngest moved to New York City and toured France llast spring. You can find Brittain Ashford on MySpace. Eldest daughter Margaret just published her first full-sized comic. Our son continues to work very hard as an architect in Los Angeles. All of our adult children are independent. My husband and I have lived in the same house for 31 years! Creating/tending my herb garden and cooking are important to me. I also study and make incense. Hosting my friends is the best gift I can offer. Spirituality is also important in my life. Being connected to nature, to The Divine and praying for positive energy and peace in our world is part of my daily life. I feel so fortunate to have the Arboretum, Interlaken Park, Lake Washington near me. The ocean at Long Beach Peninsula, WA is my favorite retreat. Leadbetter Point Wildlife Preserve is amazing with wetlands, trees, herons and great snags from Pacific Ocean storms. There are photos on this page - awenglow dot com/ lapush dot htm I have also grown to enjoy ancient mythologies and history, more than I did when in school. In 2001 I traveled to the UK twice, alone. It was an exhilirating time, where I went on retreat on the Isle of Iona, off Scotland, traveled the length of England by train, bus and foot, meeting up with friends I had met by email through mutual study. This was a time of intense personal growth, and much creativity. There were many challenges and quests. Life is a banquet... I think Auntie Mame said that. In September, 2007 I attended our 40th reunion! Was great to see many people from our graduating class. There were those I missed: Pete Coryell, Cindy Balfour, Leslie Mikesell, Bob Bell in particular. Some people I am looking for are Karen Coleson and Jimmie Meader, and Faith Yates, my most inspiring teacher in high school School Bellevue High School: Loneliness, the sense of failure, the sense of success, drama, friends who cared. When I began Bellevue High School I was very insecure and very shy, as entering Chinook Jr High in 9th grade was a traumatic experience after making a few friends the year before in Bellevue Jr. High (I was only there a half a year). Our family had moved from Scottsdale, AZ after only a year and a half there. It took several wonderful people in BHS, Karen Coleson, Mike Grantham, Jimmie Meader to turn it around by inviting me to try out for drama productions. Drama saved my life. My most memorable teachers were Mrs Faith Yates, Mr. Radich, Mr. Switzer, and Mr. Sorenson. Mrs Yates and Mr. Sorenson both inspired me to better things. Without them I would not have applied to the University of Washington. In fact, Mrs Yates called my mother insisting that she bring a check on the deadline for application to take the SAT tests. The fact that my parents were in the midst of a disintegrating marriage was very difficult. I wish there were a way to tell Mrs Yates how much I appreciated her. She announced the first day of class that no one got A's from her and amazingly, I worked hard enough to earn one. Memories: Dances to real rock musicians, sock hops, dancing the polka to rock music with Jimmie Meader, the smell of Homecoming corsages (mums and gardenias), skirt lengths, my mom's antiquated notions (which some people still remember), sitting in Home Ec when President Kennedy's assassination was announced, The Beatles, the summer that four of us seniors worked on The Glass Menagerie and my kiss with Bob Bell. Being silly in our musical "The Music Man". Our senior class was absolutely huge! Looking back, I am so impressed with the management of BHS, that our environment was always clean, orderly, and there was a large staff to support that student body. College Those were the days! The cusp of Womens' Lib, bra burning, the Vietnam War, Flower Children.... 1966 - 1970 on the campus of the University of Washington. I started in the school of Drama, because the theatrical bug got me in high school. Living at home and going to school was not the easiest. In the meantime, my mother was not happy with my choices and insisted I get an English Major and teach. In the summer of 1967 my first art class changed my direction, and I gained my degree in General Art because my dad didn't want to help pay for another year, and I didn't have the money for a 5th year. 1969 - 70 was a year I will never forget. Turbulence from war protests, threats of closing the U W, nude models on the grass outside the art building, pot smoke in the art school elevator. Remember Professors Lundin, Heffermehl, Dahn, Pizzuto, Celentano? How about Christopher English, who was a T.A.? Or Rogers Art History class? Hey, where is Joe Dorfman? I met my husband in art class, of our three adult children, all three are artists.... Working in the library was important to my survival finanancially - so I got to know the books of Special Collections, The Asian Library, and the Art Library. Then there was the "Hub". In those days it was a great gathering place where one met people from all over the world. I am still an artist, ocassionally publishing some of the poetry I have written. My interests are also about herbal gardening, spirituality, Reiki/distance healing energies, Celtic/British History, storytelling, and ancient music. Recently a Reverie Lap Harp and a horse hide native amercan drum have become part of my instruments. The Lap Harp is also called a Psaltry.... it is very soothing to those who are ill, and this one can be put in bed with patients. It is my hope to do some volunteer work in the future with those who are seriously ill and dying. May we all be a reflection of the light of the Great Divine bringing peace, joy and positive energy to all around us. Walking in nature helps me to regain connection to 'the Divine' energies. There is nothing like standing on a hill overlooking the ocean or an ancient valley and having the wind blow in your hair. Another way to relax is to share laughter, touching and lovemaking with someone very special. The one person from my past who I'd most like to see again is Karen Colson, because she inspired me to live my life differently in high school. It saved my life. She was the graduating class of 64 in Bellevue High.. I would also like to tell Faith Yates how very important she was to me in high school
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Ani (Anita) Ashford's Classmates profile album
Ani (Anita) Ashford's Classmates profile album
Ani (Anita) Ashford's Classmates profile album
Ani (Anita) Ashford's Classmates profile album
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Ani (Anita) Ashford's Classmates profile album
Ani (Anita) Ashford's Classmates profile album
Ani (Anita) Ashford's Classmates profile album
Ani (Anita) Ashford's album, Bellevue High '66
My Son and his family
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