Dana Thornhill:  

Dana Thornhill's Classmates® Profile Photo
Kimball High SchoolClass of 1965
Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX
Dallas, TX
Wheatland SchoolClass of 1955
Dallas, TX

Dana's Story

Life After high school, I spent some time in the U. S. Navy as a hospital corpsman. When my enlistment was over, I attended Dallas Baptist College (now Dallas Baptist University) and graduated in 1975 with a degree in biology. I served in the Coast Guard Reserve as a commissioned officer. Since 1997, I have lived in Little Rock, Arkansas, and I still have family in the Dallas, Texas area, including my son, Brad, his wife, Sarah, and Bre...Expand for more
nnan, my grandson. For over 29 years, I worked as a professional in the safety and environmental field with the federal government, and I retired in May 2006. In fall 2007 I started taking art classes at the University of Arkansas in Little Rock. My empahsis in studio art is painting. My wife, Deborah, is a beautiful woman, who was a cheerleader in high school (in Monticello, AR) and is a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. Life is good!
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