Can You Guess These Famous Advertising Slogans? Part 1

September 15, 2020 · CLASSMATES FUN

Do you remember where these slogans came from? Take a guess and then see the correct answers below!


  1. The Breakfast of Champions!
  2. Where’s the beef?
  3. Melts in your mouth, not in your hands.
  4. They’re G-r-r-r-eat!
  5. Once you pop, you can’t stop!
  6. The quicker picker upper.
  7. My bologna has a first name…
  8. A 5-cent package makes two quarts.
  9. Relief is just a swallow away.
  10. Stronger than dirt!

  1. Wheaties cereal by General Mills, Inc. featured famous athletes in some of their ads. This 1950s commercial didn’t use a specific person, but did still focus on sports. You can view it here.
  2. You may remember Wendy’s® famous commercials featuring an older woman shocked at the small size of her burger patty. One example is here.
  3. M&Ms® chocolates are dipped in a candy shell, which stops the chocolate from melting. Early advertisements, like this one here, didn’t feature the humanoid M&M characters you see now.
  4. Another cereal slogan, this time featuring a tiger named Tony. Yup, it’s Frosted Flakes by Kellogg®! However, they were branded as “Sugared Frosted Flakes” in older ads. One such commercial is here.
  5. The potato chip company Pringles® started airing commercials with that slogan in the 1990s, like this one here.
  6. This tongue-twister is from Bounty® Paper Towels and Napkins. Now try saying it ten times fast! Click here to watch one of their commercials.
  7. This slogan is pretty easy to remember. All you have to do is spell out all the letters, and you’ll get Oscar Mayer™. Another variation of the jingle, “oh I wish I was an Oscar Mayer wiener,” can be found in this 1965 ad.
  8. “The Pitcher Man” was created in the 1950s as a precursor to “Kool-Aid Man,” although this 1954 commercial for Kool-Aid® doesn’t address him by name.
  9. This one’s a little tricky, as Alka-Seltzer® has had a few different slogans, like “plop plop, fizz fizz” and “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing!” However, the original ads from the 1950s, like this one, featured Buster Keaton.
  10. Ajax® used this original slogan in reference to Ajax of Greek Mythology. In the 1960s, advertisements featured an armed knight riding a white horse. One example is here.


See part 2 here.

