Roosevelt High School: Class of 1991 Reunion (22th)

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50th Year Reunion
June 1, 2013 • 12:00 am - 12:30 am
 •  Location TBD


The final details are still being worked. The 50th Reunion is currently scheduled for June 2013. ALL classes are invited because Roosevelt was officially opened in 1963. Please contact Juneeta Riggs Boyd at Roosevelt High in Dallas . Ask for the Alumni information number to get her phone number and/or E-mail address. Please leave your name and number.

Additional Classes Attending

Class of 1998

Class of 1980

Class of 1984

Class of 1983

Class of 2008

Class of 1992

Class of 1965

Class of 1986

Class of 2004

Class of 1997

and 39 more!


Are you invited? to see the event location and get directions.


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