George Hew:  

Los angeles, CA
Shrub oak, NY
North tarrytown, NY
Yonkers, NY
Tarrytown, NY

George's Story

Well folks its been a long time since running around the streets of Sleepy Hollow(formerly North Tarrytown) and Tarrytown. My parents owned the Chinese hand laundries in North Tarrytown and Tarrytown I used to walk the baby carriage from one laundry to the other and had to go past Patriots Park late at night and always had bad dreams of monsters chasing me through the park to the library and then the dream would end My parents couldn't speak English very good and I remember my Dad using sign language to order meat At Cavalieri,'s market on Cortland Street ordering meat in sign language and fresh vegetables. Those were the days when the fish truck would come on Wednesday or Friday up Cortland Street with fresh fish They worked hard and always left me in the store window on Cortland street to play. Maybe I saw you girls or guys walking by. I know years later an older woman who lived on Chestnut Street confirmed a sighting of me . I remember when I went to school in kindergarten in Ms.Amelia Pecx's class they put a little written tag with my name on it because I could only speak Chinese. She put me in the corner to play with the blocks but eventually I caught up to you guys I had a Jewish uncle Moe Levy,who was a kind and gentle man and owned a lot of property in town and I shoveled the snow from the sidewalks and cleaned up the alleys with the broken wine bottles and beer cans I went with Moe to Orchard and Delancy street in New York city to fill his haberdashery orders. What a different world in NYC!Times Square ,pizza,bagels,bialys, knishes,Chinese and Italian food! My Irish godfather,Al Ryan who died early of cancer was always fun loving and a jokester,a bar owner,a bookie and head of the Holy Name Society. He always like the Irish had this gift of gab in making different people fit in and to get them to laugh including me. German deli owner Red Mike Nicholas was a quiet more serious man and had the cold cuts and German potato and macaroni salads and some German specialties There was Stein's across from St Teresa's and Sol's five and dime and Mary Fishers and Rosenbloom's candy store anon Beekman Ave. That was always was a treat after coming from Alter's bakery to get some hot fresh cinnamon buns,banana cream pies,rye and pumpernickel bread from Mary. Not like the mass produced bakery garbage we get today in the supermarkets. Well all of this has led to some translation confusion with my last name on my birth certificate with all of these multi national and multi-ethnic influences.Irish,Italian Chinese and Jewish. You see it was actually supposed to be Wing,Eng,or Ng and not Hew as it is how on my birth certificate that got so messed up that the original was pasted over several times. Hew being a Scottish name where I always get correspondence to join the Scottish Society or to join the clan. We always forget good people in our fast paced lives and never give them enough credit in how they affected our lives and help shape our character. I remember Mr and Miss Payne from Irvington who took me and Artie Venier and his sisters every Saturday for Bible story, singing and crafts at their house. They did this at their own expense and helped get us get two weeks of Bible camp in the summer in Pine Bush ,swimming,fishing,hiking,and Bible study while living in these screened in bungalows We used to drink the fruit punch we called it bug juice and beginning our morning prayers with Heavenly sunshine. All of these people and of course and Sunday school at the Catholic charch at St Teresa's helped formulate my early values as a little kid running around on the streets I used to fool around with a lot of fireworks ,pellet guns and knives just phases of a mixed childhood God knows what I would have been if I did not have all these good influences. me.. I was young and impressionable and didn't know any better and it kept me from getting into a lot of deep trouble I used to raise prize show and racing pigeons in my backyard and had my Chinese vegetable garden across from Gabby Hayes' house off Bedford Road. Boy did I do crazy things like hanging off steel beams on the SAW Mill River Parkway at Eastview bridges to catch stray racing pigeons who have lost their way to breed with my own pigeons You know whenever I walk past a pigeon they look at me as though they know me. They say that animals past this recognition through generations. Not like some people we know. I had two paper routes my first one was Valley and Washington street and Beekman Ave and Broadway the other was one half of the Van Tassel Apts and delivered false teeth for Stone and Friere to all the dentists arouhd town I remember I had a childhood crush on a girl but she never new it. I think she went out with Pat Gabriel in High School and didn't know me because I was not in that circle. Men are from Mars and women are from Venus. I was terrified when I delivered newspapers to the Coffey funeraL home and the guy popped up out of the casket he was sleeping in and tried to get his newspaper but I was out the door by then I was raised on white rice and stir fry and Malandrino's Italian combo and meatball wedges that they made for the GM plant I remember the boys behind the counter like it was yesterday Mally,his Dad ,Sal and his brother in law Vince. They are all gone now but they made the greatest wedges in town I used to see of a lot of you guys and girls at the playgrounds at Franklin courts,Beekman Ave and Barnhart when I used to used love to play ping pong and give a 11 point spot to strengthen my concentration I look back at on all of the days of a mispent childhood with fondness and all of the characters that I know that are no longer here or living and of course yours truly and all you guys and girls reading this. Although I went to Sleepy Hollow till 9th grade before I left for L.A. and then came back to N.Y. and went to Roosevelt High School in Yonkers and graduated from Lakeland High in Shrub Oak I became a ward of the state as a foster kid because my mother had my future laid out in the laundry and you did not want to cross an immigrant Chinese mother from the old county When I was young I used to read about Walter Mitty and his life and all the things he dreamed of doing. I used to daydream in school all of the time and not pay attention and dream of a new adventure,about being famous,about being rich,about the love of your life,and about what you would do in life and have a nice house to live in with a fence around it. and kids. So here is a story Walter Mitty will be proud of!. I remember Jerry Jocko the garbage man and Goo-Goo the barber on Teresa St. I went to the movies at the Strand for a quarter and getting a door prize that was a goldfish in a plastic bag. Boy was I happy! but to my dismay he didn't last too long he died when I got home and I had to bury" Goldie". I used to sit at the top of the stairs with my friend Frank Quinn at his Irish French Canadian grandmother's house. Whiie she read the tea leaves for the old African American ladies talking about life,cheating hearts and love and finances and her rare talking South American green and yellow parrot who chimed in on thetea readings"Gawk,he is no good!Gawk,He is cheating on you! Yo girls! sometimes things in life never change. I was lucky enough to be in the N.Y.Times Sports section as a boy from Lake Mohegan that won the Westchester Caddie Scholarship to go to Pace College when I caddied at Briar Hall Country Club now Trump National on TV. Although I wanted to go to Georgetown to go into the Foreign Service but things always change in life and get turned around when you are starting out in your life. I never realy had a Dad because he never had more than a second or third grade education in China to give me any guidance . I went after life as it came but he was a simple hard working man who loved to eat and shop in Chinatown in New York.. In those days it was only one block called Mott Street.There was a Chinese side and an Italian side where Crazy Joe Gallo hung out and ultimately. got it at Umberto's clam house. But I remember he used do caligraphy before it was fashionable But you never wanted to get him mad because he was a big man and wore a size 56 sweater.Noone you would want to mess with in a dark alley. You meet a girl fall in love and have a family in that order or something like that or that you learn that time can be short and you have to make the best of it no matter what the circumstances are. My Dad died and my seven year old brother died of a brain tumor after spending their life savings on cancer care since they had no health insurance I raised my two brothers and two sons and got my two brothers into IBM. I was determined to beat the odds since IBM employees upon retiring at 65 only lived to collect their retirement for less than two years of their retirement checks during my time. I retired at the age of 42 I started working when I was 4 so I thought I was entitled I worked for the P.O. in Ossining during the day and went to college at night with the added family responsibilities Some of the professors at night I had would give two weeks of homework over the weekend and started with C that not too many got down to D and F and flunked many students and I guess they got their kicks off it. I don't know how much pleasure these professors got doing things like that to their students but now they are dead and gone and forgotten and no longer anybody's concern. In short they were just crummy teachers making up for their shortcomings in a sick sort of way.. But I imagine the scores of good students that they discouraged and prevented from attaining their dreams because they ...Expand for more
flunked. I know that it left a bad taste in my mouth after having encountered this and it happened to me and I was discouraged and I quit my studies for awhile. Nevertheless this didn't stop me I went to another grad school at night with no problems and finished with an A minus average I also wanted to be a teacher and there were no teaching jobs and took business instead. When I graduated I had enough credits for three degrees. Boy if I could resell all of those credits back for what they get for tuition today I would be rich! I went to grad school at night in New Haven and was lucky get home before the bridge on I95 collapsed in Greenwich ,Ct and killed some people and a poor trucker who dropped over 300 feet. I worked for IBM in the Anti Trust Dept working with the lawyers with Cravath Swain and Moore with F.A.O.Schwartz jr.III and David Boies among others. I also worked in the IBM World Trade Accounting Dept that did the consolidation of the financials for the 120 countries that IBM did business in. It was directly across from the main entrance of the U.N. on the third floor overlooking the East River. What an exciting perch to see humanity! I witnessed the different demonstrations and causes of the world,I saw Arafat and various other famous world dignitaries enter or depart from the U.N. NYC is the city that never sleeps there is always something going on the city from Harlem to Greenwich Village,Little Italy and Chinatown to the Statue of Liberty . With Emma Lazarus' famous poem about immigrants that our teachers would have us read about and the vision of that some of us have or have never experienced about this great country of ours. In the IBM Tax Dept I worked on Special Projects on Tax Savings Projects that had a minimum savings a $100M each . On such projects as mergers and acquisitions and saving hundreds of millions in taxes on money made in foreign countries and dealing with the large banks and investment banks such as Salomon Brothers,Nomura,Dai-Ichi bank and etc. I was also a Tax Manager and fought tax cases all over the U.S. amongst my travels. Including lobbying on different tax issues such as when I had discussions with Alan Greenspan and Princeton professor Ben Bernaake on computer obsolescence or the useful lives of computers. I retired early at 42 because my eyes started to go blind and thought that it was time to stop before I sacrifice the sight in my other eye. Sometimes you realize money and the rat race is not worth it and it puts everything into a particular perspective and despite that you are able to persevere. As an old Native American chief would say "We hope to persevere". Up to now I have had an extended blessing and so far so good I can still see after being told by my doctor over 17 years ago and that I would someday be totally blind at any time. So you see, I have had the opportunity to see and experience and meet different people all over the the world and the U.S. Some good people and some bad. I almost dated a star when a acquaintance of mine John Revson came from Palm Beach and needed some money to take out Cheryl Ladd .I told him that I would have liked to have taken his place but it didn't happen so much for the my chance in being in the newspaper gossip columns I guess I was a wanderer from the start. I used to park my car in the garage near the WTC Towers during the first WTC bombing when I used to work out of my friends office who owned the merchant ships for Desert Storm and was lucky enough to have to go uptown that day to get my travel visa at the Chinese embassy Along with my travels I visited a small town in the Swiss pre-Alps called Heiden where the Red Cross was founded on the German and Austrian border overlooking the Bodensee that is a big lake. I loved it! So I stayed ther for over 6 months and then came back to New York. I used to see the old people come to the hotel/spa that I stayed at to see the doctors swim,massage,steam room and etc. Boy they treat the seniors with class in Europe and are very relaxed and laid back You don't need a medical prescription for drugs if you overdose it is one you and drugs are 40-50% cheaper than the U.S. When I ordered dinner in Geneva and finished it right away and I had to wait for three hours for the waiter to come back so I could pay the bill. Boy are they laid back! Well I decided to stay for awhile to get to know the people and watch the cows and hear the cow bells while they walk around and to see how they made Swiss cheese. The Red Cross founder spent all of his money on this favorite endeavor helping people and was left penniless. The town had a big fire years ago that wiped out all the buildings in the town and despite this the town rebuilt itself and took care of the Red Cross founder throughout his old age until he died. Now that is community and how things should be people that are respectful and helping each other and not all this Jerry Springer crap. I practiced my Swiss German and also practiced my yodeling in my little velvet short pants. To keep warm I tried some beer drinking but it was peppermint snaps instead although I preferred the hot cinnamon apple cider because it gets cold up there in the Alps. I have traveled all across the U.S.,California,Florida,Maine,Massachusetts,New Hampshire,Vermont Georgia,Texas,North Carolina and to Austria,Canada,Mexico,Germany Switzerland,Italy,England,Japan,China,Hong kong,Singapore,Taiwan,Indonesia,and Japan. Some of the interesting people and places in my travels include a friend of mine named Alex Lambe who lived a hermit like life in the Scottish Highlands in a small cottage walking along the mountain paths in the Scottish Highlands near where the Galloways are and are from. He would always preface his conversations with and say "Aye George" Aye George " to stress a point. They are SCOTTISH GALLOWAYS that are black and white and have a big ring around their belly and look like a big black cow/bear. We became friends on the telephone and toaked to each other several times a day Once in a while he would go down to the pub in his kilt and drink some good ole 100 year old Scotch and eat a little hagis. Unfortunatley,I called and he didn't answer and I had to call Scotland yard to trace his phone and address and check in onh him and found out he died of pneumonia in his cottage. I met another gentlemen Mr.Ng in Singapore who was a Treasure hunter and gold trader and used to go into the jungle in the Phillipines searching for Japanese gold and treasure leftover by the Japanese when they were retreating from China during World War 2. One day I called his home and found out he never came back.Sometimes life is a mystery. I also traveled on business to jakarta, Indonesia through the humid jungles in a mercedes caravan and saw people in the trees with no clothes on except a loin cloths to meet the company representaives of the factories of the Tristate group owned by one of the wealthiest men in Indonesia .. I was told they still have cannibals there. The factores were behind 20 foot walls in the middle of the jungle with one hundred factories making everything from handbags,shits,irons,bicycles hair dryers, sneakers and etc. Here in the West , the Asian wealth you never hear of since it is not disclosed or publicized.It is like looking at an iceberg totally cloaked in secrecy. What an experience I found out there why you never shake the right hand of a Muslim. While in China I traveled to Confucious birth place ,to Xian to see the clay soldiers and visited the tombs of the Emperors and Empresses and walked on the Great Wall of China. The women would carry a half a ton of bricks on the back of their bicycle When I was in Italy I traveled through from the Swiss Alps through Lake Como, Lugano,Milan,Rome,Monte Silvano ,Monte Cassino,Prescara, Florence,Naples ,Sorrento and Capri and had a driver and stayed in each city for 3 days. The Vatican ,the Sistine Chapel,the Coliseum,and the catacombs were unforgetable. I was even able to manage to shake hands with Pope John Paul and get a signed Apostolic blessing. Wow one of the greatest people of this century ! I also met a friend from South Africa who was a big gold and diamond dealer and a colonel in the Israeli army when they were fighting for independence in 1949. He happened to be a direct descendant of Abraham and was a Christian in which his famous Dutch banking family disowned him because he believed in Jesus being the Messiah and departed from Jewish tradition. Unfortunately, he died of diabetes and didn't heed his doctor's warnings. You go through life and you meet a lot of people that stand out in a certain part of your life and you learn about things that you are unaware of or that you didn't think possibly existed. I don't know if I will ever stand out in as many peoples minds as I have described at this juncture in my life but it was an interesting run. I think that was pretty good for a poor kid that started out in a cold water flat from a Chinese hand laundry pressing hankerchiefs at 4 on Cortland Street and Chestnut Street. Now here we are in the afternoon of our lives having lived and loved with families and kids grown and hopefully retired or close to retirement. We are all now just cruisin waiting for our next adventure. We are all getting old now with arthritis,cancer ,diabetes,heart disease and etc. We very rarely have evidence of miracles. My son in law after fighting lung cancer in Kuwait and a brain cancer and was given 3 years to live is cancer free after 11 years and his belief in God and to preach the word. in London. God Bless America our country and may the Lord bless you and protect you and your families.
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