High School Yearbooks

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  • Browse yearbooks, tag fellow class members

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Browse our online yearbook library

Classmates has the largest collection of yearbooks online - 470,000 and growing

Skimming through a yearbook helps you reminisce on the past. Do you remember what your schoolmates called you in the class superlatives? What about that football game where your school finally beat your rivals? Or the costume your high school crush wore during spirit week?

However, it's easy to lose track of your yearbook over the years. That's why purchasing one from our archives is a great gift for somebody who is feeling nostalgic but no longer has access to their yearbook or doesn't have a lot of photos of themselves in general. In the age of social media, it's easy to forget how satisfying it is to flip through actual pages.

It's not just your own school yearbook that's worth browsing through - since we have yearbooks that are over one hundred years old, you might find photos of your relatives. What clubs did your Grandfather participate in? Did your Grandmother wear a school uniform? Do you look just like how your parents looked at that age? You can get a real sense of what life was like at school in another decade. So much has changed, and yet certain things remain the same: best friends are always there to help you through hard times, teachers are always there to guide and mentor you, the sun always comes out in the spring, and yearbooks are always in existence to make sure you won't ever truly lose track of your past.

How to use our yearbook library

Here are some things you can do on our yearbook page!
Browse items for FREE
Search for yearbooks by city, state, year, and school name
View the names of the people in the yearbook
See the yearbooks in their original condition
Explore yearbook photos of your favorite celebrity
Purchase the yearbook in either softcover or hardcover

Fun with yearbook searches

When browsing our collection, see how many of these you can spot!
  • A football quarterback in action
  • A prom queen being crowned
  • A student in a Halloween costume
  • A group of schoolmates in the cafeteria
  • A student in a science lab
  • A yearbook in color
  • Pictures of a school musical
  • A high school band at a pep rally

When you're searching for yearbooks, you can also search for specific names. Just select “who's in this book” or type their name in the search field.

Get started searching our yearbook library today

Register for Classmates for FREE to start browsing our yearbook collection. We have over 470,000 to enjoy and have the option to purchase both hardcover and softcover copies. Your registration also gives you access to other Classmates features like posting photos, telling stories and sharing memories via our Conversations feature, planning reunions, and more!

Yearbook photo collageYearbook photo collage

Celebrity Yearbooks

Celebrities: they're just like us! Skim through our celebrity yearbook page and view their high school yearbook photos.

Fun Facts About Yearbooks

Passing out yearbooks has become common practice at the end of the school year. But believe it or not, the tradition of handing out yearbooks and exchanging them with your schoolmates stems from the late 1600s. Even though photographs hadn't been invented yet, students would sign each other's school scrap books.

By the mid-1800s, photo technology had advanced enough that a single negative could produce several images. Students could purchase more than one of the same photo, share them with their schoolmates, and then bind them into albums, creating yearbooks.

Then, yearbooks became more accessible to all students in the early 1900s when offset printing took off. The cheaper prices of yearbooks allowed more schoolmates to purchase them.

To read more about the history of yearbooks, visit our blog »