Annette Burcham:  

Annette Burcham's Classmates® Profile Photo
Keswick High SchoolClass of 1982
Seminole, FL
Clearwater, FL

Annette's Story

I wrote a wonderful children's book which I am currently searching for a publisher. This book is geared towards 6-10 years of age and teaches it is more important what is on the inside than the outside. It is called "Danielle's Delightful Discovery." The main character Danielle, is a dragonfly who goes from being lonely with no friends because of her looks and myths that she bites to befriending Lacey the ladybug. This friendship is tested and strengthened through various experiences with other characters like Brittany the Butterfly who is beautiful on the out...Expand for more
side, but definitely not on the inside. I wrote it from the heart from experiences I went thru in elementary & jr. high. I want to help as many kids as possible get thru this difficult and challenging period of their life. To teach them we are all unique on the outside but our INSIDE is what is most important. Integrity, kindness, thoughtfulness, empathy, loyalty, respectfullness, etc. If you have any connections with publishers or know anyone who may be able to give me advice on how to obtain a publisher, please contact me. Thank you and God bless!! Annette
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annette & melinda
annette & dale
Me & Raquel
annette new yrs
Blowing Rock
Annette and favorite boyfriend hahaha
No Fear
Annette & Picasso (Illustrator) (top left)

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