Gloria Lara:  

Gloria Lara's Classmates® Profile Photo
Lanier High SchoolClass of 1965
San antonio, TX
Kailua, HI
Kalaheo High SchoolClass of 1991
Kailua, HI
San antonio, TX
San antonio, TX

Gloria's Story

I haven't lived in Texas for so long that it's hard to remember what it looks like. That plus with age, one tends to forget quite a few things. hah! After graduation I went to college for about two years then, married and divorced in the first marriage after it didn't work out to Robert Hargis who was in the Navy and went to Brack. We had a beautiful son together whom he has seen a couple of times in his entire life. It's his loss like I tell my son for he is losing out on life's experiences that can only enrich our lives even if the marriage didn't work out. Guess that's why my heart is so soft and tender towards the youth of today because I have seen from experience the sadness and emotional chaos it creates. I hope this touches those parents out there who have divorced and have second families for the spouse not to come between them and their children. Because it causes such horrible rejection and the children feel worthless and like the parent who left them doesn't care for them. Not that I blame him totally for it for we both share equal blame. This is starting to sound like a novel now, huh? But, I firmly believe that in life there are no rehearsals to prepare us mentally of how to live our lives nor coincidences. Every thing happens for a reason. In retrospect, had we both been a bit more mature and thought it over , we would have waited to see if it was true love or not. You see, We were marrying for the wrong reason and should have taken the time to get over another relationship I was just getting out of. A lesson learned the hard way I would say Suffice it to say that I remarried 3 yrs. later and traveled alongside my career- military hubby and had 2 beautiful children. His name is Reynaldo Rivera and served in the USMC for 31 yrs. We lived in exotic places, as well as hardship posts and visited beautiful places as Germany, Holland,Luxembourg..For our 40th anniv. we plan to go on a Med. cruise and visit Greece,Turkey and other exotic places. For now, I am grateful and overjoyed being a grandma to two beautiful grandsons. They rock my world to say the least!!! They are 3 and 2 yr. olds with the most beautiful used to be blue eyes, now turning hazel. Handsome just like their gringo- dad whom i love dearly. Am soo happy my daughter waited to marry him and thank God she didn't marry another military man like mama. Not that I have anything against it but it 's a hard way of life. He is the most wonderful human being made just for her I remind her. I come from a large fam. of 6 sisters and two brothers. Growing up was an experience I draw on as I share with those whom God leads my way to help others see what God can do in your life even if you're born into a modest home and not wealthy money-wise. But having been raised by loving and caring parents and the closeness we still share as a family is worth more than treasures for we never lacked in love. It wasn't until we lived in Africa that I found what hunger and poverty was all about. That's why even now to this day, I pray for those people and someday hope to go back to visit and share His word with people who have so little but yet,have such joy just being themselves and with their families. I thank God for the opportunity afforded to us in meeting people from so many different cultures which has made me a more accepting person of those who are different than I. God knows exactly what we need to mature us into being the person He created us to be. Am in my 3rd semester Bible college studies and baby sit my lil dinos 5 days a week. So I keep very active with my family, church and Bible College. Have lived a wonderful exciting, bittersweet life and learned from all the experiences life places before us. It was in my heart with such urgency to start up the gold benefits for Classmates due to a younger sister who recently passed away. Never in my wildest dreams did I even think it would happen but it did. It made me start wondering about Life in General and all the people that have come into my life. Being a Christian is getting to be so unpopular these days for at times we are prejudged due to what is happening on with the different religious groups. But the Bible warned us about this that in the latter days persecution would be stronger and how we must endure encourageing each other. Having lived in Africa for 3 yrs. taught me an invaluable lesson one cannot learn from books nor can it be taught to us but must be experienced so we never forget how to be humble and appreciate what we have. Our nation has not known hunger,misery,panic,fear,violence,lawlessnes..nor all the other negatives other countries have experienced all their lives until recently. As I reflected on my sisters life cut short and how many lives she touched by simply giving of herself, devoted to our mother and raising a son all by herself spoke volumes to us all. She may never be known in "Who's Who almanacs nor the Most Popular nor richest person in the world". But in the annals of Eternity, God has welcomed her home and was received by all those angels that surround His throne and is having the life she truly deserves for having done what she was called to do. Just plain serve and have a Christ-like nature within her. So, I purposed in my heart to reach out to those people I grew up with who were like family to me. Because that is what school is...though at the time we truly can't see that until our minds and eyes are unveiled to see that those people who rubbed shoulders with us were placed in our path so we can reach out to love and serve them. Isn't that neat? To love your neighbor as we love Jesus or ourselves for that matter. Life is too short to carry burdens that don't belong to us that's why He asks us to leave them to Him that He will never give us more than what we can bear. My life's mission right after I receive my diploma in Theology will be to go back to those places to do volunteer work setting up Bible Colleges wherever people are crying out to hear more about His Gospel Truth because that is what is really going to keep us sound with all the turmoil and despair going on about us. It is the only Anchor that will stabilize us as we face our storms and help us focus on Him, the Author and Finisher of our Faith. By reaching out to others with His love, and Forgiveness instead of doctrinal issues and denominational differences for that does not save nor help anyone. All it accomplishes is strife and division. There is enough of that going on in churches even and God is not pleased with that. We are to love our fellowman regardless what religion or even if they differ from what we believe. When they see the Christ-like nature in us, that in itself will speak volumes of who we are in Him that at times they themselves marvel because you are so different than what they assume and they ask if they can go to church with you or what denomination you are because they like what they see in you. " None of us is perfect and I don't claim to know all the answers but of one thing I am sure that God is for real and one day we shall all face Him and He will either say to us "come up my good and faithful servant , enter into your rest or depart from me for I never knew you." I am open to share of His love and if you have prayer requests or if you would like to share anything with me to encourage our Bible students or me, please feel free to do. Am not one that debates His word for that only places obstacles to those around us that see or hear us and only brings confusion to people. I am one who encourages men and women who have had soul-stirring testimonies and are now in positions to help others especially our youth generation now who is in such need of "Father figures and mentors" to do so. 1John 4:18-21 "How can we say we love God whom we cannot see , when we can't even love our brother whom we can see?" Also, if you would like more info on how to get Bible colleges going on in your churches or areas to contact me. and I will place you in contact with college itself. They send out info, books,etc..on how to get started. It's really simple. Then your pastor or your church selects a facilitator from your own group to teach your classes. Would love to have some of you contact me through that classmate email if you care to join "myspace" so we can keep in touch and check out other photos, share, etc.. It's alot of fun. May the Lord richly bless each and every classmate I meet for like someone said earlier in their bio..there are no strangers but friends I have yet to meet. Please, contact me as well if anything I say that might offend you and I will make it a point not to do so for I am aware that some people are just not that open to share anything about God or "their religion" my own hubby tells me... to which I respond "what good is it to have God in our lives if we can't even share His awesome love and how He has changed us into His glorious image." I just can't keep quiet about this Jesus who loves and cares for me and His children so much that He gave up His only son to die in our place. His Word tells us if we don't talk about Him that even the rocks will speak out...for those intellectuals who tell us there are some things we are not to take literally...Thank God I don't study tooo deeeep into the word for the "letter kills but His spirit gives us life." By that it means, it's not how much we know or learn but what and how we interpret His word to be able to apply it to our lives so others may see Christ's image in us and not just some religious fanatic who can quote scripture or memorizes it to such an extent that when you interrupt them they get so angered by it for you make them lose their place or train of thought. By sharing His love, not only are we doing His will but we exalt Him and honor Him. I feel so blessed by all the classmates that have opened up to me already and I know that one day soon we shall have one big ole happy reuni...Expand for more
on in the heavenlies because that is our Final destination. This is but a journey where we are being tested- to prepare for the Final Exam. May we all listen to the wooing of the Holy Spirit who is doing His best to get our attention to open the door to our hearts when we hear that knock. Let us not wait for another 911 tragedy to decide what we need in our lives. Having lived thousands of miles away from home, with no one to turn to in a strange land brought me closer to God than I had ever dreamed of for by learning to trust on His sweet gentle voice and now getting to know Him even deeper through a relationship with Him in prayer and actually seeing and knowing the peace of God that surpasses all understanding in all trials and tribulations we go through. Seeing how He sends angels to surround us and point the way when we don't know where to turn or when we are in despair. I never forget the day when my dad passed away and my plane was going to be delayed due to a storm and had missed my flight coming back from Africa--when two young men just picked up my luggage and took me aboard a helicopter and was able to fly out of another airport. Speak of "angels in disguise"...when i went back to thank the embassy for helping me they stared in shock..because you see my passport was not a diplomatic one and I didn't rate such treatment from this earthly govt. but God in His mercy saw to it that "somebody was there to help me make it home for my daddy's funeral." I most definitely believe in the supernatural realm and a Divine Govt. & that He is establishing His Kingdom in us. The chaos we see on our land, govt., economy, nations is but a sign pointing us to that million dollar question "Are you ready?" People may be laughing by the hipocrisy in the churches these day that His word is being preached but people are sometimes worse than those outside the church. But His word shall not be mocked, Judgment begins in the House of God and if it starts there what shall the end be of those when it starts on those that do not believe. God is starting to judge nations as well. 2Chron. 7:14 tells us we have a chance to reverse the curses we place on ourselves when we refuse to change but the full blessings we receive when we do decide to make that turn about. That is but one of the many incidents that have carved my christian walk to this day. All the more reason why when I heard a "shofar blowing and hearing God's voice in my spirit ever so clearly...tell them I'm coming soon" prepare because in the twinkling of an eye that trumpet shall sound and those who have prepared to meet Him shall go to be with Him in the heavenlies. I don't know how many of my long-lost friends there are out there but the good book says that the angels rejoice when even one person gets saved. Alot of people kid me and tell me, saved from what..and go on and tell me: "I"m basically a good person, I don't cuss, drink nor harm anyone" but that is not what will ensure you a place in heaven nor what this is about..It's the acceptance of Jesus into your heart as Lord and Saviour... for whoesoever calls upon His name and confesses Him with their mouth and believe that He rose from the dead and is coming back again is what will. Rom. 10:9-10 For there is no name in heaven nor on earth by which one can even have access to the Father but through His son Jesus and by which we can be saved as well. There is not a day that goes by that if given the chance I would've lived life differently and been more careful of my christian walk but thank God He does not hold it against us..all He wants from us is to invite Him into our lives and allow Him to live through us. I like to view my life now this simple way and I thank God He is the Master Potter and we are His clay who shapes us and molds us for what He created us to be. And when we make mistakes or sin He doesn't throw us away like people do. He simply starts all over again the minute we recognize we are at fault and choose to rectify the situation. Isn't that beautiful and just like Jesus? I would like to reach out to those Vietnam veterans who feel there is no one out there who cares nor understands them because trust me having lived with one for these 37 yrs. hasn't been a bed of roses but ultimately the love and affection we have for one another no matter how bad a situation can get before it gets worse..all I do is turn it over to Him and He has turn it about ever so much better than we ever could. But like most men, who are experiencing this ptsd don't let go and truly see beyond themselves..because it doesn't just affect them but their wives, children, and even the nation as well. Until they truly surrender unto Him who gave them life and admit the biggest chink in their armor is "ego and pride". Because they refuse to believe that anybody understands them and cling on to their hurt and pain like they own it. That my friend is pride because no one can outtalk Jesus on pain, hurt and suffering. Only He can even feel your pain that's why He chose to die. Nobody killed him. We cannot blame the Jews nor any other class of people. He died to take not only our pain away but our sin and shame as well. For there is a stigma that hangs over our heads when we commit a sin or crime, we think the whole world knows and people are quick to point fingers and we might even become suicidal. But thank God He understands it all, even for that He died so we wouldn't feel ashamed of ourselves. Then He clothes us with His Mantle of Justice and Righteousness and when we finally have our spiritual awakening we see for the first time just how much He loves us and we cry like babies because He floods our heart with so much joy that nothing compares to it. And you have already experienced that complete surrender to something called "committment to God and country" when you enlisted for the earthly military or army. You were ready to give up your life if it is asked of you for your fellow comrade. That's exactly the same way it is to Jesus...a complete and total surrender where you are so free to live or die for Him when the time comes. Right now we are grateful to live in a nation where we still have freedom of expression but remember these words..soon there might not be such freedom to even write these words. Just read on what's happening around the world where religious fanatics kill christians because we don't believe in their gods. Our nation was founded by Christian-Judeo principles and beliefs but there might come a time where we might even have to give up our lives for believing in Jesus Christ. When you start seeing this happening, or the removal of Bibles or people getting thrown in jail for our beliefs, etc know that the coming of Jesus Christ is at hand. Guess when one travels the world and sees thedisparities in our races and cultures and what it boils down to is the hatred that is building up not only towards our nation but towards one another for having differences of opinions, etc. Because the more we choose to live in denial and refuse to have God transform us and have His Word renew our minds, we are inviting darkness into our space. Whereby if we choose Him - His light shall dispel all darkness. Because it cannot stand around for too long around His brightness for fear of being exposed. That is what His Truth does..comes to reveal and expose the sinful nature of man and nations. This Christmas may the economical situation we are facing turn us to the True Meaning of the Holy Day we celebrate and not just remember it as a baby being born in a manger but The Soon -Coming -King who will Reign. For He is not coming on a donkey but a galloping white horse ready to face all nations and take back His rightful ownership of what He created and belongs to Him alone. Then no one will be fighting over borders nor have the right to say this is my land get out of it if you don't like it. For He shall have the final say so. I declare Peace that goes beyond our understanding for that is the only kind Jesus gives when we turn to Him and focus on His Word instead of the dow-jones report. He has given us His promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us and up until now He has kept His promises so may we all continue trusting in Him and share not only His love but what we have with those in need. My heart breaks for our fellowman , not just those who are being deported back to Mexico but other countries as well but prayerfully may they put into action His word that they have taken to heart. Here in Az. things are so sad for alot of families are being torn apart. May the Lord cover our nations with His blanket of burning love to touch and soften the hearts of those who are in govt. to find solutions to better the situations. Also for people to turn to God to give them innovative ideas into how to better their economic situations. I got to see how creative and artistic these beautiful souls are and how they are willing to work for almost nothing. It breaks my heart and as I cry out to God to expose those employers who have used and abused them when they work them so hard for minimal wage and sometimes even getting ripped off. I firmly believe "we reap what we sow"..and we need to turn it about so our nation can survive this recession. Lord,help us. If you have never prayed before in your life nor thanked Him for all the small details He takes care of even in our daily lives, I encourage to pray even more. Praise Him and show our appreciation by helping others for in doing do we are showing Him we care and love Him as well. For even a glass of water we give to a human being, or visit those in jail shall be rewarded. I wish to leave you all with such a joy and peace in my heart that I feel like I've done my part in expressing and baring my soul to you and leave you with one of my favorite scriptures that has added so much meaning to my life recently . Habakkuk 3: 2-6 which speaks of flashing rays of His Power
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Gloria Lara's Classmates profile album
Gloria Lara's Classmates profile album
Gloria Lara's Classmates profile album
Gloria Lara's Classmates profile album
Gloria Lara's Classmates profile album
Gloria Lara's Classmates profile album
Gloria Lara's Classmates profile album
Gloria Lara's Classmates profile album
To me this is the BEST one of class group
My sis w hubby n I
more classmates
with classmates sitting at table 2
Pls name those you can identify:
clowning around: catch this..
alex? n his beautiful wife
dominga being her beautiful self & sitting
let's visit far end now
sunny Ozuna
beautiful ladies with our classmates
Gloria Lara's album, 1965 Class Reunion 2010
Gloria Lara's album, Timeline Photos
Love this one soo much better for His angel watch is over Marlene.. Oh, how she loved playing in snow with her brothers.. and have snow-ball fights, too.. I might add. <3
wheee, love this one has the snow-ball fights,too.. oh, how kids love doing that.. You remember sis Lucy huh?  lol  love it.. <3
Gloria Lara's album, Timeline Photos
Wishing my beautiful daughter in Heaven a Happy New Year..Hope to see you real soon.  May you be celebrating with rest of loved ones in heaven ,too.  love, mom
Gloria Lara's album, Timeline Photos
Gloria Lara's album, Timeline Photos
Gloria Lara's album, Timeline Photos
Gloria Lara's album, Timeline Photos
Gloria Lara's album, Timeline Photos
Gloria Lara's album, Timeline Photos
Am sure Israel along with the rest of the world will miss this Classic World- Statesman. May Israel come together as they seek Our Father's wisdom and guidance. May the whole world be touched by former Pres. Shimon's depart
Am sure he was ushered in by Our Father's angels who welcomed him home and celebrating his arrival.   May he continue talking face-to face with our True Chief Commandant as they lay out the strategic plans for His nation an
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