Dana Thornhill:
Kimball High SchoolClass of 1965
Dallas, TX
Anglican School of TheologyClass of 1990
Dallas, TX
Dallas Baptist UniversityClass of 1975
Dallas, TX
T.G. Terry Elementary SchoolClass of 1960
Dallas, TX
Wheatland SchoolClass of 1955
Dallas, TX
Dana's Story
After high school, I spent some time in the U. S. Navy as a hospital corpsman. When my enlistment was over, I attended Dallas Baptist College (now Dallas Baptist University) and graduated in 1975 with a degree in biology.
I served in the Coast Guard Reserve as a commissioned officer.
Since 1997, I have lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, and I still have family in the Dallas, Texas area, including my son, Brad, his wife, Sarah, and Bre...Expand for more
nnan, my grandson.
For over 29 years, I worked as a professional in the safety and environmental field with the federal government, and I retired in May 2006.
In fall 2007 I started taking art classes at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. My empahsis in studio art is painting.
My wife, Deborah, is a beautiful woman, who was a cheerleader in high school (in Monticello, AR) and is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner.
Life is good!
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