Jackie Clark Myers:  

Jackie Clark Myers's Classmates® Profile Photo
Chico, CA
Chico High SchoolClass of 1976
Chico, CA
Chico, CA
Chico, CA
Chico, CA

Jackie's Story

School School? hm, well a traumatic experience thats for sure. I didnt get along well with others, but that wasnt their fault, it was mine. I was onry and very disrespectful and felt that everyone owed me. For reasons that I would rather not disclose, there were reasons for my behavior and to all of you, I am sorry. On the happier side of my school years, I did have some good friends that stuck by me no matter what. I refuse to say who my biggest crush was (which was in the 1st grade). I don't recall many funny moments in school. I guess the happiest moments were in music class and hanging at the...Expand for more
PV Mall. Workplace - now retired! I have had a treasure of jobs. From flagging crop dusters to owning my own buisness, and I have done a lot in my life thus far. I am currently retired and coordinate craft fairs, what a job! But it is an exciting one meeting all the people and getting to know other crafters! I am divorced, widowed and remarried, and I have 3 children, 10 grandchildren and 6 great grandchildren plus my steps who are very dear to me as well. I really dont live in Chico anymore but not too far from there, in fact... the only reason we go to Chico anymore is to go to LA COMIDA!!! lol
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Jackie and hubby Kelly
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