Roger Beck:  

Porta High SchoolClass of 1971
Petersburg, IL
Normal, IL
Parkland CollegeClass of 1982
Champaign, IL
Christiansburg, VA
Petersburg, IL

Roger's Story

Life My wife (25 years) and I live in Tallahassee Florida. We moved here in "84" for her to attend FSU to get a masters degree. We just stayed. We have no children, however, we have three dogs (Chesapeake Bay Retreaver,German Sheperd,Rottweiler). We have had a small church in our home, for the last seven years. School I attended College I have gone ...Expand for more
to 4 different colleges. Two were religious, one I dropped out of, the other I recieved my masters. I started going right after high school and recieved the last degree in 1993. I am working on my PHD, however, working full time it is slow going. Workplace I have worked for Florida State University as an accountant for 20 years. Military no thank you
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