Judy Muirhead:  

Judy Muirhead's Classmates® Profile Photo
Middletown, NJ
Kissimmee, FL
Kissimmee, FL

Judy's Story

Life Married 19 years,2 children.President of Brady Marine, also following a acting career. Just won MS. Woman Eastcoast USA. Signed with a agent to furture career. Working on a reality show coming out in the spring of 05. My so is 17 and a senior in high school,and my daughter is 14 also following a acting career. She just won Model of the year... College College was cofusing at first due to the job career cycle. started out law and f...Expand for more
inished with a physcolgy degree. students where all there for diff. reasons Told to go,didn't know anything else to do. scared of life,ETC.. Workplace I am the President of Brady Marine Repair Co. My Co.repairs Ships all aver the country and then some. We also do industrial repair in schools, Hospitals ETC. I also find time to spend with my family,and do Pageants with my daughter. She is Miss teen Eastcoast and I am Ms. woman Eastcoast.
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