Betty Robinson:  

Betty Robinson's Classmates® Profile Photo
San antonio, TX
Pasadena, TX
Pasadena, TX
San antonio, TX
San antonio, TX

Betty's Story

Life Since graduating from Highlands, I attended SAC and then Southwest Texas. After graduating, I married and moved to Pasadena, Texas. My husband had moved to Houston from east Texas (Timpson) and was working there. He got drafted and went to Vietnam for a year and then was stationed in San Antonio. We had loads of things in common--my father's family was from 10 miles from Johnny's hometown and many of our relatives had grown up together. Small world, isn't it. I taught school in Pasadena, we moved to Deer Park, we had two children, and life went on. In 1979 we moved to Pflugerville and I taught school there for 19 years. In 2000 my husband (still the same one) and I retired and moved to Oakalla, Texas. It's on the map but don't blink because you'll miss it. We built a house and live on 133 acres, raise a few cows, and basically work harder than when we had real jobs. Our son lives in Austin and is not married. Our daughter lives about 1 1/2 miles from us, is married, and has two children. We have a granddaughter,Kayleigh Nicole, who will be 8 in July. And then there is the latest addition. Kaleb Mathew was born Jan. 30, 2002. He surprised everyone and came 7 weeks early. We had several scares with him but he is now 4 months old and making up for his early arrival. At birth he was a hefty 5.5 lbs (big for a 33 week baby) but had to spend 2 1/2 weeks in NICU. On June 4 he weighed 14.14. We keep him while Michele works and we feel every ounce of that weight. I spend lots of my time driving to Houston to check on my father who is not in good health. We also moved my mother up here from San Antonio since she was so far from us. Guess it's been quite a while since I wrote the first profile. My life has changed quite a bit since the above was written. I'm not making the trips to Houston any more because my father passed away in March of 2004. Then in May of 2004 our daughter and her two children (ages 9 and 2) moved in with us as she was getting a divorce. They moved out in August to their own...Expand for more
house and were really doing well until Thanksgiving of 2004. Our daughter was killed in a tragic automobile accident the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. She was working for Child Protective Services and was caught in a severe hail storm while traveling on her job. They said the ice on the road apparently caused several vehicles to begin skidding and the rest is just our tragedy. You never know the depth of sorrow until you lose a child. We feel the loss every single day. The two little ones are with their father (still near us) and we see them as much as we can but not often enough. We still live in the country and have cows and work way too hard for old people. But it beats the alternative! Things continue to change around here. My husband has been having some health problems so we decided to sell our land. It was a very hard decision to move. We had designed our house in the country and had it built. It was just what we wanted but there was too much to do. So Johnny sold all of his cows, we sold the house and land, and moved into a house with 3 acres. Still a bit of land but manageable. We watch the deer, squirels, birds, and fox from our back porch. Quite peacful. We closed on this house in May 2013 right after my mother diied in March of that same year. We spent a year getting settled in our new house, fixing up my mothers' house, and getting the ranch ready to sell. We then went about selling the ranch and my mothers' house. Quite a job all at the same time. It has settled down some but things are still changing. Our granddaughter gifted us with a greatgranddaughter Jan. of 2018 ( That's her picture eating birthday cake at her first birthday party) named Palmer Michele. (Palmer from who knows where and Michele after our daughter who was her grandmother). Her brother is 17 now and is living with his step=brother in Lampasas where he goes to school. He will graduate this coming school year. Hopefully things will settle down but probably not. Age just keeps on keepiing on.
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