Dianne Hoff:  

Winona High SchoolClass of 1963
Winona, MN
Winona, MN
Minneapolis, MN
Winona, MN
Minneapolis, MN

Dianne's Story

Life In 1975 I became a new Christian and have served the Lord since. Before this time, life was very disappointing and troublesome to me. Jesus not only has the power to save but also has the power to help you stay saved throughout your life. I have never regretted making the choice to serve Jesus. He has given me a wonderful life with more blessings than I can ever count. If you would like to know how Jesus can change your life or if you just want to talk about your experiences with the Lord or in general, please feel free to...Expand for more
contact me. If you have reached a place in your life where you feel that there must be more to life than what you have experienced, please contact me. I would like to share with you what I have found. Yes indeed, there is a purpose to life. If you would like me to pray for you or any special needs you may have, let me know. I am always here, if you need a friend to talk to. Thanks for taking the time to get to know me better....Dianne Workplace I retired in June, 2004 from my position as a State Probation/Parole Agent.
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