Denise Clemons:  

Denise Clemons's Classmates® Profile Photo
Alexandria, VA
Alexandria, VA
Alexandria, VA

Denise's Story

7-2-2015 - Still married to Joe (and loving it). Still doing Turtle Patrol with Coastal Wildlife Club (.org), and loving it (most days). Not volunteering with Charlotte Players any longer. I haven't performed in a few years, though I enjoy watching my friends perform. That is not to say that I don't still love to sing... I am just too old to be told what to sing and how to sing it. Our "baby girl", Karin, got married in Feb of 2014, to a wonderful, intelligent, kind, handsome man; we love him AND his family! She is working at L3 where she does technical writing (L3 makes black boxes for airplanes). I believe she hopes to be "with child" within the year! (yeah!) Our son is living nearby after several years of living in Mexico and California. We missed him and enjoy seeing him more often. He is funny and smart and talented; he always has been. Life here is very good in our semi-kinda-sorta retired state. We are living simply and are enjoying every day. It is a challenge and a pleasure to reuse/renew/recycle and to care for the earth in every way we are able. 9-28-2011 - It has been quite a while since I came to Classmate. I am on Facebook every single day. I go through withdrawls if I can't sign in, so check me there if you want to contact me! I walk the beaches of Manasota Key every morning on Sea Turtle Patrol. Season will soon end so I will be able to sleep in... past 6:30AM, lol!! It is a great activity and I do love to put my volunteer effort in that direction; but, I have been walking every day since April 1 and I am tired.... Speaking of volunteer hours, I volunteer at The Charlotte Players in Port Charlotte, Florida, working in the costume department. :-) Another enjoyable pursuit. I never did get my Real Estate license... I decided that I really didn't like real estate. I knew that I couldn't try to push properties that I wasn't crazy about and in this area of Florida I was quite sure that these would be the properties that I would be selling. Plus, after a whole S#!tload of years in service jobs, I am just tired, tired TIRED of being the smiling face of any organization. I am tired of being nice to people who don't deserve it. I will find a way to make $$$ from home... eventually. My daughter has graduated school (New College of Florida and USF {GO BULLS!}) and is working as a grant writer for a large non-profit in Sarasota (JFCS). My son is out trying to find himself... let's leave that go, for now. My husband is still a darling and way too good a man for me. <3 <3 <3 Take care, my friends. And, seriously! Facebook!! Denise Clemons... Denise 4-26-2009 - Okay!! So, the only REAL change since last posting is that I have decided to get my real estate sales associate license. SO! When you all decide to move to Sunny FLorida to retire... the quiet, beautiful part, not the CRAZY, noisy, flashy part, give me a ring. After I get my license and find a broker to work for, anyway, which should be within the next month or so, I hope. My new profile pic was taken on 4-18-2009 by our daughter Debbie Beck (who is pregnant with her second child at 37). She was visiting our house and I decided I needed a fresh pic of my sweetie and myself sooooooo, there you have it! I don't color my hair so you can now see the gray coming in. I have earned those grays and I think that they sparkle nicely in the light!! One more thing... I am spending WAY too much time playing Farmtown on Facebook! LOL!! Thanks for visiting me! I hope that all is well with you! 3-11-09 - Same story, Facebook is much more immediate and I spend more time there. Many of my classmates are there too, which is sweet!! Joe is better, though he could be GREAT if he was doing his therapy. He has put the sheds together and is in the process of moving the stuff from the "eye-sore sheds" to the new sheds. Well... after he does a little work on the seawall, before higher, summer tides makes that work impossible. I am working on a table for our deck-dock made from and old formerly-rusted-now-repainted plant stand and old deck boards from our old dock. It is coming out really well... I will post pics when I am done. I did perform in SEASONS OF LOVE and it was a run away hit!! The theatre wants another cabaret style show in the same time slot next year. Melissa (the fabu director and my lovely friend) is still considering the idea. This year would be hard to best... PRESSURE!! I have been doing publicity for the theatre and have been having some pretty good success (they had little or no publicity beyond the local newspapers before). I have been asked to do it next year... I don't know; I don't think so. I have had too much experience working with SUPER EGOS and I find it tedious and boring... too much work. It has come to the point in my life where I need to nurture my own ego. Keep the faith! Remember; life is not about finding yourself but about INVENTING YOURSELF! 1-31-09 - It has been a while since I logged on to Classmates!! I have been spending more time on Facebook because my daughter and grand daughter have accounts there and I can communicate with them and... okay... I love their GAMES! LOL! Anyway, Joe is doing much better. Actually, today he is out "bulding" some Rubbermaid sheds we got from Lowes... we are tearing down some old eye-sore sheds that have been on the beautiful, water side of the house since the 1980's and replacing them with 2 sheds on the other side of the house. We live next to a very lovely, agreeable lady who did not mind us putting them up within a couple of feet of the property line. They are really pretty nice looking, anyway. SO, Joe is working on them. He built a fantastic platform for each with scrap boards we had around (Reduce, reuse, recycle!!). I just love the look of those platforms; I will post some pics when I have a chance. I am in the cast of a Royal Palm Players Valentines weekend musical production called SEASONS OF LOVE. I am THRILLED to be a part of this ensemble; it is a musical show directed by musical people, the quality of the work is far and above anything I have been involved with for years!! Of the 13 cast members,I am in the most numbers (7) including a duet, a trio and a solo. I am singing lead on our performance of "The Rose", which happens to be Joe's and my wedding song!! It is hard not to cry during that one! We are also performing songes from La Cage aux Folles and Rent and several old standards. My solo is "Let's Do It (Let's Fall In Love)". Ha!! I am on the way to becoming a Diva!! I have been really busy doing publicity for this show... I am voluteering my time doing a job I used to get paid for!! But, we really want to fill every seat and the people currently doing publicity for the org. are doing a spotty job, at best... I'm really good at it! It is nice to have the time to do this, though I really would love a little part-time job. I would LOVE to work from home, but a part-time job close to home would be good, too. I have been semi-retired since April of 2007; first my Dad up in VA got sick, then passed; then Joe needed surgery and needed some care during recovery. With 10.2% unemployment here in Charlotte County, I may not find the job of my dreams for a while. But, I have hope!! We are out from under those awful 8 years under "W" and the puppetmaster, Cheney, and now we at LEAST have change... and I feel, for the better. EVERYONE should put aside their prejudice and biggotry (you KNOW who you ARE) and hope for the best. I hope you ALL are safe and well and are staying warm. And, your loved ones, also... and happy, too, I hope! Keep the faith! 11-2-08 - Joe is doing so much better. He had his staples out and his inscision looks so much better. He and I walk a dog or 2 for a short distance each day. He is trying to cut way down on pain pills and muscle relaxants and is trying to only use Aleve once or twice a day. He is doing physical therapy each day... and I don't even have to t...Expand for more
hreaten him!! I have been very sad lately, thinking about Steve's passing. I had never contacted him or any of his family until recently... I didn't want anyone to think I was some kind of psyco-stalker. It is just too sad to think that he was gone so early. I have been scannig old pictures of Steve from when we dated and lived together back in the late 70's and very early 80's. I save them to the computer and email them to his brother. These are old pictures of Steve and his brothers and his Mom and Dad for his kids; pictures noone else has but me. It is very bitter sweet looking at these pictures and remembering that time, how young and immature we both were... how everything seemed to boil down to a struggle for power back then. Is it always that way for young people? Does it have to be so important to be right? Joe has seen how sad I am lately. He tells me it is important to grieve the passing of someone I loved. 10-21-2008: Well, Joe is home. I brought him home yesterday. I was quite concerned about being able to care for him properly, but it is fine. I have to remind him not to do too much too fast (he insisted on going down to sit on the deck-dock today... down some old, not-so-safe steps). I also have to remind him that my shift doesn't end and no fresh, new nurse will be coming on duty. Also, the only anesthesia I have for him is a 2 X 4.... LOL! Anyway, he is getting around like a champ with his walker. His inscision looks good (28 staples; I just today got the courage to look at it while changing the dressing, which he can not wear should he choose!). I still can't believe how medical science has advanced!! He is in SO MUCH LESS PAIN than he was before surgery, even with the remaining pain from his inscision!! Thank you all for your positive thoughts and energy... I am so glad to have my Jodie home. I have learned a little more info about Steve Davenport. I learned that he was divorced from his 2nd wife, Patty, and that it was one of his daughters, as well as his son, that found him when he collapsed; this being even more tragic to me. He had 3 daughters and one son (his youngest child). This is interesting considering he was one of 4 boys. (My husband Joe is one of 4 brothers and he had 3 girls and a boy; though not in the same order as Steve did.) It seems that Steve was the main and close to only parent they had during their teen years; no small feat! AND, all of his children are smart and accomplished and good; doesn't this speak volumes about Steve, as a parent and a person? It is just too sad that he never seemed to find the kind of wife that he deserved... God knows I was young and hard-headed and not at all good for him. I sure do wish his family well and hope that you will focus some positive energy in their direction. Well, it is time to let my (4) dogs out for the night. Take care, and PLEASE vote for POSITIVE CHANGE in November. 10-16-08: Joe had his surgery yesterday. Scheduled for 5PM, it started at 8PM and took 4 1/2 hours! There was a bone spur and lots of scar tissue. Surgery included L1 - L5 or L6, I believe. The Dr. is optimistic that his pain will be aleviated almost immediately. He won't commit to whether Joe will regain the strength to his legs. It will take work... Joe has a low threshold for patience when it comes to himself and his own body! Please keep sending positive energy... we need it right now! 10-15-2008: Joe is having back surgery today at 5pm... seems weird, having surgery so late in the day! So we are waiting, waiting, waiting around the house before we have to leave for the hospital. If this is not stressful enough, I got some very, very sad news this last weekend. I was told that Steve Davenport, my first husband, died in March of 2007 of a massive heart attack. He was only 50 years old at the time. I had not heard from or about Steve since our divorce. We had no kids, no house, no real community property to speak of, so I guess it is natural not to hear from him. This information is most shocking to me. Steve was always healthy and vital and out-doorsy. He was really a nice guy and a good person; we were not right for each other but he was great. He, evidently, had remarried and had, well, at least 3 kids and a grand kid! Poor family, to lose their patriarch. SO! Please think of Steve today, and say a little prayer for his family. And, while you are at it, send some positive energy to my Joe. I need him in my life... And, vote for positive change and peace in November!! 10-08-08: Today is our 26th anniversary. We BOTH almost forgot!! We spent a nice day together, not much different from every day. We had carry out Chinese for dinner. Joe's surgery did not happen in September; it was rescheduled for next Weds., Oct. 15. Seems the neurosurgeon had to do emergency brain surgery on someone... everyone knows that brain trumps back!! I cannot wait for it to be over! I want my old Joe back, for at least a few more years. We need a few years to travel and enjoy life, damn it!! When I was younger I TOTALLY discounted how important a sense of humor is for the survival of a relationship. Really! I did not have a role model in MY parents... or my grandparents either, really. I probably thought that the important stuff was good looks and... well good looks, LOL! I don't know! I just know that it was a wonderful surprise when I found out how funny Joe could be... AND, how he really GETS me and my sense of humor (which I would classify as, hmmmm, "B****hy Irony"). We just crack each other up!! I am afraid that this does not bode well for my kids and their relationships. They are looking for one like Mom and Dad have; I am afraid that they don't realise how much work and sacrifice it takes to get from "Hello" to where Joe and I are today. My kids are getting "up there"; Adam will be 25 in September and Karin was 21 in December '07. They are wonderful and talented and, though I do not always agree with their decisions, I always love-love-love them. They are THE BEST. Adam has a plan to do some world traveling; he may never come back to the US... he is quite disillusioned with the people here and (as are most intelligent Americans these days) with the choices that our leaders have been making for the past... well... at least 8 years. So, he is going to see if he can find something better out there. Good luck, Adam. God, I am going to miss you! I still adore "that man of mine", Joe. 26 years married this coming OCT 8 (and they said it wouldn't last... IN YOUR FACE NAYSAYERS!!!). He is the most wonderful gift I ever gave myself, LOL!! I cannot imagine living without this guy. NOTE: Joe has been diagnosed with a pretty severe case of STENOSIS in his lower back. There is a pretty good recovery rate with surgery. We have an appointment with a neurosurgeon this Friday. Fingers crossed...... 8-26-08: Joe is scheduled for surgery Sept 24th. He turns 65 on Sept 18; how wierd to think of this! He will be on Medicare when he has this surgery. Isn't it sad that some people have to wait until they are 65 to afford some surgeries/treatment? Think of that when you go to vote.... I am still semi-retired; selling the excesses of my Virginia life-style on eBay (ebabydee ... check me out!). When your "dream home" is 900 square feet ... well, your idea of what you need and what must go changes drastically! I am doing some beading and I will be sewing again soon, I hope, I hope, I hope! And, I love my NETFLIX; I can catch up on all those movies I missed all those years, some Indie films, foreign films... too cool! Take care. Be well and happy. Vote for PEACE in November. Denise PS.. tomorrow (8-27) is my Birthday!! HBD Denise. All I want for my Birthday is my old jawline back; I hate what looks like the beginning of jowls!! LOL! D .... The "now" pic on the website was taken Sept. 2007 in a park in Arles, France. The "then" picture was a year or two after highschool and taken at Great Falls.
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Denise Clemons' Classmates profile album
Headshot April 2009
Deb and Joe
The Brisco Bump
April '09
repurposed dock board table
Anna Awards performers
Cliff Blakey
Matt and his fish
Rachel and Debbie
This is why I live here
November 2007
October 08
Life is short....
A deck-dock with a view
A rare moment
France 2007 Aix En Provence
Neighbor's dock reflected
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