Carla Broadnax'Ogetree:  

Carla Broadnax'Ogetree's Classmates® Profile Photo
West High SchoolClass of 1995
Bakersfield, CA
Hoffman estates, IL
Kansas city, MO

Carla's Story

Life Well, hello VIKINGS. I am currently residing in St. Louis, MO. With two beautiful daughters. I am happily married, have been for 5 years. I have college degrees and currently not working (like the rest of America) I practice teh legal field and a great mom. My husband is a computer god. I married one of the best men on earth. We are currently buying ...Expand for more
our first home and GOD is treating my family good.I miss everyone at West High, class of 1995, it was the best year. I love you all, please send me some emails. College Fun,Fun, Fun, need i say more. I don't want to get myself in trouble. I had a great time and love every bit of it. From the hang overs to passing my test the next day. College rocks.:)
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