Send In Your Yearbook

September 29, 2020 · CLASSMATES FUN

What are some of your most treasured high school memories? If you’re feeling nostalgic, you probably pull out your yearbook on occasion and read through the pages, carefully tracing each picture with your finger, smiling at what once was. Truly, each yearbook brings back a moment in time you may have otherwise forgotten.

Classmates archives.

We have over 400,000 yearbooks in our archives to view, but we’re always looking to add more! If you want to reminisce with your high school buddies but they don’t have a yearbook of their own, you can send us yours (if we don’t already have it), and we’ll send it back to you after we’ve scanned it onto our site for others to view. You can also donate it, but if you’d like it returned (which is totally fine!), we’ll just need it for about four to six weeks.

A few things to note, however:

  • We can only accept yearbooks from the United States.
  • We won’t be able to scan it if it’s in bad condition or has too much writing (we know there’ll probably be some on it though, which is okay).
  • You must be the owner of the book you send us.
Classmates archives.

A few interesting facts about our yearbook collection:

  • It all started in 2010, with 5,000 yearbooks, and we had no idea of how large our archive would eventually grow. Here’s a look back at an early video where we talk about the project: The Yearbook Project – YouTube
  • One of the oldest volumes in our collection, from all the way back in 1886, is from Central High School, in Manchester, NH.
  • We have hundreds of celebrities in our archive (many of whom are already featured on the blog in their own individual celebrity yearbook pages).
  • One of the oldest celebrity yearbooks that we currently have is John Wayne’s 1925 senior yearbook from Glendale High School (look for the kid nicknamed “Duke”).
  • One of the oddest things found in a submitted yearbook so far? A dried pot leaf (circa 1973).

If this is something you want to participate in (and we hope it is!), here’s the link to submit your yearbook.

You can also find other blog posts with information on our yearbook archives here.