Julie Havlin:  

Julie Havlin's Classmates® Profile Photo
St. Anthony SchoolClass of 1980
Kailua, HI
La mesa, CA
Albuquerque, NM
Albuquerque, NM
Albuquerque, NM

Julie's Story

Life My Pets. I have one dog - a Welsh Pembroke Corgi (the breed that the Queen of England has). His name is Bear and he sheds like a Banshee... Life is going fine. It has it's ups and downs, but I am weathering the storms. I am still as "geeky" as I was in high school. I have not gotten married yet. I am not really in any rush. If I meet that someone, then it's meant to be. But I don't need to be married... Every now and then I think back to a guy that I had a huge crush on as a Senior. I saw him once a couple of years after graduation in Las Cruces... Wonder how he is doing now? Never told anyone about him. Workplace I am still working at Sony in San Diego, CA. My group designs TV for the North,Central, and South American Markets. My job is creating the artwork for vari...Expand for more
ous labels used on TV's (was responsible for all of the labels for LCD TV), working with Marketing Groups to layout the printing on the plastic face of the TV, and creating schedules for delivery of parts from the vendor to the various plants that we have (2 in Mexico, 1 in Pittsburgh - Go Steelers!!) When I am not doing that, I am pushing paper with Engineering changes or creating Bill of Material's. Of course there is always cost down, cost down, cost down. At least I have a nifty title - Electronic Designer. If someone tells you that there is no free lunch, they need to talk to some of our vendors... Oh no, it's sounds like I am writing a resume... I like what I do and it's exciting to see a design that you have worked on in Sears or any other consumer electronic store.
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The Thames
Across the yard.
The Reichstag
Brandenburg Gate
Outside in the cold
The Age of Bronze
Rodin "The Thinker"
Cathedral of Berlin (Pt 2)
Cathedral of Berlin
Street light in Prague
Cristóbal Colón Statue
Alleyway in Central Barcelona
More interiors of the Cathedral
On top of the Cathedral
Cathedral of Barcelona
Interior shot
Me in front of La Sagrada Familia
La Segrada Familia
Architecture in Barcelona
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