Joan Monet:  

Joan Monet's Classmates® Profile Photo
Charlestown, MA
Charlestown, MA
Braintree, MA
Charlestown, MA
St. Mary's SchoolClass of 1960
Charlestown, MA

Joan's Story

Life Hi everyone, Just rejoined and read my profile had to update it. I had three kids all grown 2 girls and 1 boy. Oldest daughter has 2 girls and a guardian which I consider my grandaughter and she me her nana. Her oldest is 21 now and has a little boy named Nathan. This makes me an old greatgrandmother. Doctors knowing all told her when it is time for her and she wants children they will send her to a specialist, for she is infertile, yah right, do not believe all you can hear. My oldest daughter got my name of course then no ultrasounds and she was supposed to be a JR, was to be a boy had no girl names lol. She was born in 1968 in December. She now has 2 daughters one is 21 the other 10. She is a nana now of a boy of 2. I was married then to Jimmy Evers June of 1967 eloped I was two weeks 18.Yes he wanted to get married and have at least 6 children even after we split. Second daughter Debbie has three daughters oldest 16, 13 and youngest 2, then another one a boy now 2. She remarried and her husband has a son so I inherited him too, but the more the merrier, the Brady Bunch, lol.My son did get married last of the bunch. He waited til ready and wife waited til he finished college engineering. Yes he had my first grandson biological. He is five now. He is a big boy, is a football player and la cross. .Might be two my Deb's son is a big boy too. He is now 5 and what a joy. I get him off the bus from kindergarden. My son now has a little girl now she is 2. My son played hockey since he was 4. Used to do a lot of babysitting for Debbie's girls. Now one is teen had a boyfriend. Her first love. He went to college don't know what happened, but her heart was broken. I talked to her, we have all been there. She thinks I am wise. Yes right just old and been there The other plays soccer and very well and at that age they want to be with their friends not old nanny all the time lol remember that. I went to college after the kids were born. I had to find a career. It was the year women did not take it any more. Women's Lib I guess, but I think that was meant for rich girls. Money is needed to feed little ones and all the strays they brought home. First went for LPN so I could work needed to support my three young ones. It was necessary boy was I in for a reality shock. My now ex warned me do not go to court or money would stop. I was woman then could do anything, who ever started women's lib, who ever sang that song. It surely was not like that. Even when we first went to school, Donna and me were so excited thought the hospital would look like General Hospital. Our mouths must of hung open all that day when we realized no one hunng around with clip boards and talked all day. People were actually working and hard too. We both grew up a little more that day. I worked at Resp Hospital and trained all the RNs so I went back and got my RN. Loved nursing, but hard job hurt neck few times. I thought going into management would be for me, right. I would take the floor any day with patients. But lifting and tugging has it's toll. I loved nursing though. The hospital was closing it was a countyhospital so took retirement worked there for years and years 20 maybe. Few other jobs in between but went back. Still living on South Shore. Donna has passed too. Most of my good friends have passed early. Since my dad died don't go much to CTown. It hurts so many memories, good ones. Did make few mistakes in life thought everything was rosey, circumstances change and boy do you grow up. Miss that naiveness though, not to say have lost it all. Now you just blame it on older age. Love animals still have my 2 Goldens they are nearly 12 both seniors like me one has spleen tumor the male very large and hurting from what aches us all when we age. Do not know what I would do without them. It will be so hard for me to let them go. 12 years of total loyalty is hard to come by. Had to put one of my Goldens down at 2 bone cancer he was like losing my best friend. Then I got my two I still have now, did not have the money, but credit card check did it and it was one of the best purchases I made in my life. The cats have gone to heaven since my last bio. Used to breed years ago, these two are pets. Had the fishes, gerbils and whatever they dragged in for me. My female now would of made great mom, but hips lax so had them both fixed. I used to breed not for money for the breed. It cost me. I have a big backyard almost acre fenced in and have a pool, and who swims mostly in it the dogs. They retrieve and know not to go near the new liner and have steps for them. Now do not even know if this year they will be able to swim. What a lot of work having a pool is 20 by 40 thought was great at first woopee. My female Golden passed first. I had time to spend with my Mr. Ed who would never take his eyes off of me. I get a call. A couple got their two Goldens hand picked from Canada and bred them once. They really were not interested in making money, but to give to good homes. They had a litter of 13 all boys one female. They were keeping the female. I just lot my Miss Ellie and said no and would not take a male. I have one older on now. I lost my female and that is all meaning no. Well I guess they checked me out at Vets and offered me the femalle. I was hesitant. Then the cell phone pictures came. I went down and for a big bag of blue and few hundered dollars had my Miss Elsie Rose. I wanted to name her Miss Elsa for she looked like the female lion. The Rose came in for My Wild Irish Rose. I could not call her Irish her parents were from Canada. So I got Miss Elsie Rose. It turned out okay for my Mr. Ed did not last long after his playmate passed. His bag legs gave out, he was old and I just held his head close to mine and stayed calm for him. I thought I would go with him. So I have one Golden Retriever and my sons Jack Russel Terrior. What a mixture? We all want nice things in life, but I can remember only having a potato and had to make a sandwich from that, boy it tasted good and it was one of the good times. We all need money to live, but quality is what counts in life and happiness. Now with this big pool I wish it was half the size lol. Been living on South Shore area for years, you know get wife far away barefoot without a car and she knows for nothing. I thought I was in some farm land being from the city. At least there was a place to park now all built up in Rockland. It is like in the middle not too far South or North. Almost moved back years ago, at a tough time tried to get the kids in St. Francis no guarantee. Could not see them bussed so far. I remember falling out of bed and crawling to like the next street to the High School. Still got the CTown accent though nasal and loud. I blame it on being hard of hearing, true too. Some people think I am from New York. One thing when I called 411, did we live in proper Boston or not, I was astonished when operator said proper Boston, I hadn't a clue. I said Charlestown I need number for my ex husband's sister. Still the operator said proper Boston or not. Who was proper, I said? Well one thing I know can take a girl out of CTown but can't take the townie out of her, lol. Charlestown has changed. House prices insane. The old townies I miss and realize what good and funny people they were. One good thing out of life is that my kids live in the same town so don't have to travel far to see them.I may be adding a little ranch to my home when son sells his and live in the in-law. Boy will be nice passing notes to my little grandson through the door. What mischief can we get in to. I love my daughter in law like she was mine so no problem. I just hope she feels somewhat the same towards me when and when we make this move. Wish the best to you all especially those who read this. Me I like to root for the underdog. Hate bullys and love animals, especially dogs. I believe it is our priviledge to have a special bond with a loyal friend, and should be shown caring, love and respect. Who else sees us at our worst and still loves us to bits. So I am never for hurting any species under us. To me animals, pets are a priviledge to own and all should be treated with respect and caring or never own a pet. I have always believed treat all as you would want to be treated. Basically the only thing I have not tolerance for is intentional abuse to any living creature. We are the higher species, I think so it should never be abused in any way unless self defense. Some may not feel the same way I do about pets, but from what I have gotten from mine is much more than I could ever give. Unconditonal love is hard to find, but it can happen with one of our best friends, Did remarry in 1978 to Arthur Monet. I still then believed in that old white picket fence. He was divorced too. His wife divorced him. I do not believe in breakin...Expand for more
g up any relationship. She married two more times after him. But she took back the name Monet. So if you think his firsty is married to him, no. She belongs to classmates also. No I am the one thats been through it all for over 35 years sadly the day before Thanksgiving all was so quiet for too long and I went into the bathroom. I could not get the door open for feet were next to the door. Hubby just passed quickly no symptoms that was it. It is hard on those they leave with you feel unresolved issues. It is a good way to pass for them. So now I am a widow. I did inherit 2 step children, both grown a girl and a boy one with two children the other three. One thing I regret is not having more children. Second time the other part had the procedure at 25 thought it would help at that time of his life. Then I tripped along. I would of had at least 5 then. None of us knew the future then. Most likely if I did have more, we could of been called the bunny family, lol. One thing I have learned through life is that it is hard work. One thing I can not tolerate is gossip about others not saying I do not gossip, but any one's children are off limits and we are all equal in the end. I still believe the truth is the best, and it all comes out in the wash eventually. I believe in loyalty to friends and loved ones. I have no tolerance for disloyalty, when you have been touched by it, it is a hurt for a lifetime. Dare any one say anything or do anything to hurt my family and friends that I love, that old CTown will come out. I may be old now thin and weak, but would find the strength to fight for what is right and the truth. I have in life taken the fall for others so they come out good, and me the wicked one, but little do these people know. Some deny the truth to themselves, and who am I to break their fantacy of what they want to believe. Just like oh I thought I had gas, but I guess not. My children have been through a lot in their life. But we all with luck grow up and see the truth and become stronger. Now they understand. That picket fence years ago was torn down for them when someone they trusted and loved broke down that fence. We take what is dished out and have to accept it. But boy they are all great kids and their ones are great too. It turned out to be not their loss, but the loss of someone elses that was supposed to be a part of their lives. I did just hear though they all got in contact with him for his birthday, not sure who called who. When we are all together we used to be called the loud family. Like the one on Sesame St. Everyone talking at the same time. Going to start again to get together and play games like pictionary and trivia on weekends. Deb and me were pretty good at it even when we did not cheat. Boy though I miss my home town. Making igloos in the middle of the street with tunnels that connected all in the street. When after two weeks the plow came we booed him away for another day. Guys sub shop I remember with all my friends. Boy we had contests who could flick their gum the farthest into the street. I miss all my friends. One of my best ones has passed Donna LaCombe, Mary Devlin is gone too. Being dropped off in the dark of night somewhere in NH the boys used to spook us. They came back for us though. The hop. Gained 20lbs at first when first fast food came Kemps. Boy those cheeseburgers and coffee frappes were so good. It just seems we could not wait til we grew up. Then we did. Now time goes by too quick for me. I do miss the old Charlestown. I miss my friends and cousins and other family members too. Having carnivals in my mini backyard. And in the dungeon we called it making a haunted walk through. We had lots of imagination then. No computers or cell phones then. I always wondered why we would all go up to Bears Hill so far before St. Catherines dances, of course to have a few GIQ's. And every time I got so sick. Still can not drink that much. Actually very rarely, gave up the butts and never felt so bad. Keep on waiting for the extra energy you get, not me I was always backwards I guess. In quotes, I was maker and producer of Twilight Zone my own. But let me tell you being naive is so much fun. Life is grand no matter what. Miss you all. Some new news my precious Miss Ellie had to send her to heaven in November. She was being treated for pain, but it looked like she was just starting to stare all the time out my kitchen slider door. Every night, I hugged my lady, she kissed me and I would say hang in there for a little while longer. I knew she was stoic, would show no pain, but I could see. I flooded the vets floor and her head with my tears that day. For people came to visit her, she was so precious. My Mr. Ed I thought was going to lose him after his mate passed to the other side, but with lots of encouragement he is still with me not anymore I explain in the beginning. He is over 12 and 107 lbs, and on pain management. For a benign tumor on back leg that presses against him. To remove would not be so good, if he was only years younger. Then someone sent me pic of a female Golden, a litter was born and the owner just wanted good homes. At first my male senior ran, then got jealous. I just protect them both. She is an English Golden. So beautiful, but pee and vinegar. They say you will live through a heart attack if you own a dog. This one will either keep me alive or kill me, lol. I wanted to call her my Irish Rose, wild gorgeous, but parents from Canada? Intelligent she is, too much. So from my passed Miss Ellie, we called her Miss Elsie Rose. Training is first, then a badge. Then off to nursing homes and others that will let us in to see who needs some extra love from someone who will love uncondtionally. Who knows some patients might get that extra push needed to get well. I know how it is training an intelligent alpha, female of course. Easy to train, but stubborn as me old dear Mother, lol. May she forgive me but one thing we fought about was that. She tried to instill in me more of her, I was just a softy inside as her, outside you never would see though. But remembering how poor our parents were they had to be tough to survive, but kept their weaknesses inside. But Goldens tend to get it together around 2 years. If the owner survives the training. This one has already strutted around the vets from door to door, showing her beauty to everyone that came in. So lovely she was and with good manners too. But then we came home the hellion in her came out the puppy in her won over, but it is natural. She is like we used to be running, playing and carefree. Love to you all my friends and boy do I miss all of you. Just going up and down Bunker Hill St., walking down the training field, and Harvard St saying hello to you all was a simple thing, but a joy. How many can say growing up they knew most of the people who lived in their home town, us Townies forever and always. Love to you all my Townie friends forever, I guess I have not updated this in such a long time. New things widow, they used to say I would be star and director of my own Twilight Zone not too far from the truth. I learned all those vivid dreams I had came back and gave me a wallop. I got so fatigued and was seeing energy at times as with other things. I know I was not crazy for my Miss Elsie Rose saw all this first. No not demented. Told my neuro, primary need brain scan. I told them the whole story. No they said sometimes you do not realize til later in life. Now I realize it is genetic. I did get a mentor who owned a center at The Angels of The Light. She helped me understand what is going on. Well gifts one is like a curse. Who says they are gifted when can read Angel Oracle Cards, but can see through the dark of the card also. The gift empathy is a killer. It is too deep to get into. Now the only thing I can usually know when someone is lying to my face. Of course I let it go. So I am trying to help those in the family that may feel upset at times. I am trying to get my daughter a little involved in the cards all good and spiritual. I have not did any of this for any money yet though I am asked to go to the fairs. I might have to start I am hoping one of my daughters be with me. No you can not win the lottery. I would of already been very rich. . No I do not do séances. I do not call. It is the other way around for me. I can not imagine calling out to those who pass and disrupting them. They are all in different stages and some sleep. So do I believe in life after death. I would have to say, YES. One thing for sure is the more you know the less you understand It has been one Spiritual Awakening for me that is for sure. From Parochial school to now I still believe in Jesus plus a lot more. So if that does not blow your mind then I do not know what will. Love and Light to all of You My Friends Forever Joan
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