Charles Freiberg:  

Charles Freiberg's Classmates® Profile Photo
Annandale, MN
DeVry UniversityClass of 2008
Edina, MN
St. cloud, MN

Charles's Story

Hi, I'm not really sure what to write down here other than I'd really like to find a few friends that I was stationed with in Germany and a couple down in Texas. I really haven't had too much luck with the power of Google, but I figured why not try here. I was stationed in Bamberg Germany for a few years, I went to Special Forces school in the early 90's and Texas for a few years as a Meterologist. I moved back up to Minnesota in 1997 for some reason I guess in a normal year with some snow it's not so bad with the proper amount of snow for snowmobiling. I have a four year old son how has shown me the art of li...Expand for more
ving, I am now pretty convinced that many of the things we do are actually inherent instead of enviromental for example the appreciation of peanut butter and the ability to fish. I live down in Eden Prairie, I escaped from Annandale without to the big city. I work for a forutune 500 company selling software to businesses, I'm also working on my MBA and I've managed to do all this with a 4.0 somehow. I still keep in contact with a few people from my past and would really like to reconnect with those I knew well, as well as those I didn't. cpfreiberg at gmail dot com is a great way to get a hold of me if you wish
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