Top 10 Reasons for a Reunion

Top 10 Reasons for a Reunion

No matter how long it’s been, reunions offer an opportunity to reconnect with friends from your youth and learn about the people they’ve become (good people, hopefully). It’s always better to hear their news in person than on social media, because eye contact is involved. Granted, reunions can certainly cause nervousness and trepidation, but that usually gives way to sheer relief at seeing old friends and remembering good times together.

Here are the top 10 reasons for getting back together.

1. It’s a Chance to Come Back Home

If you live close to your old high school, chances are pretty good that you see old class members around town every once in a while, probably at the grocery store – it’s always the grocery store! But what about the others who moved away? Reunions create a wonderful excuse to return home after many years for a fun night of reminiscing. Besides, no matter where the reunion is held, home is also what you know and the people you grew up with. Seeing them brings it all back.

2. Reconnecting with Old Flames

Maybe there was a crush you were too shy to talk to (they were probably shy as well), or an old girlfriend or boyfriend you’d love to see again. In any case, high school reunions offer a chance to see how people have changed and/or remained the same. Is there an old love you can’t wait to bump into at your high school reunion?

3. A Chance for Closure

Obviously, high school wasn’t a perfect experience for anyone, well unless you were Ferris Bueller, right? If any feelings of regret or missed opportunities linger, reunions offer a chance to apologize, make amends, and gain insight into your experiences. Try to get closure before you eat. It helps with digestion.

4. Everyone Needs a Little Support Sometimes

Maybe a class member is going through a tough time at the moment. No matter what the reason is, your class members need a support system, and sometimes an old familiar face is just who you can count on. When people come together to help someone, it often brings out the best in everyone involved.

5. It’s Fun Getting the Gang Back Together

Most of us haven’t had the chance to stay as in touch with our old high school buddies as much as we’d like, but reunions are a great excuse to reunite old friends. In high school, perhaps a group of friends bonded in gym class or on a snow day when school was cancelled (that was always a great day). Today, they can rediscover the personality quirks that made them love their friends so much.

6. It’s Interesting to Compare Facebook to Reality

Most people use Facebook to post the beautiful moments in life, which is wonderful. But what about the rest? The great thing about meeting face-to-face is the opportunity to delve into how old friends are really doing in their lives. Your class members want to relate to each other on a deeper level than sharing pictures of kids and pets (those pictures are cute, though), and reunions are perfect for sparking those connections.

7. Seeing Old Teachers.

It’s always great to see teachers at a reunion, because even though you’re now an adult, you’ll still feel the need to address them as Mr. Morton or Mrs. Forsythe. Many people love to reconnect with the mentors who shaped their lives. Connecting with teachers is an enriching experience; your class’s adult life experiences enable deeper connections with their mentors now that everyone is an adult. But don’t chew gum in front of them. They still have the right to take it from you.

8. Networking

Sure, some class members may be looking for a job. But more are simply looking to expand their professional network. Sounds very adult, don’t you think? LinkedIn is great, but nothing helps build a community like face-to-face interaction. Those little business cards you put in your wallet may help you some day. You never know.

9. A Night Away From the Kids

Being a parent is incredible and wonderful but sometimes you need a little break – don’t tell your kids! Spending an evening out and talking to friends about the old days is a wonderful way to relax. It will be fun laughing the night away, talking about awkward prom pictures and inappropriate things said in English class.

10. There’s Nothing Wrong with a Little Nostalgia

Ah, the good old days. We dressed how we want, ignored our weekend curfews, and listened to Abbey Road till the record player broke. Many of your class members want nothing more than to sit back, relax, and chat about the foolish antics of your high school days, not to mention the foolish antics of your adult life.

There are so many reasons to look forward to your reunion, but the best experiences are usually the ones you don’t expect, like realizing that you know the same people, or an unexpected and wonderful conversation with someone you barely knew 20 years ago.