Elva Brennan Harris:  

Elva Brennan Harris's Classmates® Profile Photo
Orillia, ON
Hillcrest SchoolClass of 1968
Orillia, ON

Elva's Story

Hi guys. 2006 I am currently a registered nurse but practice as a Resident Care Manager at the best Long Term Care Center in Orillia. I also have my Gerontology from Ryerson University and my Leadership and Management certificate from McMaster University. At 52 now, I may start to take my degree but have not really decided. If younger, I would have done it in a flash. I may try Athabaska for a BN. I am married to a fellow from Toronto. This is my second marriage. My first husband was also from Toronto and is Chad's negligent sperm doner. I was able to have only one child due to having Cancer of the Uterus. I am a survivor. Chad (32) is married to Katie and both have given me two wonderful grandchildren - Hailee now 6 and Owen now 3. Hailee is the little girl I could never ha and Owen is as a result of a wish for Chad that he would have a son just like he was. I prayed too hard. But I love him dearly. I lived in Toronto from 73 to 77 (worked in the office at the Kresgie Department store (woman's clothing) just off Young Street for the summer then went to University of Toronto for Interior Design. I hated being there as I was not on campus and couldn't enjoy the life of university living. I had to live at my sisters house in Toronto. So, I quit after the first year, got married and life went downhill from there. I left Toronto when Chad was 2 then raised him on my own until he was 11. I went back to school when he started Kindergarten. My family really chose nursing for me but my passion was and still is interior designing. Both of my parents are gone. My mom passed away 11 years ago and my dad will be gone for 4 years in August. We have a trailor at the Hammock Harbour at the Narrows and I really enjoy our 6 months there. We go to work from the trailor. Work is actually closer for me in the summer than in the winter. We just bought a pontoon boat this year and are getting rid of our Sea Doo sportster, so plan on many leisurely days on the water. You'll probably see me at Big Chief hooked up to my son's speed boat. I am a published Canadian and International Poet. I am also an artist, sung in a country band called "Midnight Cowboy" when I was in my late 20's and am ready and willing to learn the guitar. I got a fender this past Christmas. I need a teacher. You would think I could already play one as I come from a very musical family of which my brother - Ken is the lead guitarist and vocalist of his Pink Floyd tribute band "Dogs of War". If you haven't heard them already, they are playing at the Orillia Opera House in January 2008. Tickets are available at the Opera House. Well believe it, this is all about the very quiet and naïve high school girl from Park Street. My greatest accomplishment was giving up smoking, alcohol and coffee. The only thing that's screwed up is my mind but I am working on that. Update: April 18, 2008 Hi again. New news, I am currently enrolled in the CIC network where I will get my certificate in Infection Control. This area has been an interest of mine for a few years. When completed, I will be one of 17 nurses who are certified in infection control in this area. Here's hoping. We are fast approaching the time where we relocate ourselves for 5 months out at the Hammock Harbour. Can't wait to get there. It's kind of nice enjoying our retirement now and still working at the same time. Love it and have met many great friends out there. Unfortunately, we lost one of our best friends this winter to cancer. He had been the parks manager for 30 years. Bob Davies. You may know him. One great guy of whom I can actually say, as a friend, that I truly loved him. He really will be missed. Our summer will be also spent supporting Adrienne his wife and our dear friend. Do any of you fish? Are you in the Perch festival this weekend? Some of the guys from the park are in it, so they have opened up their trailors already. We opened up too but won't go permanently until May 24th weekend. Look us up if you every go to Big Chief through the summer. We are one of those people with a pontoon boat and we really enjoy it. We meet other friends there including my son, his wife and our 2 grandchildren. You will see their photos on our boat in the pictures I have on display. Well, if you go to Big Chief, see you there. Have a great summer. Update May 1, 2008 Hi everyone, I just wrote a new poem and sent it off to be published . I'll let you know how it goes. My first job was at my dad's office, where I got paid 20.00 to 100.00 a week. What I remember most about it is whistling back to the birds, doing a scrap book about Apollo 11 (and I still have it). I hope old friends remember me as loyal, kind, giving, fun to be with, adventurous and honest. I always wanted to be a teacher when I grew up. My family and friends thought that was a great idea. As it turns out, they were wrong. Then I wanted and still do, to be an interior design. Didn't happen. So I am still that nurse. This is how I relax. With headphones to my ears with a relaxation CD every night at bed time. I get hypnotized to get to sleep every night. The only way I can get to sleep. The wildest thing I ever did in high school was something good girls don't talk about. If I'm going to work somewhere, I need to have a wall to bang my head on, a lock on my office door, and patience to be able to deal with the day-to-day things. I sure do have a hero and that hero was my dad who passed away on August 24 , 2004. He was a pillar of the community. Involved in a lot of community activities such as Orillia Silver Band (played first chair euphonium then the bandmaster), golfer, snow bird, member of the ODD Fellows and a Mason. He was also a well respected electrician and had his own business for years. He bought old homes and renovated them, then rented them out (something like Flip that House). I am sure that there are people out there who remember him. His first name was Elwood. I also admired my mother who was a card and kept the family together. I have lived most of my life in Orillia/Bass Lake. I did spend 4 years in Toronto where I attended one year at U of T, then the next three were not that memorable. The one person from my past who I'd most like to see again is Cheryl Kimsey, because myself, Julia Meadley and Cheryl were the three musketeers in high school . I have only seen Cheryl once since school and she was married living in Toronto. What's happened to you Cheryl? . Update November 22, 2008. A lot has happened since my last update May 1st 2008. I never did get my Infection Control Certification partly because of work but also because of my sister Gale. On Monday May 24th, I called my sister in law, who owns and operates the Flower and Balloon shop on Mississaga Street, to send some flowers to a staff member of mine who lost a family member. When I called, my niece asked me if I knew that her aunt was in the hospital. I told her no. She then went on to tell me that she had taken a bunch of pills again. I left work to find my sister in emerg in a coma and on life support. She passed away 4 days later. I miss her so very much. We were shopping and travel buddies and she was always there for me when I needed her. I guess she needed me more then I thought. This was her third attempt. But of course, we all thought things were going great for her. I didn't have my nurse hat on for a while with her, I only had my sister hat on. Should have seen the signs, because they were all there. In her letter, she said she had a sad heart. Mine's been broken a few times but never sad. This also delayed our move to the trailor. I'm not complaining. I am seriously thinking of writing a book based on her life. I could call it "The Third Attempt" or "The Right Time". Let me know which title to use, if you read this. Then on Sept 3rd, I had surgery on my nose (not a nose job because I already have a cute nose) but now I can breath and it is wonderful. I'll be smarter now because I have twice as much oxygen going to my brain. Too late!! I ended up off work for three weeks. Worst surgery I have ever had. Then, I , well, let's just say, I no longer have a job after 27 years of dedication and devotion. One could say I was surplused. But, everything happens for a reason. A nice severance helps too. One nice thing though, is I am off for Christmas, unless I get work. MERRY CHRISTMAS if I don't write before then. Update January 7, 2009 How was everybody's Christmas and New Years. Ours was the absolute greatest. My son, Chad actually liked the clothes that I bought for him (which is unbelievable). My daughter in law (Katie) did too. My Grandchildren loved everything. We bought them a WII this year. We have our own that they used at the trailor in the summer (as well as some of the other children)and they loved it, so we got them one too, among other things. I always get them crafts to do because I love to teach them how to do and make things. We are going to make our own paper then make our own cards for birthdays, Christmas etc. They also got the Moon Sand (sand that never dries up) with which castles can be made. Recommendation: You must see Narnia: Prince Caspian. If you haven't seen the first one, The Chronicles of Narnia, then watch them both. Great, great movies. I am still looking for a job. Was hoping for one in Orillia but so far that hasn't materialized. This one disappoints me. So, I may have to go to Gravenhurst. Good bucks there though - as an agency nurse. We'll see what happens. I went to my brother's office today and asked to fill out an application. He thought I was being real. I told him I would need at least $40.00 bucks an hour. He just laughed of course. So his secretary said she'd have to ask for 50. If only. My Granddaughter taught me how to do power point over the holidays. We had a sleep o...Expand for more
ver. She is only 8 years old. She has been learning how to do this at school. Do you believe this? If we had only had computers and the internet when we were at school. At least one thing, I would probably be able to type with more than 3 fingers. Our cat remains well - for all those cat lovers out there. I'll let you know when I get any news about a job. By the way, I haven't started my book yet. March 1, 2009 Wow, March already. Soon time to get back to the trailor. Thought I'd update you on our cat (Patio). We had her to the vet this past week and a few hundred dollars later (well worth it for my baby)we were told that all her teeth are going to fall out. She has a bad infection and HAS LOST WEIGHT. I feel like I have failed with my cat. However, the vet gave us some medicine and she has to use an oral mouthwash (who says cat aren't like people?) and change her diet from hard food to soft foods. We are having a bit of trouble trying to find out what she likes to eat, how many times a day and do we remove the bowl after she has eaten all she wants. Can anyone help us? We have tried acutium (100% meat) and she ate it the first time we gave it to her. Now she won't eat it. So, we are trying a soft nugget type of food which she started eating as well (can't tell you the name because I don't know where my husband put them). Any suggestions on types of cat food to try? It's not the cat who needs to lose the weight. We had a real scare last evening. Dale and I went out for supper and just as we had finished eating, Dale started getting chest pain. He wanted to go home. Then, of course, I had to take him into the hospital (wouldn't go by ambulance). 7 hours later we were told he did not have an MI but had an angina attack. Just one more thing he'll have to carry around with him. Guess what, I did find a job. LCC in Orillia. Everyone is really nice and I do feel appreciated. Only have 5 shifts in 2 weeks but it's a start. Also, I saw Don McIsaac last fall. He was up to visit his mother and father. He is doing well. Has, I think it is 5 children and lives in Texas. Good job too. He's not the lean machine he used to be. Sorry Don, but either am I. April 7, 2009 Hi again, Hope all is going well. Our cat Patio is much better now. All this time she had been drooling, and we didn't know she had a dental infection. Now, after antibiotics and a change in her food, she doesn't droll anymore and is back to eating hard food again. So, if your cat drools a lot, have the vet check her teeth, it may be an infection. I am on a diet. Yep (again). I am losing weight and can now actually breath. I know I have lost over 10 pounds. I was really sick with that gastro infection in March that was going around. 5 days. If I am not eating or do not have my lap top on my knee, then I must be sick. Oh I was. But, it started me on the road to better health. It's been almost three weeks now. Once I hit the 3 week target, then I know I am well on my way. Like everything else, it becomes a habit and it takes three weeks for something to become a habit. I tried the quizzes. Did you? It was pretty well on the mark for me. Try it and see how close to your personality it is. We had a major snow fall today. It actually felt like I wanted to put up the Christmas tree. The trees outside were beautiful. I have started my book. Just writing out all the major events in my sister's life. Believe me, there is no lack of material. Job is going well. I got my name tag and feel like I belong somewhere again. Oh, I am going to start painting again this summer at the trailor. I'll let you know how many I get done and if I sell any. I must be happier because I am wearing earrings and putting mascara and blush on my face. Got pretty down after losing the job. Couldn't get much lower. Bye for now and I hope all your basements stay dry. July 14, 2009 update: Hi y'all, How are you keeping. I have some great news. I love where I am working now and I have lost 37 pounds. Yep - 37. Have you wondered why I haven't really got a good picture of myself? Well, now you know. But, I am bound, bent and determined to have all my weight off by next summer for sure, maybe Christmas. Then I will put a photo in. I am trying but also the change in work places sure is making a difference. How are you enjoying the summer so far? Something like last summer isn't it? I am looking foreword to a really good Saturday because I have planned a party on our pontoon boat with a pot luck after. So, the weather has to be great. We want to go swimming at Millionaires Bay (Piss Bay) Big Chief. See you there. December 18, 2009 Hi. It's been some time since I last updated my life's story. One would think that I have a lot to say. I have already updated you about our new cat Katz. She has grown. I thought that getting a cat or dog fixed, was supposed to help them calm down a little. If it's true, it didn't work with her. she still wants to play with Patio, but Patio doesn't want to. They are, however getting better at being in the same room with each other. If you want to know more about how we got her, you'll have to read under my profile "Was that Summer" dated November 17th 2009. I applied for a full time job at my new work location and got it. Boy that saying "when one door closes ,another one opens" sure is true. It hasn't even been a year yet and I,m full time. Making a lot more money then the old job. Everything does work out doesn't it. Bon Voyage, old job. I guess J, you really did me a favour. Is everyone ready for Christmas? I still have to buy my son and his wife some more gifts, but I pretty well have the grandkids theirs. We bought them lap tops. Not the big ones though, just the little screen ones. They are going to be sooooooo excited and I can keep my own when they are here visiting. They will have rules that they will have to follow. I hope everyone has a safe and merry Christmas and a great new and prosperous new year. I need to go to bed because it is 0230 and I have the kids coming at 1000 in the morning. I had to work late. Did another double shift (0700 to 2300). Long day. Going to have to slow down soon. Talk at you later. (Still writing) If I won $100 million, I'd give my son 20 million and each one of my remaining brothers and sister 2 million of it to do with it what they want, then spend the rest on a new large home, a maid to clean the home and a store to run my new business in. July 9, 2009 Here it is , July 2010 already. I looked back and noted that I started this little autobiographical 4 years ago. I have been working at my new job for 1 1/2 years now. Things really have changed since then. Mom has been gone over 14 years, dad has been gone almost 7 years and my sister Gale has now been gone for 2 years. I still really miss my sister. You won't believe this, but Ken, my brother wants to have a family barbecue this summer at his new home, but he and my sister June are not speaking. Can you believe it. I was hoping that all that silly nonsense would be over when Gale passed away. I guess not. June broke her elbow at Walmart this month. No cast, no sling. Go figure. Ken's new home as I mentioned, is unbelievable. Gorgeous doesn't even describe it. He built a new home on Lake Simcoe on the lot that was given to him if he built the lady who owned it a brand new home on the lot beside it, for her to live in the rest of her life. Well, he did that and voila. He has finally been able to sell his big house in town for > 4 times what he paid for it. He has the luck of the Irish, just like my dad - always in the right place at the right time. His new home is much more modest in size but has state of the art everything. Marble, granite, would floors, sound system, unbelievable bathrooms, fire places, stone bar, views breath taking and his new studio is over his 2 car garage with sound proof walls. He is just finishing the boat house with living quarter above. I am so proud of him. His dad would be too for sure - and he is only 45 years old. My wonderful cats are doing well. Patio doesn't hunt any more, but we had breakfast waiting at the front door when I got up this morning. Now Katz is the big hunter. A friend told us about a litter of miniature cats. Another friend of mine went out to see them and took one right away. Mom is approx 6 pounds and I understand that all the kittens will also be small. My friend did get one and she is so cute. I wanted one so bad but Groucho Dale wouldn't let me have one. Patio is old now She eats and sleeps, goes on the odd walk. Oh, by the way, we are once again at the trailor. Hasn't it been hot. We were out in the boat on Sunday at Big Chief for 6 hours. Well, the grand kids are good. Hailee is 8 now an Owen is 6. I have booked the hotel for the trip they want to take this summer. We are leaving for Niagara Falls on the 25th of this month and returning on the 29th. I also booked an Elite tour of 5 attractions so that Groucho won't have to drive here and their in the traffic. I am finally going to get to the butterfly emporium. We will also spend one day at the wax museums etc, one day going to Niagara on the Lake and seeing Fort Henry, then the last day, on the way home, we will stop at the Welland canal to see the big ships. I hope they have a great time and enjoy it. Next year, I'll take them to that Wolf Village or what ever that place is, with the water slides and great activities for the kids. However, I did make sure that there was an indoor pool in the hotel we are going to stay in. They have already been to Marine Land, so I don't think we will go there. We'll see. I have kept my weight off and have now lost 58 + pounds. Got to go now, no more lines left . June 2017 RETIRED FROM NURSING.. FOR UPDATES, GO YO "MY NOTES"
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