Jennifer Snyder:  

Jennifer Snyder's Classmates® Profile Photo
Covington, IN
Ridge farm, IL
St. Mary SchoolClass of 1972
Westville, IL
Ridge farm, IL
St. Mary SchoolClass of 1971
Westville, IL

Jennifer's Story

Who are we What makes us who we are; let us look at the make up of the human forms. Chromosomes and testosterone hormones does not make a complete male, while chromosomes and estrogen hormones does not make up a complete female. A chromosome only defines the outer form, or so to say physical gender. The female outer form has two X-chromosomes, with estrogen hormones, while the male form has X, Y-chromosomes. Just so you know the X chromosomes comes from the mother, and the Y chromosomes can only come from the father who also produces the x chromosomes to make the xx chromosome in the female form. There are different chromosomes make ups but any variants causes problems, like XXY chromosomes produces klinefelders syndrome where a child is born sterile, this happens one in every 500 births, other set ups gives us the down syndrome, mental retardation, and so on (chromosomes play other very important functions as well). Hormones help develop, and maintain, and define the body and its function of outer gender, it does not make a male, or female in brain gender, this is done in the brain in the BSTc. There is a difference in physical gender and brain gender; I have read that in studies the brain from a few weeks after conception up to three years of age the brain develops gender in three different dimensions. This gender wiring sets inner personal characteristics of feminine or masculine; this is different from what is known as brain sex between male and female. This brain sex is a hard wire pattern and how we relate to others, how we perceive sex, relationships, and goals, along male, and female sets. Physical females have female brain sex while a physical male has male brain sex. Keep in mind that physical gender does not always match brain gender, in transgenders the brain sex, and brain gender is reversed, transgenders that have appearance of physical male has female brain sex, female brain gender, while in female to male transgender is physical female, with male brain sex, male brain gender. This leads us to what is called gender identity, this is our subjective gender, which is known as our sexual self map of how we feel of ourselves, whether it be male or female. All this lies in the brain, studies show biological etiology of transsexuality the central subdivision of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BSTc) this is the brain area essential for sexual behavior. Transgenders the BSTc is more the size of it in the female brain than male, the BSTc is 2.5 times larger in males than the female, and transgender brain, I have read in studies preformed that this part of the brain, while the brain is forming is influenced by sex hormones. For male to female transgenders had at the time of brain development more estrogen than testosterone, this means in transgenders, the self-map does not match the physical gender; as we seen there is deferent¿s between sex hormones and chromosomes. So one tries to make the outer form and innerself match, this is know as gender expression, or gender identity. Its like having a can with the label corn on it but within there are sweet peas, so you can not change what lies within, so the label needs to be change to set it right. This shows physical form alone does not determine gender, but more so who lies within. I am ask quite often, how do you know you are female? I can only say this is a hunger within to be, the longer you go the hungrier you get. We can dress, express the one within, and I am talking even of a child of 5, 6 or 7 years of age, even if it is only for a few minutes, that is about like having a small snack, that kind of holds you over for a few minutes, the same thing with dolls and other female traits. It¿s not long however before the hunger, the gnawing in your stomach returns, the longer you go without feeding yourself the hungrier, more to say the stronger the desire to be. You get to a point that your stomach hurts you will almost sacrifice anything to fill this need that is constantly growing in you. To a point, you start taking riskier chances when you do dress that you might get caught, but you do not care for you must feed the hunger that burns deep within. Transgender people born with female brain gender, due to social guidance, and pressure tend to forsake, their brain gender, and develop a makeshift male brain type of response to this, so we can fit in, like taking a side road that travels along side a highway, and do the best we can. So we tend to mimic what we see, and try to perfect the male persona, like join the military, and other guy things, leaving our female natural self-unexpressed, and underdeveloped. Even though we cage the female persona within us, we can not keep it caged within and from time to time we must let her out, this is the cross-dressing, but to many of us we can only cage her for so long before she refuses to go back in the dark lonely dungeon. When we go full time, we are willing to chance sacrificing everything that we are in a social standpoint. Soon as we make our change we are flooded with agony of the heart, divorce, our blood family disowns us, and friends turn their backs, and walk away, we stand a chance of forfeiting our home, our job, and in return receive social rejection from all, and we know our life will never be the same again. Now this does not mean it does not hurt, that it does not drive us to the floor, or to the point of self-destruction. Even too many that does not follow this over whelming desire to be, they wind up with the same mental pressure within, though they keep their social status, the inner turmoil eats us alive within, to the point of self-destruction. So yes whether we stay as the social puppet to please every one around us as we fight to depress this hunger within, or we sacrifice everything else to be who we really are the grips of depression, anxiety will be there, for many of us to the point of death. Here I must add that transgenders with a physical male form, has female brain sex, yet we lack the hard wire for sexual orientation. While some of us transgender women retain a lesbian orientation, the majority, in spite of our behaviors of our feeling, and our expectation before our transition, our needs and desires start to change, and I find this even so true in me and growing every day, is it the influx of estrogen. Even though I do not trust men, and normally find most repulsive to me through this lack of trust, I do feel an attraction to males developing more and more. However I must say this, my lack of trust has came a long way in the past year, and I feel I owe this to many of the men, and even the women I work with. Though it was a little, slow for this girl and even some of them, my acceptance of them with trust, and their acceptance of me, for whom I am. I can say even though some, extended a hand early on, yes it scared the hell out of me because it was so different from what I was use to, in the past most had alternative motives either for sexual motives or to hide their underhanded deeds. Yet, where I am working at now for the very first few showed friendship, I did see trust, and a honest extension friendship. I want to say their names but I cannot, but I can say they know who they are, and I want to say thank you, I love ya to much! With out you I do not think I could have made it. Now I have had a very sexual, and romantic relationship with a man a few years back, however he was a very good man with a heart so true, to me he was so much more than the run of the mill guy. I still could not see me with any other in a relationship, yet the farther I go I am starting to find this desire increasing within me, but I do find my self, being very selective. First, I believe I must have a early attraction of him, I must not only find him very appealing, but feel I would half to trust him early. If I look in his eyes and trust is slow in coming, I doubt if total trust will ever be there, and I do not think I will ever trust guys in general. One reason is if trust does not come early on, he will never get in my circle of trust, but this may change as well, now in truth I do have this attraction for the beef cake male¿.ok, ok a man with muscles. One thing the man I was with before, I trusted him from the first time I met him, but I am finding him starting to never leave my mind, and I find this desire to have what I had before, and for me, there is no turning back to this relationship, he is now just a pleasant memory. Therefore with this said, I feel that the brain sex, and brain gender is starting to get back on track and get off of that side road and back on the highway where I started out on before I was forced to take the detour. Even though I still have this over whelming desire to be with a biological female, and I doubt if this will end but I may just have a new attraction. I heard this from a few other transgender girls that started out with lesbian orientation, they started getting this sam...Expand for more
e desire to be with a man, and one was still married. Wow, what is a girl to do? Right now, I feel which ever I get, if love is there in a true relationship, I will always stay true with that choice. But even in this it is scary, for if I do enter into a female to female relationship before I am fully redeveloped, or my lets say before my wiring is restored to is original pattern, again I will always have this unfilled desire burning within. A year ago, even a several months ago I would never of thought I would have come this way, this far, that I would be developing this attraction for men. I still do not see why I need one, but what kind of scares me is I am just starting to want one, not a reason, no rime, just a desire to have one. Reggie started out as something else but did quickly grow into something so much more, even then I could not believe that I was feeling this way, yet it felt so right. The deferent¿s now from then is I find myself , with the desire I never had before, I really never thought I would ever be saying this, and yes it is even more scary to me than wanting, but I even now find my self looking. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! However, I find myself not fight the feelings, or the desire, because it is part of me developing my female self-map of me, there are so many more changes evolving physically yes some very painful at times, mental changes, and yes they are very emotional. Nevertheless, I would not trade anything for this, for my journey has really just begun to be who I really am, who I was born to be. Let us look a little deeper at this inner self-map for understanding. We have the inner self and outer form, the innerself is who we really are, and the outer form just carries us around. Now, this is no different from you getting in your car, you do not become your car, you are you in that car. The car or outer form does not change the person within, but we can take that car and make it express who is within, and some spend a lifetime and lots of money doing it. We put a supped up motor in it, chromed it down, wide tires, different exhaust, plush the seats and dash, we can make this car more feminine or masculine, paint it pink or black with flames down the side. All of this is self expression changing the outer form of our transportation vehicle to match the one within ¿¿.. the driver, or for us transgenders, a female in a male form dressing down to match her innerself. I have spent most of my life trying to figure out who we are, and why we are, what makes this hunger within, and try to put it so I can understand it. We fight ourselves for years, we question ourselves of who we are, we do things to try and show ourselves we are what society says we are, but nothing works, nothing over powers the innerself because we must be who we are. If you are hungry for a slab of beef and potatoes and get cake, you are still hungry for that beef and potatoes, and will be until you get it and are satisfied. If you are hungry for sex you will be until you get it in one shape or another, I think you know exactly what I mean. If we take the brain out of a dog, and place it in a cat, it will bark, it may sound like a meow but to the brain in the cat it is barking. If this dog was a car chaser because of this wiring in the brain, then the cat will chase cars, if the brain was from a female dog and you put it in a male cat the cat will be female. Therefore, we will have a dog that looks and sounds like a cat, for the thoughts and actions would be that of a female dog. Now through social training we can teach this dog to clime trees and do other things that cats do, just like society tries to train the woman out of us transgender girls. however if the brain make-up is that of a female and it is in a form that is considered male, you still have a female that feels her body is deformed, or this transportation vehicle needs a lot of work and has a few extra parts that does not belong to it¿..nuff said!! For us transgenders, the true beginning of life is the day we go full time to shed the social puppet, and live the life of the one that has been forced to stay in hiding. The day the cage door opened for the final time, and we step into the sun, and know we are finally free. Yet this is a day of sorrow not just for the one, the family, and the life we left behind but also the hatred, and rejection that follows. Yes we know this suffering will be their, but there is no way you can mentally prepare yourself for this devastation of loneliness, there is nothing you can relate the depth of this to. For one reason we cannot understand how hearts we once knew could turn so cold. The loneliness is the hardest to deal with, not hearing a voice unless it is spoken in hatred, and rejection, not speaking in a conversation with someone, for some of us months on end. ¿Loneliness, although associated with objective isolation and dysphoria, has been defined as a perceived discrepancy between desired, and actual social relationship¿ (Paplau and Perlman 1982). Science has proven that loneliness is real, and not just something we say we feel, but a true mental state, that one receives from the difference of desired social relation, and the actual social relationship in ones life, that is proof that we need one another, even if we do not want to admit it. Therefore, this is who we are, and through social influents, transgenders are misunderstood, hated, and despised. All of this because we want to take this stock vehicle and make it into a classy showpiece. This rejection, even though I know is through a lack of understanding is another thing I will never understand. Transgenders only make up 3% of the worlds population. There are many of our sisters murdered in hatred, and their blood flows in the streets, and in their own home. I need to add this here before I end this entry, to show how little many people care, even the people we pay to serve and protect. Two years ago a transgender girl was murdered in San Francisco California, DNA evidence was left at the scene; however, the police did not run a check on it until this year. They now found out the murderer killed three other transgender girls since then, this is about normal handling of transgender murder cases by the law enforcement, it is reported that there are one to three transgender homicides per month, which in most cases never make it to court. When will this prejudice and hatred end? There must be an end of taking the life of the innocent, the shedding of their blood as they walk their trail of life. The shedding of tears must end; we shall never forget the ones whose life so violently taken from us, another light snuffed out with the cold bitter winds of hatred. A thousand tears I shed for each one of our fallen sisters, murdered on the streets, as they are shot, stabbed, and beaten to death. I wonder where any one can harbor such great hatred for another, to fill the streets with blood of the innocent. Their flame of beauty, their flame of life lives on in our memories, as they walk with the angels of heaven..... Jennifer Rose Snyder 11-28-2009 This is my quote¿¿.. "Our laughter lifts us up the mountains of life. While our tears soften our falls." Jennifer Rose Snyder Nov, 2009 A little about me The challenge of life is the sport I like most, all its love, laughter, and tears. As we live life, we will feel Life's pain and sorrow, yet as we climb its great mountain to feel its joy, as we touch the hearts of others, and feel their love, we know we have touched the sky. My interest lies with in the heart, to love and be loved, to feel the depth of it, and know it is real and true, and to devote my life to this heart so true. I love the book of life and all its untold secrets, reading every page as it goes by, to feel all its emotions, to enjoy all its great pleasures, and yet flood the world in tears of its most tragic and painful sorrows. Till life flees from my body into the cold darkness of the night, as my soul moves to the light seeking forgiveness for my week and shallow flesh. With this, I think my heart is my best feature; a heart of love is our greatest feature. We start out young and full of life, by the time we are done most of the time what we give back to God is a bag of old dried up bones so the best thing we can keep and give him back is a heart of love. For us transgenders, the beginning of life is the day we go full time and live the life of the one that has been forced to stay in hiding. The day the cage door opened for the final time, and we step into the sun and know we are finally free. And yet this is also a day of sorrow not just for the one and the life we left behind but also the hatred, and rejection that follows. My dreams is to have my SRS, but even more than this is to have and to hold my love so true, to laugh and cry with her as we share life together, as our two books of life join together to make one. Hugs, Jennifer
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Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
Jennifer Snyder's album, red riding hood
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