Gorman Swanson Ph.D.:  

St. James SchoolClass of 1992
Kent, WA
Las vegas, NV
Clark High SchoolClass of 1990
Las vegas, NV
Las vegas, NV
Mukilteo, WA

Gorman's Story

Life I currently live in Texas and am a Doctor of Clinical Psy. I own and operate a foster care and adoption agency. In my spare time I enjoy theater, movies, tennis and travel. I adopted a wonderful baby boy about four years ago. He was four months old when he came to me as a foster child and was two when I was blessed to ...Expand for more
adopt him. He is a wonderful boy and makes life so exciting. I'm not a partier anymore, now I'm just a boring 33 year old that works alot. I ran my first marathon this past year and am training for my second this coming year. I really would love to hear from some of my old friends. Where are you all and what are you doing now?
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