Where did you go to school?
Select the first letter of the school attended
- A. N. Pritzker Elementary School
- A. Philip Randolph Magnet Elementary School
- ACT Charter School
- ASPIRA Charter School
- Abbott Elementary School
- Abraham Lincoln Elementary School
- Academy for the Arts
- Academy of Communications & Technology
- Academy of Early Learning
- Academy of Our Lady
- Academy of Scholastic Achievement
- Academy of St. Benedict
- Academy of St. Benedict the African
- Academy of St. James
- Ace Technology Charter High School
- Ada S. McKinley Academy - Lakeside Campus
- Adam C. Powell Elementary School
- Adlai E. Stevenson Elementary School
- Adler School
- Agassiz Elementary School
- Akiba Schechter Day School
- Alain Locke Charter Academy
- Albany Park Academy
- Albert R. Sabin Magnet Elementary School
- Alessandro Volta Elementary School
- Alex Haley Elementary School
- Alexander Bouchet Elementary School
- Alexander Fleming School
- Alexander Graham Elementary School
- Alexander Hamilton Elementary School
- Alexander Von Humboldt Elementary School
- Alexandre Dumas Elementary School
- Alfred D. Kohn Elementary School
- Alfred Noble Elementary School
- Alice L. Barnard Elementary School
- Alice M. Birney Elementary School
- All Saints Grammer School
- All Saints School
- Altgeld Elementary School
- Alvernia High School
- Ambrose Plamondon Elementary School
- Amelia Earhart Elementary School
- American High School
- Ames Middle School
- Amos A. Stagg Elementary School
- Amundsen High School
- Ancona School
- Andersen Community Academy
- Andrew Carnegie Elementary School
- Andrew Jackson Elementary School
- Andrew Jackson Language Academy
- Angel Guardian Elementary School
- Angel Guardian Orphanage High School
- Annie Keller Regional Gifted Center
- Annunciata School
- Annunciation School
- Anthony Overton Elementary School
- Antioch Christian Academy
- Antonia Pantoja High School
- Apostolic Christian Academy
- Aquinas Dominican High School
- Archbishop Quigley Preparatory Seminary School
- Architecture, Construction, & Engineering Technical Charter High School
- Aria Middle School
- Arie Crown Hebrew Day School
- Ariel Community School
- Armstrong Elementary School
- Arna Wendell Bontemps Elementary School
- Arnold Mireles Academy
- Arnold Mireles Elementary School
- Arnold Upper Grade Center
- Arthur A. Libby Elementary School
- Arthur Ashe Elementary School
- Arthur Dixon Elementary School
- Arthur E. Canty Elementary School
- Arts of Living Alternative School
- Ashburn Lutheran School
- Aspira Alternative High School
- Associaton House of Chicago
- Assumption BVM School (123rd and Parnell)
- Assumption BVM School (59th and Marshfield)
- Assumption St. Catherine School
- Augustana High School
- Augustus H. Burley Elementary School
- Austin Career Academy
- Austin High School
- Austin Middle School
- Austin O. Sexton Elementary School
- Avalon Park Elementary School
- Avondale Elementary School
- Barbara A. Sizemore Academy
- Bartelme South School
- Bateman High School
- Bates Elementary School
- Baum Elementary School
- Beale Elementary School
- Beard Elementary School
- Beasley Academic Center
- Beasley Elementary School
- Beaubien Elementary School
- Belding Elementary School
- Bell Elementary School
- Belmont Christian School
- Belmont-Cragin Elementary School
- Benito Juarez High School
- Benjamin Banneker Elementary School
- Benjamin E. Mays Academy
- Benjamin Franklin Elementary School
- Benjamin Raymond Wright Elementary School
- Bennett Elementary School
- Bernard Zell Anshe Emet Day School
- Bernhard Moos Elementary School
- Best Practice High School
- Bethany Lutheran School
- Bethel Christian School
- Bethel Lutheran School
- Bethesda Lutheran School
- Bethlehem Lutheran School
- Betsy Ross Elementary School
- Betty Shabazz International School
- Beulah Shoesmith Elementary School
- Beverly Hills Adventist School
- Beverly Hills Preschool
- Big Picture High School
- Blessed Agnes School
- Blessed Sacrament / Our Lady of Lourdes School
- Bnos Rabbeinu High School
- Bogan High School
- Bond Upper Grade Center
- Booker T. Washington School
- Bouchet Branch Elementary School
- Bousfield Elementary School
- Bowen High School
- Boyesen Elementary School
- Bradwell Elementary School
- Brainard Freshman High School
- Bray Temple School
- Brenan Elementary School
- Brennemann Elementary School
- Brentano Elementary School Math & Science Academy
- Brentano High School
- Bret Harte Elementary School
- Brian Piccolo Elementary School
- Brian Piccolo Middle School
- Brickton Montessori School
- Bridgeport Catholic Academy
- Bridgeport Catholic Academy North
- Bridgeport Catholic Academy South
- Brighton Park Elementary School
- Brisk High School
- Britannica Academy
- Broadmoor Academy High School
- Broadway Children's Center
- Bronzeville Alternative Academic Center
- Brother Rice High School
- Bryn Mawr Elementary School
- Buckingham Elementary School
- Buckingham Special Education School
- Burnham Anthony Inclusive Academy
- Burnside Scholastic Elementary School
- Burr Elementary School
- Byford Elementary School
- Byrd Community Elementary School
- Byron School
- Caldwell Elementary School
- Calumet High School
- Calvin Park High School
- Cambridge School
- Camelot Private School
- Canty Grammar School
- Cardenas Elementary School
- Cardenas Modular Elementary School
- Cardinal Bernardin Early Childhood Center
- Cardinal Stritch High School
- Carl Von Linne Elementary School
- Carmel B. Harvey Jr. Academic Preparatory Center
- Carrie J. Bond Elementary School
- Carroll Rosenwald School
- Carter G. Woodson North Middle School
- Carter G. Woodson South Elementary School
- Carver High School
- Casimir Pulaski Community Academy
- Casimir Pulaski Elementary School
- Cathedral High School
- Catherine Cook Elementary School
- Catholic Charity High School
- Caver Middle School
- Central YMCA High School
- Cesar Chavez Elementary School
- Chapin Hall Home for Children
- Charles Carroll Elementary School
- Charles G. Dawes Elementary School
- Charles G. Hammond Elementary School
- Charles H. Judd Elementary School
- Charles H. Wacker Elementary School
- Charles Henderson Elementary School
- Charles Holden Elementary School
- Charles Hughes Elementary School
- Charles Kozminski Community Elementary School
- Charles P. Caldwell Elementary School
- Charles R. Darwin Elementary School
- Charles R. Drew School
- Charles S. Brownell Elementary School
- Charles S. Deneen Elementary School
- Charles Sumner Elementary School
- Charles W. Earle Elementary School
- Chauncey Blair Elementary School
- Cheder Lubavitch Hebrew Girls School
- Chicago Academy High School
- Chicago Actors Studio
- Chicago Christian Academy
- Chicago Christian Academy (Good Shepard Bible Church)
- Chicago City Ballet School
- Chicago City Day School
- Chicago Discovery Academy
- Chicago High School
- Chicago High School for Agricultural Science
- Chicago International Charter School - Avalon South Shore
- Chicago International Charter School - Basil Campus
- Chicago International Charter School - Bucktown Campus
- Chicago International Charter School - Longwood Campus
- Chicago International Charter School - Northtown Academy
- Chicago International Charter School - Prairie Campus
- Chicago International Charter School - Washington Park Campus
- Chicago International Charter School - West Belden Campus
- Chicago International Charter School - Wrightwood Campus
- Chicago Jewish Academy
- Chicago Mathematics & Science Academy Charter School
- Chicago Mennonite Learning Center
- Chicago Military Academy
- Chicago Military Academy-Bronzeville
- Chicago Seventh Day Adventist Academy
- Chicago Torah Center
- Chicago Vocational
- Chicago Waldorf School
- Chicago West Side Christian School
- Children of Peace \ St. Callistus School
- Children of Peace/Holy Family School
- Children of Peace/Holy Trinity School
- Children's Hospital High School
- Choir Academy
- Chopin Elementary School
- Christ Lutheran School
- Christ the King Lutheran School
- Christ the King School
- Christian Community Alternative Academy
- Christian Ebinger Elementary School
- Christian Fellowship Academy
- Christopher Columbus Elementary School
- Chrysalis Learning Community School
- Circle - Rock Preparatory School
- Circus Nursery School
- Clara W. Barton Elementary School
- Claremont Academy
- Clissold Elementary School
- Coleman School
- Coles Elementary School
- Collins High School
- Columbia Explorers Academy Elementary School
- Commercial High School
- Community High School
- Community Youth Development Institute Alternative High School
- Concordia Lutheran School
- Consuella B. York Alternative High School
- Cook County Middle School
- Cooley High School
- Cooley Upper Grade Center
- Coonley Elementary School
- Cooper Primary School
- Cooper Upper Grade Center
- Cordi Marian Settlement Nursery
- Corliss High School
- Cornell Elementary School
- Cornerstone Academy
- Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary School
- Corpus Christi High School
- Cosmopolitan Preparatory
- Countee Cullen Elementary School
- Covenant Christian Academy
- Coyne Electrical School
- Crane Achievement Academy
- Crane High School
- Crane Technical High School
- Cregier Vocational School
- Crerar Elementary School
- Crispus Attucks Elementary School
- Cristo Rey Jesuit High School
- Crown Community Academy
- Crown Community Elementary School
- Cuffe Elementary School
- Curie High School
- Curtis Elementary School
- Curtis High School
- Cyrus H. McCormick Elementary School
- Dachs Bais Yaakov School
- Daniel Boone Elementary School
- Daniel H. Burnham Elementary School
- Daniel H. Williams Elementary School
- Daniel J. Corkery Elementary School
- Daniel R. Cameron Elementary School
- Daniel S. Wentworth Elementary School
- Daniel Webster Elementary School
- Darwin Elementary School
- Dayspring Christian Academy
- Daystar School
- De La Salle High School
- De Vry tech
- DeLena Day School
- DeWitt Clinton Elementary School
- Dearborn Park School
- Decatur School
- Depaul Academy
- Dewey Academy
- Donald L. Morrill Elementary School
- Doniat Elementary School
- Doolittle Elementary School
- Douglas Community Academy
- Douglas Taylor Elementary School
- Douglass Middle school
- Dr. Pedro Albizu Campos High School
- Du Bois Elementary School
- DuSable Leadership Academy
- Dugan Alternative High School
- Dunbar Vocational (Career Academy) High School
- Durkin Park Elementary School
- Dusable High School
- Dusable Upper Grade School
- Dvorak Elementary School
- Dyett Middle School
- Eagles Wings Urban Academy
- Eagles' Wings' Urban Academy
- Earl Elementary School
- Early Childhood Demonstration Center
- Ebenezer Lutheran School
- Edgar Allen Poe Classical Elementary School
- Edgebrook Elementary School
- Edison Elementary School Regional Gifted Center
- Edmund Burke Elementary School
- Edward C. Delano Elementary School
- Edward Duke Ellington Branch Elementary School
- Edward Duke Ellington Elementary School
- Edward F. Dunne Elementary School
- Edward F. Frazier Elementary School
- Edward H. White Elementary School
- Edward Hartigan Elementary School
- Edward Jenner Elementary School
- Einstein Elementary School
- Elaine O. Goodlow Magnet Elementary School
- Eli Whitney Elementary School
- Elihu Yale Elementary School
- Eliza Chappell Elementary School
- Elizabeth H. Sutherland Elementary School
- Elizabeth Peabody Elementary School
- Ella Flagg Young Elementary School
- Ellen Mitchell Branch Elementary School
- Ellen Mitchell Elementary School
- Emmanuel Christian School
- Emmet West Elementary School
- Englewood Achievement Academy
- Englewood Christian Elementary School
- Englewood High School
- Englewood Technical Preparatory Academy
- Enrico Fermi Elementary School
- Entrepreneurship High School
- Epiphany School
- Erie Elementary Charter School
- Ernst Prussing Elementary School
- Esmond Elementary School
- Eugene Field Elementary School
- Evangelical Christian School
- Everett Elementary School
- Everett M. Dirksen Elementary School
- Evergreen Academy
- Excel-Orr High School
- Fairfield Academy
- Farragut Career Academy
- Faulkner School
- Faulkner for Girls High School
- Fellowship Christian Academy
- Felsenthal School
- Fenger High School - Fenger Academy High School
- Ferdinand W. Peck Elementary School
- Fernwood Elementary School
- Field School
- Finkl Elementary School
- First Baptist Academy
- First Baptist of Marquette
- First Bethlehem Lutheran School
- First St. John's Lutheran School
- Five Holy Martyrs School
- Fleming Elementary School Branch of Grimes
- Florence B. Price Elementary School
- Florence Nightingale Elementary School
- Flower Vocational High School
- Foreman High School
- Forest Academy
- Forrestville Elementary School
- Forrestville High School
- Forrestville Junior High School
- Forrestville Upper Grade Center
- Foster Park Elementary School
- Foundations Elementary School
- Frances Xavier Warde - Old St. Patrick School
- Frances Xavier Warde School - Holy Name Cathedral
- Francis Parker Community Academy
- Francis Scott Key Elementary School
- Francis W. Parker School
- Francisco I. Madero Middle School
- Frank L. Gillespie Elementary School
- Frank W. Reilly Elementary School
- Franklin Fine Arts Elementary School
- Franklin Magnet School
- Franklin Middle School
- Franz P. Schubert Elementary School
- Frederick A. Douglass Junior High School
- Frederick Funston Elementary School
- Frederick Stock Elementary School
- Friedrich L. Jahn Elementary School
- Froebel School
- Ft. Dearborn Elementary School
- Future Commons High School
- GED School
- Gads Hill Center
- Gage Park Elementary School
- Gage Park High School
- Galapagos Charter School
- Gale Community Academy
- Galewood Kindergarten
- Galileo Scholastic Academy
- Gallistel Elementary School
- Gallistel Language Academy
- Garfield Alternative High School
- Garfield Elementary School
- Garrett A. Morgan Elementary School
- Genesis Central School
- Genevieve Melody Elementary School
- George Armstrong Elementary School
- George B. McClellan Elementary School
- George B. Swift Elementary School
- George Dewey Elementary School
- George F. Cassell Elementary School
- George F. Nixon Elementary School
- George Gershwin Elementary School
- George Howland Elementary School
- George Leland Elementary School
- George M. Pullman Elementary School
- George Manierre Elementary School
- George Rogers Clark Elementary School
- George T. Donoghue Elementary School
- George W. Carver Middle School
- George W. Tilton Elementary School
- George Washington Carver Military Academy
- George Washington Carver Primary School
- George Washington Elementary School
- Gerald Kanoon Magnet Elementary School
- Gillespie Upper Grade Center
- Glen Park High School
- Global Visions High School
- Gloria Dei Lutheran School
- Goethe Elementary School
- Goldblatt Elementary School
- Golder College Prep
- Goldsmith Branch School
- Golgotha Lutheran School
- Gompers Fine Arts Option Middle School
- Good Counsel High School
- Good Shepherd School
- Goodrich Elementary School
- Gordon Technical High School
- Gospel Outreach Christian High School
- Grace English Lutheran School
- Grace Lutheran School
- Grace Lutheran School (Karlov Avenue)
- Grace Street School
- Graeme Stewart Elementary School
- Granville T. Woods Math / Science Academy
- Greeley Elementary School
- Green School
- Greene Elementary School
- Grover Cleveland Elementary School
- Guggenheim Elementary School
- Guglielmo Marconi Community Elementary School
- Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy
- Gwendolyn Brooks College Preparatory Academy
- Hales Franciscan High School
- Hanna Sacks Girls High School
- Hannah G. Solomon Elementary School
- Hans Christian Andersen Elementary School
- Hanson Park Elementary School
- Happy Land Day Care Center
- Hardey Preparatory School for Boys School
- Harlan High School
- Harold Washington Elementary School
- Harper High School
- Harriet B. Stowe Elementary School
- Harriet E. Sayre Language Academy
- Harris Elementary School
- Harris High School
- Harrison Technical High School
- Harvard - St. George School
- Harvard - St. James School
- Harvard Boys High School
- Haugan Elementary School
- Hawthorne Elementary School
- Hawthorne Scholastic Academy
- Hayes Elementary School
- Hazel Young Academy
- Headley Elementary School
- Hearst Elementary School
- Heart of Mary High School
- Hebrew Academy
- Hedges Middle School
- Helen J. McCorkle Elementary School
- Helen M. Hefferan Elementary School
- Helge A. Haugan Elementary School
- Henry Clay Elementary School
- Henry D. Lloyd Elementary School
- Henry David Thoreau Elementary School
- Henry H. Nash Elementary School
- Henry Horner School
- Henry O. Tanner Elementary School
- Henry R. Clissold Elementary School
- Henry Suder Elementary School
- Herbert Elementary School
- Herbert Spencer Elementary School
- Herbert Spencer Math & Science Academy
- Herman Raster Elementary School
- Hess Upper Grade Center
- Hibbard High School
- Higgins Community Academy
- High Praises Church of God Academy
- Highland Christian Elementary School
- Hilliard Adult Education Center
- Hiram H. Belding Elementary School
- Hirsch High School
- Holden High School
- Holy Angels School
- Holy Cross High School
- Holy Cross Lithuanian School
- Holy Cross Lutheran School
- Holy Cross School
- Holy Family Academy
- Holy Family Grade School (Roosevelt & May)
- Holy Family Lutheran School
- Holy Guardian Angels School
- Holy Innocents School
- Holy Name Catherdral Elementary School
- Holy Name of Mary School
- Holy Rosary Grammar School
- Holy Rosary School
- Holy Rosary Slovak School
- Holy Trinity Croatian Church School
- Holy Trinity Elementary School
- Holy Trinity High School
- Holy Trinity School (Noble St.)
- Hookway Elementary School
- Hope Lutheran School
- Horace Mann Elementary School
- Horatio May Community Academy
- Howalton Day School
- Hubbard Elementary School
- Hubbard High School
- Humboldt Community Christian School
- Hurley Elementary School
- Hyde Park Career Academy High School
- Ida B. Wells-Barnett Elementary School
- Ida Crown Academy
- Ignace Paderewski Elementary School
- Illinois Institute of Technology
- Immaculata High School
- Immaculate Conception (31st Street)
- Immaculate Conception (Exchange Ave.)
- Immaculate Conception (Fairfield Ave.)
- Immaculate Conception (North Park Ave.)
- Immaculate Conception School (Talcott Ave.)
- Immaculate Heart of Mary School
- Immanuel Lutheran School
- Industrial Skill Center
- Institute for Scholastic of Achievement
- Inter - American Magnet Elementary School
- Ira F. Aldridge Elementary School
- Irma C. Ruiz Elementary School
- Irvin C. Mollison Elementary School
- Irving Park Elementary School
- Irving Park Middle School
- Isaac N. Arnold Elementary School
- Isaac Newton Elementary School
- Isabelle C. O'Keeffe Elementary School
- J. Emmanual Elementary School
- Jackie Robinson Elementary School
- Jackson Adult School
- Jacob A. Riis Elementary School
- Jacob Beidler Elementary School
- Jacques Marquette West Elementary School
- Jahn Friedwick Ludwig Elementary School School
- James B. Farnsworth Elementary School
- James G. Blaine Elementary School
- James Hedges Elementary School
- James Johnson Elementary School
- James Madison Elementary School
- James Monroe Elementary School
- James Otis Elementary School
- James R. Doolittle Middle School
- James R. Doolittle West Primary School
- James R. Lowell Elementary School
- James Thorp Elementary School
- James Wadsworth Elementary School
- James Ward Elementary School
- Jane A. Neil Elementary School
- Jane Addams Elementary School
- Jane Addams High School
- Jean Baptiste Beaubien Elementary School
- Jean De LaFayette Elementary School
- Jehovah Lutheran School
- Jenell Town School for Girls
- Jenner Academy for the Arts School
- Jensen Scholastic Elementary School
- Jesse Owens Community Academy
- Jesus Our Brother School
- Jevohah Lutheran School
- Jewish Children Bureau Therapeutic Day School
- Jirka Elementary School
- Joan F. Arai Middle School
- John A. Komensky Grammar School
- John A. Sbarbaro School
- John A. Walsh Elementary School
- John B. Drake Elementary School
- John B. Murphy Elementary School
- John Barry Elementary School
- John C. Burroughs Elementary School
- John C. Calhoun South Elementary School
- John C. Dore Elementary School
- John C. Haines Elementary School
- John Calhoun North Elementary School
- John Ericsson Grammer School
- John F. Eberhart Elementary School
- John Farren Fine Arts Elementary School
- John Fiske Elementary School
- John Foster Dulles Elementary School
- John G. Whittier Elementary School
- John Gregory Elementary School
- John H. Hamline Branch Elementary School
- John H. Hamline Elementary School
- John H. Kinzie Elementary School
- John H. Vanderpoel Magnet Elementary School
- John Hancock Elementary School
- John Hancock High School
- John Hancock Middle School
- John Harvard Elementary School
- John Hay Community Academy
- John Hope Academy
- John Hope College Preparatory High School
- John J. Audubon Elementary School
- John J. Duffy Elementary School
- John L. Marsh Elementary School
- John M Palmer Elementary School
- John M. Smyth Elementary School
- John Marshall Elementary School
- John Marshall Harlan Community Academy
- John Marshall Upper Grade Center Elementary School
- John Milton Gregory Academy
- John P. Altgeld Elementary School
- John Spry Elementary School
- John T. Pirie Elementary School
- John V. LeMoyne Elementary School
- John W Garvy Elementary School
- John W. Cook Elementary School
- Johnnie Coleman Academy
- Jolly Fun House
- Jonathan Burr Elementary School
- Jones Commercial High School
- Jones Metropolitan High School
- Jordan Community Elementary School
- Jose C. Orozco Academy
- Jose De Diego Community Academy
- Joseph E. Gary Elementary School
- Joseph Jungman Elementary School
- Joseph Kellman Corporation School
- Joseph Medill Elementary School
- Joseph Stockton Elementary School
- Joseph Warren Elementary School
- Josephine Locke Elementary School
- Josephinum High School
- Joshua Kershaw Elementary School
- Joyce Kilmer Elementary School
- Juana Ines De La Cruz Middle School
- Julia C. Lathrop Elementary School
- Julia W. Howe Elementary School
- Julian High School
- Juliette G. Lowe Upper Grade Center
- Julius Rosenwald Elementary School
- Junior Military Academy
- Kate Douglas Wiggin School
- Kate S. Kellogg Elementary School
- Kelly High School
- Kelvyn Park High School
- Kennedy High School
- Kennedy-King Middle School
- Kenwood Academy High School
- Kenwood Elementary School
- Kenwood High School (thru 1977)
- Kern Valley High School
- Key Clark Elementary School
- Kiddy City Pre-K
- Kinzie Elementary School
- Kipp Ascend Academy Charter School
- Kipp Ascend Charter Elementary School
- Kipp Youth Elementary Academy
- Knickerbocker Elementary School
- Kosciuszko School
- Kozminski Academy
- L. H. Day School
- LEARN Charter School
- La Fayette Elementary School
- La Salle Grammar School
- La Salle Language Academy
- LaSalle Elementary School
- Lake Shore Preparatory School
- Lake Shore School (Clark St.)
- Lake Shore Seventh Day Adventist School (Wolcott Ave.)
- Lake View Academy
- Lake View High School
- Lane Technical High School
- Lang Land Elementary School
- Langston Hughes Elementary School
- Lara Elementary Academy
- Las Casas High School
- Latin School of Chicago
- Latino Youth Alternative High School
- Laughlin Falconer Elementary School
- Laura Ward Elementary School
- Lawerence Upper Grade Center
- Lawless Upper Grade Center
- Lawndale Community Elementary School
- Lawrence Hall Boy's Home
- Lawrence Hall Youth Services
- Lawson Elementary School
- LeMoyne School
- Learn Elementary Charter School
- Learning Network Center
- Legacy Charter School
- Leif Ericson Elementary School
- Leo High School
- Leslie Lewis Elementary School
- Lewis & Champlin School
- Liberty School of Christian Education
- Liberty Temple High School
- Lighthouse for the Blind & Visually Impaired
- Linc Alternative High School
- Lincoln Park High School
- Lincoln Technical Institute
- Lindblom Technical High School
- Linne Branch School
- Little Flower Grade School
- Little Flower High School
- Little Village Elementary School
- Little Village Lawndale High School Campus
- Logandale Middle School
- Longfellow Elementary School
- Longwood High School
- Loop High School
- Loretto Academy
- Loretto Adult Education Center
- Loretto High School
- Loring School for Girls
- Louis Armstrong Elementary School Math & Science
- Louis J. Agassiz Elementary School
- Louis Nettelhorst Elementary School
- Louis Pasteur Elementary School
- Louis Wirth Experimental Middle School
- Louisa May Alcott Elementary School
- Lourdes High School
- Lovett Elementary School
- Loyola Academy
- Lozano Elementary School
- Lubavich Girls High School
- Lucy Fitch Perkins School
- Ludwig Von Beethoven Elementary School
- Luella Elementary School
- Luella High School
- Luther Burbank Elementary School
- Luther Institute
- Luther North High School
- Luther South High School
- Lutheran Day Nursery School
- Lyman Budlong Elementary School
- Lyman Trumbull Elementary School
- Madonna High School
- Madrasatun Nur
- Mahalia Jackson Elementary School
- Manheim Middle School
- Manley High School
- Manley Upper Grade Center
- Mannierre School
- Manuel Perez Elementary School
- Maranatha Christian Academy
- Marcus M. Garvey Elementary School
- Maria High School
- Maria Saucedo Scholastic Academy
- Marine Math and Science Academy
- Marist High School
- Mark Sheridan Academy
- Mark Sheridan Math & Science Academy
- Mark Skinner Classical Elementary School
- Mark Twain Elementary School
- Marquette Elementary School
- Marquette Middle School
- Marquette Park Elementary School
- Marquette West Elementary School
- Mars Hill Christian School
- Marshall High School
- Marti Elementary School
- Martin A. Ryerson Elementary School
- Martin Luther Educational Center
- Martin Luther King High School
- Marva Collins Preparatory School
- Mary C. Terrell Elementary School
- Mary E. McDowell Elementary School
- Mary G. Peterson Elementary School
- Mary Lyon Elementary School
- Mary M. Bethune Elementary School
- Mary Mapes Dodge Elementary School
- Mason Elementary School
- Maternity Blessed Virgin Mary School
- Mather High School
- Matthew A. Henson Elementary School
- Matthew Gallistel Branch Middle School
- Matthew Gallistel Language Elementary School
- Mau-Glo School
- May School
- Mayfair Elementary School
- Mayo Elementary School
- McCormick Elementary School
- McCosh Elementary School
- McCutcheon Elementary School
- McCutcheon Elementary School - Branch
- McDade Classical Elementary School
- McKay Early Childhood Center
- McKay Elementary School
- McKinley High School
- McKinley Junior High School
- McKinley Park Catholic Middle School - St. Maurice
- McKinley Park Catholic School - Good Counsel
- McKinley Park Elementary School
- McLaren Elementary School
- McLaren Occupational High School
- McNair Community Academy
- McPherson Elementary School
- Medgar Evers Elementary School
- Medill High School
- Melville W. Fuller Elementary School
- Mendel Catholic Preparatory High School
- Mercy High School
- Mercy Mission Home for Boys
- Messiah Lutheran School
- Metro High School
- Michael Faraday Elementary School
- Michael M. Byrne Elementary School
- Michelle Clark Middle School
- Midwest High School
- Midwestern Christian Academy
- Midwestern Christian High School
- Mildred Lavizzo Elementary School
- Miles Davis Academy
- Milton Brunson Elementary School
- Minnie M. Jamieson Elementary School
- Miriam Canter Middle School
- Mirta Ramirez Computer Science Charter School
- Misericordia Home South School
- Miss Marjorie's Private School
- Montefiore Boys School
- Moody Bible Academy
- Moreno Valley High School
- Morgan Park Academy
- Morgan Park High School
- Morgan Park Military Academy
- Morrill Math & Science School
- Morton Career Academy
- Morton Upper Grade Center
- Mose Vines Preparatory Academy
- Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School
- Motley Elementary School
- Mt. Calvary Christian Academy
- Mt. Carmel Academy of Lakeview
- Mt. Carmel High School
- Mt. Greenwood Elementary School
- Mt. Vernon Elementary School
- Muhammad University
- Muhammad University of Islam
- Muhammad's Development School
- Mulligan Elementary School
- Muna Madrassah
- Mundelein Cathedral High School
- Murphy High School
- Murray Elementary School
- Myra Bradwell Academy
- Namaste Charter School
- Nansen School
- Nash High School
- Nathan Davis Elementary School
- Nathan Hale Elementary School
- Nathaniel Dett Elementary School
- Nathaniel Pope Elementary School
- Nativity Blessed Virgin Mary School
- Nativity Ukrainian Catholic School
- Nativity of Our Lord
- Nazareth Lutheran School
- Neal F. Simeon Vocational High school
- Near North Career Magnet High School
- Near North Montessorri School
- New Concept Developmental Center
- New Dawes Area Elementary School
- New Field Elementary School
- New Millenium Health High School
- New Way Learning Center
- Newberry Academy
- Newberry Grammar School
- Newberry Math Science Academy
- Newton Bateman Elementary School
- Nia Middle School
- Nicholas Copernicus Elementary School
- Nicholas Senn Metropolitan Academy of Technology
- Nicholson School for Science
- Nicola Tesla Alternative School for Girls
- Nikola Tesla Elementary School
- Ninos Heroes Community Academy
- Nobel Elementary School
- Noble Street Charter High School
- Norman Bridge Elementary School
- North Division High School
- North Grand High School
- North Kenwood - Oakland Charter School
- North Lawndale College Preparatory
- North Park Academy
- North Park Elementary School
- North Park High School
- North River Elementary School
- North Shore Junior Academy
- North Shore School
- Northside Catholic Academy - St. Gertrude
- Northside Catholic Academy - St. Gregory
- Northside Catholic Academy - St. Henry
- Northside Catholic Academy - St. Ita
- Northside College Preparatory High School
- Northside Gospel Center
- Northwest Christian School
- Northwest Institute for Contempory Academy
- Northwest Middle School
- Norwood Park Christian School
- Norwood Park Elementary School
- Notre Dame Elementary School
- Notre Dame Girls High School
- Notre Dame School
- Nottingham Park Elementary School
- Nuestra American Charter High School
- O'Keeffe Elementary School
- O'Toole Elementary School
- O. A. Thorp Scholastic Academy
- Oak High School
- Oakdale Christian Academy
- Oakenwald North Elementary School
- Oakenwald South Middle School
- Oakland School
- Occ High School
- Octavio Paz Charter School
- Old Town School of Folk Music
- Olive Child Parent Center
- Olive-Harvey Middle School
- Oliver Hazard Perry School
- Oliver S. Wescott Elementary School
- Oliver Wendell Holmes Elementary School
- Onahan Elementary School
- Onward Neighborhood House
- Oriole Park Elementary School
- Orr Community Academy High School
- Orr Elementary School
- Ortiz de Dominguez Elementary School
- Orville T. Bright Elementary School
- Oscar De Priest Elementary School
- Oscar F. Mayer Elementary School
- Our Lady Gate of Heaven School
- Our Lady Help of Christians School
- Our Lady of Angels School
- Our Lady of Fatima School
- Our Lady of Good Counsel School
- Our Lady of Grace School
- Our Lady of Guadalupe Middle School
- Our Lady of Guadalupe School
- Our Lady of Hungary School
- Our Lady of Lourdes High School
- Our Lady of Lourdes School
- Our Lady of Mercy School
- Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School
- Our Lady of Notre Dame
- Our Lady of Peace School
- Our Lady of Pompeii School
- Our Lady of Solace
- Our Lady of Sorrows School
- Our Lady of Tepayac School
- Our Lady of Tepeyac High School
- Our Lady of Victory School
- Our Lady of Villna
- Our Lady of the Angels High School
- Our Lady of the Gardens School
- Our Lady of the Snows School
- Our Lady of the Westside - St. Agatha School
- Our Lady of the Westside School - Presentation
- Our Saviour Lutheran School - Cornelia Avenue
- Our Saviour Lutheran School - Norwood Park
- Owen Bishop Elementary School
- Pablo Casals Elementary School
- Parents School
- Park Manor Elementary School
- Park Vernon Academy
- Park View Lutheran School
- Parker Elementary School
- Parker High School
- Parkman Elementary School
- Parkside Community Academy
- Parkside Elementary School
- Passages Charter School
- Patrick Henry Elementary School
- Patton High School
- Paul Revere Elementary School
- Paul Simon Chicago Job Corps Center
- Peace Lutheran School
- Pegasus Child Center
- Peirce Elementary School
- Peire School of International Studies
- Perkins Bass Elementary School
- Pershing High School
- Pershing Magnet Elementary School
- Perspectives Charter School
- Peter Cooper Dual Language Academy
- Peter Cottontail Nursery School
- Philip D. Armour Elementary School
- Philip Murray Language Academy
- Philip Rogers Elementary School
- Phillip Sheridan Elementary School
- Phillips Upper Grade Center
- Philo Carpenter Elementary School
- Phoenix Military Academy High School
- Pickard Elementary School
- Pierce School
- Pilgrim Lutheran School
- Pillar of Fire Elementary School
- Pilsen Community Academy Elementary School
- Plato Academy
- Pope John Paul II Catholic School
- Portage Park Elementary School
- Powell Academy
- Precious Blood School
- Presentation School
- Prince of Peace Lutheran School
- Princeton A C Elementary School
- Progressive Learning Christian Academy
- Prologue High School
- Prosser Vocational School
- Providence High School
- Providence St. Mel School
- Providence of God School
- Pullman Technical High School
- Raby High School
- Rachel Carson Elementary School
- Ralph J. Bunche Elementary School
- Ralph Metcalfe Community Academy
- Ralph Waldo Emerson Grade School
- Rambam Hebrew Day School
- Ravenswood Baptist Christian School
- Ravenswood Elementary School
- Raymond Elementary School
- Recovering The Gifted Child Academy
- Reinberg Elementary School
- Rescue Missionary Christian School
- Resurrection Catholic Academy
- Resurrection Elementary School
- Resurrection High School
- Resurrection Lutheran School
- Rezin Orr High School
- Richard D. Henton Academy
- Richard Edwards Elementary School
- Richard Henry Lee Elementary School
- Richard J. Daley Elementary School
- Richard J. Oglesby Elementary School
- Richard Wright Elementary School
- Richard Yates Elementary School
- Richards Vocational
- Rickover Naval Military High School
- Ridgeway Academy
- Robert A. Black Magnet Elementary School
- Robert Burns Elementary School
- Robert E. Morris Elementary School
- Robert Emmet Elementary School
- Robert Fulton Elementary School
- Robert H. Lawrence Elementary School
- Robert Healy Annex School
- Robert Healy Elementary School
- Robert L Grimes Elementary School
- Robert Morris Elementary School
- Roberto Clemente Community Academy High School
- Robeson High School
- Rocha Branch Elementary School
- Rodfei Tzedek Religious School
- Roentgen Educational Vocational Guidance Center
- Rogers Park Montessori School
- Ronald Brown Elementary School
- Roosevelt High School
- Roque De Duprey Elementary School
- Rosario Castellanos Middle School
- Roseland Christian School
- Roseland Community High School
- Roswell B. Mason Upper Grade Center
- Ruben Salazar Bilingual Education Center
- Rudy Lozano Leadership Academy
- Rudyard Kipling Elementary School
- Rufus M. Hitch Elementary School
- Ruggles Elementary School
- Ryder Elementary School
- Sabin Junior High School
- Sacred Heart Academy
- Sacred Heart Academy / Hardey Preparatory
- Sacred Heart High School
- Sacred Heart School
- Sacred Heart School (70th & May)
- Sacred Heart of Jesus School (46th & Wolcott)
- Sahs Elementary School
- Saint Tribius School
- Salem Christian Academy
- Salem Christian School
- Salmon P. Chase Elementary School
- Sammy Dyer School of Theatre
- Samuel Barnes Christian Academy
- Samuel F. B. Morse Elementary School
- Samuel Gompers School
- San Miguel Middle School
- San Miguel School - Gary Comer Campus
- Sandoval Elementary School
- Santa Lucia School
- Santa Maria Addolorata School
- Santa Maria Incoronata School
- Santa Rita Elementary School
- Satellite Elementary School
- Sauganash Elementary School
- Sauganash High School
- Sawyer Elementary School
- Sayre Elementary School
- Scammon Elementary School
- Scanlan Elementary School
- Schiller Middle School
- Schley School
- Schneider Elementary School
- School of Leadership High School
- School of Technology High School
- School of the Arts High School at South Shore
- Schurz High School
- Science Academy of Chicago
- Scott Joplin Elementary School
- Second City Training Center
- Sengstacke Academic Preparation C School
- Senn Achievement Academy
- Senn High School
- Seven Holy Founders School
- Seward Academy
- Shakespeare Elementary School
- Sharon Christa McAuliffe Elementary School
- Shedd Elementary School Branch of Bennett
- Sheldon School
- Sheppard School
- Sherwood Elementary School
- Shields Elementary School
- Shiloh Academy
- Shoop Elementary School
- Sidney Sawyer Elementary School
- Siena High School
- Sienna Girls High School
- Simeon Career Academy
- Simmye G. Anderson Community Academy
- Simpson Alternative School For Girls
- Sister Clara Muhammad School (74th St.)
- Sister Clara Muhammad School (West Div.)
- Skapai Elementary School
- Smyser Elementary School
- Social Justice High School
- Socrates School
- Sojourner Truth Elementary School
- Solace Academy
- Songhai Elementary School
- Sonia Shankman Orthogenic School
- South Chicago Elementary School
- South Loop Branch Elementary School
- South Shore Community Academy
- South Shore High School
- Southside College Preparatory Academy
- Southside Magnet High School
- Spalding Elementary School
- Spalding High School
- Spaulding High School
- Spry Community Links High School
- St Mary Incoronata School
- St. Adalbert School
- St. Adrian Elementary School
- St. Agatha School
- St. Agnes School
- St. Agnes of Bohemia School
- St. Ailbe School
- St. Aloysius School
- St. Alphonsus Commercial High School
- St. Alphonsus School
- St. Ambrose School
- St. Andrew Lutheran School
- St. Andrew School
- St. Angela School
- St. Ann Elementary School
- St. Ann High School
- St. Ann's Academy
- St. Anselm School
- St. Anthony School
- St. Augustine Grade School
- St. Augustine High School
- St. Barbara High School
- St. Barbara School
- St. Barnabas School
- St. Bartholomew School
- St. Basil Campus School
- St. Basil Elementary School
- St. Bede the Venerable School
- St. Benedict High School
- St. Benedict School
- St. Bernard School
- St. Bonaventure School
- St. Boniface School
- St. Brendan School
- St. Bride School
- St. Bridget School
- St. Bronislava School
- St. Bruno School
- St. Cajetan School
- St. Camillus School
- St. Carthage School
- St. Casimir Grammar School
- St. Casimir High School
- St. Catherine of Genoa School
- St. Catherine of Siena School
- St. Cecilia School
- St. Charles Borromeo School
- St. Charles Lawanga School
- St. Christina School
- St. Chrysostom Day School
- St. Clare School
- St. Clare de Montefalco School
- St. Clement High School
- St. Clement School
- St. Clotilde School
- St. Columba School
- St. Columbanus School
- St. Columbkille Grammar School
- St. Columbkille High School
- St. Constance School
- St. Cornelius School
- St. Cyril - St. Clara School
- St. Daniel the Prophet School
- St. David's School
- St. Denis School
- St. Dominic School
- St. Dominic's High School
- St. Dorothy School
- St. Edmund's Academy
- St. Edward School
- St. Elizabeth High School
- St. Elizabeth School
- St. Ethelreda School
- St. Eugene School
- St. Felicitas School
- St. Ferdinand School
- St. Fidelis School
- St. Finbarr School
- St. Florian School
- St. Francis Borgia School
- St. Francis De Paula School
- St. Francis De Sales Grade School
- St. Francis De Sales High School
- St. Francis X Cabrini School
- St. Francis Xavier Elementary School
- St. Francis of Assisi School
- St. Gabriel High School
- St. Gabriel School
- St. Gall School
- St. Gelasius School
- St. Genevieve School
- St. George Catholic School
- St. George Elementary School
- St. George High School
- St. Gertrude School
- St. Gregory Episcopal School
- St. Gregory Grade School
- St. Gregory High School
- St. Hedwig Orphanage School
- St. Hedwig's School
- St. Helen School
- St. Helena of the Cross School
- St. Henry School
- St. Hilary School
- St. Hyacinth School
- St. Ignatius College Preparatory School
- St. Ignatius Elementary School
- St. Ignatius High School
- St. Ignatius Loyola
- St. Ita Elementary School
- St. Ita High School
- St. James Lutheran School
- St. James School (29th & Wabash Ave.)
- St. James School (Dickens & Fremont)
- St. James School (N. Mango)
- St. Jane De Chantal School
- St. Jarlath School
- St. Jerome School (Morse Avenue)
- St. Jerome School (South Princeton Avenue)
- St. Jerome School (West Lunt Avenue)
- St. Joachim School
- St. John Berchmans School
- St. John Bosco School
- St. John Cantius School
- St. John De La Salle School
- St. John De Lasalle Academy
- St. John Fisher School
- St. John Lutheran School
- St. John Nepomucene School
- St. John of God School
- St. John the Baptist School
- St. Josaphat School
- St. Joseph & St. Anne School
- St. Joseph Grammar School
- St. Joseph High School
- St. Joseph School (731 W. 17th Street)
- St. Joseph School (Hermitage Ave.)
- St. Joseph School (N. Orleans St.)
- St. Joseph School (Saginaw Ave.)
- St. Juliana School
- St. Justin Martyr School
- St. Kevin Parochial School
- St. Kilian School
- St. Ladislaus School
- St. Laurence School
- St. Leo High School
- St. Leo the Great School
- St. Louis Academy
- St. Louis of France School
- St. Lucy School
- St. Ludmilla School
- St. Luke Academy
- St. Lukes Evangelical Lutheran School
- St. Malachy High School
- St. Malachy School
- St. Margaret Mary School
- St. Margaret of Scotland School
- St. Mark School
- St. Mark the Evangelist School
- St. Martin De Porres High School
- St. Martin De Porres School
- St. Martin Elementary School
- St. Martin of Tours School
- St. Martin's High School
- St. Martini Lutheran School
- St. Mary Magdalene Elementary School
- St. Mary Star of the Sea School
- St. Mary of Mt. Carmel School
- St. Mary of Perpetual Help Elementary School
- St. Mary of Perpetual Help High School
- St. Mary of the Angels School
- St. Mary of the Assumption School
- St. Mary of the Lake School
- St. Mary of the Woods School
- St. Mary's Byzantine Catholic School
- St. Mary's Center for Learning High School
- St. Mary's Girls Only High School
- St. Mary's High School
- St. Matthew School
- St. Matthias School
- St. Maurice School
- St. Mel Grammar School
- St. Mel High School
- St. Mel Holy Ghost School
- St. Michael Grade School - North Avenue & Cleveland Street
- St. Michael Grammar School (82nd & South Shore Drive)
- St. Michael High School (82nd & South Shore Drive)
- St. Michael School - 24th Place
- St. Michael the Archangel Grade School - South Shore
- St. Michael the Archangel Grammar School (47th & Damen)
- St. Michael's Central High School (Boys)
- St. Michael's Central High School (Girls)
- St. Michael's High School
- St. Michaels School - Old Town Area
- St. Monica School
- St. Nicholas Grammar School (Roseland)
- St. Nicholas Ukrainian Cathedral School
- St. Nicholas of Tolentine School
- St. Pancratius School
- St. Pascal School
- St. Patrick High School
- St. Patrick School
- St. Patrick's Academy
- St. Patrick's Girls High School
- St. Paul - Our Lady of Vilna School
- St. Paul High School
- St. Paul Lutheran Elementary School
- St. Paul Lutheran School
- St. Peter Canisius School
- St. Peter's School
- St. Philip Basilica High School
- St. Philip Benizi School
- St. Philip Lutheran School
- St. Philip Neri School
- St. Philomena School
- St. Pius Commercial High School
- St. Pius V School
- St. Priscilla School
- St. Procopius High School
- St. Procopius School
- St. Raphael School
- St. Rene Goupil School
- St. Richard School
- St. Rita Grammar School
- St. Rita of Cascia High School
- St. Robert Bellarmine School
- St. Roman School
- St. Rose of Lima School
- St. Sabina Academy
- St. Salomea School
- St. Scholastica Academy
- St. Sebastian Grammar School
- St. Sebastian High School
- St. Simon the Apostle School
- St. Stanislaus Kostka High School
- St. Stanislaus Kostka School
- St. Stanislaus Martyr School
- St. Stephen School
- St. Stevens Lutheran School
- St. Sylvester School
- St. Symphorosa School
- St. Tarcissus School
- St. Teresa School
- St. Teresa de Avila School
- St. Thaddeus School
- St. Thecla School
- St. Theodore School
- St. Therese School
- St. Thomas Aquinas Grammar School
- St. Thomas Aquinas High School
- St. Thomas More School
- St. Thomas of Canterbury School
- St. Thomas the Apostle High School
- St. Thomas the Apostle School
- St. Timothy Catholic School
- St. Turibius School
- St. Veronica School
- St. Viator School
- St. Vincent De Paul School
- St. Vincent School
- St. Vitus School
- St. Walter School
- St. Wenceslaus School
- St. William School
- St. Willibrord Catholic High School
- Starrett School for Girls
- Steinmetz Academic Centre
- Stephen A. Douglas School
- Stephen Decatur Classical Elementary School
- Stephen F. Gale Community Elementary School
- Stephen K. Hayt Elementary School
- Stockton Upper Grade School
- Stone Scholastic Academy
- Stone Scholastic Elementary School
- Sts. Cyril & Methodius School
- Sts. Cyril & Methodius School (Hermitage Ave.)
- Sts. Peter & Paul Elementary School at 122nd & Emerald Street
- Sts. Peter & Paul Grade School
- Sts. Peter & Paul High School
- Sts. Peter & Paul School - McKinley Park
- Sullivan High School
- Sullivan House School
- Sullivan Junior High School
- Sumner Academy
- Susan B. Anthony Elementary School
- Tabernacle Christian Academy
- Tabor Lutheran School
- Taft High School
- Taft Middle School
- Talcott Elementary School
- Talman Elementary School
- Tarkington School
- Taylor Elementary School
- Ted Lenart Regional Gifted Center
- Ted Liss School of Drama
- Teddy Bear Preschool
- Telpochcalli Elementary School
- Telshe Yeshiva School
- Tennyson School
- The Anglican Choir School
- The Israel Academy
- Theodore Herzl Elementary School
- Theophilus Schmid Elementary School
- Thomas A. Edison Public School
- Thomas A. Hendricks Elementary School
- Thomas Chalmers Elementary School
- Thomas Drummond Elementary School
- Thomas Hoyne Elementary School
- Thomas J. Higgins Community Elementary School
- Thomas J. Waters Elementary School
- Thomas Jefferson Elementary School
- Thomas Nelson School
- Thomas S. Hart Middle School
- Thompson Junior High School
- Thresholds Young Adult Program
- Thurgood Marshall Middle School
- Tiddley Wink Pre School
- Tilden Career Community Academy
- Tilden Technical High School
- Timothy Lutheran School
- Tiny Tots Villa Montessori School
- Tom Thumb Nursery School
- Tonti Branch Middle School
- Tonti Elementary School
- Town School for Girls
- Transfiguration School
- Trinity Lutheran School
- Triumphant Charter School
- Truman High School
- Trumbull School
- Tuley High School
- Tuley Middle School
- Turner - Drew Language Academy
- UIC College Prep High School
- UNO Charter School - Rufino Tamayo Campus
- Uhlich Academy
- Ulysses S. Grant Elementary School
- Unity Catholic High School
- University High School
- University School For Girls
- University of Chicago Laboratory Schools
- Uplift Community High School
- Uptown Christian School
- Urban Prep Academies
- Urban Youth High School
- Valparaiso High School
- Van Gorder Walden School
- Van Vlissingen Elementary School
- Vaughn Occupational High School
- Vernon Johns Middle Academy
- Vincennes Upper Grade Center
- Virgil Grissom Elementary School
- Visitation Grade School
- Visitation High School
- Vivian E Summers Preparatory School
- Volta Elementary School
- Von Steuben Metropolitan Science Center
- Von Steuben Upper Grade Center
- Waller High School
- Walt Disney Magnet Elementary School
- Walter H. Dyett Academic Center
- Walter Payton College Preparatory High School
- Walter Q. Gresham Elementary School
- Walter Reed Elementary School
- Walter S. Christopher Elementary School
- Walter Scott School
- Washburn Trade High School
- Washington High School
- Washington Irving Elementary School
- Weber High School
- Wells Community Academy
- Wells High School
- Wells Preparatory Elementary School
- Wendell Green Elementary School
- Wendell Phillips High School
- Wendell Smith Elementary School
- Wesleyan Missionary Academy
- West Garfield Upper Grade Center
- West Park Academy
- West Pullman Elementary School
- West Pullman Junior High School
- West Town Academy Alternative High School
- Westcott Elementary School
- Westcott Vocational High School
- Westinghouse High School
- Westside Alternative High School
- Westside Preparatory School
- Westview Junior High School
- Whistler Elementary School
- Whitney Young Academic Center
- Whittier Grammer School
- Wicker Park School
- Wilbur Wright Junior High School
- Wildwood Elementary School
- Willa Cather Elementary School
- Willard Elementary School
- William A. Hinton Elementary School
- William B. Ogden Elementary School
- William B. Owen Scholastic Academy
- William Brown Elementary School
- William C. Goudy Elementary School
- William C. Reavis Elementary School
- William Cullen Bryant School
- William Dubois Elementary School
- William E. Dever Elementary School
- William E. Gladstone Elementary School
- William G. Hibbard Elementary School
- William H. King Elementary School
- William H. Prescott Elementary School
- William H. Ray Elementary School
- William H. Ryder Math & Science Elementary School
- William H. Seward Branch Intermediate School
- William H. Seward Elementary School
- William J. Onahan Elementary School
- William Jones College Preparatory School
- William K. Sullivan Elementary School
- William K. Sullivan Primary School
- William P. Gray Elementary School
- William Penn Elementary School
- William Penn Nixon School
- William T. Sherman Elementary School
- William W. Carter Elementary School
- Williams Youth Service School Without Walls
- Wilma Rudolph Learning Center
- Wolfgang A. Mozart Elementary School
- Woodlawn Immanuel Lutheran Church School
- Woodlawn Intergenerational High School
- Woodlawn Preparatory School
If you don't see your school listed, you can search for it now.